
The Real Villainess (Living the Life of a villainess)

In a Novel written by her best friend turned out to be her new world after 'dying', she 'reincarnated' into the body of Freya Lavine Yeovil. The so called Villainess of the Novel, though she didn't believe that she was the "villainess", so what she did after getting reincarnated into her body she wanted to make better decisions for the Villainess and to be much more cruel. Will she succeed? READ to find out! ©tto the owner of the cover photo! March 2023

onlypolaynn · History
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29 Chs

The Start

"So that's the end!" Rylie said closing the book she just published. "So? Do you like it?"

"I hated it." I uttered.

Her eyes widened in shock. "Girl! Appreciate me!" She exclaimed.

"Freya was just a victim, why did you made her look the villainess?" I questioned her.

She sighed. "Because I want to. . . I know she isn't but still she made the heroine suffer, so that makes her the Villainess." She explained which made me give her the LOOK.

"Listen Rylie. . . She worked her ass off only for everything to get taken by some stupid bitch everyone barely knows." I stated my point.

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever, true she worked hard for it but doesn't mean she had to ruin someone elses life."

Im literally gonna beat her up, I took a deep breath before I start to state my point as well but I suddenly find it hard to breathe my chest started to ache as well.

As soon as she noticed she quickly ran out the room. "Nurse!!!" She yelled.

A few seconds later I felt sleepy and soon my sight started to blur and turn black.


She opened her eyes meeting the gaze of a handsome man infront of her. She quickly sat up questioning who the man is.

"Freya, you're awake!" The man exclaimed hugging her.

Freya? Who's Freya? Before she could say anything to the man the fancy door suddenly opened and a Tall, black haired man with dark brown eyes entered. Now who's this?

Where am I though? This is definitely not the hospital. The man who entered didn't seem to be glad to be in it, he looked rather forced.

"Who are you?" Finally she managed to say something.

The man gave her a confused look. " I'm your Fiancè, Zavier Beldevere, the crown prince of the Rhoden Empire. Have you forgotten?"

Zavier Beldevere, hmm. . . Seems familiar. She stared at the ceiling searching inside her head where she had heard that name.

A minute later, the light bulb was lit. It was the name of the Male Lead of her bestfriend's Novel.

Wait. . . Am I seriously in her novel? And I'm Freya?


She led out a smile to the Prince infront of her. "I'm sorry, how can I forget."

Looking unto the man who just entered she had a hint that it was Freya's brother, Felix Luem Yeovil.

In the Novel, Freya's brother Felix didn't like her as she was their Fathers's favorite. No matter how hard the Lord tries it was always gonna be Freya. Jealous Ass.

"Brother?" She called unto her brother who just glared at her, which confirmed that it was indeed Felix.

When the Prince finally read the room, he turned to Freya. "Why don't you rest first?"

Upon hearing what the Prince said she found it great as she was indeed tired and wanted to get some sleep. "Alright."

The Prince tucked her in under the blanket not minding the people who are in the room.

It'll be fun being Freya. Don't worry girl, I shall avenge your downfall and redo your biggest mistakes in this life.


The Next day Freya decided to walk around the Ducal and tour herself for her to get familiar at the place.

Upon reaching the indoor garden she felt happy atleast, in was a long time a go before she had taken a stroll as she was stuck laying on her hospital bed.

"What's my dear sister doing in here, when she hated this garden the most?" A voice of a man said behind her which was clearly her Brother.

She turned around to face him.

He was right, Freya of all people hated this specific garden. In this garden an unpleasant event happened in her childhood. I forgot she hated one specific garden but how am I suppose to know that?!

"Why does my brother care?" She responded with a blank expression.

"Now now, no need to be cranky, I was just curious on Father's little princess's unusual behavior." He said crossing his arms.

What am I suppose to say to this crappy guy?!. . . Im just gonna ignore him then.

Freya then walked towards the entrance of the garden where her brother is standing, she just walked passed to through him.

Walking around the halls made Freya ecstatic as she always wanted to feel like a princess. I wonder where the kitchen is?

After an hour or so of walking attempting to find the kitchen, Freya was already exhausted and hungry. This place is so big, like, don't they get lost?! She looked around in need of help, as soon as she saw a maid in the distance her face brightened.

"You." She called unto the servant. "Bring me to the Kitchen." The servant led the way without saying a word. Have I scared her?

Freya got some quite of a reputation in the whole Empire to have great temper and a snob to people she dislikes, even though she was like that the crown prince still dealt with her as she was the most suitable candidate in the whole Empire.

Reaching the kitchen made the Lady smile so brightly that it made everyone in the kitchen look at her in disbelief.

"Please, cook me something delish." She said to the cook who's holding a spatula in one of his hands.

"Y-yes milady." The cook hastily rushed unto getting the Ingredients needed which bugged the Lady.

"Take your time, no need to rush." She added which made everyone shock.

Some servants started to murmur and it made Freya insane. She stood up making everyone flinched.

"Everyone, leave. Except for the cooks." She said in great authority and made all the other servants leave the Kitchen.

She sighed after settling down, taking deep breaths. She and Freya got this similarity but unlike the old Freya she does not throw a fit and throw things across the room, she may want to be cruel but only to those whom she dislikes in the Novel.

And they are; The crown Prince, Aurelia, the heroine, The ladies she forgot the names of and last but not the least, Felix, Freya's brother.

She swore that if they don't change or try to even go near her, she will be much much more cruel than the old Freya.

But for now, she is thinking of filling up her stomach with the food this great cooks are cooking.