
The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time (BL)

When a wrong path is chosen, it isn't surprising to have a miserable ending. "Before didn't I mention about how blind you are? Look at you now! Since you are so ignorant and stupid, next time, just ignored the other people and follow me alright? Base on our intertwined deep fate of being enemies in this life, I am sure that we will meet again in our next life!" With bloodstained lip, Shao Cheng let out an ironic smile, betrayed by his loved one, Ren Yuan who is his greatest enemy of all time has given him comfort and satisfaction on his moment of death, which is rather ridiculous considering the two of them have been trying to kill each other. How come this enchanting man is being strangely gentle and considerate toward him? "Alright, If I meet you again. I'll follow you this time." -------------------------------------------------- The second life he was given has been full of mistakes, errors, and blunder. Losing their game of conflict, Shao Cheng will listen to Ren Yuan's word this time. Later on, a beautiful young man with a cold expression dressed in a snow-white robe follows behind an older exquisite young man dressed in a gorgeous crimson robe. "Aren't you going home soon? How long are you going to keep following me around!?" Shao Cheng's sapphire eyes suddenly dim down turning pitiful causing the young man dressed in crimson robe to become guilty and panic inside. "Alright, alright! Just follow me! This Big Brother is powerful, so protecting a single person wouldn't be difficult!" So a clueless and ignorant crimson robe young man let a wicked person follow along his side which he, later on, learned to have an abnormal ability. I seemed to hear him talking to a bird? Hey, why are you showing tender expression to a plant? MC (SHAO CHENG IS GONG/TOP) WARNING! BL, Boy Love, Yaoi, Don't Read It If You Don't Like it! Mature Content! BTW! There Will Be Writing Mistakes, Spelling that will be accidentally Miss, and Grammars - Just want to let you know before you start reading it. IF You Don't Like it and Can't continue reading it because of the writing problems, Please Just Try To Be Respectful and Quietly Leave. Thank You. I, as the author, know the problem, but I want to continue writing, so thank you. Editor: Dreamer (Chapter 285+) Mc White Robe (GONG/ATTACK/SEME) x ML Crimson Robe (Shou/Bottom/Uke) Buy me Coffee? Appreciate it ^^ https://ko-fi.com/loveablechubby DISCORD: LoveableChubby#1263 https://discord.gg/2XXK28V- First Time Server, Please Become A Member? Haha Commission Book Cover! :)

LoveableChubby · LGBT+
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361 Chs

Shao Cheng and Ren Yuan Pointing Each Other, "Your The One Tempting and Seducting The People Around You."

In a certain town, a low key carriage has suddenly stopped on an elegant medium-size residence belonging to a rich people, causing the people that have been out in the day time, doing their own thing to suddenly stop and curiously stare at the sudden new arrival in their town.

Although some of the people have only taken a curious glance before putting their attention back to what they are doing, after all, during these days, it isn't surprising to find numerous people arriving in their town since the start of their famous festival of the year will be happening once again in a few days.

Soon, Tian Ying and Xing Ning that has been driving the carriage the entire time has gotten off causing most of the unmarried ladies, both rich and poor to sigh in excitement at seeing such handsome young men before them, although a small part of the men around them couldn't help but eye the two young handsome lads, their eyes glinting with excitement.

However, when they saw the weapon they carry on their bodies they couldn't help but sigh in regret knowing that base in their standing, those young men are not only rich, they are probably from a noble family from how they move around while also proficient in martial arts, but it doesn't stop them from feasting on such eye-catching elegant and handsome young men.

Soon, a slight creak sound of a door opening resounds out causing everyone's attention to turn to where it was coming from, which has caused everyone eyes to widen in astonishment as they began to marvel at the young man wearing a beautiful and gorgeous crimson robe that has started getting off from the carriage.

Then they saw the charming young man narrowed his peach blossom grey eyes glancing around in a merry manner before a gorgeous smirk grace that cherry red lip that causes even some of the straight men that have been watching to swallowed hard.

However, before the people can react and watch more in fascination about the attractive graceful movement of the person before them that contain endless temptation, a cry of surprise has suddenly escaped from the young man's lip while stumbling forward.

Everyone couldn't help but turned their eyes at the rather delicate and pale hand that has suddenly appeared from the open door before a flawlessly beautiful young man wearing a pure white snow robe has soon gotten off next.

In which has soon caused another round of widening eyes while their mouth opening slightly about how flawlessly beautiful the young man features is, especially when he appeared to be younger than the other man, and having such a slender body that contains such a clear and fresh atmosphere around him.

It made everyone the desire to just keep watching, protecting and cherishing such a refined young man so that no other harm can affect him, although those people with dirty and wicked thoughts couldn't help but want to blasphemy such an untainted person that breathes such a clear character.

If the other young man with a gorgeous crimson robe with delicately and charming exquisite features cause everyone to be charmed with every movement of his that filled with temptation, then this young man flawlessly beautiful features can captivate and attract everyone so easily just by standing and not doing anything, especially when they saw that distant and cold expression along with waveless bright sapphire eyes that don't just easily give anyone any of his attention.

Soon, after Shao Cheng has gotten off, he just showed an indifferent expression while watching an irritated Ren Yuan standing before him, albeit his sapphire eyes have quickly flashed a slightly irksome emotion at the way the older man has been attracting other people attention as soon as he showed an appearance.

"Please keep your seduction and temptation skill to minimum degree."

"Huh? What the hell are you talking about?"

Temptation? Seduction? When did he do it? Ren Yuan knows that he has such an attractive feature to easily charm everyone, but since he dislikes people getting close to him unless he is acting up there is no way that he would do that kind of thing.

Besides, he was just reacting the usual way but why does Whitey currently shooting him such a disappointed look that he has done such a sinful thing?

Xing Ning and Tian Ying that have been silently watching the entire time couldn't help but secretly nodded their heads at the young man's words, after all, their friend is a walking disaster even when he wasn't trying to seduce and tempt the surrounding people, it still gives them trouble once in a while from how crazy they can get.

Maybe that is why Peng Pao couldn't control himself anymore? Xing Ning couldn't help but think about his traitorous friend, before suddenly remembering the way Whitey has warmed him to not look at a naked Ren Yuan, maybe he should feel thankful after all since he might have been charmed too?

Suddenly, Xing Ning saw Ren Yuan's body suddenly tensing up while glancing around with a warning look to the people, well mostly to the men, that was currently giving such a wicked expression in their eyes to the young man that remain oblivious to his own allure.


Before suddenly turning around to Tian Ying when he heard the delighted snort on his side which has turned a  confused look on his face when he heard his friend speaking about Ren Yuan trouble to watching out for his wife chastity?

What the hell is Tian Ying talking about? Ren Yuan Wife? That young man? When the hell that happened?

Damn, it felt like Xing Ning is the only normal person among them, why is everyone being so weird right now?

"Urgh… come on, stop speaking such nonsense, if there is someone that doing the temptation and seduction then shouldn't that be you?"

Ren Yuan who grumble those words in irritation when he saw those people, well mostly men having such a certain look in their eyes as they gaze at the currently confuse Whitey that has given him the 'you're speaking such nonsense' look.

Rolling his eyes at such oblivious Whitey, Ren Yuan has pulled the young man toward him before placing one of his arms around that delicate shoulder and then quickly showing a playful smile while his peach blossom grey eyes curving up in excitement.

"Whitey, let's go inside first! I specifically choose this town to stay with since there will be a festival happening soon! At least, after everything that has happened, let us have some deserving fun now alright?"


Suddenly there is a memory that couldn't help but flash on his mind, which Shao Cheng seemed to be unable to figure it out quickly since it seemed to have happened a long time ago, and before he can even focus on that memories, he suddenly found himself being guided inside the residence by a hyper Ren Yuan that desperately wanted to have fun after all the trouble they have experienced.

Soon, Xing Ning and Tian Ying have quickly followed after them and entered the elegant residence while the hidden dark guard has surrounded the place in protection.

Lol Xing Ning.... hahaha, doubting yourself now? XD

Shao Cheng and Ren Yuan really... I am also speechless at the way you two react... hahaha

Stay Safe Everyone! And Thanks

DISCORD: LoveableChubby#1263


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