
The Raikage (Hiato)

the Fan Fiction is not mine, I just brought it to the fanfiction.net website. After succeeding in retrieving Sasuke, Naruto was banished from Konoha due to the Council's fear of the Akatsuki coming after him and destroying Konoha. 10 years later after being banished Naruto becomes the new Raikage of Kumo and leads it to greatness.

JapaOuO · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 9 Arrival Part One


Summon Speech/Snarling,

I do not own Naruto what so ever or any of the characters or any of the OC that I used from other shows or games

Last time on Raikage

This is a letter from Konoha our decoders have already decoded it".

The Raikage took the letter and began to read it, after a few minutes he finished reading the letter and smiled.

"Is it what you expected?" asked Nano

"Yes it is", replied The Raikage, "Nano, send a reply to Konoha telling them that I will come to Konoha in six days' time and contact Mitsuhide-sensei, Saiyuri-sensei, Zhuge Liang-sensei tell them I will need them to accompany me there along with Killer Bee and Yugito, since Fū is in Takigakure with Shibuki and Okatsu is on a Intel gathering mission for me. Also inform Anisu I will be leaving him in Charge once I leave".

At this Nano smirked a little, "You know he won't like that".

At that this The Raikage smirked back "Yea I know, but I make it up to him later".

At this Nano smiled a little before she became serious, "Are you sure you want to go there, what if…" said Nano but was stopped when The Raikage raised his hand.

"I will be fine , Konoha isn't that stupid to try something against me, their desperate and they can't afford having us as there enemy, so they won't try anything", replied The Raikage.

"But what abou-" said Nano but was stopped again by The Raikage.

"I will be fine I promise", he said with a smile, where Nano nodded her head and then left the office to do what The Raikage had asked her to do.

Once she left The Raikage turned around to look out the window to see the sun setting, as he always enjoyed watching the sunset and seeing all the different colours you would see when it did. As he looked out he could not help but smile

"All according to plan" he thought.

- Six Days Later at Konoha main Gate -

At the Main Gate of Konoha stood Tsunade, Jiraiya, Shizune, the ANBU Commander, The Shinobi Elders Danzo, Homura and Koharu along with the majority of the Konoha eleven and a three dozen of Konoha's ANBU, Chunin's and Jonin's.

They were there awaiting the arrival of The Raikage and his entourage, they had received The Raikage reply about four days ago and were quite surprised that The Raikage agreed to come to Konoha himself. They had expected that he would either send an ambassador to Konoha or to met Tsunade in a neutral location like Tetsu no Kuni (Iron Country).

"It seems that The Raikage is late", spoke Homaru, as there had yet to be and sign of him coming or word from their scouts that he was near.

"Are you certain of the time he sent", he asked Tsunade.

"Yes I' am, he might be delayed for some reason", replied Tsunade.

"Or he was attacked by Assassins", said Koharu, since it would not be out of the question for someone to try and assassinate the Kage of another village.

"Do you think that Orochimaru and his allies found out about the talks with The Raikage and sent assassins to take out The Raikage and his entourage so to stop that talks", suggested the ANBU Commander.

"No I don't think so, Orochimaru would wait at least until the talks were over to see if New Kumo and the Heavenly Alliance would join us or not, since if he sent assassins to try and kill The Raikage before the talks even started. Then New Kumo and the Heavenly Alliance would declare War on him and and the Heavenly Alliance would ally with us, which something I sure he wants to avoid", said Tsunade.

After a few more minutes of waiting Kiba suddenly spoke up, "Hey Guys do any of you hear some kind of large humming sound".

After hearing Kiba everyone started to listen to try and hear the sound for themselves, for a few minutes none of them heard anything but soon enough they started to hear it as well as it grew louder and louder.

After which Konohamaru suddenly pointed up to the Sky looking up and shouted out, "Hey guys look up there!"

When they did the saw a Kumo Airship, as it came closer they were able to get a better look of the airship, it differed from the one that they saw on Jiraiya's recording. For one thing it had a large golden Falcon's head in front of it instead of a bronze Dragon's head like the other airship. Not only that but once it was over the village the true scope of its size came into view, where it was easily twice the size and length of the other Kumo airship. (1)

When the greeting party saw the airship they could not help but be all in awe of it in its design and size, as this was their first time any of them seeing a Kumo airship with their own two eyes.

"It huge!" said Kiba in awe, who's comment, was shared by everyone around, they also saw that the airship was accompanied by twenty Sky Hawk Ninja's, who flew around the airship.

As the airship flew over Konoha, everyone in the village looked up in awe at the sight of the airship as this was the first time anything like this had ever been seen in Konoha. The airship then started to head to the Hokage monument.

"Where is it going?" asked Ino.

"It must be going to land on the Hokage Momument as it's the only place it can really land", said Jiraiya.

Quickly the Greeting party ran towards the Hokage monument, after a few minutes of racing at top speed they were able to make it to the top of the Hokage monument just before the airship landed.

As the massive airship came nearer to the ground the Sky Hawk Ninja's flew down to the ground, where they flicked a small switch on their harnesses to have the wings fold up on their backs. As the airship neared the ground the crew of the airship dropped down harness ropes to the Sky Hawk Ninja's on the ground from the catwalk. Once they Sky Hawk Ninja's had got the ropes the helped to lower the ship down and nail the ropes to the ground so that it would land on the spot it needed to and stay there.

After the airship had landed on the ground a ramp started to lower down from the right hand side of the ship, which was right in front of the greeting party. After the ramped reach the ground the Sky Hawk Ninja fell into line at the end of the ramp as a guard of honour with ten on one side and another ten on the other side.

Once the Sky Hawk Ninja were in line, two large doors opened up on the side of the ship to reveal eight STORM-nins who positioned themselves along either side of the ramp as a guard of honour. Much like what the Sky Hawk Ninja's did with four STORM-nins on one side and another four on the other. After the STORM-nins fell into position The Raikage himself appeared dressed in his official Kage uniform, with his Yellow Kage hat and Yellow and White robes as well as his mask that covered the lower portion of his face. Along with him were two of his bodyguards Nii Yugito and Killer Bee as well as three other new faces, who when some of the Konoha members saw them were shock beyond words.

"Akechi Mitsuhide!" said Shino in a surprised monotone voice (or as surprised as a monotone voice can sound), where he rose one of his eyebrows.

"And Miyoshi Saiyuri!" said Kiba with surprise, as he was just as surprised as Shino was.

"Who?" asked Konohamaru as he was not familiar with either of them.

"The Man in White is Akechi Mitsuhide also known as Shirotakai no Kiri (Mist's White Death), formerly of Kirigakure (Hidden Mist). He was the former head of Kiri's Oinin division, which he became when he was only thirteen, he was also a former member of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū (Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist) which he became when he was fifteen. He is also currently the last remaining member of the Akechi Clan as well as the last remaining wielder of the Clan's Bloodline the Takagan (Hawkeye), which allows its wielder to see great distances, keep up with great speeds, see through Genjustu and see through objects. Much like the Byakugan and the Sharingan it also allows the user to hit any object with 99.99% percent accuracy no matter how small or how far the object as well as several other abilities. He is wanted for singlehandedly killing three hundred bloodline hunters, which was nearly the entire Bloodline hunter division, in a single night after which he was given the rank of an S Class missing-nin from Kiri with an engage with caution warning on him", spoke Shino.

"And the Red head is Miyoshi Saiyuri also known as Kiri no Shinkutakai (Crimson Death of Mist), formerly of Kirigakure (Hidden Mist) as well and former teammate of Akechi Mitsuhide, she also a former member of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū like Akechi Mitsuhide. She is also the last surviving member of the Miyoshi Clan and wielder of the Clan's Bloodline the Shitaikiri Kitai (The Mist Body Vapour) which allows her to turn her body into a mist like vapour which allows them to enter almost any enemy stronghold without difficulty and allows her to do a few other things as well. She wanted by Kiri for killing the entire Kiri Council who supported the Yodaime Mizukage slaughter of Bloodline users and had ordered her Clan's massacre and was given the rank of an A rank missing-nin with an engaged with caution warning on her like Akechi Mitsuhide", said Kiba.

"Whoa!" said Konohamaru as he didn't expect to hear that, "So these guys are pretty tough then".

"Extremely", replied Shino.

"But then who the guy in the robes with the fan, he looks like some kind of pansy noble to me", joked Konohamaru although he joking quickly ended when he saw Jiraiya and Tsunade giving him serious looks that told him it wasn't funny. Not to mention he saw the worried looks that Homura and Koharu had and the concern look on Danzo usual neutral face when he looked at the man in robes.

"I would not be making any jokes like that Konohamaru, if I were you, especially with Zhuge Liang", said Tsunade in a serious tone and look on her face.

"Who is he, sensei? I've never heard of him" asked Sakura.

"Few have, since he usually keeps to himself in his mountain retreat, and he rarely involves himself with other Nations or people. Tsunade and I met him once before when he was fifteen and he was already highly skilled and talented boy at the time, where he was travelling from one place to another, learning as much as he could", said Jiraiya.

"How powerful is he?" asked Choji.

"From all the things I heard about him over the years in terms of power Zhuge Liang is as powerful as Sensei was, back when he was in his prime", answered Jiraiya.

"He as a powerful as Oji-san was?" said Konohamaru in shock and disbelief, as he knew that he Grandfather was once one of the strongest Shinobi's in the Elemental Continent. When he was in his prime, if not the strongest and was also the strongest Hokage to have live, second only to the Yondaime Hokage himself.

"Maybe even stronger ", said Jiraiya, shocking the Konoha Eleven, "From what I heard over the years about him, he knows and has master thousands of Jutsu's and his able to combine them effectively to make them more powerful just as Sensei was able to do. He's also a master Genjutsu user, and a master in the art of sealing where he is at my level in it, not to mention a master strategist where many Shinobi villages, rulers of other nations had often tried to have him under their employment so to command their armies. But he refused them all as he had no interest in joining any nation of Shinobi village, and only helped out those he deemed worthy of helping, after which he would then go back to his mountain retreat", said Jiraiya further shocking the group.

"He's that powerful?" said a stunned Sakura to which Jiraiya nodded.

"He is…..and he is also known as the Nemuriryu (the Sleeping Dragon)".

"Why's that?" asked Ino.

"Well you know the old saying, that you should never wake a sleeping dragon, for if you do he will utterly destroy you", said Jiraiya to which the others nodded to knowing the old saying.

"Well the saying can be said for him in away, where if anyone is stupid enough to challenge or anger Zhuge Liang then he with completely and utterly destroy you leaving no trace of you left on the earth", spoke Jiraiya, which caused many of the Konoha Eleven to look on worriedly at Zhuge Liang as he, The Raikage and the others came closer to them.

"Troublesome", said Shikamaru, "So if this guy was just a Ronin Ninja, who wasn't with any Shinobi village or Clan and wasn't interested in joining any of them. Then how did New Kumo get him to join them?"

"That's the million ryo question", said Jiraiya, as he then looked over at Mitsuhide and Saiyuri. "Those two must be Kumo no Shirotaka (White Falcon of Cloud) and Shinkukiri no Kumo (Cloud's Crimson Mist). As they match the description I got about them. Not to mention their aliases are kinds of a giveaway considering their abilities" thought Jiraiya as he was familiar with both their reputations both from being with Kiri and now with New Kumo.

When The Raikage neared the Konoha group, where like with the Konoha Eleven and their Sensei's at the battle of Wave, Tsuande, Jiraiya and the others there could practically feel the aura of dominate authoritative power coming from The Raikage which he was become infamous for which made nearly made everyone submissive to his presence. Both Jiraiya and Tsunade along with the Shinobi Elders had to fight hard to fight the submissive urges they were having from The Raikage and to remain unaffected to it. As he came closer they could also feel the powerful essence about him which Kakashi, Kurenai and the others descried which made everyone around him, including Tsunade, Jiraiya and the Shinobi Elders feel a combination of fear and respect for The Raikage.

"Damn!...so this is The Raikage now I see what Kakashi and the brats where talking about", thought Jiraiya as he fought of the urge to shiver slightly in The Raikage presence as he had never felt anything like it before. It was made even worse when he looked into The Raikage's cold but bright Blue eyes that seemed so familiar to him and reminding him of someone, yet as he looked in them he could feel the intensity and power of The Raikage from them.

"On behave of Konoha and its people and would like to greet you Raikage-san to our humble village, it is an honour to have you here and to finally meet you in person. I would like to thank you for accepting our invitation for talks for a possible Alliance between your village and the Heavenly Alliance with our own. I would also like to thank you myself for saving our Shinobi's during your attack on the Hold and for saving our Shinobi's again at Nami no Kuni, even though I know that that it was simply because they were in a situation that just happened to concern you", spoke Tsunade respectfully.

"You're welcome Hokage-san and I was pleased to receive your invitation as the Heavenly Alliance is always pleased to have new members or allies joining it", spoke The Raikage respectfully

"I'm pleased to hear this", said Tsunade "Although we were surprised that we agreed to visit us here in our home village and the way came here", where Tsunade the looked up at the Raikage airship.

"Ah…yes, well I thought it best that we have these talk soon due to your War and thought it best you stay in you village in case your enemies tried to assassinate you, when your left your village to meet me in a neutral location. Also travelling by airship to here was much faster than walking here and more secure", replied The Raikage.

"Then I thank you for your consideration to our plight", replied Tsunade.

The Raikage nodded, before her turned to his companions, "As many of you may already be familiar with. Allow me to introduce you to my companions, my personal bodyguards Nii Yugito an-"said The Raikage, but before he could finish speaking he was interrupted by Killer Bee.

"I float like a butterfly. And sting like a bee! I Killer Bee and I'm here to say th-oof!" spoke Killer Bee before Yugito bashed him on his head causing a very large lump to appear on his head.

"Shut it you idiot, this isn't time or the place for your stupid bad rhymes", said Yugito angrily.

"Don't hate the player hate the game", replied Killer Bee, but wisely shut up when he saw the glare Yugito gave him. All the while everyone around them had large sweat drops on the back of their heads at the antics of the two, while The Raikage just chuckled as he was use to all this and it always made him laugh.

"Please forgive Bee-san he sometimes gets carried away when he introduces himself to people" said the amused Raikage.

"That quite all right Raikage-san there are certain Shinobi's here that are like that as well", said Tsunade as she thought how Lee and Gai act at times.

The Raikage just nodded before he turned to the others in his group, "Now then, as I was saying, allow me to also introduce you to my Sensei's who some of your Shinobi's would be familiar with. Akechi Mitsuhide and Miyoshi Saiyuri and my other Sensei Zhuge Liang, who I believe you and Jiraiya-san are already acquitted with Hokage-san", spoke The Raikage

This revelation of courses shocked many of the Konaha group; The Raikage was the student of two High ranked Kiri missing-nins and the student of the legendary Nemuriryu.

"Now it makes sense why Zhuge Liang joined New Kumo, his student is The Raikage and he must have somehow convinced Zhuge Liang to join him", thought Jiraiya. Not to mention it answered his questioned who designed the large scale Kyūin (Absorption Seal), since he doubted that the other two could have designed it. As only a master sealer on the level of himself or higher level master would be able to create something like that.

"Greeting Tsunade-san and Jiraiya-san it has been many years, you are both looking well I see", spoke Zhuge Liang in a polite tone of voice.

"Same can be said for you Zhuge Liang, it is good to see you as well, you have grown quite a bit since we last saw you", said Jiraiya with a smile.

"Thank you", said Zhuge Liang.

After which The Raikage greeted most of the Konoha Eleven in the similar manner that he had greeted them at Nami no Kuni. Once he had greeted them Tsunade, introduced the Shinobi Elders, where The Raikage greeted them neutrally, but still with some small respect.

After the Introductions were all done, Tsunade suggested that they go to the Council room and began the possible Alliance talks, which The Raikage agreed to, where he Yugito, Bee, Zhuge Liang, Mitsuhide, Saiyuri and the two STORM teams accompanied the Konoha party to the Council room in the Hokage tower.

As the Groups head off the Sky Hawk Ninja's along with several other Kumo Shinobi's who were also on the Airship took up guarded position around the airships. Also at the same time on the other side of the airship directly behind the ramp and doorway of the airship, Four Kumo BOLT-nin's, wearing their Black and Red ANBU masks passed right through the metal walls of the side of the airship. Where they then quickly disappeared before anyone could see them.

-In the Konoha Council Room-

The trip to the Council room was uneventful for The Raikage and his entourage, that is if you don't count the large numbers of Konoha Shinobi's, from Genin to Jonin and Konoha Civilians from Child to the Adult. Who had been lining up to see the famed Raikage aka Kami no Raiden (God of Thunder and Lightning) and get a look at him and his entourage.

The Raikage and his party for their part ignored the people's stares and just continued on until they reached the Council room door, where the two STORMS teams along with most of the Konoha Eleven and other Konoha Ninja's stayed outside the Council room door. While The Raikage and the others, entered the Council room, where the remainder of the Konoha Council were waiting for them.

When The Raikage entered the Council room he took a seat that was placed for him facing the Tsunade, the Council and Jiraiya who stood behind Tsunade. When The Raikage took his seat Yugito, Bee, Zhuge Liang, Mitsuhide, Saiyuri stood behind their Kage.

"Now that The Raikage and his delegation have arrived we shall began the talks for a possible Alliance betw-", spoke Tsunade before The Raikage spoke up and interrupted her.

"Forgive my interruption Hokage-san, but if I may, I would like to say something before the talks can begin", spoke The Raikage.

Naturally Tsunade had be taken off guard by The Raikage interruption, but quickly regained herself and allowed The Raikage to speak, which The Raikage nodded his thanks to her.

"Honoured Hokage and Members of the Konoha Council as all of you are well aware nearly twenties years ago, my village orchestrated a plot to kidnap Lady Hinata of the Hyūga Clan when she was only three years old. Where they had planned to bring Lady Hinata back to Kumo and use her to found a Hyūga Clan in Kumo, and use the Hyūga Clan's Byakugan to strengthen Kumo and as you all know the plan failed", spoke The Raikage.

When The Raikage said this, Hinata's stomach turned slightly as she did not like remembering that night, since she had come very close to becoming a human breeding machine for Kumo, which made her sick to her stomach at the very thought of it. Quickly forcing the memory away Hinata focused on what The Raikage was saying.

"This resulted in the death of the Head Ninja, who was sent to Konoha and had been the one who attempted to kidnap Lady Hinata. When this happened my predecessor the Yondaime Raikage further shamed himself and our village by demanding the head of Hyūga Hiashi as compensation, or risk breaking the peace treaty and start a War between Kumo and Konoha. This in turn resulted in the death of Hyūga Hiashi younger brother Hyūga Hizashi who nobly gave up his life to keep the peace and save lives by acting as his brother's body double", said The Raikage sadly. Where he then looked over to Hinata, she lowered her head at the loss of her Uncle which was why she and Neji had such a strong dislike and distrust of Kumo.

"And although I have apologised on behalf of my village to Lady Hinata and her cousin Hyūga Neji for the regrettable incident, that my village and my predecessor the Yondaime Raikage caused. For although I greatly respect and admire The Yondaime Raikage, for not only was he a powerful and Great Kage who loved his village and did whatever was necessary to protect Kumo and its people, I do not agree with some of the beliefs he had, nor some of the actions he took during his reign as The Yondaime Raikage. Hence I still feel I must apologise again and try and at lest make amends. Hence I present these tokens to Lady Hinata and her Clan in the hope of making amends for the mistakes of my village and my predecessor", spoke The Raikage. As he then signalled to Yugito, who took out two storage scrolls from her pouch and went over to Hinata and presented them to her at the Council table. "What are in the scrolls?" asked Hinata as she looked at the two scrolls the Yugito held out to her. "The first one has the body of your deceased Uncle HyūgaHizashi, so that your Clan can give him the proper hero's burial that her deserves, while the other is a large sum of money as compensation to your Clan. For the death of your Uncle and although it does not truly make amends for the loss of a member of you Clan it is the best that I can offer", spoke The Raikage. Hinata took the scroll and nodded her thanks to The Raikage and even gave him a small smile of thanks as well. Since she knew how much this would mean to Neji, where he could finally lay his father remains next to his mother's, allowing him to rest in peace and also finally put the event behind him.

Tsunade, Jiraiya and the Council, who had all been watching the event, could not help but be surprised with what The Raikage had done. Since this was the first time ever that a Kage had openly apologise for a deceitful event that their village had arrange, since most Kages would deny their villages involvement or fault and try and put the blame on the other. Much like what the Yondaime Raikage did when Kumo's sinister plan to capture Hinata was revealed. Tsunade and the others then took this as a good sign that New Kumo and the Heavenly Alliance would Ally themselves with Konoha and Suna against Orochimaru and his allies. After The Raikage had presented his peace offering to Hinata, Tsunade began the Alliance talks with The Raikage.

Unfortunately for Tsunade and the Council for the next two hours negotiations with The Raikage did not go as well as they had hoped. As The Raikage turned down any offer that Konoha made in return for the Alliance, as he stated that their offers of trades, goods and other things where not enough to justify getting his village as well as the other Shinobi villages of the Heavenly Alliance, involved in Konoha's and Suna's War against Orochimaru and his allies.

"…I'm sorry Hokage-san but that is simply not good enough as we can already get such things from several other member Nations of the Heavenly Alliance", said The Raikage after hearing Tsunade next offer.

"Then perhaps something else in exchange, such as our village, helping you to improve the curriculum of your Ninja Academy. So to improve the quality of your Shinobi's coming out of it, like we did with Sunagakure (Hidden Sand)", offered Yakumo.

"An intriguing offer Kurama-san, but upon the end of our Civil War my Sensei Zhuge Liang and myself, help set up a new Ninja Academy and curriculum there and we believe it will work well for us", spoke The Raikage as he gestured over to Zhuge Liang when he mentioned him.

"Then perhaps we could help improve your medical programme and Hospital, as Konoha has the finest medics in all of the Elemental Continent, thanks to the Hokage-sama", spoke Aburame Shibi.

"That would be indeed an interesting proposition", spoke The Raikage, "But unfortunately, we already have an excellent one and we have you to thank for that Hokage-san".

"What do you mean by that?" replied a confused Tsunade.

"Ah….well you see, we already have someone to run our medical programme and hospital and her skill easily rivals yours Hokage-san" replied The Raikage.

"Impossible, who else on earth could rival Tsunade-sama skill as a Medic, the only ones who could possible could, are Shizune-san, Sakura-san and maybe even Hinata-sama", spoke Hojo Akira.

"Her name would be Unohana Retsu", spoke The Raikage with a smile behind his mask as he saw the shocked looked on Tsunade face.

"Impossible!...Retsu never had any interest in joining a Shinobi village", said the shocked Hokage.

"Ah…..well you see Hokage-san….You would find that I can be quite the negotiator when I need to be as I made her several offers that she couldn't refuse. Where in return for joining my village I would make her Head of New Kumo Hospitals and of its Medical-nin unit and I would have no control over it and the duties of her staff and she could run it as she saw fit as well as giving her a few other things. I also allowed her to create her own Combat Medical Ninja unit, which as your Shinobi's can verify from the Battle of Wave they are highly skilled thanks to her training programme. She even adopted your idea of having Medical Ninja's to be assigned to every Ninja squad, which has proven equally effective" spoke The Raikage.

"Hokage-sama who is this Retsu-san", asked Inoichi.

"Retsu was a young girl who I met, who was a highly gifted healer; I met her on my travels with Shizune, when she found out who I was, she pleaded with me to train her, where she followed me for days on end after I refused her until I agreed to which I eventually did. For about three years I trained her in Medical Ninjutsu and only Medical Ninjutsu as she was only interested in healing. After I had trained her in all I could she then left to learn more in Healing Ninjutsu and to help people", spoke Tsunade.

This of course did not settle well with the Council, as New Kumo now had a Healer that rivalled Tsunade.

"Raikage-san, if I may, surely you can see that regardless of what we can offer you in return for joining us in an Alliance, it would benefit your village and the Heavenly Alliance as well. As the Heavenly Alliance that you formed with the other Shinobi nations and non Shinobi nations is a great power. A power that Orochimaru and his coalition would feel threatened, given your advance military technology and weaponry, as well as the number of skilled Shinobi's you have under your command along with your own powers and abilities as well as other things. They would also be especially threatened given the fact that you attacked Kiri forces twice, the first being the attack on the hold and the second being Kiri's invasion of Nami no Kuni", spoke Tsunade. As she hoped that she could reason to The Raikage, and make him see it would be in his villages and the Heavenly Alliance's, best interest to join forces with Konoha and Suna in their War against that Orochimaru and his coalition.

"I do not think that they will attack Hokage-san, as Kumo and Iwa have not waged War with one another since the First Great Shinobi World War and have not fought one another since then, since we never had to. Also as for Kusa and Oto we have never fought them or had any hostilities with them and the Hannya Clan hates your village not mine. As for Kiri they are not a threat to my village or the Heavenly Alliance as the Godaime Mizukage knows his village stands no chance by itself", replied The Raikage.

"But that could very well change quickly as considering your recent event in Nami no Kuni, the Godaime Mizukage could use it as an excuse to get Orochimaru and the other members of his coalition to declare War on you and the Heavenly Alliance", replied Shikaku.

"True….But Doubtful, as the only real thing that is holding this coalition that Orochimaru has created, is the that Iwa and Hannya Clan hate your village and Kiri and Kusa are just eager to increase their own power and influence by destroying your village. Hence two possible events will happen, one is that you, Suna along with the Tsuchigumo Clan will win your War against Orochimaru and his allies, thereby eliminating the suppose threat to my village and the Heavenly Alliance. While the other is that Orochimaru and his allies destroy you and defeat your allies, after which I believe they will then break their alliance with one another. Where they will no doubt start fighting amongst themselves over who takes your place as the top Shinobi village. But even if they keep their alliance together and prepare to attack the Heavenly Alliance it will be many years before they will be able to even try. Since their military strength, will no doubt be severely weakened from destroying your village and defeating your allies, and if they do attack. I and my fellow Shinobi leaders of the Heavenly Alliance along with certain allies will be more than prepared for such an attack by them if it should come", replied The Raikage confidently.

"But Raikage-denka, would it not make more sense to take them down now when you have us to help you and your Alliance and overwhelm them, with our combined strength before they threaten your village and your Alliance. It would benefit your village if you did that", suggested Koharu.

"Don't not make it sound like your trying to do my village or the Heavenly Alliance a favour by trying to have this Alliance, Koharu-san", spoke The Raikage in a annoyed tone as he narrowed his eyes.

"I'm well aware that your village along with Suna are on the verge of losing this War as you are severely outnumbered and are low on funds, supplies and nearly everything else and your Shinobi's morally is low. As they're well aware that chances of Konoha winning this War are low despite the minor victories you have had in the skirmishes with that Orochimaru and his allied forces. You need my village and the Heavenly Alliance far more than we need you, as I can see the desperation on many of your faces", spoke The Raikage which made the Council and Tsunade very worried as to how he knew all this especially the condition of their forces.

"But Raikage-denka surely you can see the benefits of forming an Alliance with us not only to counter Orochimaru and his allies forces, but as a force to stand up to all the Shinobi nations in the world together, even if just your village alone that allies with us. Together our two villages along with Suna would be so powerful that no force in the Elemental Continent would be able to stand up to us. As your village is the most advance of the five great Shinobi Nations in technology and weaponry and it has three jinchūriki's, and Suna's Kazekage is also a jinchūriki and Konoha is the strongest of the Five Great Shinobi Nations", spoke Ashikaga Shin.

"Hmph!...If you ask me Konoha is no longer the strongest, as the desperation you are showing right now to have us ally with you, clearly shows that you are weak and need us to save your skins. Your feeble attempts to get us on your side are almost laughable if they weren't so pathetic and obvious. As is your continued arrogances and deluded belief that you are the strongest Shinobi village", spoke Yugito, as she scoffed at the desperation of some of the Council members, not to mention their idiocy.

"How dare you speak to us like that you demon whore, abominations like you should know their place and show their betters the respect they deserve an-"cried Ashikaga Shin in outrage, but before he could finish a sudden massive burst of Killing Intent erupted in the room.

The Killing Intent was so powerful that it was felt by everyone in the village and made everyone feel as if the had been stabbed by an invisible blade and felt an uncontrollable sense of fear and dread unlikely anything any of them ever felt before. It was even worse for those in the Hokage tower and in the Council room as it felt as if gravity had just increased tenfold, as they fell to the ground unable to move out of pure fear and struggled to even breath from pure terror, as they watch their own gruesome bloody deaths. Tsunade, Jiraiya and Council were the worst off out of everyone to be affected from the Killing Intent, as they were in the room with The Raikage, who was the source of the Killing Intent.

Jiraiya was on his knees struggling to breathe while Tsunade was barely able to keep in her seat and from falling onto the ground and had to hold onto the Council table to keep herself up right. The ANBU Commander and some of Clan heads were also in a similar state as Tsunade, where they had to hold onto the Council table to keep themselves sitting upright. While some like Choza, Yakumo, Shikaku, Hana and Inoichi, were unable to and fell onto the ground panting heavily as they struggled to breathe and tried to ignore the visions of their gruesome demise.

Shibi's kikaichū were so terrified that they would not even move and Three Haimaru Brothers lay on the ground whimper like crazy with their paws over their eyes from fear, hoping that the Killing Intent would fade.

"His Killing Intent its in-human!" thought Tsuande panic like, as she struggled to breathe and tired to stand up, but could not as her body was parallelised from sheer terror of the Killing Intent. "What kind of monster is he?" she thought with fear, as she never felt Killing Intent of this magnitude in her life before, and her fear of The Raikage only magnified further, when she saw The Raikage eyes glow bright Blue and literally saw lightning sparking out of them.

"His killing Intent….Its even stronger than it was before…at Nami no kuni" thought Sasuke with disbelief and some fear as he struggled to keep sitting up and breathing, as the Killing Intent he was feeling now was a hundred times worse than it was at Nami no Kuni.

Although as bad as it was for those in the room the Shinobi Elders and the Civilian members of the Council were taking it much worse due to the Elder ages made it harder for them to resist the Killing Intent, while the Civilians were inexperience to even try and resist such things. They all felt as if their hearts were going to pop out of their chests from beating so fast from the shear terror of the Killing Intent or at the very lest they would have a heart-attack. It was made all the worse for them as they struggled to breathe from the shear suffocating effects of the Killing Intent.

It was then that The Raikage rose his hand up and stretched it out to Ashikaga Shin and then snarled out angrily "Unidoku (Wind Choke) (A)".

When he said this the remaining air that Ashikaga Shin had in his lungs was sucked out and he could not breathe anymore air in, within seconds Shin grabbed his own throat and he began hold onto it. As he tried to breathe, it made it seem to the others as if The Raikage was choking the life out of Shin by using some kind of invisible force.

"Yugito! …You must calm him down before he loses complete control of himself and kills the fool, you're the only one that can calm him down", said Zhuge Liang. As he struggled to keep himself standing up from the Killing Intent along with Killer Bee and the others. Yugito nodded and went over to The Raikage as quickly as she could to him, under the strain of The Raikage Killing Intent, where she then stood next to him and put her hand on his arm, which caused him to turn his head slightly to look at her while still choking Shin with his Unidoku.

"That's enough!" said Yugito as she looked directly at him in eyes, telling him to stop.

For a moment or so The Raikage seemed like he would not, but thankfully he did, where he released Shin from the Jutsu allowing the idiot to breathe again, after which the Killing Intent died down and Yugito began to whisper in The Raikage's ear to help calm him down.

After a minute or so once everyone in the room could breathe calmly again, soon after the Council room door burst open, with The Raikage's STORM-nin guards coming in. With their Katana's draw and were followed by the Konoha group that waited with them outside the room.

Fortunately before things could escalate Zhuge Liang quickly calmed down the STORM-nins and told them to stand down and that everything was ok and to wait back outside the room. Where Tsunade did the same and told the remainder of the Konoha eleven and the other Konoha-nins to stand down and wait back outside the room.

Once they left The Raikage then turned his head to face Shin and glared at him coldly, which made the already shaken man about ready to wet himself.

After a moment of just glaring coldly at Shin, The Raikage spoke in a cold and deadly tone of voice that made many shiver slightly "If you value your life Council member, I suggest from now on, you never call Yugito-chan that in front of me again. For if you do I promise, you will regret the moment you ever uttered those words…..as I will not stand by and let you insult one of my wives in front of me".

"W-W-Wife?" said Homaru in disbelief, to which The Raikage nodded and glared slightly at everyone daring any of them to insult Yugito, which they wisely did not. Everyone in the room was naturally shocked at this news, as none of them would have guessed that The Raikage had a wife, let alone that his wife was his bodyguard and a Jinchuuriki to boot.

Once Tsunade got over her shock and surprise she began to curse her rotten luck at how the talks were turning out so horribly wrong, she then began to slightly curse Shin for being such an idiot. "Damn you Ashikaga, you blundering fool….are you trying to start a War between New Kumo and us, by insulting The Raikage's wife, Wars have been started for far less", she thought angrily as she glared at him.

"It seems that Konoha has still yet to evolve past its blind ignorance towards Jinchuuriki's even despite the fact that they already banished their own and suffered dearly for it. It makes one wonder how a village founded by such noble men like Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, became filled with such decadent, blind, ignorant and bigotry fools, not to mention how the Kazekage Gaara can stand working with you", said The Raikage in an angry tone. Before he calm down again, when Yugito placed her hand on his shoulder to calm him down again.

This of coursed outraged and angered many in the Council at having themselves and their village insulted in such a manner, but fortunately before this could spiral out of control and get worse. Tsunade intervened and tried to do damage control.

"Raikage-san please!...I apologise for Council member Ashikaga comment towards your wife. So please accept my apologies and assurance that it will never happen again", spoke Tsunade and gave Shin a look that told him to keep his mouth shut from now on.

"Very will Hokage-san I accept, but I do suggest you keep better control of your advisors or else something unpleasant will happen to them", spoke The Raikage. As he gave Shin one finally glare, where the man audibly gulped and rubbed his neck as the memory of what just happen minutes ago was still fresh on his mind.

Deciding to try and change the subject from what happened, Shikaku spoke up, "Excuse me Raikage-denka, but as troublesome as it is to ask, you said "wives" as in you have more than one?"

"Yes I do", he replied simply.

"Does that mean you have a Bloodline?" asked Konohamaru, as that was the only way for a person to have more than one wife, since if they had bloodline that was endanger of dying out and a village wished to keep it alive. Then the village would then enact the Clan Restoration Act (which all villages with Bloodlines have), which would allow a person with a Bloodline to have more than one wife. Sasuke was a prime example of this act as he was offered it due to being the last remaining Uchiha alive in the village, and the only person who could continue the Uchiha's Sharingan Bloodline. But funny enough Sasuke was too focused on his revenge against his brother right now, to even care about trying to restore his Clan.

"That is partially correct", replied The Raikage simply again.

"Partially?" asked Homura

"I have two Bloodlines", said The Raikage, shocking everyone, as a person with two Bloodlines was extremely rare, as often enough when two different Bloodlines mixed together. They would often cause the child in the mother's womb to die or from birth or even be born deformed, as the Bloodlines could not mix properly or in other cases, the child would simply be born with one of the Bloodlines or even none at all.

"And may we ask what are your Bloodlines", asked Danzo as he wanted to know exactly The Raikage was capable of.

The Raikage of course knew why the Old War Hawk was asking and sneered slightly behind his mask, as he had planned for all this, after which he then began to speak.

"My first Bloodline is called Shinjou Koukai (Body Renewal), it is a newly formed bloodline that has recently come out, where I'm the first one to have it. The Shinjou Koukai allows me to survive any otherwise normally fatal damage and instantly heal from the damage. It also allows me to be extraordinarily resistant to diseases, drugs, and toxins where they are virtually useless against me, as I would recover from them quickly enough".

This of course utterly shocked and stunned Tsunade and the Council after hearing this, as from the description it sounded a great deal like Tsunade's Sōzō Saisei (Creation Rebirth) without the negative effects.

"Impossible!" stated Koharu is shock, "There is no possible way that such a limit exist".

"Very well…. Let me give you a small demonstration", replied The Raikage where he brought out a kunai, and rolled the sleeve of his right arm up and sliced deeply into it. Several people among the Council winced at the sight slightly. However, they soon gasped in surprise as right in front of their eyes, the cut rapidly began to heal itself and soon not even a scar was visible. Everybody was looking at the man dumbfounded; many like Koharu could still not believe what they had just seen.

"Incredible", Tsunade gasped, as a Bloodline of that kind was a gift from the gods to medic's and healers, as the medical capabilities were unlimited. Since there wouldn't be a disease, virus, drug, or toxin that she couldn't cure with something like that helping her. She was also beginning to think, that this was one of the main reasons why Retsu joined New Kumo, since Tsunade was positive she knew about The Raikage's healing Bloodline and it usage for medics.

Of course, after seeing this many on the Council grew gravely concerned, especially Danzo as a Bloodline the allows its wielder to survive virtually any fatally damaging attacks and instantly heal from the damage, as well as allow them to be resistant to diseases, drugs, and toxins, made them a serious threat to Konoha. Especially in couple of decades when The Raikage has enough children who have the Shinjou Koukai Bloodline to fully become a Clan and have grown up, as they would become a major threat to Konoha and him.

"A most impressive demonstration, Raikage-denka", spoke Aburame Shibi. As he too was amazed at what he saw, after which he spoke again, "But what is your other Bloodline?"

At this question The Raikage smirked behind his mask as he was going to enjoy the looks on certain people face's when he told them.

"My second Bloodline is a very old Bloodline that belonged to my Clan and has only recently been revived in me, as the Bloodline was thought to have gone extinct long before the founding of the Great Shinobi Nations. Although my Clan still continued to exist in obscurity for many years later, but eventually they dwindled down in numbers, till only I was left", spoke The Raikage and then continued.

"I would not be surprise if many of you have not heard of it, since as I said it is a very old one. But I'm certain that at least some of you have heard of it from stories and legends of old about it and my Clan, the Bloodline to which I speak of is called the Ranbure-ka limit (Stormbreaker limit)", spoke The Raikage.

Where the moment The Raikage finished saying his second Bloodline's name the Elder Clan heads members Shikaku, Chōza, Inoichi went pale white, Shibi glasses even slide down slightly from the shock as all of them had heard of the stories of that ancient Bloodline from their Grandparents when they were kids themselves. Tsunade, Jiraiya and the Shinobi Elders were completely dumbstruck to say the very lest and could not say anything from the shock.

Meanwhile the Younger Clan heads, Hana, Sasuke, Hinata, Yakumo and Konohamaru along with the ANBU Commander and the Civilian Council members, looked confused as they had never heard of this Bloodline before. They were even further confused at the look of fear on Tsunade's face and the face's some of the other Council member's.

Jiraiya was the first to get out of his shock, "That impossible!" he exclaimed, "That Clan was said to have died out well over a hundred years ago".

"The pivotal word is "was said" and as I said after the loss of my Clan's Bloodline, we lived in obscurity, in case any of our remaining enemies tried to take advantage of our vulnerable state and wipe our Clan out. As revenge for the crushing defeats we gave them", replied The Raikage.

"Ok, can someone please tell me what you are all talking about?" cried Konohamaru as none of this was making any sense to him, "What the hell is this Ranbure-ka limit and why are you all so worried?"

The other members of the Council also nodded their heads in agreement as they all wanted to know as well, hence Tsunade decided to answer after she got over her shock.

"The Ranbure-ka limit is an ancient and extremely powerful Bloodline that existed before the founding of the Great Shinobi Nations, just as The Raikage said. The name of the Clan with this Bloodline has long been lost as the Clan kept their name hidden as well as the location of the Clan's hidden Fortress, for fear of their enemies all converging on them all at once on their home. Since even though they were very powerful, they were small in numbers and had many enemies who feared them for their powerful Bloodline, hence secrecy was one of the key things to their survival. But even though most people did not know the Clan's real name, they were given a name based on their Bloodline so that people could identify them, and know what they were capable of".

"And what was this name that they were called?" asked Hana.

"They were called the Stormcallers Clan", replied Tsunade.

"The Stormcaller Clan?..." said Sasuke outload, "Surely they can't be that powerful if we have never heard of them and they lost their Bloodline", he scoffed.

"If you think that Uchiha-san then you're greatly mistakened, the only reason my Clan was never as well known around the Elemental Continant. As your Clan or the Senju Clan, was because my ancestors were wise enough to know that if they let the world know who they really were and what they were truly capable. Then they would've been attacked by coutless Clans and enemies all at once. For just as the Hokage said, they all feared my Clan's Bloodline power, so even if they were to fight off and defeat all those Clans it would have been a Pyrrhic victory at best as our Clan would have been destroyed in the resulting battle. Since my Clan were a small Clan and had limited numbers and few of them had fully mastered the Ranbure-ka limit, as it is a difficult limit to master", replied The Raikage.

"And what exactly does your Bloodline do?" asked The ANBU commander

"I believe perhaps your Hokage should answer that one ANBU-san", said The Raikage, where he turned his head to look at her, to which Tsunade sighed and answered knowing the reaction of those who were unaware of the Stormcallers Ranbure-ka Bloodline limit.

"The Ranbure-ka is a special Bloodline that gave the Stormcallers Clan three Elemental affinities, which were Wind, Lightning and Water. The Bloodline allowed the members to have unsurpassable control and mastery of there Elemental affinity, although most members only could control one or two and were unable to master and control the third affinity. Hence for example, those in the Clan that had a Water affinity would have had a mastery over it to rival The Nidaime Hokage, while those with Lightning would have an affinity in Lightning that would have rivalled The Yondaime Raikage. But the true extent of the Bloodline was the ability to master and control all three affinities and combined them, which was something only the main branch members of the Clan were said to be able to do. Where once they had mastered and controlled all three affinities and combined them correctly, they would possess a psionic ability to control all forms of weather over vast areas, where they could create tidal waves, hurricanes, thunder storms, blizzards and many other things", spoke Tsunade with concern. As even though this answered how The Raikage was able to do the things he was able to do, it made her even more worried about New Kumo. Where if The Raikage succeed in rebuilding his Clan in New Kumo and it grew into large enough numbers and he was able to train his children to use their Bloodline correctly (if they received it) and combined that with his other Bloodline then New Kumo and The Raikage's Clan would be unstoppable in a few decades time.

When the younger Clans heads and the ANBU Commander heard this they could not believe that such a powerful Bloodline existed, the Civilian Council member were now even more scared and concerned about The Raikage. While some where scheming about if they could somehow arrange for one of their daughters to marry into The Raikage's Clan so to improve their social status. Others were even thinking how Konoha could find some way to get The Raikage's Bloodlines into Konoha and strengthen it with them.

"You have been well informed about some of the abilities of my Clans Bloodline Hokage-san but you are mistake about one thing", replied The Raikage.

"And what would that be?" asked Tsunade as she narrowed her eyes slightly, as she had a feeling that she wasn't going to like what she was about to hear.

"My Clan Bloodline is not just any Bloodline it is a Transcended Bloodline", he replied shocking nearly everyone in the room again.

"That impossible, as powerful as you Bloodline is, it cannot be a Transcended Bloodline the only official Transcended Bloodline is the Rin'negan and even then that Bloodline is just a myth", said Koharu.

"I'm afraid it is Transcended Bloodline, Council member Utatane, as my Bloodline effects the forces of Nature itself and harshness's them to assist me. Not to mention the fact that my Ranbure-ka Bloodline help to create other Bloodlines. Since my Clan is the Progenitor of the Seiwa Clan who wielded the Hyoton (Ice Release) Bloodline limit, the Yotsuki Clan who currently wield the Ranton (Storm Release) Bloodline limit and the Amako Clan (2) who wielded the Kuraingusandāparusu (Crying Thunder pulse) (3) Bloodline limit. All three Clans are descendants of groups of branch members from my Clan, who broke away from it, after they mastered their certain affinities to such a level, where two of them were able to combined their two affinities to create Hyoton and Ranton. While the third group mastered their one affinity to such a level that they were able to do Lightning Jutsu far beyond normal limits and mastery", said The Raikage.

Upon hearing this many could not help but agree with The Raikage reasoning, especially since it had been rumoured for many years that the Yotsuki Clan, Amako Clan and the Seiwa Clan were descendants of the Stormcallers Clan, but had never been proven until now. Which made them all the more nervous about it, since those that had heard about the Ranbure-ka Bloodline knew the legends of it power. But they still did not exactly know the full extent of the Bloodline abilities and separate what was fact and what was fiction, since all they knew was that he could control the weather to a certain extent. Meaning they did not know how far his control over it extended and how well he mastered his Bloodline and what else the Bloodline could do and could not do from different the stories they heard about it.

But as concerned as they were all about The Raikage abilities and his Bloodlines none where more concerned than Danzo. As when he learned about The Raikage's two Bloodlines, as it made The Raikage the greatest possible threat to Konoha's safety, since Uchiha Madara revolt against the Shodaime Hokage and the Kyuubi's attack.

After much muttering from the Council of what they had just learned in the past few minutes, The Raikage spoke again.

"Hokage-san if I may, could we call an adjourn to the talks for a short while, since I do not think I'm in the right frame of mind for having talks for an Alliance with your village. After the incident with Council member Ashikaga and my wife Yugitio and I think it might be best if we had some time to refresh ourselves", spoke The Raikage as he glared at said man, who in turn withered under it.

"Yes of course, Raikage-san…we shall have a recess and restart them in two hours' time", spoke Tsuande. As she was relieved to have a rest bite and try and regain hold of this situation and try and sort out this mess, not to mention have a talk with Ashikaga Shin over how NOT to insult a Kage's wife.

-Several minutes later in the Konoha streets-

After the Treaty talks went into recess The Raikage decided to take a walk around the village so that he could fully calm down and to finish what he came here to do.

As he walked down the street with his escort party of STORM-nins along with the rest of his group, he could see the open stares of the people, looking at him in wonder, just as they did when he first arrived and like before he and his group ignored them. He also sensed several ANBU and ROOT Ninja's following him, which did not surprise him in the very least, as he hardily expect Tsunade or Danzo to let him roam around the village without watching him and his party carefully. They had made that mistake before with the Kumo Head Ninja and they weren't going to make that same mistake again.

As they walked on, The Raikage and his party met Neji, who had been looking for them, who then went to The Raikage and bowed to him and even thanked him for returning his Father's body so that he could be properly buried next to his Mother.

After a few minutes of walking through Konoha, The Raikage and his group came across Ichiraku Ramen bar and decided to have lunch there.

The STORMS-nins quickly positioned themselves around Raman bar when The Raikage and the others sat at the bar.

When The Raikage and his group sat at the bar, Teuchi the Raman chief nearly dropped a large pot full of hot water on to the ground when he turned around to see who was sitting at his stand. While his daughter Ayame, who was at the back getting some more ingredients dropped the things she was carry and gasped in shocked.

Quickly both Ayame and Teuchi bowed in respect to the foreign Kage, after which Teuchi spoke, "Raikage-denka, to what do we own this honour of having you at our humble stand".

"Please!..." spoke The Raikage as he raised his hand to tell that there was no need to bow. "There is no need to be so formal, as I'm just a simple customer and I came here for a simple meal. As I have heard many great things about you famed Raman from a former rival of yours Teuchi-san, who odes by the name Hakkaku (4)".

At the mention of Hakkaku, Teuchi narrowed his eyes as he never forgave Hakkaku for trying to kidnap his daughter in hopes of getting the secret Recipe of his new Uzumaki Supreme Ramen Special.

"And how is Hakkaku?" asked Teuchi with growing suspicion.

"I'm afraid he left Kaminari no Kuni about a year ago to set up shop elsewhere as it seemed that most people didn't like his Raman," replied The Raikage, which caused Teuchi to smile.

"So Raikage-denka what would you and your companions like?" asked Teuchi.

For a minute or two The Raikage and the other all looked at the menu's that were on the bar stand, after which Yugito order a Raman Shrimp, Killer Bee order a Raman Chicken, Mitsuhide ordered a Miso Raman, Saiyuri ordered a Shio Raman, Zhuge Liang ordered a Shōyu Raman. While The Raikage ordered twenty bowls of the Uzumaki Supreme Ramen Special, which of course caused Killer Bee to chuckle, The Raikage's wife Yugito to smack her forehead out of embarrassment and annoyance and The Raikage's three Sensei's to shake their heads and smile. But when Teuchi and Ayame heard this they were shocked as the only person they knew that could each that much Raman was Naruto, since even the Akimichi Clan members could only eat about eighteen bowls of the Uzumaki Supreme Ramen Special. Once they heard him they asked if he was sure about his order to which he nodded, after which both Teuchi and Ayame went to make the Kumo party orders.

As Ayame and Teuchi were making the Raman orders, The Raikage looked around the stand and saw the picture of Naruto. After which he then spoke to Ayame and Teuchi.

"If I'm not very much mistaken that is the young jinchūriki, Uzumaki Naruto, I'm surprised that they a picture of him in your stand like that, since he was banished from this village when he was accused of being a threat to it an-" spoke The Raikage until he was interrupted by Ayame.

"Naruto was not a threat to anyone, he was a kind, loving and gentle boy who was a loyal Shinobi to this village and loved this village despite everything they did to him. The only reason he was banished was because of those blind bigotry fools on the Council and the rest of the idiots in here who saw him as a demon just because he had the Kyuubi inside him, He was like a little brother to me and I won't let you say th-", cried Ayame angrily before she was stopped by her father who then turned to The Raikage.

"Raikage-denka, please forgive my daughter, she just gets very emotional whenever Naruto is mentioned here as he was very close to us and his death hurts us both deeply. Especially since the villagers here tried to celebrate his death when it was announced and sh-" said Teuchi before The Raikage raised his hand to stop Teuchi for apologising and then spoke.

"There is no need to apologise Teuchi-san as I can understand how your daughter feels and if I did sound like I was insulting him I apologise as that was not what I met. I was only making a statement that was all, as I'm well aware of the type of person Uzumaki Naruto was as he was a hero to several key members to the Heavenly Alliance such as Yuki/Haru no Kuni (Snow/Spring Country), Takigakure (Hidden Waterfall) as well as our newest candidate to join the Heavenly Alliance Nami no Kuni (Wave Country) and all of them regard him as a hero to them and I have heard much about him from the leader of Takigakure Shibuki and from Lady Daimyo Koyuki and I'm glad to see that there are at least some people who regard him as a hero here", spoke The Raikage.

After which they continued to speak for a while, as Ayame and Teuchi cooked the Raman, where once they were done The Raikage and the others continued to speak for a while as they ate their Raman and then paid for their meals and left the stand.

After their meal The Raikage and his escorts went to his personal airship and spent the next remaining hour there until they left the airship and headed back to the Council room.

-In the Council Room-

After the two hours recess the Konoha Council was reformed in the Council room and ready to begin the treaty talks again. Tsunade had also made certain that the Civilian members of the Council (or more specifically Ashikaga Shin)kept their mouths shut during the talks and to only speak when they had something useful to say, with the threat of having them interrogated by both Anko and Ibiki as well as by Ino and Yakumo for a month.

Soon after everyone had entered the Council room, The Raikage and his party arrived, but unfortunately The Raikage was not in the best on moods when he entered the Council room or to be more precise. He looked furious, judging by the way he stormed into the Council room with a furious look in his eyes (as that was the only part of his face they could see thanks to the mask he wore).

"I did not think it was possible Hokage-san, that I could be even angrier with your village than I was when Council member Ashikaga insulted my wife. But after what you and your village has just done now I'm absolutely appalled with you and your village", spoke The Raikage furiously.

"Raikage-san what are you talking about?" asked the confused Hokage, as she began to worry that some fool in the village had insulted The Raikage or a member of his escort.

"You know very well what I speaking about Hokage-san" spoke the furious Kage.

"Raikage-san….please I assure you, I do not know what you are talking about?" replied the confused female Kage.

"Then do you care to tell me about THESE!" spoke The Raikage angrily, where he then opened up a storage scroll that he had been carrying, where he bit his finger and spread his blood over some seals causing a poof of spoke to appear. After which when the smoke dissipated eight bodies appeared on the floor next to The Raikage in a pile, four of them were dressed as Oto-nins, while the other four were dressed as Iwa-nins.

"Raikage-san what is the meaning of this" cried Koharu in outrage of The Raikage bringing dead bodies into the Council room and declaring that they (the Council) were being deceitful of something. But as Koharu was shouting angrily a concerned look appeared on Danzo's normally passive face, realising what must have happened to his agents.

"I should be the one asking that Utatane-san", snarled The Raikage angrily, "And as to why a squad of Konoha Shinobi's had cross into our Country's boarders AGAIN. As well as into the territories of one of the founding members of the Heavenly Alliance, Takigakure (Hidden Waterfall), where they tried to kidnap Shinobi's belonging to both my village and Taki's. You can naturally imagine my shock and outrage when these were sent to me by Takigakure and my people at New Kumo after they caught them".

"Raikage-denkai that is an outrageous claim, as those Shinobi's clearly are of Iwagakure (Hidden Stone) and Otogakure (Hidden Sound), how can you even say that they are Konoha Shinobi's, when they are clearly not", spoke Danzo. Where he tried to steer the accusation away from himself and Konoha and pin it on Orochimaru and his allies.

"I know that they are Konoha Shinobi's because of THIS!" said The Raikage as he lifted one of the dead "Iwa-nins" bodies up and opened his mouths to reveal a Hexagram shape seal on his tongue. "This seal is a cursed seal that is used by "YOUR!" ROOT division Danzo-san, although it prevented us and Takigakure from interrogating and getting information from them. This seal on them still proves that they belonged to your ROOT division as your agents are the only ones who use and have these seals placed on them".

Upon seeing this seal every one of the Council turned to look at Danzo who narrowed his one visible eye, when he realised that his plan had failed miserably. Where he began to silently curse his agents for being caught and failing in their mission as well as wonder how his plan could have failed.

"DANZO! you son of a bitch" cursed Tsunade inside her mind and she began to curse the old War Hawk to the lowest pits of hell for what he done and swore to make him pay dearly for this. As he had most likely just destroyed any chance they had in an Alliance with New Kumo and The Heavenly Alliance, as well as very likely started a War between Konoha and the Heavenly Alliance.

"This is the third time that Konoha has sent its Shinobi's into Kaminari no Kuni in an attempt to spy and gather information on my village. The first time we sent your Shinobi's back with a warning not to do so again, but you did it again when you sent Jiraiya the Toad Sage into Kaminari no Kuni. I was even willing to let that go, considering the position your village is in, in this War. But this time I will not, especially when you used such a deceitful and underhanded attempt by calling us here for an Alliance. While at the same time send your Shinobi's to try and kidnap my Shinobi's as well as my Allies Shinobi's, and trick us into siding with you in your War. Hence from now on any attempted by your village Shinobi's in entering into Kaminari no Kuni or our village illegally or any other Heavenly Alliance member will be met with deadly force and your Shinobi's will be sent back in bodies bags", spoke the furious Kage and then continued on.

"And it is because of this act, that I must end these talks as I will not ally my village nor have the Heavenly Alliance ally itself with a village that tries to use us for their own means and has no sense of honour".

"Raikage-san please reconsider, as I assure you that Danzo acted without my orders or Knowledge and acted on his own accord and he will be punished for it I promise", spoke Tsunade as she glared angrily at Danzo, who just ignored her.

"I'm afraid that will not do as I have said I cannot have the Heavenly Alliance or my village ally with a village that we cannot trust and even if I believed you in having no Knowledge of Danzo actions. How can I trust you as an ally when you cannot control your own subordinates, not to mention your village has nothing to offer my village or the Heavenly Alliance, which would be worth sending many of our finest Shinobi's to fight in a War that never involved us from the start. Where many of them will die in the it and I will not send my Shinobi's or the Shinobi's of the other members of the Heavenly Alliance into a War that will result in many of them dying needlessly", spoke The Raikage and continued on.

"And Although I have more than enough reason to declare War on your village for this deceitful act, my village will not declare War on you as we do not wish to take sides in this War and will remain neutral, so you should consider yourselves lucky", said The Raikage with a slight growl.

Even despite the loss of the possible Alliance with the Heavenly Alliance, many on the Council were relieved to hear that the Heavenly Alliance would not declare War on them after Danzo's act.

"Thank you Raikage-san, but please we ca-" spoke Tsunade but was interrupted by The Raikage. "I sorry Hokage-san but there can be no Alliance between us, but I wish you luck in your War, good-day", spoke The Raikage and then left the room with the rest of his party leaving Tsunade and the Council by themselves.

After The Raikage and his party left the Council room, they quickly headed to the top of the Hokage monument, to board his airship, where the crew had just finished preparations for the airship to launch. But just as The Raikage was about to board, Tsunade, Jiraiya and several ANBU appeared on the Hokage monument to try and keep the talks alive.

But sadly from them The Raikage refused again, where he boarded the airship with the rest of his people and once he was aboard the airship rose up above the village and flew away.

-Aboard The Raikage's Personal airship-

After the boarding the airship, The Raikage went up to the bridge of the ship and looked over Konoha as they flew over it and away from it. Once they fully left the village behind, four BOLT-nins entered the bridge and bowed to The Raikage, these BOLT-nins were the same BOLT-nins that had sneaked off the airship after The Raikage left it to have the talks with Tsunade and the Councils.

"Were you able to get what I asked for?" asked The Raikage.

"Hai Raikage-sama, here is one of the files that you asked for and the rest of them are in this scroll" said the leader of the BOLT group. Who wore and Yellow and Black Snake mask and who handed The Raikage a file and then a scroll containing the rest of the files that his team got.

"Excellent work all of you" spoke The Raikage as began to read the file that he was given.

As he read the file he suddenly found something that caught his interest and raised an eyebrow to it, "Well now I have to say I never expected that, who would have thought that!" After a few minutes of reading he then told the crew on the bridge that he was going to his room and left.

-The Raikage Room-

A few minutes after enter his room and after taking off his tradition Kage robes and hat and The Raikage began to read some of the files that the SHOCK-nins borrowed from Konoha, soon enough The Raikage heard a knock on his door and told the person to enter. After which Yugito entered the room and closed the door behind her.

"Yes Yugito-chan is there something wrong?" asked The Raikage.

"Funny I was about to ask you the same question", replied Yugito which got a raised eyebrow from her husband.

"Come on, I know you well enough to know that even before that fool on the Council opened his big mouth, that you weren't happy being here, hell I almost feel the repulsion coming off you when we neared the village", said Yugito.

"It's all in the past", replied The Raikage shortly and continued to read the file he had in his hand.

"Is it?" asked Yugito, "Look! I know it was hard on you being here, but you got to remember to let go of those bad memories as holding onto them will only cause you more pain. You told me that back when we first met and you also said that once we let go of our past mistakes we should look towards making a better future and that what were doing….remember?" said Yugito.

At this The Raikage let out a sigh of exhaustion and then smiled, after which he put down the file he was reading and went over to Yugito and titled down a little and kissed her on the forehead.

"What would I do without you and the others to talk so sense into me when I need it", said The Raikage with a smile.

Probably get yourself into more dangerous situations and get yourself killed", replied Yugito smirk, which caused The Raikage to laugh and agree with her.

After a minute or two Yugito decided to ask The Raikage something's that she had been wondering for a while and upon asking if it was ok to ask some question, Yugito asked them.

"Well I was just wondering why is it that you had me tell the Konoha-nins about the Zanzō (After Image) and more importantly tell them the basic about how you do your Raipō (Lightning Steps)? Not to mention why you had Okatsu tell the Konoha-nins about the seal and how it blocks Dojutsu abilities and how we have it placed on all our Shinobi's and all the Shinobi members of the Alliance?"

"Well the reason why I had you tell about the Zanzō is the technique is not all that important or top secret, since if you remember the technique can often be accidently rediscovered. As Gai and Lee both can use it in a small way thanks to their many years of Taijutsu training, as only people that have taken a similar type of physical training as those two have, can ever hope to master the Zanzō. Besides even if the Uchiha and Hatake use their Sharingan's to somehow copy it neither of them could use it much or for very long as their bodies would be unable to handle the stress that the Technique takes on the user's body", replied The Raikage.

"As for the Raipō (Lightning Steps), well you forget that to be able to use the Technique a person would need to be able to continually draw Voltage from the Geomagnetic Voltage of the Earth or the static electricity from the air itself. To do that would be practically impossible for any ordinary Lightning affinity user to do, and as you know even the most skilled and high affinity Lightning user can only draw and shape raw naturally Lightning during a Lightning storm, when the Air is full with Static Electricity from the storm. Besides even if Danzo or the others there are somehow able to find away for a person to draw all that energy from either the Air or the Earth, then said person would be still unable to both continually draw and control all that raw energy at once, hence the person would be literally cooked to death from the inside out. The only way for a person to be able to naturally do that without any harm is me, thanks to my Bloodline as I'm able to absorb and channel naturally raw Lightning or Chakra based Lightning without doing harm to my body. Hence the only way for anyone else to be able to do it is if they have the Sutōmubureikā limit and have fully master it", replied The Raikage with a smirk.

"So basically if Konoha tries to recreate it, they will waste time and resources and manpower to do a technique that no-one without your Bloodline can do", said Yugito with a smile. Realising The Raikage's plan to have Konoha waste their time and focus on a Technique none of their Shinobi's can ever use.

"Correct and although I'm unsure about Tsunade I have no doubt Danzo will try….and fail…..to recreate my Raipō to use it himself", said The Raikage with a smirk at the thought.

"But still what about the seal?" asked Yugito.

"Ah….well that is linked to me getting Konoha to have these talks and to get out of them when the BOLT teams got what I wanted, you see I knew that once Konoha found out that I had created a seal that can block their Doujutsu's abilities then they would be desperate to have us ally with them. Where they would invite me to have talks with them in hopes of forming an alliance, where I could then enter Konoha and sneak an infiltration team with us without setting off warning alarms, from when we cross the special barrier around Konoha. That warns Konoha's Barrier Team detection division of intruders trying to pass through the barrier to try and enter the village. Where the infiltration team could then get the information I wanted without trouble while I kept Konoha ruling body busy with the talks and their security would be focused outward and around the airship instead of other areas. Also I knew that once Danzo found out about the seal, he would send some of his ROOT agents to try and kidnap some of our Shinobi's that patrol the boarder. As well as some of the other Alliance member Shinobi's in hopes of getting the seal and breaking it down so to find a way to bypass the seal effects", spoke The Raikage.

"But what if he had waited till after we allied with them?" asked Yugito.

"Not a chance Danzo knew there might be a chance that the talks might not go well which was why he had his men disguised as Iwa and Oto Ninja's in the hope of tricking us to side with Konoha in the War. Also as well Danzo is smart enough to know that if we did ally with them we would guard the seal on our Shinobi's carefully, hence the way he tried it was probably the best way to get to analyze the seal without causing an incident with us, which in the end it did anyhow. As I had extra Shinobi's lying in wait for his men and ambush them when they attacked one of our patrols and I had Shibuki do the same in Taki with his Shinobi's, where we then captured both teams. Where I then had Zhuge Liang-sensei break the seal on their tongues and had Masato (5) interrogate them for all the information on ROOT and on Danzo although it wasn't as much as I had hoped as the bastard is tight lip about everything that ROOT does and only tells his men the basic of what they need to know. But still once Masato got all he could from them I had Sensei put the seals back and then had them killed right before I left for Konoha, so that they could not tell Danzo what we had learned and that we could break his seal on his agents. Hence their dead bodies gave me exactly the excuse I needed to get out of the talks and put Konoha in a bad light at the same time", replied The Raikage.

"But still what you did was a big risk, what if they had got away and captured one of our people with the seal and brought it back to Konoha, they could have analyzed it and found a way to negate it abilities", said Yugito.

"It wouldn't have mattered if they did", replied The Raikage, where he continued when he saw the confuse look on Yugito face."Even if they had captured one of our people with the seal they would be unable to break it down without a key. You see I knew the strong chance that if someone like Jiraiya saw the seal, they would capture one of our people and analyze the seal and break it down to find an away to negate it ability on Doujutsu's. So I designed a special key to the seal, which acts like a cipher key where without this key there would be no way to break down and understand the workings of the seal. Even someone like Jiraiya would be unable to break down the seal without this key and it is only known by a very small number of select people which includes Zhuge Liang-sensei and myself", said The Raikage.

Yugito nodded in understanding as she had to admit The Raikage had thought about practically everything, but there was still something that she was still wondering.

"Ok I can understand that, but what about revealing your Bloodlines, I thought you would want that to be kept secret for a little while longer", spoke Yugito.

"Unfortunately I could not as I needed to reveal it so keep Orochimaru and his allies from involving us in the War and attacking us. Which was also the same reason why I brought Mitsuhide-sensei, Saiyuri-sensei, Zhuge Liang-sensei with me", replied The Raikage and continue when he saw the confused look on Yugito face. "You see recently Masato informed me that Orochimaru has several spies in Konoha and I'm certain that, what happened in the meeting will be told to Orochimaru and in turn he will tell his allies".

This of course confused Yugito further until The Raikage explained further why he revealed his Bloodlines, once he did Yugito understood why he did it.

"I guess that makes sense…But what do we do now?" she asked.

"We wait, as it is their move now", he replied, before he looked over the file he had been just ready and looked at her.

"Yugito!... I want to say that I'm sorry"

"Sorry for what?"

"I'm sorry for losing control of myself back there it just that when he called you that name, it's just that it brought back a lot of bad memories and I hated anyone calling you or any of the others something like that. Besides I know how much you hate being treated like some weak helpless girl who can't stand up for herself and needs a man to do it for her", spoke The Raikage.

At this Yugito smiled at him, "It's all right; I understand we all lose control of ourselves every now and again, besides the idiot had it coming and if I had done anything to him it would have just caused you trouble. Besides I like a man who can take charge every now and again and stand up for his wife even when she doesn't need him to".

At this The Raikage smiled at his wife understand and nodded his thanks, before he then signed and stretched stiffly and sorely.

"Tired?" asked Yugito.

"Yeah, the past few days have be hard and not to mention things are only going to get more stressful, in the near future", he replied.

"Well then, you should take a break and relax a little, your no good to anyone when your tired and stressed out", she said.

"I can't I need to look over and sort all these files, before we arrive back in New Kumo", spoke The Raikage.

"Well you can leave them till later as it will take a few days before we get there", said Yuigto as she put her hand over the files and keeping The Raikage from picking up another file. "Now you may be The Raikage and leader of the village as well as the leader of the Heavenly Alliance, but I'm your wife and I'm the one in charge of you, so you will take of your coat and lay on the bunk-bed. Where I can give you a massage and help you relax for a little while, as you earned it after dealing with those fools there".

At first The Raikage tried to argue, saying he had too much work to do, but Yugito would hear none of it and ordered him get on the bed. After which The Raikage just sighed as he knew he couldn't win, as Yugito along with all his other wives were all like that. Since it seemed he was always attracted to strong wilful women who could always stand up to him despite who we was and put him in his place or slap some sense into him when he needed to be. Hence he could never win an argument with any of them, which was way he gave up trying to and just did what he was told.

Once he was laying on his stomach on the bunk-bed, Yugito sat on his back and began to give him a massage, to help him to relax a little and loosen the knots on his back and shoulders.

As she did this Yugito could hear her husband groan as he left his muscles loosen and relax, this continued for ten minutes, until The Raikage suddenly turned around and grabbed hold of Yugito and turned her around so that he was on top of her with her arms pinned over her head.

"What do you think you are doing?" asked Yugito in surprise, where The Raikage kissed her deeply.

After which, when the kiss ended, Yugito was left slightly dazed for a second or two, until The Raikage spoke "Well, you did say you like a man who can take charge every now and again and besides, you said I need to relax a little and I can't think of anything more to relax me than being with my wife", spoke The Raikage with a smile. Where he then kissed her deeply again, where this time Yugito kissed back just as deeply and even opened up her mouth so that they could play with each other tongues.

During the kiss The Raikage activated several security seals he had placed in the room so that no-one could hear the groaning, moaning and giggling that would come out of his room for the next few hours