
The Rare Unspoken Bond


Athena stood their in her towel with genuine worry in her eyes. I didn't know how to tell her what was going on so all I knew to tell her was Thorn came by early this morning again.

I had wanted to finish boarder patrols with my pack to ensure the safety of my future Luna. I loved my Luna and would protect her always.

All I remember was kissing her in a fire passionate kiss and on her neck and collar bone. Next thing I knew my Beta was telling me Thorn was back. I was not happy.

Poor Athena was so distraught when she thought she had been a bad mate or done something wrong. Now I felt like a peace of crap for making my mate feel bad.

Athena honey your not a bad mate. You've done nothing wrong. I am so sorry if you have every felt this way because of the way I have acted or something I have said. You have only been here a couple of nights I never want you to feel like this. Something is up so I am going to look in on it. I want you to stay here and be safe. My beta will be outside the door if you need me. I know this is rough. I love you and go look in the closet, because I had a little surprise done for you.

She walked away smiling after I kissed the top of her head. Athena walked away to the closet so I left to deal with Thorn. The biggest pain in my A**. I couldn't believe he had enough nerve to come back for a second time today. This guy is thick.

Storming to the Front of the main house with an angry expression on his face, "Where the H*** is MY FIANCE AND HER DAD!" Shouted Thorn.

They are under my protection. You are not welcome on this property! "ATHENA WILL NEVER BE YOUR MATE! SHE IS MY MATE!" Shouted shane at this point.

My eyes were now a dark Gray color rather than my beautiful brown with flakes of honey color in my eyes. I knew this because at this point I let My wolf Shane take over. I couldn't stand him. Next thing I knew Thorn had shifted midair as he lunged forward biting in to my arm. I quickly changed into my wolf Shane and before I had time to catch him he had already raked his teeth against my front leg making the blood trickle down my leg and sticking to my fur.

I lunged forward while he was still biting my leg, and bit him in the middle of his back

making him quickly let go. I tossed him a good several feet away from me and told him to get off my property or he would die. He ran off whimpering and I began licking my leg to help out heal.

Just as I was shifting back to human form my Beta informed me Athena started bleeding on her left arm for no reason. I ran as fast as I could. I ran to our room and saw where she had been, I knelt down to see the blood stain left in the carpet just at my bed room door.

I walked in and felt my heart tug. This was all my fault I should of known by our bond that it was different or stronger I should say. Poor thing was out. I called for the doctor to come look at us both. After wrapping both our wounds and having me sign papers she left.

I lay their watching her that night, holding her close. Her wound was slowly healing but it needed time. I dozed off watching after her with my arms wrapped around her waist. First thing in the morning the bright sun shined in my face, and when I looked down to see her their she looked pale and limp. I immediately called my bata Joe and told him to get the doctor.

Before I knew it their was a knock on my door. When I opened it their stood Dr. Prin. She came in evaluating Athena, next thing I knew She was being taken away, with bags of fluids, pints of blood. I knew it wasn't good. After grabbing my shirt and shoes I ran down the hallway hopping as I chased after them while putting my shoes on.

They got her into the back room just as I slipped on my shirt they came back out to me. I started to feel weak and that's when they saw my arm.

" When did you get that mark?" asked Dr. Prin. I got it yesterday in a fight why? She just looked at me and when she realized why both of our wounds were bad and not healing she took me into the back room.

Come to find out I had silver in my wounds, but that didn't explain hers. As soon as they cleaned the silver out of my wounds her wounds started to heal to. The doctors were amazed at how quickly she began to heal. She was still pail, had a loss of blood and needed attention. Once they finally got her hooked up and moved to the icu unit.

She started to do a lot better. I opened up the blinds and let the sun shine through and it not only helped heal her more, but gave her an intense amount of strength. She still didn't move though. Her body lifeless and cold still nothing. Little by little her body started healing and she slowly started to wake up.

It was finally 8 pm when I came in the room after having a brief shower, when she started to move around more. Quickly getting dressed I went to find a nurse. When we came back she was opening her eyes and began looking around. I rushed by her side holding her close. She hugged me tight not knowing what was going on. As if she weighed nothing I picked her up and sat her on my lap. She was so scared of what happened, she had no clue.

I could feel her whole body tremble as she sat in my lap with her head in my neck trying to calm down and catch her breath.After a few minutes she finally settled down and the nurse was able to get all her vitals. Finally everything was showing normally and she no longer needed blood given to her. It was still going to be a long process for healing but she would heal quicker once her wolf awoke again.

No one could figure out how she still got wounded when I got injured. Doctors were able to save her this time but next time they had no idea. That night Adam fell asleep holding her close and she fell asleep finding peace in his arms. When morning came I woke up and Athena was gone.

I jumped off the bed not even thinking she was most likely in the shower. He heard her singing and was so happy to hear her singing. Even though in reality it had only been a couple of days, to him It felt like a century since he heard her voice.