
The Rebirth Of A Prophetess

There once was a unique girl. It was said that she could predict the future. Her name was Nissa Tripe. Nissa was not an ordinary type of fortune teller. Like I said, she was unique. People say that she was a last resort. She was more like an oracle. She would always wish the worst on people. It was said that when she would do a reading for you, it would come at a cost. Her death was not a surprising one. It was said that she was poisoned for wishing the worst to one of her friends. This friend she had been told by her she would die in the hands of a very horrible warlock. This friend doubted her and killed her by giving her poison ivy embedded in a chocolate bar. Sadly, the oracle was right and her friend died by the hands of that same warlock.

WyattJaymes54 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 A Chance to start over

Nissa Tripe's death went along with the saying what goes around comes around. She wished bad luck on a friend by giving her an ominous telling of her friends' future. This friend was named Kala Flair. Kala didn't believe and poisoned her with a chocolate bar infused with poison ivy. Immediately after she died, she was sent to limbo. she stood in front of a spirit who was said to be called the world decider. His name was Jason Ray. He held Nissa's fate in his hands.

"Nissa Tripe is it?"


"I've read over your file and think you deserve a second chance."

"A second chance? You mean, I could go back the mortal world?"

"Yes. But they're a few formalites that you need to be aware of here."

"What? You will gain a new body. This means you will gain a new Name. Even though you can remember your past-life, you will only be allowed to tell people who you are if and only if, they truly knew you in your past-life.