
The Ramshackle Pack

As war had finally come to an end after an hundred years, a new danger is lurking beneath the surface of this hard earned peace. To protect the frail balance created through many sacrifices Boja and his companions are tasked with uncovering the truth behind the mysterious happening in a city just beyond the border. He just wanted to live a quite life in the countryside but destiny seem to have different plans for him, being called to help his country he’s left with no choice but accept. His dream had just come to an end, but he won’t give up so easily. A new legend is beginning.

AverageGuy01 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Welcome to Cariam (IV)

Selflessly looking at the people on the streets below, a young woman sat on top of a rooftop as her crimson hair waved in the wind.

The happy voices of children echoed through the roads, as the look on their parents faces expressed tiredness and determination.

Seeing this, it was clear that even if Cariam fell its people were alive and determined to take it back. No one had given up.

Standing on the walkway, a young boy wearing a blue coat , a bit too big for his size, shouted while looking up.

"Ehy Gurdis, come down, it's time to go look for supply. "

Letting out a long sigh, she replied in a stern voice.

"I'm coming"

Being the second in command of this 'legion of survivors' and one of the strongest still alive she had no choice but to comply.

A faint look of melancholy appeared on her face as she turned around looking at the people down the road before silently going.

As they searched through the run down buildings of the city, Gurdis couldn't help but remember the happy moments she used to have with her loved ones right between this palaces.

Having lived an hard life, coming to Cariam she finally thought of having found a place to belong, but life never goes as planned. Abruptly an unknown cataclysm struck the city, strange creatures attacked it and many died trying to protect their family and friends.

Sadly she was not so lucky, even if she survived the ones she loved didn't make it.

Finding herself alone once again, she decided to live for the sole purpose of rebuilding the place that accepted her and protect the people who remained.

After sneakily ravaging the street for a few ours the two managed to rack up quite a bit of provision, which mainly consisted in food and water supply, occasionally they would some interesting object that could turn out to be useful but this time they had no luck.

Having done what they came for the twosome decided on heading back to the hideout.


Suddenly, a deaf sound of steps reverberated through the air, imposing and menacing the sound steadily became faster.

It was near and they knew it. From the noise Gurdis quickly understood what was going on, a sentinel was chasing its next prey.

"Those rotting giants might be slow, but we have no chances against one of them. We need do escape, quick!!!"

As the young boy shouted his face distorted in a terrified expression.

It was understandable, those beings could chase their prey till the end of the world without tiring out, and their constitution made then extremely difficult to kill without the necessary planning.

She agreed, but if it was moving it meant that it laid eyes on a prey, and leaving an innocent citizen to die was against everything she beloved in.

"Milo, you go back. If it's chasing someone then they might need help and a safe place. I won't let anyone in the city die to those bastards never again. "

Clicking his tongue Milo dropped the sack with all the hard earned supply on the ground. Having known Gurdis for a while now, he expected this reaction. This side of her was what made many, him included, respect her.

"You might need an end or two, but we need a plan if we don't want to become its next dinner…"


"…sigh, don't worry I already thought of something. "


When the rotting giant's eyes locked on us, I felt as if death itself had come collecting our souls.

The foul stench coming from his body was already enough to make one rebuke, but seeing it moving a chill run down my spine.

While it slowly made its way toward us, I quickly grabbed Francis with one arm and started running towards the gate.

-Badum, Badum, Badum

I could feel my heart beating faster than ever before, as blood raced through my veins it strengthened my muscle.

Tensing my calves I squeezed each and every drop of strength I could muster in hope of escaping.

After a while breathing became harder and my legs burned as my vision bea came hazy. But still I couldn't stop if I wanted to live.

Gnashing my teeth and enduring the sharp pain in the muscles I run with all my might.

Soon I could no longer hear the sound of my heart racing as the deafening noise coming from the monster getting closer was louder.

We still had a bit of an advantage but it wasn't enough to shake him off ours back, It quickly reduced the gap with each step. Suddenly, the hairs on the back of my head went up as if warning of the danger right behind.

Taking a quick glance at the situation, I saw the monster's hand approaching as it tried to grab my partner.

Moving him out of the way I rolled to the side.

Standing back up again we found ourselves back to the wall, we had no more room to escape.

We were trapped like beasts ready to be butchered.

I worked hard every day to achieve my dream and now that the fated day was nearing I was bound to die an helpless death in a neighbouring country without anyone knowing. I couldn't stand it.

"Fuck it, if this is the end then I'll bring you down with me".

Screaming I took my trusted maul out of the bag, with its large stone-like head and thick metal handle, the weapon perfectly suited my hand. Though simple looking and crude it always helped me in time of need, and I had no doubt it would save my life one e again. Well, at least that was my hope.

Reading myself for the fight, Francis which now stood behind me, started praying to the spirits for help as a flock of faint lights started gathering around him.

Leaning my body forward I launched at the giant without fear.


Before I could take even a step a large explosion engulfed the monster's head.

As flames ravaged its horrifying face a young voice echoed through the empty streets urging us to move.