
The rais of forgotten legends

In the vast realms of fantasy, there lie tales shrouded in mystery, stories that have slipped through the cracks of time. my Dear reader's and fantasy enthusiasts, prepare to embark on an enchanting journey as we dust off ancient tomes and rediscover the forgotten legends that have captured the imagination of readers since time immemorial. Hold tight, for these hidden treasures are about to unfurl before your very eyes!

Anoani · Fantasy
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5 Chs


The tale unfolds

In a bustling coffee shop, a breaking news report blares from the television – a massive accident on the Great Bridge earlier this morning.

Far away on a rooftop with a clear view of the scene, a reporter delivers live updates.

"Mr. Rxxy, as you can see, there's been a serious accident on the Great Bridge. A bus is dangerously teetering on the edge with passengers still trapped inside. Good Samaritans and police are trying to help, but--"

Before he can finish, the bus slips and plummets down. Among those falling is our protagonist – Ash Cayo.

Ash Cayo's perspective:

I'm Ash Cayo, but people call me Joy because that's what my name translates to. Despite hailing from a respectable family that's well-off, tragedy struck when I was 10; my mother – my biggest supporter – perished in a plane crash. As a compassionate woman skilled in many areas, she left big shoes to fill.

Things took another downward turn when my father remarried Keres Daeva – an unbearable woman I couldn't tolerate. Our relationship soured to the point where I left home during high school and sought solace in my mother's inheritance.

Currently working as a junior employee at a software company post-graduation, I find myself with few acquaintances and incapable of experiencing joy – questioning why mom nicknamed me so. My days are filled with loneliness, yearning for love and comfort from days gone by. Each night, while examining an old family photo, I ponder these thoughts before drifting off to sleep.

My social circle is quite limited, and the few individuals I can hardly consider friends are merely old schoolmates or coworkers. Truthfully, we've never formed close bonds. It makes me question why my mom nicknamed me Joy – I can hardly recall what happiness feels like these days. Loneliness consumes me, often bringing tears to my eyes without explanation. Perhaps it's the solitude, or maybe the longing for someone's presence. I find myself missing so many people, especially my mother and the love of my father.

(Every night, Joy reflects on these thoughts while gazing at an old family photograph before drifting off to sleep.)


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