
The Rebirth System!

In the city of Primos, power is everything. In a world of humans with magical ‘abilities’, the strong survive and thrive, while the frail are left to suffer. Either you are born with a strong ability and you’re given the world. Or you are born a regular human, and you are given nothing. You have nothing. You are nothing. Brandyn Santiago, a regular-born citizen of Primos, is forced to endure the demoralising life in Primos and unsurprisingly, he isn’t able to keep his life through the brutal torture from the demonic beasts of the higher social classes. However, he is given another chance. He is reborn with an ability and, now, he has the chance to finally enact his revenge on those who caused him so much torment and anguish!

LELOUP · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
242 Chs

Hidden Power

[Quest Complete!]


[New Skill!]

[Skill: Rejuvenating Slash]

[One slash of the archdemon claws increases HP of user by 5 points and reduces the stamina of the opponent.]


The crowd was more than stunned. Everyone's voices went silent as they saw Saru's knocked out body on the hall floor.

Brandyn didn't want to exactly get attacked again so he just left, running down in the hall into the distance. What he also noticed is that his top speed exceeded 25mph. Well, he didn't know the exact speed but he felt himself almost flying forwards, like he was so much faster than before.

The day came to an end and the students couldn't stop gossiping about him. Some people noticed that he had gained a slightly larger physique and also that his jawline was slightly more prominent. Some of the weakest girls even called him kinda cute, which was certainly something Brandyn wasn't expecting to hear ever.

Walking to the train station from his school, he walked through the park, which was brightened by the orange evening light from the sun. There was a slight breeze, causing the leaves to bristle and rustle under the slight pressure.


Brandyn heard this light tap from behind him, causing him to turn. His eyes flashed purple, something which he wasn't able to notice again. What he did notice right away, was that he could see incredible distances with near-perfect vision. This led him to notice that were was someone there, attempting to hide behind a tree trunk.

Brandyn couldn't think of anyone else but Saru. He had embarrassed him in front of everyone and he was constantly humiliated throughout the entire day. It made him feel even more like a bug than before. He was already from a D-Rank dynasty but to be overpowered by an unranked trash bag, it made him feel like nothing. He couldn't carry on with Brandyn being perceived as stronger than him.

He wore a dark, matt black hoodie with a black mask to hide his identity. His hands were covered with fingerless gloves to try and hide his identity even more. He wore some flexible black tracksuits with some black anti-sound shoes. The soles of the shoes dampened the sound released with footsteps so Brandyn hearing his steps was a shock to him. Already transformed, he turned past the corner and then advanced towards Brandyn at speeds above 30mph.

Rage fuelled his every stride. The memories of the day replayed in his mind and made him even more angry second after second.

His eyes then started to glow purple and his movement felt amplified in some way. He was able to swerve right out of the way of the first claw slash but this slash was different from before. It was faster, and it was closer to hitting Brandyn.

"What?" Brandyn wondered, with his hair flowing from his head weave.

As he threw this slash, his jacket came back slightly to reveal his forearm, which was incredibly vascular and more muscular than before.

Brandyn tried to dodge the next attack but it was a straight right.


This single punch winded Brandyn and launched him back a good amount. It felt like a sledgehammer slamming into his abdomen. His body started to feel heavy as he felt weaker and nauseous, causing him to back away instinctively.

Seeing the chance opened up for him, Saru's tail waggled in anticipation and he charged at Brandyn with all of his speed, throwing a left overhand. This strike knocked Brandyn off course and actually swivelled his entire body anticlockwise. This then allowed Saru to aim lower down with a devastating right hook to the liver. The sound of the strike was loud and deep and the strike also caused Brandyn to slowly fall as he lost control of his legs.

As he was dropping, he landed on one arm then felt a rush of adrenaline through his body. Fangs started to grow in his mouth again and his thoughts stopped almost completely.


He was in a mode for battle. A mode for survival.

Claws grew atop his planted fingers and his muscles slightly enlarged, enhancing his physical abilities.


Brandyn's entire body lifted and in a split-second, he had already connected with a punch to the face. The punch swerved Saru's entire body away, making him turn around with a complete 360 spin to regain balance.

"That felt so painful, even with my mask! Did he get stronger agai-," Saru wondered in his mind and before he could finish the sentence, Brandyn had already went straight for his waist in a rugby-style tackle.

The force was so high that Saru was simply lifted off his feet, to get sent hurling towards the ground.


Brandyn, the bloodthirsty beast, was not ready to stop there. He continued by throwing down relentless elbows and punches, breaking Saru's tough mask in the process. The student had fear in his widened eyes, as he couldn't stop these incoming blows. The ground and pound was unbearable for Saru and he had even coughed blood during the combination of elbows and punches.

It was only after Saru had lost consciousness when Brandyn was able to return to his senses.

"I-I did this? No, I couldn't have!" Brandyn thought to himself, lifting off Saru and backing away in shock.

"I only wanted to get a few hits in and get him to run. I didn't want to beat him up that bad! What if I get arrested or something!" Brandyn thought to himself in fear.

Seeing the gory scene, he couldn't do anything but run for it, turning the corner to leap right over the fence of the park and into one of the small adjacent streets. Before he could even turn back, he sprinted in the opposite direction as fast as he possibly could, heading for his train home.