
The Rebellious Son of Lucifer

Don't Bully me, I am a Bull.

JOJO99 · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Lucifer's Son

The revelation of God's death was made by Kokabiel, after the Gremory Peerage's merciful defeat against him. He could've easily crushed them under his power, but Kokabiel was savoring his inevitable victory against his weak opponents.

"Is what he's saying true?" Aika asked me with an horrified expression.

I did not answer her, because my attention was focused on Irina, who had a deathly pale look on her face.

Of course, I could've avoided the whole thing by interjecting Kokabiel's victory speech, but God's living status was something I wanted them to know about.

It was a part of my plan to begin with, and was the only reason I had not done what I did now, any sooner.

I teleported next to Kokabiel and patted on his shoulder.

"Heh?" Kokabiel gave me a dumbfounded look and the next instance, received a solid punch on his face.

The impact of the punch sent him drifting through the Track field, destroying everything in his path.



"Is this how you had planned to greet my return to the school?" I questioned them with an raised eyebrow, "Irina, you alright?"

"Y-Yes." Irina nodded by breaking out of her daze.

"Be careful, Alex. The Fallen Angel is too strong!" Xenovia warned by weakly standing up with the support of her sword, Durandal.

"YOU!" Kokabiel yelled at the top of his voice and showed his true powers as he levitated to the sky from the ground.

'Sirzechs?' Kokabiel was startled for a moment when he looked at the boy who had dared to punch him like that, 'No, he's not Sirzechs.' He mentally sighed in relief. Because, if the Lucifer was here, then there was no chance of him coming out of this alive.

"Who are you, brat?" The Fallen Angel questioned as he flared his Powers and created a line of Holy Shards in the sky with his magic.

"What is your relationship with the Gremory?" Kokabiel asked due to the colour of my hair, "I have never heard of another Gremory living in the town."

"That's because I am not." I replied firmly and stored my sword back into Avalon, "I am Alexander Kitagawa, and that's all you need to know about me."

Everyone was stunned when they saw the sword in Alexander's hand disappear into holy particles. Only Irina knew the true identity of the sword, while the rest were simply astounded by the fact that Alexander was thinking of fighting the Cadre without his weapon.

"Let us help-"

"Oh, fuck off, will you?" I interjected Rias with a deep frown, "You guys are only going to get in my way, so don't even think of making a stupid move."

"You don't know what he's capable of." Akeno reasoned with genuine concern.

"And you don't know what I am capable of." I challenged her with a mild glare.

Kokabiel bursted out in a hysterical laughter after hearing the kids before him argue amongst themselves, "Not only do you think you can defeat me, but you say you don't even need any.. Help?"

Kokabiel's eyes went wide in shock when he felt a sharp pain on his back and saw the left side of his wings getting consumed by purple flames.

"Did he just teleport?" Yuuto muttered with a deep frown, because he could swear he saw Alexander's blur behind Kokabiel for an instance.

"He must've frozen the time." Issei remarked from his experience.

"I did not, you idiots." I answered, since I could easily hear them in such close proximity, "If I had, he wouldn't have been alive and withering in pain."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Rias questioned frustratedly, "This is not the time to play around, Alex!"

"The Priest Valper Galeli had planted a Magical bomb on the school grounds with Kokabiel's power, that could explode any time now!" Yuuto's explanation was much better.

'He reached the Balance Breaker.' I noted when I saw the Holy Demonic Sword in his hands.

"You don't even know the true potential of your powers, do you?" I turned to Rias and gave her a disappointed look, "The Power of Destruction, basically the power to destroy anything."

I crouched down to the ground and decided to give her a demonstration. I placed my hand on the ground and used my Power of Destruction to destroy the Magical Square covering the school grounds.

The Magical Square got destroyed and turned into Holy Mana particles on the surface.

"H-How..?" Kokabiel gave me a dumbfounded stare, "The Power of Destruction? Who are you? Why won't these Flames not stop!?"

"He's the son of Sirzechs Lucifer and my Nephew." Rias stood up and answered proudly, "This is what we are capable of, Kokabiel of the Grigori!"

"Buchou!" Issei energetically cheered for his King.

I gave a deadpan stare to Rias and wondered how shameless she is, to use my presence and bask in my glory, "What the hell are you cheering for? The guy was whopping your ass until I showed up! Don't steal my credit, you scum Devil!"

"Wh-What?" Rias blushed embarrassedly for being called out, "You are my newphew!"

"Then fuck off, aunt!" I grumbled annoyingly, "And you really have the nerve to declare I am his son, huh?"

"You are his son!" Rias stated firmly and folded her hands, "No matter how much deny it, the truth won't be changed!"

"Whatever." I groaned irritatedly and ignored her presence, "And you." I turned back to Kokabiel with a frown, "If you really want a War, then why are playing around? Just kill them and get over it, you idiot!"

"Alex.. You.." Rias' eyebrows twitched irritatedly, "I am your family, you dumbass!"

I continued ignoring her existence, "Anyways, die now." I stated and activated my Longinus, "Burn in the flames of Destruction, Incernate Anthem." I chanted nonchalantly a pillar of Crimson fire shot towards him through the ground.

"This power.." Kokabiel groaned by giving me a death glare, "How does a Devil possess the power of the Holy Fire?"

"Maybe, the God has allowed me to wield his powers?" I replied with a cocky smirk and watched him vanish into the flames, "I wonder where the Fallen Angels go after thier deaths." I muttered to myself and turned around, "Why the fuck are you guys staring at me like that?"

"Alex..!" Irina rushed towards me and embraced me into a bear hug, "Alex." She started crying resting her head on my chest.

"Ugh.." I rolled my eyes at the nostalgia and soothingly rubbed my hand against her back, "It's alright now, whatever the guys say after defeating the Villain, you know?" I joked with a small laugh, "I never practiced the speech lines for the heroes, because you'll always make me act as the Villain when we used to play."

"You idiot.." Irina sniffed a sob and chuckled at me, "You're still the Villain." She grinned at me by separating from the hug, "And I am the Hero."

"It's not like you ever gave me a choice." I snorted in response with a fond smile.

"Ahm." I heard a cough and saw Sona glaring at me with her Peerage members standing behind her, "So, you never said you had a Longinus, Kitagawa-san."

"Eh, was it mandatory to inform?" I answered with a cheeky smile.

"And also the sword from earlier." Yuuto pointed out and I shot him an annoyed glare.

"No doubt, its an Excalibur." Xenovia stated as she approached me and firmly grabbed my collar, "Where did you steal it from, Alex? Answer honestly."

"Oh?" I seriously narrowed my eyes at her, "Why do you think I stole it, Xenovia? Are you implying that I am a thief?"

"Then how did a Devil like you get his hands on the largest and undiscovered fragment of the Excalibur?" Xenovia's hand shivered in fear under my gaze, "A-Answer me."

"I was born with it." I slapped her hand away from my collar, "Believe it or not, I am the true wielder of Excalibur. Hence, I am rightfully retrieving Excalibur Destruction and Mimic from both of you."

I extend my right hand to the Excalibur swords plunged on the Track field's ground and Avalon converted them into Holy particles, before consuming the fragments inside me through the palm of my hand.

I felt a dense Holy Aura inside my chest the moment I collected all the Seven fragments of the Sword, 'I guess Avalon has started reforging the Fragments into the true Excalibur.'

"Alex." Irina called out to me sorrowful smile, "What are you doing?" She asked by grabbing my jacket and placing her head on my chest, "I don't know what's going on anymore.. The God is dead, you say Excalibur is yours.. My head is turning into a mess."

"I share the same thoughts as you, Irina." Xenovia patted her friend's back in support, "We have been deceived by the Church and fed lies since childhood." She clenched her fists with an depressed frown, "Even I don't know what path should I follow next."

"We can talk about that later." I sighed by patting Irina's head as she started sobbing again on my chest, "I want to go home now."

"We all want to go home." Rias sighed in agreement with me, "Today was a disaster."

"I agree." Akeno giggled with an innocent smile and meaningfully narrowed her eyes at me.

'What is this woman thinking?' I thought as I felt a shiver crawl my spine, 'I better stay away from her.'

Thinking of Perverts, I also remembered the one that was on the roof top with me.

"Sona, can you send someone to get Kiryuu from the rooftop?" I called out as Sona was staring at the condition of the school grounds.

"You mean Aika Kiryuu?" She turned to me with a confused frown and looked at one of her Peerage members, "Momo, you said you got all the students out of the school building."

"I did not think there would be someone on the terrace because its usually locked." Momo, Sona's Bishop stated apologetically, "I'll get her now and ask Tsubaki-san to wipe her memories of the events."

"You better not." I warned as my powers flared momentarily. I looked at Sona, "Don't wipe her memories."

"Why not? She's just a normal human." Sona reasoned with a frown, "You'll only be endangering her life by envolving her into our mess."

"She's my friend." I argued back, "I will take responsibility for her, if that's the case."

Sona gnashed as her teeth with mixed feelings, because she did not know if she should follow her duties or listen to Alexander's request.

"Let her be, Sona." Rias stepped in, "I will vouch for her."

"As if your vouching means anything!" Sona grumbled childishly and took a deep breath, "Alright." She decided and looked at me with a sharp gaze, "You'll owe me one."

"Me too." Rias immediately stepped in at the chance.

"Fuck off." And just as fast, I ignored her presence and thankfully nodded at Sona.

"We should leave now." I stated as the student council got to their duties.

"We should." Xenovia nodded in agreement with me.

"I am exhausted." Irina took a deep breath and leaned on my shoulder with an exhausted smile, "Damn, I cry a lot."

"Yeah, you even ruined my blazer." I chuckled in response.

I noticed Asia's condition, which was same as Irina, except she had no one to rely on because Issei was busy whining to his Buchou.

"Look after her." I said to Akeno by glancing at the former nun, "She's a mess."

"You're not as bad as you show to be, Kitagawa-kun." Akeno giggled and seriously nodded at me in assurance, "I won't let me my cute Kouhai cry without a shoulder to lean on."

I snorted in response and left the school ground by using a Teleportation Circle.

"Your insignia." Rias pointed out as she noticed the Crimson magic circle I was standing on, "It's not Gremory."

"Really, fuck off." I wondered how desperate she was prove me as her family.


When we teleported into the living room of my house, I was surprised to see Ophis sitting on the couch with a big Tub of Ice Cream in her hands and watching some kids TV show.

"You two look beaten up." Ophis pointed her spoon at Irina and Xenovia as she remarked with a straight face.

"We did fight a Cadre Class Fallen Angel and survived." Xenovia boasted childishly to play along with Ophis.

"And God is dead." Irina informed her with a dark chuckle, "He was dead all along.." She muttered depressingly and fell back on the couch.

"Oh." Ophis nodded in acknowledgment and continued to eat her Ice Cream.

"Ophis." I innocently smiled at the Gothic Lolita, "Do tell me that's the first Tub of ice cream you have eaten, right?" It was only a few days ago that I had restocked the fridge.

Ophis nervously slided the other empty Tubs with her legs, to hide them properly under the table.

"You brat.." I grumbled with an annoyed twitch on my eyebrows, "Whatever." I sighed and sat next to Xenovia, "You guys go ahead and have a bath, I'll order the food." I wasn't in the mood to cook dinner tonight.

"More Dessert." Ophis demanded.

"More Dessert." I repeated by giving her an annoyed stare, "You midget." I picked her up on my lap and pinched her cheeks.

"It hurts.." Ophis acted and she sucked at acting, "More Ice Cream."

Irina bursted into a laughter while looking at us, "Yes, more Ice Cream." She picked up Ophis into her lap and gave me a bright smile, "Please?"

"Infinte Ice Cream." I nodded in acknowledgment and saw excited sparkles in Ophis' eyes.

Hopefully, I won't regret saying those words.

I didn't really know how to approach this event, so let me know if i did well.

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