


How The Raven Came To Be Known-01

Once we reached the clearing, the view in front of me awed me at the same time, something in me told me that there was something so wrong with it. I could see a lot of people out in the field, man, women and Children alike. But they were all on their knees probably forced by the mans or the man like wolves that stood behind them either surrounding them in a protective barrier or imprisoning them. But I think it was the latter.

As their eyes looked our way, some men on their knees started growling and tried getting up. But the men behind them forced them back down on their knees, either pushing their shoulders back down or kicking them when they tried to fight back. That confirmed that I was in fact correct. These people were forced out here. But I still didn’t know why.

When we got closer to them. The man from before changed back to his human form and got dressed followed by the rest except for the wolf holding me. The man went back to picking Aya up by her hair. But this time, Aya didn’t let a single sound escape her tightly sealed lips. But pain was very visible on her face. He held his arm out, the one that was holding Aya so, she was facing everyone, and he got all the attention he needed regardless.

/"Everyone. See here. This./" He said pointing his free hand at Aya. /"I have your little Alpha in my hands now./"

/"I will free her of this life now so we can all live in peace. Together. Happily./" He said it out loud. A declaration for the rest. An evil smirk very clear on his face unveiling whatever promises his words held.

Everyone gasped and let out cries or growls expressing both their fear and anger. Still having no clue what was going on and with the amount of blood lost, I was dazed. With the little words that I learnt from Aya and the feelings I was getting, I knew that nothing good was about to happen.

/"And now you shall all witness the end of your old pack./" The man announced. /"From today onward, there will be no more Deep Red pack. I shall wipe the last Alpha blood of this pack and be your new Alpha./"

/"I ask you all present here to witness the end of the old era and the beginning of a new one./" He raised his free hand in the air for all to see. Slowly his fingernails elongated into long sharp claws. The people kneeling was now fighting with the men holding them to get to Aya. I could hear the baby’s discomfort, the women’s fear and the man’s rage. I don’t know how. I don’t know why.

Then I could see Aya’s face from the side where I was once again pinned to the ground. She was biting her lips to stop her cries that was begging to slip out of her mouth. The Aya I knew was not this. She would cry on the smallest pain. But now I could clearly see her eyes, they were that of a leader and right now they were pleading them to stop. She had no fear in them, she wanted to be brave for the people. Her people. Her prayers were for them. Their lives.

It all happened too quickly. The people started screaming no’s and struggled to be free. The man holding Aya was laughing hysterically. He stopped laughing, his lips slowly curling up into an evil grin as he bought his lethal claws down on Aya. Just as he was about to slash Aya’s chest, the time stopped for me.

I wanted this to stop. No, I wanted to stop this! I felt a force. An energy so strong within me. Just waiting for me to unleash it. I started shaking violently. Now all I could see was white. My need to save Aya was making me crave for more power. And I searched for that power within me. I saw bright white light at the end of it. I felt it. I knew it. It was mine.

Whatever this was, it belonged to me. So, I ran towards it. But I felt it coming to me at the same time. More like something running towards me. And as I got closer, I saw it. I saw her. A persona of pureness, matted with white fur, blending into the light. I knew her. She was my strength. She was my power. She had just been sleeping inside me just waiting to be awakened. As she got to me, she submerged in me. We became one. And I felt her in me. Agnes.

My eyes got clearer and I literally felt them glow. The scene before me unfolded. His hand was now almost on her, a mere centimetre away from her chest. It then started drawing a thin line of blood down her body. I was beyond furious. Everything around me was mute for I could not hear the cries of the people or the roaring laughter of the man. All I could hear was the silent prayer on Aya’s eyes.

Then I felt it. I felt myself shifting as a loud animalistic growl left my lips. Everyone and everything stopped. Even the wind stopped blowing for a second. For all their attention was now shifted towards the roaring sound that was coming off me. At this point the wolf above me was having a hard time containing me to the ground. A few bones cracked on my back as if it was forcing to pop out. Then I felt my legs, arms and spine elongate. But I felt no pain. All I felt was Agnes and her fury begging to be let free so she could rip those man’s apart.