
The Rebirth of a Fashion Mogul

New Name.New Life .New Dreams Watch Song Xia rise to the peak from the nerdy,morally obligated but smart doctor to internationally famous supermodel. The girl who had to give up on her dreams of becoming a fashion designer in her last life to becoming a world renowned fashion designer and business mogul. Well all it took was reincarnation:check Gorgeous face and figure:check Ancient magical space:check.... Did I mention she started as an abandoned orphan,broke and with evil foster mum and sister ...umm NO? A/N: Please not this is an original novel and not a translation.

Lily_of_Incas · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Saving the Shen Family's Young Lady

It was 6:20 p.m. when Song Xia left the clinic but when she stood across from the park she got an eerie feeling as if she desperately needed to go there.

She suddenly heard someone shouting for help .As was a doctor and a person had helped countless civilians in her previous life she could not ignore a plea for help. The park was absolutely deserted. She instinctively followed the hum of voices which should be impossible to hear.

There was a tall male teenager who looked about sixteen with spiked hair and piercings holding a knife at a pretty teenage girl with short ,black hair with purple tinted highlights; wearing a black and white dress. They were very close to each other so Song Xia was waiting for an opportunity to help so she was hiding behind the bathroom building were they could not see her.

''Mo Duyi,why are you doing this?What do you want from me?" the girl was terrified but still managed to talk calmly.

"Shen Xue, are you really that stupid'' Mo Duyi laughed at her naivety.

''Who told you to steal Chenchen's man! She was so sad when Sun Liwei asked you to go for a late night date. Luckily he came to his senses and apologized to Chechen and they are currently having a romantic dinner date at Pengfei Hotel today otherwise you wouldn't be the only one I'm carving up tonight!''

''What! That can't be true…"

Shen Xue could not believe the cousin who grew up with her would have someone harm her. She was shocked and upset as shivers ran up her spine.

She did not know that Shen Chenying liked Sun Liwei and to be honest she only agreed to tonight's date because Shen Chenying had told numerous times that Sun Liwei was perfect for her. She was not interested in Sun Liwei even though he had asked her to date him many times. In her opinion he was a bit of a two faced person and quite narcissistic even though he pretended to be a perfect gentleman. Thinking back on many instances odd instances beacme angry it was very evident that Shen Chenying was plotting against her. The only thing she couldn't understand was, why?

Although Shen Chenying was a branch family daughter ,the grand daughter of her grandfather's third younger brother because there were the only 2 daughters in the Shen family everyone adored her. Since they were close in age and the only girls the Shen main family, her parents and grandfather treated Shen Chenying very well like a second daughter.

''To be honest Shen Xue you are very pretty maybe even prettier than Shen Chenying but you have an ugly heart. You try and steal your cousin's man !Abuse and scold her in front of your family !Maybe you wouldn't be so arrogant if your face is as ugly as your heart.'' He spoke in a flippant manner as he leered at her.

Shen Chenying was the white moonlight in his eyes .She was a soft fragile women who had helped him when he was at his lowest .When everyone laughed at him for being an illegitimate child and associating with delinquents .No matter what she required- he would do for her. All the people who had harmed her he did not mind sending them to hell .Pushing a girl down the stairs, drugging the number one student in the grade before a test and slashing a teacher's tires he had done that all for her. When his father threatened to disown him she supported him with money. The students or people who looked down on her where easily resolved.

While the two were speaking Song Xia was slowly creeping behind Mo Duyi. Just before Mo Duyi lunged at Shen Xue with the knife in hand Song Xia rushed at him causing the knife to slip out of his hand. The knife flew several metres .Before Mo Duyi could fight back Song Xia knocked him out with a kick to the knees and a solid punch to the temple.

''Quickly call the police!'' Song Xia shouted to Shen Xue who was still in shock.

Shen Xue looked for her phone in her bag and found it was missing. She realized that Shen Chenying had taken her phone. When she was about to leave her room Shen Chenying took her phone and said that Sun Liwei had planned a surprise for her in this park at the time. At the time she was too distracted and forgot that her cousin did not return her phone. She clenched her fists in anger when she thought of the elaborate scheme her cousin had thought of to harm her.

''I don't have my phone can I please borrow yours to call my father and the police?''Song Xia handed over her phone .Shen Xue took a deep breathe before calling her father personal number.


'''Hi, Daddy'' before she burst into tears .She had tried to conceal her emotion but when she heard her father's voice she was overwhelmed with relief.

Song Xia noticed her trembling and took of the boomer jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"Xue Er , what's the matter?'' Extremely worried,he asked with apprehension.

His daughter was fiercely independent and had strong personality she wasn't someone who would cry over small matters. Shen Xue told her father everything that happened including Shen Chenying's involvement. He was furious but still had to think of the family's reputation although he would most defiantly allow his precious daughter to be wronged.

"Xue Er, wait for Bodyguard Luo and Sergeant Wen they will be there in less than 10 minutes .Dad definitely would have come but I just flew to D city .Daddy is coming home I'll see you in a few hours.''

Song Xia understood that the situation with Shen Xue's cousin and felt sorry for the young girl.

"Come, let's go sit.'' She gently grasped Shen Xue arm and guided her to a park bench .They both sat quietly on a bench before Shen Xue drifted out of her thoughts. Shen Xue was the only daughter out of 3 sons of a wealthy family. She was pampered by her family but was very hardworking and resilient .She understood human nature and the selfishness of people she just found it difficult to cope as the betrayal had come from a cousin who she had grown up with.

''Thank you so much for saving me. My name is Shen Xue.''she said and stuck her hand out to Song Xia.

''Song Xia, ''she replied as she shook her extended she hand admired Shen Xue's cheerful manner. She had come out of her traumatic experience and enthusiastically greeted her.

Shen Xue noticed that Song Xia looked around her age but was so beautiful like an angel in the moonlight. She was also so cool and badass knocking out that hooligan Mo Duyi like a kung Fu master.

She really wanted to become friends with Song Xia who she could tell that she was a very straightforward and upright person by the way she had saved her.

''Song Xia, you really are like an Angel Warrior !How old are you?Which school do you go to?''

Song Xia was amused by her enthusiasm, ''I'm 15 years old and will be a 2nd year and G City High in the new school year.''There were only 4 high schools in the central area of G city, a girl's only private school, boy's only private school, a rundown catholic school and Song Xia's school it was a pretty good public school that had many university graduates.

''I just turned 16 years old. I go to Meifeng girl's high school and will also be in 2nd year.''ShenXue smiled when she realized that they were close in age. Meifang girls high school was the private girls school in the Central G city area.

Shen Xue moved closer to Song Xue and the jacket slipped off her shoulders.She felt a bit embarrassed that she had Song Xia's jacket for so long and took it off when she noticed the emblem.

''Oh my god! This is Susana Dellucci Limited Edition 1978 boomer jacket!'' Shen Xue gasped in surprise while her eyes shorn like stars.

Susana Dellucci was a very trendy brand Italian brand that worked with leather and had a cool rock and roll vibe.The Susana Delluci made a internationally beloved brand by ushering an era of edgy female clothing.

''Song Xia where did you get this jacket. An original Susana Dellucci I must be dreaming...''Shen Xue fervently caressed the rhinestone encrusted rose while Song Xia recognized her as a fellow fashion lover.

''For my 16 birthday I really wanted a Dee Cee purse or a Susana Dellucci jacket.'' She sighed wistfully before realizing that she sounded as if she wanted to pouch Song Xia's jacket. She quickly returned the jacket as she didn't want to make a bad impression on Song Xia.

Song Xia was amused and decided to sell the jacket to Shen Xue ,since she obviously loved the jacket and there was money to be made.

''Since you like the jacket so much why don't I sell it to you.''

''Really! Really Song Xia'' Shen Xue eyes sparkled and she grabbed Song Xia's hands in excitement.

"You are so awesome !How much do you want for it ?It is a limited edition so it's definitely expensive I think that the market price must be about 15000 yuan but it's very difficult to find one for sale for it must be about 20000 yuan.''

Shen Xue really did not want to cheat Song Xia of money but she only had 18000 yuan allowance left in her bank account .She could ask her dad for more money and he would agree but given the current situation it would feel a bit inappropriate.

Song Xia thought about it and decided that it was a fair price especially since it only cost her 150 yuan so she had definitely made a profit. She nodded her head and said''15000 yuan is enough''

Shen Xue grinned and hugged Song Xia, ''Thank you, you are my new best friend ,Xiao Xia.''

Song Xia laughed and decided it would be nice to have a good friend like Shen Xue who was cheerful, resilient and shared the same interest in fashion like herself.

After Shen Xue transferred the money to Song Xia her new balance was 19750 yuan. Shen Xue caressed the jacket like a new born baby. They discussed few mundane things and exchanged cell phone numbers before promising to contact each other in future .Soon after a bodyguard and police man arrived one in a black MPV and another in a police van.

Both the police man and the bodyguard were surprised by how young Song Xia was considering she took down a male the size of Mo Duyi . After confirming that the two weren't injured the policeman took their statements and arrested Mo Duyi.

Bodyguard Luo listened to their statements and afterwards humbly thanked Song Xia .''Miss Song, thank you for saving our young lady. The Shen family is your debt. This is a check for 100000 yuan please take it as a token of thanks.''

Song Xia looked at the check that could help her on her path to building her business empire but wasn't willing to accept it. She helped Shen Xue because she was a helpless girl being attacked and not for any sort of reward .She would not accept it because it would be against her morals especially since Shen Xue was now her friend.

Song Xia refused the check politely and firmly,''I didn't save Shen Xue for money. Please ,take your check back Mr. Luo.''

Shen Xue and Bodyguard Luo were surprised by Song Xia's firm refusal but realized she was not a greedy person and very principled as well as a kind person.

Bodyguard Luo put the check away and sincerely handed Song Xia as business card.

''Miss, please don't refuse again as it would make the Shen family feel guilty. If in the future you require any help please feel free to call the chairmen this is his private number.''

Song Xia took the card as she did not want Shen Xue's family to be burdened and it was possible that she might need help in the future when she started her business. After she took the card Bodyguard Luo felt relieved and admired her mature and unselfish demeanor .

Before the left Shen Xue gave Song Xia one last hug,''Xiao Xia, you were really my angel today! You rescued me from Mo Duyi and sold me my dream jacket thank you for everything .I just remembered my mother is having a sweet sixteenth birthday party for me when my grandparent's get back from overseas in three weeks time .Please come ...I'll text you the details soon.''

Bodyguard Luo offered to drop her home but she explained that she lived nearby so he did not insist. It was 8 p.m. when Song Xia reached luckily Shi Qi wasn't home yet otherwise she would have been worried about Song Xia .She made a simple vegetable soup, fried tofu and some noodles with a fried egg .After getting her portion she put Shi Qi's portion away cleaned the pot and washed the dishes .She ate quickly thinking about today's events and how she could absorb the lavender jade pendant's energy.

When she returned to the room she stared at the pendant and the swirling golden mist before closing her eyes .In the meditative state it felt as if something very warm and comfortable was entering in the abdomen. The dense gold energy around the pendant was greatly reduced now there were only small specks of gold around the pendant .She wanted to enter the space to see if there were any changes but it took a lot of energy the last time and Shi Qi might be home any minute so she decided against it.

Song Xia heard footsteps outside the apartment door as well as the jingle of keys so she walked downstairs .Her hearing was very sensitive ever since acquiring her powers .As soon Shi Qi walked in Song Xia had heated up her meal and was boiling water for tea.

''Aunt, welcome home. Come and eat.''

Shi Qi felt touched by Song Xia's consideration and couldn't believe Luo Jingfei could be so heartless to such a good child.

''Xiao Xia, there's no need to make dinner especially you are still recovering. ''

"It's no problem Aunt .The physiotherapist said that my leg has basically recovered and there is no need for crutches .I just need to do some stretching exercises and I'll recover pretty soon.''

Shi Qi was surprised but noticed that Song Xia was standing without the crutches and didn't looked uncomfortable standing up.She was initially worried but Song Xia seemed fine and she received the progress report via email .

Actually Song Xia wanted to use the crutches a few more days in order to keep people from finding her recovery strange but she had lost the crutches during her mad dash to the park when she heard Shen Xue's cry for help.