
The Realist Man Who Surpassed Fate: A Tale of Greatness

In a world where the gods no longer exist and humanity has to face hordes of monsters, only one kingdom stands along with the four realms inside of it, the North a land covered in snow built a large wall preventing monsters from getting through, the East being and enchanted forest being protected by a world tree, the South a desert where ruins of an ancient city still remain being inhabited by humans, in the West a terrible terrain filled with volcanoes and monsters where the dragon folk live alongside humans. One of the many gods who still want humanity to prosper, The God of Games, alters fate and is able to summon a man from another world hopping that he could change fate itself.

TranscendentStory · Fantasy
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10 Chs

A Dwarfs Destiny

After they woke up and began to wash themselves and get dressed they each had different expressions on there face.

Marcus was as carefree as usual not worrying about what the day was going to entail, James on the other was worried, he didn't know what was going to happen today but what his Master told him the other day has kept repeating in his head, that they'll be forced to leave.

Truth be told the only attachment that James had to this place was his Mother and Marcus, everyone else didn't really try to get along with him as his master isn't known to have the best reputation.

Still he wanted to get his mother to come with him.

"Sir you said that this was going to be our last day here"

Marcus answered in his casual careless tone.

"That is correct James I did"

The Dwarf said while putting on his clothes.

"Is it possible to bring my mother along with us"

Then he dwarfs tone turned cold.

"James I don't think that were we are going your mother should come"

James shivered but accepted it.

"I see, well then there's nothing we can do"

James let out a fake chuckle finally realizing where they were most likely going to be sent to.

In the whole of Frost Haven there was truly only one place that was open to the people that was dangerous to be at, The Wall.

"Start packing our things, I'll go visit my father after we have breakfast" they dwarf gestured to James to pick up Cyris and feed him his food while he began eating.

After they were finished eating James began to pack there things, Marcus picked up Cyris and held him and began to walk to his fathers chambers.

Marcus wasn't bringing Cyris along with him every where because he felt love for the child, but rather was showing everyone how important he was to him, after all Cyris's potential is what really mattered to him.

Strangely enough Marcus didn't run into anyone at all while on his why to his father quarters, almost as if they were all doing something.

Still as Marcus arrived he could still see the two guards ahead of him guarding his father quarters, Marcus has always found this funny as his father was way more powerful than the guards, his father could sense people throughout the whole castle and the town surrounding it.

"State your business and reas ...." the guard was going to continue until Marcus walked past him, the guard raised his weapon as if beginning to strike but then got stopped by the other guard who shook his head and spoke.

"Its not worth it" the guard spoke in a somber tone.

The other guard began to lower his weapon and allowed the dwarf to pass through now just realising that Marcus was putting away a dagger that he had in his hand.

'When did he have that dagger in his hand' as the though went through his head he shivered.

Then Marcus walked in, he saw his father sitting there with his attendant on his side.

His father kept working on his work and Marcus didn't say anything for ten minutes until he got tired of waiting. He grunted really loudly which got his fathers attention.

"Oh Marcus, I didn't see you there what do you need" the man gave off a fake eerie smile.

' This little shit' a vain appeared on Marcus's head.

"Did you forget father I guess old age is finally getting to you, you told me yesterday that you had something important to tell me" Marcus smiled back.

"Oh I see how could it have slipped my mind, your going to The Wall today and are to live there until the Monster army attacks, your son has to go with you as well, I wouldn't want to rob a father of a son." his smile became darker as he spoke.

'Shit I knew it'

"I would father but I don't have a caravan or men to travel with me so it might take a who..." Marcus the got caught off from his father.

"No need son, I already have everyone working on it, only the best for my son" He laughed though fake hid some truth in what was said, though Marcus didn't know this.

'That's why I didn't see anyone'

"Then I guess ill depart today father, ill get my things and head outside" with that said Marcus left the room and made it back to his chambers.

Inside was a fully dressed James and Cyris, though something was weird James had an expression that was just in shock and awe.

"Did something happen James" he asked with curiosity in his voice.

" Sir .. your child, it has wings" the expression on Marcus usually bored expression turned into surprise he ran towards his child and examined its back and here he saw small wings, they were white as snow and as the more you looked to the center the darker the wings became as if they became darkness itself.

"Indeed he does James" his expression soon changed to confidence as if he knew the whole time.

'Wait a dam minute, only high elves have wings and hat darkness, that is trait the only demons have, this child will be a monster, but a monster that I own'

" Umm sir, there is no way in hell that a brothel would have a High Elf as one of here um workers, so how did umm this happened" he said this while he held up the baby.

Marcus trusted very very in his life but James was one of them, hell they boy almost died once covering for the him and he never ratted him out so with a deep breath he told him mostly everything.

" That's a lot to take in, this child is lucky though to think that if you wouldn't have found him he would have died, how lucky he is" James was truly astonished.

"That doesn't really matter now though, we all might be dying sooner rather than later" with that he gestured for him to pass his bag with his belonging, then he began to walk forwards while carrying his son with James following behind.

They made it all the way outside without anyone bothering them and then appeared a massive caravan in front of their eyes.

Large carriages each transporting box of different weapons and tools, their were countless other supplies in order to reinforce defense.

But that was not what was most impressive about the caravan their were around ten thousand men all standing around the caravan waiting for Marcus to arrive, many of these faces hes seen before from when his brothers would spar and many he has not.

Though there was one thing that these men had in common, they were strong.

In front of the Caravan were his two brothers who were waiting for him to arrive.

"Brothers i'm so happy to see you two together not fighting for once"

"Please brother I would never fight Henry in his public domain I wouldn't want to embarrass him in front of the people" Aldric said in a calm tone.

Then a vain appeared on Henry's head.

"Well you see Marcus if I fought in front of these people they would see our brother lose and that cant happen as he is a knight of the family, what would people think when they hear the news that a knight lost to a mere gladiator fighter." Henry said while smiling.

Then a vain appeared on Marcus's head, both brothers getting ready to fight each other reaching for there swords.

"Brothers! , this is neither the time nor place for you guys to end up sparring again."

They stopped realizing what their brother said was true and no longer were reaching for their swords.

"Anyways brother Marcus, were here to send you off" said Aldric

"So your not going to be joining me on my stay at The Wall" replied Marcus

"No, father also got a prophecy by the seer so we have to travel to "The Desert Of Serphia" apparently something is going to awaken that shouldn't be and the people will need our help in order to stop it. He would go himself but you know he cant" Aldric said

Marcus looked in The Wall but almost as if he was looking past it, as if a being farther than the army of monsters was located there which cause him o shutter.

"That I do brother, that I do" Marcus replied.

With that the mood went cold, but then James sneezed.

"I'm sorry sirs" he responded while blushing which showed on his face.

The brothers chuckled remmebering what they came here to do.

"Brother, we have something for your son when he grows of age" said Aldric.

Henry took out a pendent that is fashioned from an ethereal metal that seems to shimmer and change color as it catches the light.

At the center of the pendant rests a luminous gemstone, glowing with a soft, healing light. The gemstone is a vibrant shade of cerulean blue, reminiscent of clear skies and tranquil waters.

The gemstone is encased in an intricate filigree of delicate, interwoven vines and leaves, crafted from the same iridescent metal.

A luminescent crystal pendant emits a soft, soothing light.

"My mother gifted me this when I was younger and said that it wold be useful once I bound it to my soul I could read its affects and they were truly grate and now ill give it to your son" Henry said this with a soft smile which was not seen much by this man.

Then he placed that pendent on Cyris's forehead and it slowly fused with him until is disappeared entirely.

[ You have received an Item, Ethereal Harmony Amulet ] - Part of the ---- set

Trait - This pendant possesses healing properties, and when worn by a skilled healer, it amplifies their abilities, enabling them to mend wounds and cure ailments with greater efficiency.

[ - Once when the world was devoured by death, shadows and monsters gods came to it and changed the world allowing for humans to live once again. Then the gods gave them another gift, the chance to fight back. Humans were greedy and some tried to raid the Colosseum of the goods wanting to steal the Divine Treasures, one human stood alone and stopped the other humans from trying. Who would have though that this mortal man would fall in love with ----- and she would fall in love with him. There love was banned by the gods and so it was kept in secret, she gave him a gift that would heal his body,mind and soul. This man kept it with him always and never let it go, that is until the gods found out. ]

Rank --- Relic


'This is interesting, so when the world was first created humans tried to steal the gods tools and weapons, a human defended the gods and one fell in love with him and as did he, but why was there love forbidden, what happens when a human and god fall in love, not only that but its rank is Relic from what I know from my previous life this means that its most likely really good.'

"Thank you brother, I know the consequences when one un-soul bounds an item, but still are you sure that it was a good choice its rank is considerably high" Marcus was seriously happy after all his weapon was slowly getting stronger.

"I am, that tool wasn't really suited with me as you know i'm a fighter not a healer, and its not like I need it" though Henry said this it was almost as you could see a tear forming.

"Now its time for my gift" Aldric said while smiling with pride.

Then he pulled out a large falchion.

A blade that appears to be forged from golden flames. The hilt is adorned with fiery feathers and a brilliant gemstone at its center.

"Aldric that weapon was in the family treasury" Marcus said with shock.

"Yes I pulled some strings asked a favor from father and hear we are" Adric proceeded to move the sword to Cyris placing it on his chest while similar to what happen with the pendent began to merge with him.

[ You have received an Item, Phoenix Rebirth Falchion ] - Part of the ------ set

Trait - When the Phoenix Rebirth Falchion makes contact with the target, it leaves behind a trail of magical fire that continues to burn and inflict damage over time. Moreover, upon the wielder's imminent defeat, the falchion releases a burst of phoenix flames, granting the wielder a chance to rise from the ashes, revitalized and ready to continue the fight.

[ - When the gods descended from the sky's appearing with the universe itself along with it rose ------ from the ground. These being were similar as they held powers that could alter with reality and the world around them, they worked together to kill the being who created them for what reasons remained unknown, peaceful in the beginning but then soon led to wars, countless ------ were killed and many gods as well, then the gods did a taboo they killed the family of a ------ who was peaceful he did not participate as he hated bloodshed. When he returned and saw his family slaughtered he picked up his sword and joined the fray, when he died he rose leaving a trail a bodies along his path then the seven strongest gods along with a trickster united to trap him as he could not be killed, the man swore revenge and would do whatever it took to get his revenge, and with that action came peace between the two species, where this ------ is unknown. ]

Rank - Relic


'Another interesting story, two sides of the same coin united fighting against strong being and once accomplish they begin to fight, a peaceful whatever ------ means family was killed and he wants revenge gets it until he is trapped unable to escape in a unknown place. Maybe he the being Ill have to fight ... most likely not I mean if the gods cant beat him what chance do I have its most definitely someone else'

"I truly am grateful to both you brothers" with that said they all looked at each for some reason they all felt like this would be the last time they were all together in the same place.

"Until we meet again" then as if in harmony Henry and Aldric said the same thing at the same time.

"Until we meet again" with that all what was needed to say was said.

And with that Marcus began to walk forward passing the large gate he first entered getting home and started heading to the wall.

' This is going to be a long journey' The dwarf, squire and baby thought.