
The reaper in the air

A boy and his class get isekai'd into a strange and unknown world. However, his adventure isn't an easy one. Getting betrayed by his friends he fuels his revenge on his mission to defeat the 5 demon lords, and becoming cheat-like overpowered in the process.

2Wonky · Fantasy
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Chapter 1

The Reaper in the Air


W/S novel

Volume 1 chapter 1

Kane Fujimoto 16 yr old protagonist.

The day started much like any other. Kane woke up at 8 am to get ready for school. His dad had left for work already and his mom was still in bed. 

His dad usually came back late in the evening and left in the early morning so Kane didn't see him very often

While getting dressed the memory of yesterday popped up. His first crush had actually talked to him. Although it was just her returning to him the pencil she borrowed. 

It was a great step forward. He could sometimes see her looking at him from the corner of his eyes. 

{could she be into me or am I just overthinking this? At the very least she seems interested. Let's not rush this} he thought. 

He finished packing his bag and went downstairs. 

He made himself breakfast and headed out. Nothing really happened on the way to school. He almost got isekai'd by truck-kun but was able to avoid getting hit. 

"I'm still a virgin so I'd rather not be isekai'd yet" he said with a still heavy beating heart. 

He greeted his friends; Shin, Kaito and Ichiro. He appreciates his friends. 

{These guys would have my back, I'm sure of it.}

Shin is your typical nerd. He looks more like a walking stick than he looks like a bodybuilder and puts all his time into studying and gaming. Kaito is pretty silent. He often listens to the conversation and adds a few words to it, only to go back to being silent again. Ichiro is different, he has a good looking face, decent figure and is very talkative. He's a lot more popular than we are, but likes talking to us. 

Shin:"have you guys reached level 200 in white desert online yet? Yesterday I had to grind my ass off to get the dragon master sword but it's absolutely worth it" 


Ichiro:"hell yes, I got to level 200 yesterday. I bet my stats are way above yours. 

Kane:" You guys I als-.. "

Shin:" O hell no, I'm already lvl 203 so my stats are factually above yours you doofus, there's no way you can beat me. "

Kane desperately tried to cut into the conversation and as he was about to try his 3rd attempt, he was pushed from behind. 

There stood Asahi, the notorious bully of class 10-B and his donkey-faced lackeys. 

"Hey watch out where you're walking carrot nose!" "Yea carrot nose!" his helpers echoed. 

Bystanders saw the scene unfold and started to hurry into their classrooms. Asahi was a real hothead and quite stupid, but he rules with an iron hand. One misstep and you could end up with more than a few bruises. Teachers can't do anything about it, as Asahi's power is a lot larger than one would expect, its roots are burrowed way deeper than you could ever imagine. 

That's why everyone in the hallway quickly went to their classrooms to avoid being dragged into the currently unfolding situation.

Kane and his friends tried to do the same but they didn't get off as easily. 

Lackey 1: "Hey don't you dare walk away when Asahi-Sama is talking to you" 

Lackey 2: "Yeah! Asahi-sama still has business with you so you're not going anywhere buddy" 

Kane's mind was operating under intense pressure. One wrong move and he might end upside down in a toilet bowl, or worse. Although he couldn't shake the fact from his mind that Asahi pushed him from behind. 

Kane: "Hey man look, I didn't mean to walk into you, and I didn't really, to be honest you pushed me" 

The surrounding area grew darker. People that were silently listening to the situation going on in the corridor quietly gasped at the reply Kane just gave. 

"Yeah I don't know who that is but he can write done for on his status, damn" someone whispered. 

At the same time, adrenaline kept Kane from realizing his mistake. 

"You're pretty confident for a nobody" Asahi spat out. "You know, with your physique I wouldn't be as bold as you are currently. Do you perhaps believe your puny friends behind you will help?" 

He said as he aimed his finger at the three scared boys behind him. None of them were muscled, or brave enough to take on the brawny dude in front of them. As much as they wanted to save Kane, it just wasn't worth the potential beating they could receive. They hurriedly said sorry without much weight behind their words, and sprinted to their classroom, leaving Kane to his fate. 

Kane:" Wait! guys you…  what why are you leaving! Help!" he squealed. 

End of volume 1 chapter 1