
The Rebirth System!

In the city of Primos, power is everything. In a world of humans with magical ‘abilities’, the strong survive and thrive, while the frail are left to suffer. Either you are born with a strong ability and you’re given the world. Or you are born a regular human, and you are given nothing. You have nothing. You are nothing. Brandyn Santiago, a regular-born citizen of Primos, is forced to endure the demoralising life in Primos and unsurprisingly, he isn’t able to keep his life through the brutal torture from the demonic beasts of the higher social classes. However, he is given another chance. He is reborn with an ability and, now, he has the chance to finally enact his revenge on those who caused him so much torment and anguish!

LELOUP · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
242 Chs

First Mission

After the 30 minutes, Brandyn felt warmed up and ready to continue with the lesson.

"I feel like this is coming along well. This dagger is quite light and it cuts through the air really well. Hopefully, he'll give us some more combos today."

"Now! I believe that your other weapons advisors have told you this but with the dagger, the incorporation of martial arts is almost essential. This is more unique to the person since people use different martial arts but we will start with the basics." Mr Gudbrand explained, taking out his own dagger.

"First, this is the combination that I would like you to practice."

The teacher held his dagger forward then fell into a slightly crouched position with his elbows slightly flared out but covering a large portion of his torso.

With his dagger in his left hand, he gave out a quick jab with the knife then dropped to a far lower crouch to deliver a straight right ahead.

"Okay. So a feint with the dagger then a punch straight to the solar plexus. That's so smart!" Brandyn surmised, continuing on to follow his combination with laser focus.

After this punch, he drove his entire body up and aimed his dagger right at the imaginary target's neck.

"There we are. Do you need me to repeat the combo?"

The class stayed silent.

"Good. Now, spend a few minutes trying that combination. It'll be great for delivering painful shots in different scenarios.

Brandyn was able to use this combo quite well and he picked up faster than the majority of the other students. Due to his constant boxing training, he knew exactly where to place the majority of his weight to deliver a killer strike. The use of his own dagger was also swift and precise.

Looking over his performance, Mr Gudbrand scoffed under his breath with hatred as he went on to look at the other students.

Brandyn was lucky he had known everything beforehand because if not, Mr Gudbrand had no intention of giving him advice.

"Alright, class. Next, I would like for everyone to try this combo." He stated, swivelling his dagger back into its traditional grip.

This time, his dagger rested in his power hand, the right hand. Before the combination, he loosened up his legs with some light jumps then, out of nowhere, he shot his lead leg out with a strike to what would be the knee.

Finally, he lifted his right hand above his head to drive it down with strong swing, which Brandyn knew could cause significant damage.

Another 15 minutes had been given to the students for practice and, just like prior, Brandyn almost seemed to know exactly what to do.

He didn't make any rash movements and was not only skilled but explosive. His muscular mass allowed for great explosion, since he possessed muscles akin to a martial artist or a leaner bodybuilder.

Once this lecture had come to an end, the day soon came to its own close. The halls were filled with excited and exhausted students, who all couldn't wait to return to their cozy homes. The scintillating skyscrapers started to dim as the golden sun started to burn a fiery orange. This enchanting light pierced through the glass that coated the buildings and gave each hallway an elegant glow.

Brandyn decided to head right home and he started to mentally prepare for what was ahead of him.

"A new level up.. I need to get this level up. Without these quests, it'll take me months to level up!" Brandyn realised, while completing his daily quests.

[User: Brandyn Santiago]

[Level: 4]

[Strength: 6]

[Speed: 6]

[Stamina: 7]

[Durability: 7]

[HP: 38/40]

[XP: 20/400]

[Species: Archdemon]

"380XP left! That'll take like 76 days with no daily quests.. Oh well, I need to get my A-game on and actually do what he says."

Brandyn started to ingrain the nature of the mission into his head. He had to attack a regular-born and retrieve money that is supposed to be part of a secret transaction. In his head, this didn't seem bad at all and since Carbine was so keen on giving the mission to him, it had to have been because the mission was going to be easy.


The sun's invigorating light had fizzled out across the horizon to leave a darkened sky, filled with the twinkling of the galaxy's stars.


A G-11 aircraft soared through two skyscrapers, which both displayed ads across them and the aircraft began swerving across the nearby skyline in Salham.


The time had come.

In about half an hour, Brandyn was already heading to the outpost that he had headed to before, which surprised him since he was able to remember the path after only going on it once.

As he arrived at the outpost, Carbine was already there to give him instructions.

"You're here on time. Good. The transaction is at 9:41pm and is at this location. This is your burner phone. Keep it safe because if it gets found out, no one will vouch for you." He explained, handing the old-fashioned phone to him.

(An old-fashioned phone still looks something like an iPhone X and above.)

"So if I get caught with this, they won't say anything. It makes sense." Brandyn analysed, looking at his new phone.

"Anyway. The transaction will occur in the Graham Park and the target has dirty blonde hair and is around your height. He's skinny and frail so just take him out."

On the phone, there was a detailed map giving a specific direction towards the location of the transaction.

"Be careful. He's a regular-born so he might be equipped with something. Overpower him quickly or you could get injured." Carbine said, putting away his own burner phone.

Brandyn nodded at his fellow gang member then began his departure as Carbine walked down into the outpost. Across the screen, there was a green arrow, bending across the walls and buildings in a peculiar fashion. This arrow didn't follow any roads or general paths but, instead, used an unorthodox method of transport. The arrow bended through dark alleys and parks to try and keep the user concealed.