
The Raven Society- Book One

My name is Jeon Lee, Age seventeen. Likes... Does it matter, No one likes anything anymore? My dislikes are simple this place I'm living in, This town, This government and their sick minds. This is how it is now breaking into peoples homes, and stealing their money, food, and clothes in there closets. This is the future we have been waiting for. This corrupt government. That war everyone was afraid of, Everyone losing there loved ones. The worse thing that came out of this was The Raven Society.

Ellie_Page_7478 · Fantasy
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Chapter One

This is how it is now breaking into people's homes and stealing their money, food, and clothes in their closets. This is the future they have been waiting for. This corrupt government. The war everyone was afraid of. Everyone losing their loved ones. The worst thing that came out of this was "The Raven Society!" The black hooded people that come to kidnap kids even at the age of 15 years old and up. They use you… they torture you…. Even make girls at the age of 16 get shots repeatedly until they get pregnant and create more "Ravens." For the boys they expect you to fight and use the magic power that you have inside, Power that you didn't know that you had. If you fail, then you are put into a room of pitch black and you're in there for so long you can go insane.

My family didn't last long. Both of my parents died to keep me and my sister safe from the robbers that attacked our home. My sister didn't last long after the robbers attacked, it was only her and I until she got very sick. A huge virus that spread all over her body that got to her heart. I wish I could die like that, dying of sickness instead of dying in a dark pitch-black room not knowing what's in the room with you. I'm just glad she is somewhere safe and not here in this horrible world.

My name is Jeon Lee, age seventeen. Likes… Does it matter? No one likes anything anymore. My dislikes are simple this place I'm living in, this town, this government and their sick minds. I could hear screams as I was lying on the cold hard ground. They sound like a girl being taken. Her parents crying, trying to keep her, but they couldn't. I close my eyes tight and kept quiet as I heard the Ravens come close to my home. My home is abandoned, windows broken, mice and rats running around the floor looking for crumbs of food, and birds making their nests in the roof. It repeats, seems like every night and every clouded day there is always someone screaming, being robbed, or being taken.

"Take her to the truck with the other girls, then take all of them to the lab to have their shots taken by Doctor Evens." One hooded man said to the other and looked at the scared girls face. "Don't worry little one, it won't hurt you one bit." He laughed in a deep sarcastic voice. "You won't feel a thing." The hooded man smirked in the darkness a shadow by his hood showing on his face. He nods for the driver to go.

I wanted to run to her and hold her in my arms saying 'run away from this awful place…' from "them" but where would she go? If we ever tried to run away from this place, we would be dead. Instantly killed. The hooded man looked over at my home. It was pitch black inside, I kept my breathing low and quiet having the feeling of their eyes on my house. I crouched low to the ground moving under the broken window sitting low leaning my head back on the ruined wall. I found a sharp rock that was by me. I heard the man's footsteps crunch on the broken glass and gravel under his boots, Sensing the intense light just above my head.

"Do it." I say to myself "Throw the rock..." Soon the rock was out of my hand and across the broken room. I saw the flashlight move at the speed of light to the noise of where the rock landed. I felt a smirk crawl up at the corner of my lips. I heard the commander's voice yelling. "Is that all of them?" The soldier stood still looking at the rock. He turned off the flashlight and turned to the commander. "Must have been a rat. Yes, that is all of them. Have them send the girls off to the lab!" The man smirked, laughed,and brought up his gloved hand up tilting his head slowly. "I think they listened very well."

Jeon smelled smoke coming from the broken crumbled roof. Jeon eyes widened when he saw the roof on fire, the fire becoming more wide and fierce. "No!" Jeon said in hatred filled eyes with hot burning tears. Jeon ran to the other side of the room grabbing his picture of his family half of the tip ripped off. His father's and mother's faces were ripped off; Only him and his sister remained in the picture. The fire got longer, and Jeon started to cough from the smoke building up. He ran out of his once home watching it burn to the ground.

Jeon folded his broken picture into the back pocket of his black skinny jeans. Jeon put his black hood up and wiped his nose with his Jacket sleeve and started to run down the broken street that was once his neighborhood. Jeon stopped running and panted looked at the small playground and had a small flashback of him and his sister swinging on the swings, talking about how school sucks. What teachers they hated and what teachers they loved. Jeon looked up. In the distance was Lily's favorite hill that had a giant tree with lots of shade under its branches. She would always sit under it to think or do her homework or just to sleep in the cool air. But what lays under the tree now was her grave. Jeon started to run up the hill to the gravestone. Raindrops started to fall more onto the ground. He looked over at the dark city with the only lights being a small street lamps in the neighborhoods and in the main city. "Guess this is it Lily... I don't have a home anymore. Our home was destroyed by them. The people that made you sick!" Jeon kicks the small rocks that were close by and sits on the wet grass bringing his knees up to his chest and putting his forehead on his knees.

Jeon could feel that soft hand of his sisters on his shoulder. Soon Jeon broke into tears and shivered in the cool wind mixed with the mist of rain, wanting his sister here beside him sitting and laughing with him. Jeon heard rustling behind him feeling like someone was watching him. He slowly lifted his head and looked behind him, putting his hand into his jacket feeling for his gun and stood up walking to where he heard the rustling. Pulling the gun up slowly with both hands on the handle and one finger on the trigger, He ran and yelled only to see nothing and only feeling the rain come down harder. Jeon looked around the area kicking the bush nearby, but nothing moved or came out. Jeon looked at the small gun in his right hand. A black pistol his father had given to him at the age of fourteen when the first robbery had happened after the war and their city taken over.

"I'll keep you safe, Lily no matter what happens… even if I get taken by the Ravens… I'll come back and see you." He put the black pistol back in his jacket pocket and kisses the tip of his finger then placed it on the gravestone. "I'll be back Lily, going to see if I can find food." He said under his breath in bitterness and starts to walk down the hill in the pouring rain, feeling Lily's spirit follow him into the broken city.

"We have 20 girls and 23 boys in New York State in Manhattan. Time? 10:37 P.M. Lieutenant Stephan Xi." A soldier said bowing handing him the reports and lists of names of the girls and boys on the tablet. Stephan slowly rose from his seat taking the tablet the illuminating lights glow on his white skin. His dark golden amber eyes staring at the screen of names. "There should be one more boy on the list, that making it 24 males." Stephan said putting the tablet down on the small desk his voice in a low whisper. Stephan put his gun in the gun holder on his belt. He puts his luntenant jacket on looking back at the soldier who looks very frighten at Stephan eyes the way it was one moment it was a normal brown color the next it was golden. "The male named Jeon Lee. He is in downtown Manhattan by the west subway entrance. Get men ready. He his a powerful one." Stephan eyes start to glow even more hearing a dark voice inside his head laughing. "Go get HIM!!" Stephan closes his amber eyes, groaning and grips the small desk that was behind him.

The soldier bows with a slow shake. "Yes Sir." The soldier looks at Stephan one last time and walks out of the tent. Soon Stephan following him behind.

The rain clouds got darker and got more downpour from them each step seems more rain came down. Each step closer to danger. Each step closer to food, Food he could find or savage. Each step closer to the dangerous city. Jeon looks around slowly at families outside their broken homes or sitting shivering in the rain. Little children crying over their dead parents' bodies from a recent robbery. Jeon bites the inside of his cheek and closes his eyes at the memory of his parents dying in front of his eyes and his sister as well, hiding her head into his chest crying her eyes out. Jeon opens his eyes to two kids looking around in the garbage can. "Find anything?" he says to them across the street. The older male that looks like a brother put his sister and brother behind him being protective. Jeon smiles abit and remembers he had a black hood up. Jeon comes closer the kids and looks inside the garbage can removing his hood. "I'm not them, Promise." He said with a kind voice. "It's a disguise so I won't get caught." The brother looks like the age of Fourteen. He has one more year before he is taken. The other two siblings look like the age of six and five. The older brother spoked up. "Does it work?" he said in a high English voice. Jeon smiles abit at them. "Sometimes but you got to know where the best hiding spots are and get a lower voice, so you sound like them. Seems like your voice is abit high. I would wait a while before starting to dress like them." Jeon messes his hair up abit. "Take care of them because they are the only family you have left. Here…" Jeon pulls out a few cents for each sibling. "I noticed a candy machine a few blocks away." The older brother laughs and has his hand out for the two quarters. "Be careful they are still out there." Jeon warned them and watched them ran down the candy machine down the street.

Jeon puts his hood up glad he could see some smiling faces around here. He starts to walk away when he heard the little girl scream. Jeon turns fast to the scream to look down the street to see two hooded men with small knifes and a gun. One hooded man holds the girl. The other hooded man had a gun to the older brother's head. "Give us the money you little punk or you will get it and these little ones will dye in front of your eyes." The older brother yells. "No, leave them alone!!" Jeon felt something different about him he felt heat burning up inside up and felt himself glitching and grabs a knife nearby on the ground and felt he was at one place then another. He was behind the hooded man with the gun the to the brother's head covering the mans mouth having this strength that he didn't have before and twist his head making the man go limp landing to the ground. The brother gasps for air and runs over to his little brother and looks at his sister. "May!" May was crying at how hard the man was gripping her little arm. Jeon looks over at the man. "Let her go. There is no need to kill her." Jeon put one finger to his lips to quite the two brothers and grips the handle on the knife. Jeon eyes seem to glow a red color the color of fire. The man eyes widen in shock to see this boy in front of him, eyes glowing. "N-" Jeon grabbed May at the speed of light and stabs the hooded man in the chest.

May ran over to her brother. Jeon pants and looks up to see soldiers coming up and surrounding the area. Jeon looks back at the children and mouth the words "Run." Jeon felt dizzy and had a hard time keeping his balance. Jeon landed on his knees a flashlight blinding his eyes. "We have him sir. It matches the picture on the tablet." All guns were pointed to Jeon. Stephan comes out of the car and touches a soldier shoulder for him to get though. "Don't Shoot. Raven wants him alive like the others." Stephan comes closer to Jeon, looking down at him. "He is the one Raven wants." Jeon pants more and tries to grab the gun out of his jacket pocket to shoot anyone. There was a sharp pain that went through his neck, everything went black falling into a deep sleep.

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