
0 - And So, It Begins

In the beginning, there was nothing. Endless space, vast potential, a void ripe of creation. And then, the Original Dein entered into this space through a Gate from another world. It was they who created this place. It was they who created Mriounuria.

The Original Dein were kindred entities, and sought an existence of peace and harmony. So they set about creating a world of exactly that. These Dein, named Aasha and Mnemoi, created all sorts of fantastical creatures and beings together. Whereas Aasha gifted their combined creations with life and connection, Mnemoi gifted them with feeling and memory. This made the Dein as Daeva, made them Gods, and they became the Dein Daeva of Weaving and Wisdom of this world, respectively.

From her thick, silk-like hair and the life thread within her stomach and abdomen, Aasha wove each new life into being. She herself had ten eyes, eight limbs, and the crown that sat atop her head was actually both her hair and bone.

For Mnemoi, she created each new life from the serpents that were her hair and the scales of the skins they shed. She had three eyes, four limbs, and the ability to grow newer limbs if and when needed.

The Dein crafted each creature with care, all unique and yet intrinsically connected to one another and their world: each life had core knowledge of the harmony of the world in which they now existed in. While they had many creations, the Dein set about creating what became their first true Children, the Prime Daeva. As they each began to create their own favored new species, the Dein gave to them more and more likenesses that were of the Dein themselves, and created of their favorites one for each of the main landmasses of their new world. All of these creations were considered the first Mriounurians.

The Dein Daeva Aasha crafted her children with life and purpose. She gave them thick, bull-like horned skulls with 4 large seeing eyes, capable of protecting themselves and others. She granted them the ability to see the threads that connected all living things to them and to the world they lived, and how to work with it. She named them the Burani, Bura for one.

The Dein Daeva Mnemoi crafted her children with thoughtfulness and care, giving them each a marking to connect them to each other, and a second marking unique unto them. They, too, were able to see the life threads and were taught how to use them. Mnemoi's children were named the Insit, Insi for one.

Of these children, these Prime Daeva, the Dein created only nine each, placing one "child" on each of the main landmasses and to become companions to the other. In other words, for every Insi there was a Bura; for every landmass, there was a harmonic duo to tend to the land and its creatures, as well as each other.

After the Prime Daeva were settled into the rhythm of their new roles, the Dein made their home within their creation, on an isle they named Onuria. From this moment forward, the future creation and subsequent or next generations of Daeva that sprang up came not only from the Dein, but also the Prime Daeva - for they also had been granted the gift of creation.

The Insit (sing. Insi) are known as the Faceless Daeva; they are the Muses of Mriounuria. The Burani (sing. Bura) are known as the GateKeepers; when the Dein first introduced the Gates to their Prime Daeva, they were shown and told the importance of them and what their connections meant for this world. The Gates rose up out of the ground at the command of the Dein and came under the near constant protection/watch of the Burani; the guardianship of the land shifted then mostly to the Insit. Whilst their Burani companions looked after the Gate of the Land and the Insit, the Insi looked after the land and its inhabitants.

With each Insi/Bura pairing having different tasks concerning their governed land, so grew the need for some to have more help and other forms of companionship. After all, they rarely left their lands and communicated with their Prime kin through the Gates they now oversaw, or through messages exchanged with creature companions and the Dream Space...

what are some of your favorite creation stories?

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