
The Real Villainess (Living the Life of a villainess)

In a Novel written by her best friend turned out to be her new world after 'dying', she 'reincarnated' into the body of Freya Lavine Yeovil. The so called Villainess of the Novel, though she didn't believe that she was the "villainess", so what she did after getting reincarnated into her body she wanted to make better decisions for the Villainess and to be much more cruel. Will she succeed? READ to find out! ©tto the owner of the cover photo! March 2023

onlypolaynn · History
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29 Chs


"SCARLET!" Lucas called unto her who's face and body is full of bruises.

"Took so long for you two to get me." She said in a very faint voice.

As the Knights pin the men on the ground, Lucas and Tia unties Scarlet. Lucas then went to put Scarlet inside the carriage carrying her as Tia cleans aids her.

BACK in the Bonavich Ducal. Upon the return of Scarlet everything seems to be in calm and they were relieved. Scarlet stayed in the Ducal as her wounds and bruises heals over time.

Vik decided to visit Scarlet for the first time after its return.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

Scarlet looks at him. "I guess, better." She scoffed. "I thought no one was going to save me, I—was. . . afraid." She added sounding like she was about to cry.

While Vik could only stand. "No need to be afraid anymore. You're safe in these walls."

She turned her head to face Vik.

"Thank you. I will do my task better the next time 'round." She says with a smile on her face.

"But before that, you need to recover. There is no need to rush things as of now, Scarlet."

Scarlet led out a chuckle. "I think I'm liking the name Scarlet, maybe I could change my name."

He squinted his eyes. "I never asked what your real name was."

"Vivienne." She replies.

Vik then smiles. "Then we shall call you Vivienne, from now on." This made Scarlet's eyes widen.

She was speechless, she wanted to give a reply but couldn't.

He took out his watch before putting it in inside his pocket. "I should get going now, take care."

After the doors closed behind him, she felt bright inside. In her years of working as a prostitute no one called her by that name of hers. . . And now she'll be able to feel, herself, again.


"Milady are you sure that you want to talk to those men yourself?" Tia asks, worried for Freya.

Freya stops walking and faced her. "Don't worry so much, they are the one's in danger not me." She assured Tia and patted her shoulder before she continues to walk into this dungeon.

Soon they reached this room where the men are tied up on a chair. Freya looks at them fiercely.

"How have you guys been?" She asks like nothing's up.

The men raised their heads and look at Freya with fear in their eyes. "P-please milady. . . Spare u-us!" One of them pleaded.

She began to walk towards the man and smiled liked an innocent child. "Oh, I don't plan on killing anyone of you." Freya said making them sigh in relief.

"That is. . ." She added which made their chest pound.

"We will do anything! Please just spare us, milady." This made freya smirk.

She clasped her hands. "Alright then, be useful to me and you'll live longer. . ."

Freya. . .

Wake up, dear!

Wake up!

Freya suddenly woke up in cold sweat, she was almost out of breath so as she catches her breath she got out of bed.

Then she went to the kitchen to get some water for her to freshen up bringing a candle with her. As she was making her way down the grand stairs she stepped on her night gown, resulting her to almost trip but someone had caught her.

Felix. . .

"Be careful!" He shouted but more on a whisper like tone.

She frowns seeing the man, she fixes herself and looks at her brother with squinting eyes.

"I was being careful." Freya replied which made Felix take a deep breath.

"What are you doing wandering around in the middle of the night?" He calmly asks.

Freya glared and him and continues to go down the stairs as he follows. "Why are you asking?"

"Isn't it normal to ask for such matter to my sister?" He said with his brows narrowing.

Freya could only roll her eyes. "For other, it is." She muttered before facing her brother. "But for you and me. ? I don't think so."

He was taken a back by his sister's words. . . He was speechless, indeed it was kind of odd. But, she didn't have to put it in that way.

Felix follows Freya to the Kitchen where she drinks a glass of water.

"Freya," he called. Freya then turned her head raising her brows. "Why are you like this?"




It was silent for a while. . .

Why is he asking me this question when I should be the one asking this?! Freya thought. She First put the glass down and faces hee brother properly.

"Ask yourself."

"I am asking you." He paused. "You keep shutting me out, I'm trying to fix this relationship of ours can't you see?" Freya blinked in disbelief.

"Oh really? You're fixing this?" She was offended. "You are the reason why I am like this, Felix. I tried to reconnect okay? I tried, yet you keep pushing me away calling me names, ignoring me like hell I would want to be treated like that."

Felix lowers his gaze upon realization.

"The audacity for you say that when you are the one breaking us apart. You're the one shutting me out and not the other way 'round. I forgot the reason why you hated me this much, fun fact. . . You made me miserable, what kind of a brother are you to hurt your only sibling. Well, that's alright I don't need you anyways." She blurted before walking past Felix.

"One more thing, you should've left me trip and die. Everyone knows that that's your greatest desire." She added before walking away.

He was unable to react. He was frozen stuck in that same position, upon remembering all those things he did. . . He was more than guilty.

What have I done. . .

Felix brushed his hair up using his fingers as he put his weight into the counter. After that incident he hasn't been able to get some sleep till morning. . .

"I heard My Lord hasn't gone out of his bed till now." A maid has said to another as they were dusting the place up that was overhead by Freya who was just walking by.

"Really? I wonder why, this is so unusual for the lord."

Freya could only stand as she pretend to read a book behind the two maid.
