
The Ravens Rebirth

A girl escaped from a secret testing facility where they find, take and kidnap children to experiment on them. The children never come back out in the same way they went in, most of them die while being experimented on or they change completely from what they were as young innocent children into true monsters. The facility with the name Quantum is looking for a cure to reverse these transformations from a normal human being to one with unbelievable abilities. But the only way for them to do they're experiments on them is to firstly turn them into one of the monsters in the world. Warning people die in this story.

MyOwnOtez · Sci-fi
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The Ravens Rebirth

Scientist, Dr Satou writing a report:

When the human body is put through an extreme amount of pain and filled with the blood of one of the individuals that were infected or already turned into a monster, or as they are referred to as, Mutants.

This is when there's only three things that could possibly happen to the body. That includes a deadly virus that will start to kill the host from the inside, starting from the weakest point and continuing throughout the body causing even more pain that no one could ever possibly hope to start to explain until the host reaches the stage of death.

The second possibility is where even just a drop of blood could  let the body go into a Coma like death that no person has ever woken up from.

Lastly is the most rarest thing that could happen to one's body and the only thing that Quantum want's to  achieve with the children since it is more likely to happen too a person while they are still young.

The body will slowly start to change and these changes cannot be stopped in any way, but the way the body will react to these changes will always be different from one another.

The changes from Subject 359 were not as expected but we were able to learn more from how the subjects body reacted throughout the experiment.

As we had previously seen the subjects body started to resist the changes also known as mutations.

Subject 359's body firstly started by shredding it's own skin like a snake but still with flesh attached to the skin, mussels pulling apart and snapping away from each other.

The flesh almost starting to decay immediately as it was tearing apart falling to the floor and breaking like glass hitting the floor and shattering while shooting into different directions.

After the body of subject 359 had stopped shedding its skin took between two and three days to fully  grow back.

The colour of the skin changed into a half white rotten black colour on its arms and almost completely white on its chest and face...

Scientist writing the report:

While flinching and turning his head towards a sound he suddenly heard and seeing... the door slowly... open.