
The Rebirth of Crazy Ger

After being a young master for more than ten years, he suddenly woke up as a poor man with nothing. And to add insult to injury, he was still considered crazy! Crazy people were hated in the tribe! He was bullied and robbed, and to make matters worse, he was forcefully engaged to a beastman he didn’t even recognize. Accepting his new reality with trembling hands, Wang Jin started to make use of his new chance to overcome challenges. From being disliked to becoming everyone’s favorite, he regained everything that had been taken from him. As for the beastman he was forced to marry... Wang Jin glanced at the man who had stood by his side. Feeling his gaze, the man looked back at Wang Jin, his once indifferent eyes softening. He reached out and held Wang Jin’s hand tightly, whispering softly, "In this life, I only want you, whether you're a little crazy or not." Wang Jin's heart raced. Well, this man... is quite interesting, so let's keep him! Years later, Wang Jin found himself pregnant, boiling with anger as he looked at the gentle and flattering man before him. "We agreed not to have children!" he growled. A man's word was as unreliable as ever!

dyosagardo387 · History
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12 Chs


When Wang Jin came to his sense, he was holding some grass in his hand. He looked at the plant, feeling confused as he tried to understand why it seemed so familiar to him.

Yuan Heng, who was close by, saw him acting strangely and raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing, Wang Jin?" He asked, curious and worried.

Wang Jin looked up, serious. "I want this." He said firmly.

Yuan Heng's expression changed from confusion to doubt. "That? It's just grass. Why do you want it?"

Wang Jin hesitated, trying to find the right words. "If you boil this grass and mash it into a paste, then mix it with a few specific herbs to stop bleeding and reduce stasis, you'll get something called Bisheng ointment."

Yuan Heng looked at him in disbelief. "Bisheng ointment? How do you know that?"

Wang Jin shook his head, still puzzled by his own knowledge. "I... I'm not sure. I had this strange dream, you see. An old man told me that I would know the recipes for all kinds of things—food, medicine, tools—that I might need in the future. When I woke up, I just knew the formula for Bisheng ointment, and I recognized this grass as an important ingredient."

Yuan Heng doubted Wang Jin's word's. "But you're not a healer or someone who knows about herbs. How can you be so sure?"

Wang Jin took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. "I know it sounds unbelievable, but I have to test it. If I'm correct, this ointment could treat injuries, stop bleeding, and avoid scars."

He looked carefully at the grass in his hand, thinking quickly. Even though he felt uneasy, he couldn't resist the urge to understand this information.

Wang Jin felt stuck and frustrated as he didn't know what to do with the herb.He was lost in confusion until he heard the man's voice, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Here," the man said, giving Wang Jin a bunch of purple flowers he had gathered from the weeds.

Looking at the herbs in the man's hand and comparing them to his own. With a clever look in his eyes, he slyly exchanged his grass for the man's herbs, a quiet move driven by need.

Yuan Heng stared at the crazy person with doubt, looking confused. At the same time, Wang Jin quickly told him what to do.

"Boil and crush these for me." He ordered, speaking firmly and used to being obeyed.

The man hesitated, unsure about the task. "These are just unwanted plants." He said.

Wang Jin looked at him with a serious expression, his eyebrows raised. He was not going to give up, even though the man doubted him.

Sensing Wang Jin's unapproachable aura, the man gave in, though he still seemed reluctant. He set down the grass and agreed to assist, starting to clean the herbs.

But as Wang Jin observed the man's movements, he grew impatient. The pile of weeds looked too big, and he couldn't hide his irritation.

"How long will it take to wash?" He asked, sounding annoyed.

The man paused, feeling Wang Jin's impatience. Finally, he timidly proposed, "If you want to speed up... maybe we can do it together?"

Wang Jin pulled back in disgust at the idea. The thought of working with someone, especially on such a simple job, made him feel sick.

But when he saw the man's sincere look, he felt a bit guilty. He could see the honesty in the man's eyes and his willingness to assist, even though Yuan Heng was hesitant at first.

Wang Jin sighed reluctantly, "Okay, let's finish this."

Wang Jin was surprised and stood still. A gentle hand reached out to touch the vines below, making the man smile slightly.

When Wang Jin touched the weeds, he quickly pulled back, letting out a small cry of pain like a frightened kitten. Red blood dripped onto the grass, causing the man's smile to vanish. He rushed to grab the hand and check the injury.

The man was silent as he looked at the cut on the thin finger, amazed at how easily it happened from the harmless weeds.

At the same time, Wang Jin exclaimed dramatically, "Ouch... it hurts a lot!"

The man sighed quietly and looked at the wound. Without saying anything, he gently kissed the injury, surprising Wang Jin.

When the man licked the wound, Wang Jin felt a strange feeling that made him shiver. He was left stunned as the sensation moved through his body, giving him chills.

Pulling his hand back, Wang Jin looked at the man in shock. "Why did you do that?!" He asked, his voice shaking with confusion .

The man furrowed his brow, confused by Wang Jin's response. "Saliva can help stop bleeding " He said calmly. "It's a natural way to heal."

Wang Jin looked at him seriously, thinking he's crazy, shaking his head firmly. "No, I can't do that!"

Seeking a different solution, Wang Jin begged, "Please, get a doctor... or a pharmacist. I can't take the risk of using... spit."

The man frowned more, not believing Wang Jin's exaggeration. "It's just a small injury, we don't need to call a pharmacist." He said firmly.

Wang Jin got really mad. "A little injury? My foot! You expect me to-." But then he realized he had no money and that silver wasn't accepted as money here.

In the past, whenever he got hurt, a group of servant would quickly take care of him. But now, he was by himself and felt powerless, which made him both unhappy and annoyed. He felt defeated and sad as he looked down with his shoulders drooping.

The man noticed Wang Jin's quick change from being mad to feeling sad. After a short quiet moment, he got up, getting ready to exit the room.

Wang Jin, feeling worried, quickly caught the man's clothes made from animal skin. "Where are you going?" He asked, sounding very desperate.

The man understood Wang Jin's unease and said."I'll try to find a pharmacist from the tribe."

Wang Jin's grip tightened, his knuckles turning white. "No need" He said with difficulty, knowing how pointless it was to expect help from a pharmacist. In this world, doctors and pharmacists were scarce, and the Danmu tribe had only one highly respected pharmacist, whose services were unlikely to be easily obtained.

Realizing that the situation was hopeless, Wang Jin asked the man to prepare the grass for him, mentioning that once he was finished, he wouldn't need a pharmacist anymore.

Looking at Wang Jin, the man noticed his serious expression and slightly pouting lips. Although Wang Jin spoke confidently, his actions were unpredictable. However, the man couldn't ignore the softness in Wang Jin's eyes, which showed a vulnerable side of him. Despite Wang Jin's odd behavior, there was something charming about him that made it difficult to refuse.

Feeling disappointed, the man decided, "Never mind, he's my brother... If I don't support him, who will?" He bent down, gathered some grass, and went to wash them in the water tank. Wang Jin followed closely, behaving like a loyal but overly clingy pet. They then went to the back kitchen, which was a bit brighter than the front but still quite dark.

The man took a porcelain bowl, filled it with water, added grass, and heated it over a fire. After the herbs softened and the water boiled down, he crushed them into a small amount of paste. Wang Jin eagerly watched as the paste was made. When it was done, he offered his injured hand to try the Bisheng ointment, excited about the timing of his accidental wound.

Although Bisheng ointment is primarily use to remove scars, it can also heal small wounds. A little bit of ointment won't remove a man's scars. It's better to use his small wound to test the ointment.

The man was surprised when Wang Jin unexpectedly reached out his hand. Wang Jin showed his wound and said excitedly, "Apply this on it."

The man looked concerned, then took out some powder, sniffed it to make sure it was safe, and carefully applied it to the little crazy person's hand.

As the man put the herb paste on Wang Jin's scratch, he saw hope and happiness in Wang Jin's face. Even though Wang Jin was unpredictable, he strongly believed in the remedy he made from a dream. The man put the ointment on the wound, making sure it covered every part.

"Done," he said, stepping back to look at what he did. "Now, we wait to see if your special ointment works."

The man took a deep breath when he saw this and quickly removed the weeds in front of him.

After the grass is cleared and dried, it can make the bed more cozy. With an additional fam member, Wang Jin. He can no longer live a relaxed life alone.

The man remembered little lunatic getting scratched by the weeds earlier and decided he needed a large animal skin to protect him. Otherwise, the crazy delicate skin would get more cuts if he slept on it.

"Wang Jin was unaware that the man had thought deeply about him. His focus was on observing the wound to see if his dream was true.

In his mind, the Bisheng ointment recipe mandated boiling the herb. As he watched the man carry out the task, he noticed the grass soften, and subsequent pounding transformed it into a paste."

The healing mud had just been applied, and it would take until tomorrow at the earliest to see the effect. After looking at it for a while, Wang Jin realized he wouldn't see results today. He sat idly for a bit and then went to see what the man was up to out of boredom.

The man had finished working on the grass by now and was cooking in the kitchen.

He prepared a large piece of unfamiliar meat. The meat was cooked pale and without any oil. When it was served, it was simply a large piece in the center of the table, without any main dish or additional side dishes.

In front of Wang Jin, there was an extra bowl of sticky rice that he had thrown away earlier. It had some yellow particles in it that made the rice taste bad. Wang Jin remembered the sip he took before and felt like throwing up again.

With an unhappy look, he picked up the bowl was about to throw it away, but the sharp-eyed man raised his hand to stop him. "You're going to throw it away? There's nothing else to eat tonight."

Wang Jin paused, still holding the bowl. He didn't throw it away, but his face turned pale and then, looking quite upset.

Wang Jin hesitantly ate some sticky rice, showing that he didn't like it. The man, seeing Wang Jin's reaction, said that the sweetness might be something Wang Jin would like.

Wang Jin made a face, struggled to swallow it, and stopped himself from feeling sick. It was rough and made his tongue feel uncomfortable. Although it wasn't terrible, it definitely wasn't tasty. When the man saw Wang Jin's expression, he picked up the white meat from the table and started eating.

Wang Jin didn't want to move after tasting the food in his bowl. He saw the man enjoying the white meat, which looked tasty despite its simple appearance. The smell was enough to make his stomach growl because the food he had been eating didn't seem as appetizing.

Wang Jin looked at the meat on the table and saw that most of it was already eaten. He was annoyed that the man gave him bad food while enjoying good meat himself. Since there were no chopsticks, Wang Jin hesitated but then decided to grab a piece of the meat and took a big bite.

As he tried to chew, he felt a sharp pain in his teeth. The meat was so tough that he could only leave two small tooth marks on it. Wang Jin looked at the meat in shock, unable to believe how hard it was.

"Is this meat or a rock?" He couldn't help but say.

The man looked up, saw Wang Jin's face, and laughed loudly. "It's meat, but this meat is hard to chew." He said, still laughing.

He took the meat from Wang Jin, quickly turned his fingers into sharp claws, cut a thin slice effortlessly, and gave it back to Wang Jin.

Wang Jin carefully tried the slice of meat, but he quickly spat it out. The meat was tough and had no taste even when sliced thinly.

The man shook his head and smiled. He said, "Just eat what's in front of you. Tomorrow, I'll get Baiyuguo¹ for you. For now, eat this." As he pointed at the bowl of mush.

Wang Jin looked outside, noticed it was getting dark, and felt sad. He ate a few more spoonfuls of the unpleasant food but couldn't stand it. Making a face, he pushed the bowl aside and left.

The man watched him leave without trying to convince him more. Instead, he finished the meat and then ate the rest of the food. It appeared that he had a strong stomach, able to digest anything.

That evening, Wang Jin sat in the courtyard, feeling confused. He had essentially brought his soul back to life in another person's body, in a completely strange world.

While Wang Jin was deep in thought, a bowl suddenly appeared beside him, and the man sat next to him.

Wang Jin looked unhappy and hesitated to pick up the bowl. The man pushed it closer to him. "It's honey water. Have some to fill your stomach."

Wang Jin accepted the bowl and cautiously took a sip. The thick honey flavor flooded his mouth, sweet and fulfilling. After enduring tasteless and unappetizing food all day.

He thought the food was great. Wang Jin happily drank the tasty honey water without being asked.

The man smiled kindly at him."You little lunatic, you're so picky about food. I don't know how you survived before," he said.

Wang Jin looked at him, his eyes becoming a bit gentler. "I was looked after... by many people." He said softly, sounding a little sad.

The man nodded, understanding Wang Jin's loneliness. "You're not alone." He said. "We'll figure this out together."

Wang Jin looked at him with hope. "Thank you." He said softly, feeling better.

1. white jade tofu/fruit

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