
The Reaper's Heir

A 'normal' girl, Omisha, gets accepted into a university for supernaturals. As the year goes on, many strange occurrences begin to happen. It appears that someone is after Omisha. Just who or what is going after her? And why?

Snow133 · Fantasy
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12 Chs


A god stood alone in the middle of a meeting hall, thrones lined up against the wall of the room, standing taller than where the god stood. The room itself was made up of chiseled stone and wood. Bookshelves lined up against the wall reaching high up into the room. The room was lit up with candlelight as well as the natural light from the moon.

A white mask covered the god's face and he wore a dark hooded robe, skulls decorated his robe and his visible hands were simply bones. He looked around, mumbling incoherent words to himself.

Just then, multiple gods appeared in front of the thrones. Some held smirks and others stayed stoic. The god simply looked at them, making no motion to act scared or surprised.

"Erlik." a goddess walked up with a small smirk.

"Efa." the god responded, his voice deep and dark.

"Do you know why we called you here?" she asked.

He chuckled, "You should know the answer already, Efa."

Her smile vanished and she held up a hand. The space above her palm distorted and a small chest appeared, "Then you know why we are doing this."

"Of course I do… But do you really believe your little cult will stop my vassal?"

Efa's eyes narrowed, "Perhaps not...but we never know until we try."

Erlik chuckled once again, "Your optimism will get you in trouble one day, Efa. In fact, it already has." even though he wore a mask, it was clear as day that he was smirking.

With a low growl, she opened the chest and magic radiated from inside, sending a strong gust of wind into the room.

With a grunt, many of the gods clung onto their thrones, trying to prevent themselves from being blown away. Erlik stood still, his robe billowing in the wind, staring right at Efa as she struggled to keep the chest's power under control.

"Know what you are getting yourself into, Efa…" he spoke in a chilling voice as he was sucked into the chest.

Efa shut the chest closed in an instant and panted heavily before collapsing onto the floor. As she collapsed, the chest dropped to the ground and skidded across the floor. Other goddesses by her quickly got to her side, trying to help her. The chest's magic took much of her own strength, both physically and magically.

As her breathing calmed, her eyes landed on the chest and she glowered at it, "I know very well, Erlik… This wouldn't have happened if you never gave that much power to him." she snarled.

She stood up shakily and staggered towards the chest. Picking up the box, she continued to glare at it before giving it to an angel, "Put it somewhere safe and tighten the security." she ordered.

With a nod, the angel quickly walked away with the box and Efa sat down on her chair with an exhausted sigh.

"It's finally over…" a god murmured in relief as the rest took their spots as well.

"So what will we do with his vassal?" another god asked.

Efa rubbed her eyes, "As we've planned, our followers will take care of him and the next in line."

"Why are we still doing this, Efa?" a goddess asked quietly.

"Because Erlik and his vassal have grown too strong. If they combine their powers, they could take over the world."

"But do we really need to kill the one next in line? They're only a teen at this point aren't they?"

"Unfortunately yes, but we cannot risk leaving them alive."

A bulky god grunted, "And what will they do? Attack us with those pointless mortal swords?" he laughed.

"..." Efa didn't reply as she let herself fade into thought.

Her and Erlik were once good friends, but now they were enemies, all because of the vassal he created. She spited the vassal, for they made everything turn for the worse and ruined her once precious friendship with Erlik. Oh, how she yearned for those blissful days. But now, she must focus on returning everything back to what it once was. If it means ridding herself of her feelings, then so be it.

Hello! I am Snow! Thank you all very much for reading this chapter! Currently, I am in high school so I do apologize if this story isn't the best. I do hope you all like it either way!

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