
Crows and Horns

The village was a small one, silent, miserable and cold, it was the night and most of the people wouldn't go out at the time, except for mercenaries and thugs...

Out of the trees came out a young thin woman pale as snow with long dark hair and black eyes. The woman didn't seem to be lost or scared, in fact she looked confident and knew where she was going. Only cats and rats stood in her way as she moved swiftly between the sleeping taverns and houses looking left and right as if she is searching for something, or someone. Suddenly three large men crossed her path, naked, and clearly arroused, surely they must've been watching her for a while and they decided to make their move. Its not unusual for them. Women get raped and killed in these parts of the kingdom at daylight, at night it's way worst.

The bigger guy of the three approached her first, pointing at his twisted cock with a big smile on his face. The young woman looked unfazed by that and didn't look scared as she kept looking around the taverns and not paying any attention to him. He turned arround laughing to his friends " Vans, that whore is looking at you, i think she prefers your cock over mine..." he turned back to the girl and grabbed her left breast with his left hand and grabbed his dick with the other, the other two men joined in and started touching the poor girl who at this time still seems disconnected from the world.

Suddenly as if she just woke up from a dream, she sees what's happening and start crying and screaming for help. The three man are still playing with her but didn't have sex with her yet. As one of the men removed her cloak he froze... " What are you doing did your cock get soft?" one of the thugs said to the frozen guy, as the least pointed to the cloak, the other two looked down and saw terror. The cloak wasn't any cloak, it had a sigil, the horned god, a head with three horns and three crows around it, no one wears this sigil but the men of the high west, and more importantly no one wears one with three crows in it but the hands of the horned one.

As the three aggressors stood there in shock a man showed up from the front and five others from behind them. The man was clearly an outsider, tall, large and good looking. With long black hair one side longer than the other. Thick eyebrows and a birthmark under his left eye. He stepped forward to the woman laying on the ground bowed down looked at her and than stood up again, " Jayk and the others, take the princess back i will deal with this..." the man said as his facial expressions changed from confusion to anger. As the three men were trumbling from fear, he casted three signs with his left hand and two with his right. Suddenly three large beasts came out of the ground behind each one of the thugs. The beats were two times the size of the men and looked humanoid with a long genitals and big stomachs, they the things of horror. "so it's sex and blood you are craving?" said the stranger to the three men, as the beasts started to eat off each one's genitals and started raping them over and over again till they died. When it was over the stranger picked up the cloak from the ground and wore it, as a tear dropped from his eye he said "what was on your mind little sister..."