
The Real Villainess (Living the Life of a villainess)

In a Novel written by her best friend turned out to be her new world after 'dying', she 'reincarnated' into the body of Freya Lavine Yeovil. The so called Villainess of the Novel, though she didn't believe that she was the "villainess", so what she did after getting reincarnated into her body she wanted to make better decisions for the Villainess and to be much more cruel. Will she succeed? READ to find out! ©tto the owner of the cover photo! March 2023

onlypolaynn · History
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29 Chs


FELIX WAS READING A BOOK in his office when a knock on the door was heard. He yelled enter and the door finally opened, Aurelia appeared.

He only lifted his gaze for a second before he going back to the book he was reading.

"What do you want?" He uttered.

Aurelia felt nervous, she started to fidgeting her fingers as she looked down.

" I-i wanted to ask something to you, my lord." She said nervously.

Felix sighed before properly looking at Aurelia, when their eyes met, Aurelia got more nervous.

Tell him. . .

"My lord, I don't think I can keep watch of the lady just as what you ordered." She finally said it.

She felt her chest lighten, she has been going on about this for quite a while now. Aurelia felt that Freya was hard to keep on watch, sometimes she would run around and lay on the grass and at times she just disappeared and it made Aurelia upset.

"Why so?" Felix asked without taking his glance off.

Aurelia felt her heartbeat gone fast. "I can't seem to do it right. . . I keep losing the lady, my lord."

He just glared at Aurelia, she doesn't know what she should do or what she should say all she did was stand still hoping for an ounce of consideration from Felix.

"If you can't do it properly," He uttered.

He stood up and went in front of his desk and leaned on it without taking his eyes off Aurelia.

"Try harder, don't come here and tell me you can't do it properly. I know you're pregnant but that's not an excuse, I'm not making you run around the Ducal. All I ought you to do is watch Freya here in the ducal, that does not sound like a hard job that anyone couldn't do properly." He continued.

Aurelia felt embarrassed and mad at herself for giving up easily, she thought that Felix is right. The job he gave wasn't that hard but she found it hard resulting Felix to say that she isn't working hard enough.

Let's not give up Aurelia, let's do the job and also find an escape in this Ducal.

After that she was dismissed.

As much as I want to stay, this won't work. I need someone to father this child and the Prince is my only resort or I'll get killed along with my child.


"Dear old friend!" The Prince greeted Contessa and they both hugged each other.

"Your highness! Say you've grown much taller than me." She said making Zavier chuckle.

"You we're taller than me because you always wear heels, and since when did you start addressing me your highness?"

They both sat and soon the tea and cookies was served.

"Alright then, Zavier I have news for you that. . . You might dislike." She said as she sipped the tea.

Zavier's smile disappeared and was replaced by a confused look. "What is it?"

"It's about your so called fiancè." She said with a visible smirk on her face.

His brows started to narrow.

"I hate to break it to you but I have seen your fiancè with the Grand Duke Bonavich."

"Oh Contessa, they're business partners–" He was cut off by Contessa.

"Really, business? I heard and saw them together often. . . Say, don't you think it's quite odd?" She said in menacing tone.

Zavier couldn't think of an answer, in short he was speechless. He tried searching the answer in his head but couldn't seem to find it.

Could they be—No, Freya wouldn't. . .

"Listen Zavier, I'm looking after you. I don't want you getting fooled by anyone, if you're doubting me send a spy or create a scenario where we'll catch them on act." She said and stood up after.

She went beside Zavier and started to massage both of his shoulders.

"You're not alone, I will help you." She whispered into his ear and even led out a smirk.

If I have to create something, I will. . . Just to get you Vik.


Aleskca . . . Please wake up

I miss you already, come back please.

Freya woke up instantly. Her chest was pounding hard as if she ran a mile.

What was that?

The voice heard in her dream sounded familiar though she couldn't point out who it was.

Maybe it's Freya's memory. . .

It was still dark out and she couldn't go back to sleep, the thought of the dream she had couldn't stop.

She stood up and went out carrying a candle with her.

All she wanted to do was get some fresh air, so she went to the roof. She doesn't know how she found the way to get to the roof but she did.

There she also found someone sitting looking at the dark night sky.

It was Felix

She sat beside him. "What are you doing here?" She asked, Felix turned his head to glare at her.

"I should be the one asking you that."

"Well I don't even know how I got here I just did, tell me what are you doing here?"

He just glared at Freya, she pouted and crossed her arms.

"Are you deaf? I asked a question, hello?"

Felix took a deep breath. "What does it have with you?"


"Don't answer." He didn't let Freya finish which made her upset.

It was silent for a while, Freya thought of why Felix was acting like that to her even though she tried to be nice to him setting aside the fact that she wanted to be evil to everyone.

"Why are you always rude to me?" She uttered out of the blue that made Felix turn his head to Freya real quick.

"What?" His brows narrowed.

Freya sighed. "Why are you always mean to me? I'm not even saying anything that should make you mad."

Why do want to know? Actually, you already know why I'm acting like this to you. Why are you trying to turn the situation around?

He stood up to leave but Freya held unto his hand.

"Don't leave."