
The Rebirth of Crazy Ger

After being a young master for more than ten years, he suddenly woke up as a poor man with nothing. And to add insult to injury, he was still considered crazy! Crazy people were hated in the tribe! He was bullied and robbed, and to make matters worse, he was forcefully engaged to a beastman he didn’t even recognize. Accepting his new reality with trembling hands, Wang Jin started to make use of his new chance to overcome challenges. From being disliked to becoming everyone’s favorite, he regained everything that had been taken from him. As for the beastman he was forced to marry... Wang Jin glanced at the man who had stood by his side. Feeling his gaze, the man looked back at Wang Jin, his once indifferent eyes softening. He reached out and held Wang Jin’s hand tightly, whispering softly, "In this life, I only want you, whether you're a little crazy or not." Wang Jin's heart raced. Well, this man... is quite interesting, so let's keep him! Years later, Wang Jin found himself pregnant, boiling with anger as he looked at the gentle and flattering man before him. "We agreed not to have children!" he growled. A man's word was as unreliable as ever!

dyosagardo387 · History
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12 Chs


The three of them looked at their brother, expecting him to say something, but found that he was wounded. They immediately walked towards him.

In low voices, they asked what had happened.

But their brother remained silent. Finally, Brother Ju, annoyed by their questioning, murmured, "We had an... unpleasant encounter with Jing Geer and Mu Geer."


The man laughed, not even giving any room for discussion. He directly transformed into a beast and suddenly attacked the three of them.

"This is no contest." Muttered one of the three, his voice tight with fear. "He's a white tiger, we're just yellow stripes."

Wang Jingang, despite knowing they were all human, still felt a shiver run down his spine. He'd always thought of tigers as ferocious beasts, capable of devouring humans whole. The sight of four tigers, even if they were his friends, was unsettling.

"I'm a little scared." He admitted, his voice barely a whisper.

The three tigers exchanged uneasy glances. They knew they were outmatched, but they had to fight. They had to protect their friend, Wang Jingang.

However, by the end, he saw the three men being beaten from animal form back to human form, and then from human form to animal form again, their noses bruised, faces swollen, and bodies stained with blood. The three brothers who bullied Yuan Son were now pale, limp on the ground, begging the man to stop. There was not even a trace of arrogance on their faces, only humble pleas for survival.

In this world, his brother would not be able to live without the orc, and even if he could, it would be miserable.

Wang Jingang felt refreshed in his heart. All the depression caused by his original body dissipated, and he felt very excited watching such a bloody fighting scene.

He simply spread the two leaves he was holding on the ground, dragged Mu Geer to sit on them, and watched the men duel like he watched martial arts competitions in his previous life, applauding from time to time.

The man originally wanted to stop, but seeing the little lunatic in such high spirits, he turned back and continued.

Before long, the surrounding area was full of people, their eyes fixed on the four fighting.

Suddenly, five or six orcs squeezed out from the crowd, looking surprised at the scene. When the three brothers saw these people, their eyes lit up with hope. They rushed to them, crying and miserably calling "Father" and "Brother."

The people were startled and helped their elder brothers, asking what had happened.

The three brothers were crying so hard they could hardly speak, but they revealed some important information.

The man was fighting their orcs. Their orcs had clearly surrendered, but the man was still unwilling to stop...

When the surrounding orcs heard this, they immediately pointed at the man, not very friendly.

In the orc world, if you admit defeat, you can't be killed. This is the rule, but the man had not stopped attacking.

Brother Yue, seeing the people pointing at the man, glanced at him. A little calculation flashed in his eyes, and he pretended to defend the man: "Everyone, that's not the case. It's this lunatic who had a conflict with the three brothers. Brother Heng just loves his brother, that's why this happened."

"So it's the lunatic again!" someone in the crowd said in disgust.

When one person spoke, countless others followed, accusing Wang Jingang.

"This lunatic has come to the tribe, and the tribe has never been peaceful for a day!"

"That's right, even though he's a brother, what can a madman do? I strongly demand that he be kicked out of the tribe!"

"Brother Heng too, how can you listen to this lunatic!"

Wang Jingang was inexplicably criticized by everyone, feeling extremely upset. He glanced at Brother Yue, frowned, and was about to speak, but Brother Mu was even more excited than him: "Enough! Brother Yue, don't you know when to stop talking?! Is that a little conflict? The three of them pushed me and Brother Jin into a dangerous area, into a deep hole while picking white jade fruits! The two of us almost became food for giant pythons!"

Everyone was shocked, and Brother Mu was very angry. He said. "You all ate the meat from the snake that Brother Heng and his team caught! That snake almost ate Brother Jin and me!"

Brother Yue was surprised. He didn't think these three brothers would make such a big mistake. He had tried to make it seem like a small problem, but now...

He was confused, and Mu Geer smirked, looking towards the hill.

With a smirk, Pozi lifted his hurt leg and kicked the snake that the three orcs had just placed on the ground. He joked. "It's funny how Brother Jin and I were rescued by Brother Heng, but they brought back the snake meat that Brother Heng and my friend A Yuan risked their lives for!"

Everyone was shocked and fell silent.

Even the family members of the three brothers stopped talking, and the three injured orcs on the ground were surprised.

In their tribe, any brother who killed someone would be kicked out. Why did the brothers in their family act so stupidly? No wonder they got beaten up!

As they remembered bringing back the snake meat, the three brothers suddenly felt worried.

In the large area, only the three older brothers were crying over their younger brother.

An old orc in front of them looked at the orcs on the ground and the crying brothers. He sighed, clenched his teeth, and walked forward. He said to Yuan Heng. "Heng, we feel really bad for you..."

After a break, the man looked at Lai Yuan and said. "Yuan Yuan, I'm really sorry."

"But you see, Brother Ju knows he made a mistake, and Brother Lang and Brother Qing realize their error too. They will make it right. If you keep fighting, there will be more sorrow. There aren't many of us in the tribe... We have all been neighbors for so long, and this lesson should be enough. Can you forgive them and let them live? Please, look at my old face."

This elder orc was Brother Ju's father. He was a courageous orc when he was young, and many in the tribe respected him.

Seeing this, Lai Yuan loosened his knuckles, but there was still some hesitation in his eyes as he looked at Brother Mu.

Mu Geer understood what Lai Yuan meant and nodded.

Just as Lai Yuan was going to talk, Yuan Heng interrupted. "I'm not the one to forgive. It's up to my brother."

Everyone looked at Wang Jin. He paused for a moment, then glanced at Yuan Heng, raising his eyebrows slightly. He hadn't thought the man would let him make the decision.

In that situation...

Wang Jin stood up, straightened his clothes, and in front of everyone's hopeful gaze, he said quietly. "No! Why should I forgive them?"

His voice was calm, yet his words sent a shiver down everyone's spine.

The elderly orc's face hardened as he addressed Yuan Heng. "Young Heng, what does this Lunatic understand..."

Annoyed by the insult, Yuan Heng was on the verge of responding when Wang Jin interjected. "Because, Yuan Heng simply follows my lead, a madman."

Wang Jin's bold statement left the elder orc momentarily speechless, his expression growing darker. Disregarding Wang Jin, he redirected his attention to Yuan Heng, but Wang Jin playfully called out. "Yuan Heng!"

The man felt small and weak because of how Wang Jin spoke to him. Yuan Heng looked at Wang Jin closely, like he was trying to understand him.

The older orc was getting angry, but he tried to be calm and said to Wang Jin. "You have to let things go sometimes, Jin."

Wang Jin scoffed and said. "Why didn't you tell your brother Ju that?"

The man laughed because it was funny that Wang Jin was saying this.

The older orc was getting really upset now. He said. "At least I did a lot of good things for the tribe back then! Heng and Yuan, are you really going to refuse to help me?"

"Don't do that! If you didn't protect Brother Ju, he wouldn't be so rude!" Wang Jin argued angrily, standing with his hands on his hips, looking stubborn and unforgiving.

The three brothers behind the old orc and the other orcs who were protecting them couldn't take it anymore. One orc stepped forward in anger. "Why are we even talking to this crazy person! We can't just stand by while our family members are being hurt. If Boy Heng won't stop, then let's fight! Who's scared of who?"

He then turned into a beast impulsively and charged at Yuan Heng.

The other five, including the elder orc, also transformed into their beast forms and joined in attacking Yuan Heng.

Yuan Heng was in a tough spot. Six tigers, the family of the three tigers he'd hurt, were attacking him. The three injured tigers were waiting to jump him when he wasn't looking. That meant he was facing nine tigers in total! Wang Jin was scared and wished he hadn't been so brave earlier.

Could Yuan Heng fight off all those tigers?

Lai Yuan jumped in and turned into a beast to help Yuan Heng. "Brother Heng, I'm here to help!"

Everyone was about to fight. Wang Jin was scared and sweaty, and Mu Geer was worried about Lai Yuan getting hurt because he knew the other guys were really strong. Brother Yue was also nervous and impatient.

Suddenly, a loud voice boomed from outside the crowd. It was a leader, and he was angry that they were about to fight. He shouted, "What are you doing? Do you want to fight against everyone in our tribe?!"

The tribe's leader, a strong and wise old man, walked into the middle of the crowd. Everyone got quiet when they saw him. He looked at the hurt brothers and the fighters, taking it all in.

The leader made everyone calm down. Even the big orc who was yelling stopped and looked down. "Chief, these kids were just protecting themselves." He said, but his voice was shaky.

The chief stopped him with a wave of his hand. "That's enough. I've heard enough. This isn't how we solve problems. We're a tribe, like a family. We don't fight each other like wild animals."

He looked at Yuan Heng and Lai Yuan, his expression becoming gentler. "Boys, I get why you're mad and want to protect your honor. But this fight needs to stop now. We can't keep losing people, especially over misunderstandings and pride."

Wang Jin, feeling a mix of relief and frustration, spoke up. "Chief, they stole from us and almost got us killed. How can we just forgive that?"

The chief understood Wang Jin's concerns. "Your complaints are valid and will be dealt with. But we'll seek justice, not revenge."

Turning to the elder orc and his sons, the chief's tone grew stern. "Brother Ju, Brother Lang, Brother Qing, your actions have dishonored your families. You must return the stolen object and offer a genuine apology. Any more wrongdoing will result in exile."

The older orc attempted to object. "But Chief, they—"

"Silence!" The chief's voice boomed with authority. "There will be no discussion. You must accept my ruling or suffer the repercussions."

Reluctantly, the elder orc bowed his head in submission. "Understood, Chief."

Yuan Heng and Lai Yuan looked at each other and agreed. They decided to follow the chief's plan and respect his authority.

Wang Jin, still upset about what happened, sighed. "Okay. But this can't happen again."

The chief smiled tiredly but optimistically. "I promise, it won't. I'll make sure of it."

With the argument settled, the crowd started to leave, talking quietly. The tense atmosphere faded away, leaving a feeling of uneasy calm.

The chief patted Wang Jin on the back and said, "You were brave today, Wang Jin. Remember, being strong means knowing when to fight and when to let things go."

Wang Jin nodded, liking the chief even more. He hoped that someday everyone would forget about the fight and their tribe would be even stronger.