
Chapter 2: The Change

In the last chapter we left off on the mom going outside and not believing her eyes. When the mom went out side she saw her husband and the kids playing together. It was like a dream. And then the mom thought to herself and said " this can't be happening. I mean just yesterday he was drinking. Unless.... YUP IM STILL SLEEPING" the mom went back to bed, and fell asleep for a few hours. The kids came back home and woke her up. As the mom woke up she was sad because As she thought it was all a dream, until the moment her husband came with a lunch tray and food and told the kids to get out because he wanted to talk to their mom privately. The kids listed to their dad and left. And the parents were all alone in the room. The husband started off " hey.. good morning um... I .. listen I- I'm really REALLY sorry for how I've been acting all this time I just felt like I couldn't be a dad and also something happened with my parents" the wife asked " what happened" she asked being very concerned and felt really horrible for not asking him why he was acting like he was. " my mom got cancer and they said she got only a few months left till.... well you know and my dad he can't really take care of her because he can't find a place to work at since his been in jail in the past and it's pretty hard for people to find a place to work after going to jail." The husband said. The wife felt really bad and she was also concerned. So the wife decided to help him out and start everything from the start (obviously with the kids). The wife was the vet and the husband took care of the kids at that time and then once the wife comes back she would replace her husband and they would all visit their grandparents after their done with work. So they lived happy. For now....

To be continued!