
The Rebirth System!

In the city of Primos, power is everything. In a world of humans with magical ‘abilities’, the strong survive and thrive, while the frail are left to suffer. Either you are born with a strong ability and you’re given the world. Or you are born a regular human, and you are given nothing. You have nothing. You are nothing. Brandyn Santiago, a regular-born citizen of Primos, is forced to endure the demoralising life in Primos and unsurprisingly, he isn’t able to keep his life through the brutal torture from the demonic beasts of the higher social classes. However, he is given another chance. He is reborn with an ability and, now, he has the chance to finally enact his revenge on those who caused him so much torment and anguish!

LELOUP · Fantasy
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242 Chs

Choose your Species

Brandyn continued his daily regime and more than 3 weeks came to pass swiftly. His power had increased significantly and he could lift as much as 50 to 60 kilograms in one go. Now, his appearance and demeanour was changing. Brandyn basically stopped walking with a slouching over back. It felt like his hood gave him some false sense of protection but now, he did not desire to be protected.

He had more confidence in himself and his abilities. Of course, he was aware of his own limitations and shortcomings but when it came to his confidence, it had certainly changed.

[Daily Tasks: 6/6]

[Run 500m: 501m/500m]

[Lift 140kg: 145kg/140kg]

[Eat 100g protein: 100g/100g]

[Do 25 push ups: 25/25]

[Throw 35 Jabs: 35/35]

[Throw 20 1-2 Combos: 20/20]

[Daily Task Complete!]


[Level Up!]

[+1 Stat Point]

[Choose your Species]

[Select: Archdemon [i] Orc [i] Half-Blood Werewolf [i]]

[-Traits given to the user will not be identical to the descriptions of the species. Human traits will still remain.-]

Brandyn read the notifications thoroughly and once he got to the last few notifications, he was filled with joy. The gift that he was given seemed like a chance for him to actually receive power above usual human boundaries.

"This is amazing! I can actually just become a new species, I'm guessing? I mean, I can't think of anything else that would happen. Archdemon? I've never heard that before. I know about werewolves and I've heard about orcs but I've never hears anything about an archdemon." He thought to himself.

Once he noticed the 'i' icon next to the specie names, he decided to click on it to see what exactly was going on with it. As he mentally clicked on it, he was happy to see that his mind did actually manage to click this weird letter.

[Archdemons are a special species that are categorised by possessing purple skin, two horns on either side of the head and a higher density of musculature than humans. They are also gifted the ability of enhanced senses, increased physical ability and the growth of fangs and claws. With enough experience, an archdemon can gain access to the manipulation of several elements.]

Brandyn didn't exactly like the sound of purple skin but the disclaimer under stated that the traits might not all be given to him. Although, the look of purple skin, oddly, didn't really bother him. The worst that would happen is that he would be mercilessly ridiculed but he had been embarrassed for so long that that wouldn't be a problem. What made him very interested in this species is that he could possibly gain access to elements.

Next, Brandyn decided to read up on the description for orcs.

[The orcs are a species of large, powerful warriors that have an abnormal muscle density and have more than 70% muscle mass. They have green to pastel yellow skin and are categorised by their large abdominal muscles and bellies, but also their large trapezoid and deltoid muscles. The orcs have a high concentration of type 2 muscle fibres and are very explosive creatures. They have very large bottom tusks and a bite force of above 300 PSI.]

He was quite interested in the sound of a lot of muscle but no agility and speed was off-putting to him. While reading that section, he imagined the scene of himself trying to face Elias with sluggish force, being unable to land an attack on him. Elias wasn't exactly speed-based but what he definitely didn't lack was agility. If Brandyn wanted to surpass him, he had to think smart, not just hard.

Also, the statement of element manipulation wasn't mentioned with orcs, making Brandyn subconsciously place the Archdemon species above that of orcs.

[Halfblood Werewolves are a species of werewolf that possess human genetics mixed in with werewolf genetics. This results in a weaker subspecies but they still possess phenomenal power. Enhanced senses, physical enhancements to almost all physical attributes, and the ability to shift into a wolf-man form on the full moon. On the full moon, control is lost but the abilities listed before are greatly heightened. Control can eventually be attained over the months and years through hard work. The emotions are also heightened, meaning the user might become irritated more often than normal. There is also a weakness to silver and wolfsbane.]

Again, Brandyn wasn't exactly sold the whole aspect of werewolves. What would stop him going insane and possibly even murdering someone. With the advanced technology of Primos, it most definitely wouldn't be long before he'd be behind bars if he was to end up doing something like that. That image of prison scared him and the whole weakness to silver was even more unattractive. What he noted from these descriptions is that he saw the phrase 'the user' a lot, which he guessed was a way for the system to refer to himself.

Since this way to refer to him didn't exactly use his name, it made him briefly wonder if other people had the same system as his own.

After a little bit of analysis, his choice was made. He simply couldn't miss the opportunity of having elemental manipulation coupled with an enhanced physical prowess. Therefore, he ended up choosing the Archdemon specie.

"I choose Archdemon!" He thought to himself loudly, boldly confirming the choice to the system.

[Species Chosen!]


Brandyn eagerly opened his stats to see the change to his species attribute.

[User: Brandyn Santiago]

[Level: 2]

[Strength: 2]

[Speed: 2]

[Stamina: 4]

[Durability: 5]

[HP: 20/20]

[XP: 0/200]

[Species: Archdemon]

"Wow! My physical stats didn't change at all? I thought they said it would make me physically stronger and stuff! Maybe it comes with time? Most likely, but I don't exactly feel different." He said to himself, looking down at his body to try and notice any changes.

There were none.

Brandyn gained the toxic thought that maybe the system was tricking him in some way but the system had never done this so he threw the thought to the side. Since it was so late, he simply fell asleep, hoping for changes to occur during his deep slumber.