
The Rebellious Son of Lucifer

Don't Bully me, I am a Bull.

JOJO99 · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Neighbour's Kid

When I came back to the house, I saw Irina and Xenovia adoring Ophis in the living room and asking her several questions.

"Alex, you're back." Xenovia was the first to notice me as I entered the room.

"Alex, you didn't tell me you had such a cute neighbour!" Irina exclaimed joyously while holding Ophis in her arms, "Damn, she's so petite and adorable! Her skin is also soft!" She rubbed her face against Ophis' cheeks.

"Leave me, you Baka Carrot!" Ophis whined childishly and annoyingly struggled to get out of Irina's hold, "I will kill you!" She warned and helplessly looked at me, "Help me, Nii-chan!"

'N-N-N-N..' I gulped hard as my heart went Doki Doki.

"Leave my Imouto alone!" I rushed to her rescue and snatched her away from Irina's grasp.

"Mmp!" Irina pouted and glared at me, "Call me, Nee-chan, Ophis." She smiled at the Gothic lolita.

Ophis stuck her tongue out and clung onto my chest like a baby, "Baka Carrot." She snorted and looked away.

'Whahahahahaha!' The sinister laugh in my head was full of joy as I maintained an innocent smile on my face.

"What are you dazing out for?" Irina scowled at me as she felt a disturbance in the force.

"Nothing." I shook my head with a bright smile.

"You're irritating me." Irina folded her hands looked away with a pout, "You have such a cute girl calling you Nii-chan, I am jealous!"

'Oh, you should be.' After all, Ophis was the cutest.

I looked at Xenovia and the slightly battered condition she was in. She wasn't particularly injured, but she showed signs of being into a fight.

"Fought the Devils?" I asked Xenovia as I sat on her left hand side couch.

"I won." Xenovia answered with a prideful smirk, "It was a duel I had against Gremory's Knight. While not weak, he was no match for my skills and power of Excalibur Destruction."

"He's weird, you know?" Irina stated with a confused frown, "He was speaking stuff like destroying all the Excalibur swords and getting vengeance."

"Everyone has thier own problems, let him be." I nonchalantly waved off and looked at Xenovia, "Why don't you go get a bath? I'll cook us something to eat."

"If possible, can you make us early Dinner?" Xenovia requested, "Irina and I would be surveying the town in search of the Excalibur swords. It would be morning by the time we come back."

"Night is the best time to carry out our task, because we can't risk fighting when the civilians are awake." Irina added with a nod, "It's also the time when Evil make thier move."

"Yeah, we can't allow them to leave the town." Xenovia voiced in acknowledgment.

"I don't think they will leave the town." I stated and they both curiously stared at me, "I mean, thier target is obviously the Devils in the town if what their leaders are saying is true, that they have not stolen the Excalibur swords."

"That makes sense." Xenovia muttered with a calculative scowl, "The town is the territory of Devils."

"And not just any normal Devils." Irina pointed out, "Both of them are sisters of the two Great Maou and Hieress to their Clans."

"You've just solved half of the mission for us, Alex." Xenovia nodded at me with a thankful smile, "You're beauty with brains."

"I don't really know if the phrase works on men, but I'll still take it as an compliment." I chuckled awkwardly and placed Ophis on the couch as I stood up, "I'll go prepare for the Dinner then."

I picked up the bags from the table looked at Ophis, "Would you be staying for the dinner, Ophis?"

"Hm, Dinner." Ophis nodded eagerly.

"Then I'll also make some desserts." I smiled at her and headed towards the Kitchen.


"It's delicious!" watching Ophis eat the dessert with her childish manners, slightly melted my heart.

"Don't just eat the sweets, Ophis, eat your food as well!" Xenovia reprimanded and took the plate of desserts away from her, "If you don't eat vegetables, you won't grow and turn into a fine woman like me."

"B-But.." Ophis tried to reason.

"Ophis-chan, you see these D-cup knockers?" Irina grinned by lifting up her chest by her underboobs and teasingly glanced at me, "You won't have Boobs like Irina Nee-chan if you don't eat properly."

"Irina.." I muttered with an anxious sigh as she was really trying to tempt me.

Ophis saw the helpless look on my face and quietly pulled her dinner plate forward.

"That's like a good girl." Irina patted Ophis head and looked at me with a smug smile.

'It's not like it's a competition.' I thought as I grabbed some food from my plate on my chopsticks, "Say anh, Ophis." I extended the bite towards her with a fond smile.

"Anh. Mm." Ophis took the bite from my chopstick and it was my turn to be smug about it.

Irina kicked my leg under the table while giving me an irritated frown.

'Huh, is that so.' I raised an eyebrow at her in challenge and kicked back.

Thus, began the first Under-table War.

"Knock it off." Xenovia warned us by giving a death glare, probably because one of us kicked her legs by mistake.

"Yes." Both of us voiced in acknowledgment and quietly focused on our food.

"Mumma Xenovia." I muttered and Irina bursted into feat of laughter and choked on her food.

"You asshole.." Irina coughed and laughed at the same time and I offered her a glass of water in pity.

"You're just easy to tease." I mocked by getting up from my chair and patting her back, "Good?" I asked when she stopped coughing.

"Kids." Xenovia snorted, "The food is delicious though. Can you teach me how to cook?"

"Me too?" Irina immediately barged in to the offer.

"Once your mission is over." I stated as I took a napkin and wiped Ophis' cheeks covered with the gravy, "I am also going to continue attending school from tomorrow onwards."

"Wait, you were skipping school?" Irina realised and frowned at me, "Why would you do that?"

I grabbed my seat again and shrugged in response, "I was busy with all the things happening around and also my powers." I made up an excuse, "Also, the Kaichou showed up at the house earlier today, so I have no choice."

"You should not skip school. Education is necessary." Xenovia nodded wisely, "Even the Greatest warriors should know how to read and right."

"What about you guys?" I asked curiously.

"We are educated and trained by the Church whenever we are off mission." Irina answered excitedly, "You should come to Vatican with us some day."

"Devil." I deadpanned by pointing at myself.

"The God accepts you, so I am sure the Church will too!" Irina reasoned loudly to prove her point, "I will definitely ask Sister Quarta about it!"

"Me too." Xenovia nodded in agreement.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my food.

After a while, Ophis looked at me, "Can I eat my dessert now?" She asked by showing me her empty plate.

"Obviously, you can!" Irina was the one to reply and rather joyously, "Let me help you, Ophis-chan!"

I ignored them and continued stuffing my mouth, though I noticed Xenovia giving me an amused stare.

"You eat a lot." Xenovia stated when she realised she had my attention, "Do all the Devils eat that much?"

"I don't think so." I answered after swallowing the food in my mouth, "Its like I have high metabolism, so I need more nutritions compared to a normal person."

Xenovia nodded in acknowledgment and got up with the empty plates, "I'll be going ahead to have some rest before we leave." She informed Irina, who was paying no attention to us at all.

Xenovia's eyebrow twitched irritatedly upon getting no response and she simply left the kitchen to her room.

I continued stuffing my mouth.


Later on, when Irina and Xenovia were napping in their room, I felt Ophis enter my room and then casually walk into my Domain while I was training with my Longinus Gear.

It's an impossible feat to walk into my Domain without breaking the spatial field, but it's a different matter when I allow the person to trespass in order to satisfy her curiosity.

"What is this place?" Ophis questioned in daze when she looked at the red sky and Pillars of Purple flames surrounding us.

"This is my Domain." I answered by walking towards her with a small smile, "I was in the middle of some training."

"Why do you need to train when you're already so strong?" Ophis asked with a dumbfounded look, probably wondering if I was stupid.

"To get stronger?" I answered vaguely, "To be honest, I am not satisfied at my current level and also, there are people who could kill me when I piss them off and trust me, I am going to."

"You're working on your Longinus, the Holy Flames." Ophis nodded in acknowledgment, "You are using the aspect of Infinty to utilise the maximum potential of your Longinus Gear. A High Class Devil in this Domain would burn to ashes."

"So you're not oblivious as you act out to be." I stated with a smirk.

"I am Ophis." Ophis stated as a matter of fact, "I have lived longer than anyone in this world."

"Yeah, you have." I crouched down and patted her head, "Is that the reason why you're so cute?"

"Let me show you how to properly use the Power of Infinty." Ophis stated with a straight face and shattered my Domain by creating a new one, her own.

I was amazed by her powers and frankly, a little scared. If I were to fight her right now as I am, there's a small chance that she might win because of her vast knowledge and experience with the Powers of Infinity.

The Domain she used was based on a counter part of the Space, which was bright and colourful.

"Is this the Dimensional Gap?" I asked curiously.

"This is what it looks like." Ophis nodded and levitated to meet my height, "You are stronger than me, I admit. With the combined Powers of Infinite Destruction, there's likely a person who could defeat you."

"I know that." I nodded in acknowledgment, "So, what are you getting at?"

"There's more." Ophis nodded by giving me an intense stare and her eyes metamorphed draconically with a Golden shine, "Your life force is Unique, something I have never seen before. Even without the Powers of Destruction and Infinity, you are a force to be reckoned with. I suggest you stop playing with your toys and use the Power Infinty to enhance your life force."

"You mean, my Ki." I gave her the term, "I thought about it, but honestly I am scared. My body won't be able to handle so much energy if my Ki exploded all of a sudden."

"That makes sense, you're not a Primordial like me." Ophis realised, "Your body is your weakness then."

"Correct." I voiced in agreement, "At most, I have the Endurance of a Devil that is gradually evolving as my body gets stronger."

"Then work more on your body." Ophis remarked seriously, "I want to know if you have limits, because believe it or not, I do. Even I, Infinity can be killed, so I understand your concerns."

"The best way for me to get stronger is through combat." I replied helplessly, "There's no one at my level-" My senses went off at an alarming rate and I caught the punch that was aimed at the side of my head, "Ophis." I growled as I was barely able to hold back her punch with my current strength and would've been wounded seriously, if I hadn't stopped her fist on time.

"Fight me." Ophis replied and threw me away into the limitless space.

Before I could adjust my body due to there being no surface in her domain, I felt a solid kick on my guts that completely knocked the air out of my body.

'Fucker..' I grumbled in rage and got serious.

"No." Ophis slapped on my back and threw me off once again, "Don't rely on your Powers." She frowned at me, "We're training your physical body."

"Then you'll continue to kick the crap out of me!" I whined by raising my voice in the replica of the Dimensional Gap, "It fucking hurts!" To prove the point, the parts of my body where she had landed her blows were already as red as my hair.

"Then endure it and get stronger." Ophis answered blatantly, "Don't worry, I won't-" She appeared right above me, "-Kill you." And kicked me off into the space again.

"Ophis!" I screamed in pain, but still tried my best to endure the torture, because I knew I would rarely get the opportunity to face off such a strong opponent.

So, for the next twelve hours, I continued to fight the Orouboros Dragon in her domain, without relying on any of my powers and just utilising my Ki.

By the beginning of the sunrise, I made a huge progress in the development of my Physical Capabilities, but I also ended up crying like a kid two times when Ophis got too rough on me.

The second time was after I landed a solid Punch on her cute little face and made her a little angry.