
The Rat Cook

Arya Pov

The feast is in full swing a whole room full of my enemies a shame I can't kill them all here. All these Frey and Lannister men all friendly with each other it makes my stomach turn when I remember why that is. Yet I am here serving them there food and there wine I am nothing if not patient they will all get what they deserve especially that loathsome lecher Walder Frey. I see him sitting and speaking to the Kingslayer looking all smug and satisfied I can't wait to slit his throat yet I am patient his time will come. I can hear his vile smug words "Well this seemed to come together rather well Riverun is back under control and Edmure is back in his cell can't go killing my son by law wouldn't be right give the family a bad name" As if your family name could get any worse you cretin I am done listening to him I see Black Walder and Lothar Frey Pawing at some servant girl I quickly take her place when she goes to get more wine. I pour both of them full cups as I lean against them it repulses me yet for my family I would do much worse. I seduce them with honeyed words making them think they can both have me they are going to have apart of me my blade they are going to get more then they have bargained for I think as we leave the hall for privacy.

Jamie Pov

"Here we sit two Kingslayers we know what it's lick to have them snicker behind our backs and grovel to our faces we don't mind though do we fear is a marvelous thing" Is this wretch really comparing himself to me this coward who has never seen a battlefield "They don't fear the Frey's though do they" As I say this I can see his eyes snap to me "They fear the Lannisters we gave you the Riverlands to hold the Riverlands if we have to march North for you every time you lose them why do we need you" I say as I leave god I hope I never have to see this old man again.

Arya Pov

As the feast winds down and I see Lord Frey sitting there eating the delicious pie I so kindly provided him I am very satisfied. So much so I barely register his disgusting words. "You're not one of mine are you" "No my lord" I see his disgusting smile "I didn't think so to pretty" I feel a slap on my arse I hear his self satisfied laughter "Were are my moron sons Black Walder and Lothar promised to be here by midday" His angered voice is quite nice to hear "There already here my Lord" "What are they doing trimming there cunt hairs tell them to come here now" I hear the command in his voice which makes it all the sweeter when I repeat "There already here my lord" as I signal to the pie he's been eating. He peels the outer layer of the pie back as he sees what it's made of my face goes expressionless "They weren't easy to carve especially Black Walder" He looks up at me face full of confusion and dread I wonder if that's the face my mother made. I pull back the face I'm wearing I hear him gasp in surprise. "My name is Arya stark I want you to know that" He gasps in fear the look of dread in his eyes is beyond satisfying "The last thing your ever going to see is a stark smiling down at you as you die" He tries to flee even thought it's pointless I grab his head pull him back as I slit his throat just how I heard his son slit my mother's. I hear him struggling to breathe as the ecstasy hits me I feel closer to my mother as I avenge her death and Robb's but it's not over I'm not done yet.