
The Raikage (Hiato)

the Fan Fiction is not mine, I just brought it to the fanfiction.net website. After succeeding in retrieving Sasuke, Naruto was banished from Konoha due to the Council's fear of the Akatsuki coming after him and destroying Konoha. 10 years later after being banished Naruto becomes the new Raikage of Kumo and leads it to greatness.

JapaOuO · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 7 Storm Part three

- (Gundam 00 – Strike) -

As the Konoh-nins and the STORM-nin and the Wave defender held their ground against the attack Kiri-nins a bright flash of Blue light suddenly flew right past them where as soon as it left several of the Kiri-nins suddenly started to scream out in pain and fall dead as blood started to erupt out of the bodies has if they had been slash by a sword. The next second the Blue flash came back, and going from one Kiri-nin to the next and killing them all in a instant before they could do anything.

All over the village the bright flash of Blue light started to appear and as it did Kiri Shinobi's were falling like flies. None of the of the Konoha-nins and the Wave defenders could understand what was happening nor could their trained eyes keep up with the movements of the Blue flash, since as soon as they saw it disappeared with a blink of an eye. All Konoha-nins and the Wave defenders could do was watch in complete awe as this bright Blue flash of light slaughtered their enemy's right in front of them.

The Kiri-nins themselves were in complete pandemonium the moment the Blue flash of light appeared as they did not known what to do, since as soon as they saw the Blue flash either they or their comrade would be dead before any of them could do anything. It was as if it was there on second and gone the next.

Within minutes the numerical superiority of the Kiri-nins was quickly dwindling down to nothing as Kiri-nin started to fall left and right to the Blue flash as the Blue flash appeared right in the middle of the Kiri Shinobi ranks and seemed appear in several places at once, as Kiri-nins fell almost exactly at the same time.

Many of the Kiri-nins tried to hit the Blue flash of light with their weapons or their Jutsu's but not of them could hit it as it was too fast for any of them to aim let alone fire anything. Some even tried to run away or dodge it but they were all too slow as they were killed within instant of trying.

As the Konoha Ninja watch many of them could only wonder what the Blue flash of light was.

"What is it?" asked Kakashi out loud as he tired to follow the Blue flash with his Sharingan, but found that it was too fast even for his Sharingan to keep up with and follow where all he could see what a flash of bright Blue light like every one else, "Its like trying to follow Sensei when he used the Hiraishin no Jutsu (The Flying Thunder God Technique)", he thought.

His question was then answered by Yugito who was standing next to him and heard him. "It is The Raikage", she said simply, completely shocking Kakashi and the rest of the Konoha group.

"T-T-The R-Raikage…..B-b-but how" asked Sakura, since although she knew he was powerful she could not believe that he was this powerful, were he could move as fast as the Yondaime Hokage.

"By use of a special Technique he created called Raipō (Lightning steps)" (V), answered Yugito.

"Raipō?" said TenTen

"Yes, The Technique involves The Raikage constantly drawing Lightning from the Geomagnetic Voltage of the Earth to the bottom of his feet and using the repellent force to go from one place to the other in an instant. The Technique literally allows The Raikage to skate across the Voltage that he has gathered and uses it to move at monumental speed where he can move great distances from point A to point B in a single step in the speed of light. He can also do the technique in midair by using the static electricity in the air and use it to the same degree and what more the Technique requires little to no Chakra at all. It is because of this Technique that The Raikage earned the nickname Sourai (Blue Lightning), since when hhe uses the Technique he as fast as Lightning and makes a Blue flash", replied Yugito.

When the Konoha group and the Wave defenders heard this they were completely stunned to say the lest, especially the Konoha group, since The Raikage had created a Technique that was easily on par with the Youndaime Hokage legendary Hiraishin no Jutsu.

As The Raikage slaughtered the Kiri-nins some of the few reaming squad captains tired to regain control of their forces and reform them into a tight defensive circle. With all of them facing outwards on all sides and with all of their backs against each other so that The Raikage could not sneak up on them from behind. So that they would at lest see him coming for them when he would attack.

Just when they all got into position several of the men saw a Blue flash at which the second they saw The Raikage standing up on a nearby roof-top above them and looking down at them while holding the Raijin in his right hand.

"It that Raikage shoot him" cried a Kiri Captain as several of the other Kin-nin fired their Kunai launchers, but the moment they fired the there was another Blue flash and he was gone and several more of Kiri-nins fell dead.

"Where is he?" cried one of the Kiri-nins as he looked around for The Raikage.

"Looking for me Gentlemen" spoke The Raikage standing on another rooftop opposite the one he was on a moment ago

"There!...Shoot him", said a Kiri Shinobi, as he and several others fired several Water Jutsu's at him, but as soon as they fired them The Raikage disappeared in another Blue flash and another several Kiri Shinobi's fell dead.

"Missed again I'm afraid", said The Raikage mockingly as he stood in the middle of the street in front of the group.

"Kill him!" cried another Kiri captain as he and the remaining Kiri Shinobi's rushed forward to attack The Raikage head on. But as they charge at him, The Raikage could not help but shake his head and then think how foolish they were.

Where within a blink of an eye The Raikage disappeared once again in a blinding bright Blue flash and within a second or two he reappeared several feet behind the charge group of Kiri-nins. Where he then deactivated the Raijin, were as soon as he did all the remaining Kiri-nins fell dead before they even knew that they were dead.

- (Gundam 00 – Strike Ends) -

After The Raikage killed off the last remaining large groups of Kiri-nins the remaining few quickly began a full retreat back to the landing beach to where the two hundred reserves were and planed to make a last stand there.

Upon seeing the remaining Kiri-nins retreat back to the landing beach, all the remaining Wave defenders and all the Konoha teams along with The Raikage and all his STORM teams perused after them, to drive them back to the sea back onto their ships and back to Kiri.

For several minutes the Konoha teams and The Raikage teams lead the charge forward against the retreating Kiri-nins with the Wave defenders following behind them. As they perused them the kill or captured any of the remaining Kiri Shinobi's that fell behind the others.

When they got to the beach they found the remaining Kiri forces had joined up with their reserve forces and took up a defensive position and were ready to make one last stand.

"Kiri Shinobi's I will give you this one and only chance surrender now or you will a die here", spoke The Raikage as he believed that enough people had died today.

"Kiri Shinobi's do not surrender, we will fight to the death" cried a Kiri Captain The Raikage just sighed knowing that, that would be their only answer, since he had heard that if any Kiri Shinobi's surrendered the Mizukage would have their family killed or become leaves in his weapons factory and if they returned home in defeat he would have the Shinobi killed.

"Very well you have made your choice", sighed The Raikage, where he then turned to Fu and the others as well as his STORM-nins.

"Fu you and the others drop your weapons and anything metal that on you", said The Raikage and then turned to the Konoha's teams and the Wave defenders,"That goes for all of you as well".

"What!" cried Kiba

"You heard him do it", ordered Yugito as she quickly dropped her Kunai's and Shuriken's on the ground as well as her gantlets and body armour. Along with STORMS-nins and The Raikage other bodyguards, "Because if you don't you will all die, so make sure that none of you have any metal on you".

Quickly deciding to follow Yugito advice and following the other Kumo example all the reaming Wave defenders and the Konoha teams quickly dropped their weapons and anything metal that they had on them.

When the Kiri-nins saw this, they at first thought that the Wave defenders and their Shinobi allies were surrendering. But that thought quickly evaporated when they saw Lightning suddenly starting to surround The Raikage body, once all his people and the Konoha-nins and the Wave defenders had removed all their metal equipment.

Everyone in the surrounding area could literally feel the electricity in the air, as their hairs stood up on ends. They could also feel and see the massive amount of Chakra that The Raikage was releasing and surrounding him. The Raikage then lifted his hands up with his finger tips forward and then suddenly cried out "Seikara (Static Force)" (W).

Suddenly ten long streams of Lightning bolts erupted from The Raikage fingers tips and hit ten separate Kiri-nins and started to electrocute them. The Lightning bolts then spread to the other nearby Kiri Shinobi's and it turn it spread to the other Kiri Shinobi's, within seconds all Kiri Shinobis on the beach being electrocuted to death. Since the Lightning seemed to spread from one person to the next connecting them in a web on death, where they were being electrocuted.

As this happen happened all the Konoha-nins, Wave Samurai and the Wave Militia could down was watch in shock, awe and horror as nearly three hundred Shinobi's and Kunoichi's were being electrocuted to death right before their eyes. As they watched this many of them were slightly thanking the heavens that The Raikage was on their side.

After about a minute or so The Raikage ceased his attack and lowered his hands, when the attacked ended the charred burnt remains of the Kiri-nins feel to the ground. After which a fowl smell of burnt corpses, overpowered the normal salty sea air where everyone that remained could smell the fowl stench.

After the attack ended it took a minute or so for the Wave defenders and the Konoha's to get over their shock at that they had seen. A massive blast of Water suddenly erupted from the sea, after which when the Water settled they saw a massive crab creature about fifty feet high standing up in the Water. Also on the crab was Raijuta, who by the look was badly cut up were his face had many different cuts that were still bleeding all over his face, which would no doubt leave scars later on. His uniform was also badly torn up and had dried blood on them.

"Don't think you have won this battle already Raikage", roared Raijuta as he looked at The Raikage with pure rage and hatred.

"Huh!...So he still alive", said The Raikage, after which he Raipo to disappear and reappear in front of Raijuta and his crab summon on Water, while everyone else watch from the shore line.

"This is foolish Raijuta, you have already lost this battle your army has been destroyed you cannot win", spoke The Raikage.

"I don't care about this wretched Country anymore! ….All I care about now is killing you!" roared Raijuta as he then ordered his Crab summons to attack.

"Fool" though The Raikage as he dodged the Crab summons claws as it tried to smash him with it.

For several minutes The Raikage continued to dodge the Crab summons attacks until Raijuta ordered it to fire its Hōmatsu Rappa (Violent Bubble Wave) in which a huge wave of bubbles from its mouth.

The Raikage was just able to narrowly dodge the attack by jumping up into the air but as soon as he did Raijuta then ordered his Crab summons to fire its Mizuteppō (Water Pistol) at The Raikage. At which the Crab summons fired a massive high speed jet of Water at The Raikage from it claws.

The Jet of Water quickly hit The Raikage, but Raijuta quickly realised that The Raikage he hit was an after image from when The Raikage used his Zanzō Jutsu, Since The Raikge then appeared to his left hand side and charged at him with the Raijin in his hand.

The Crab summons quickly blocked The Raikage attack with its hard shell claw and was able push him away. Quickly regaining his footing The Raikage went of the defensive again by dodging the Crab summons Water attacks and Raijuta's Tobi Izuna attacks.

The Raikage finally grew tired of always being on the defensive and decided to go on the offensive.

At the same time The Crab summon fired another Mizuteppō at The Raikage, but instead of dodging The Raikage charged forward and took the attack head on and blocked the attack with the Raijin. As The Raikage struggled to hold the Water attack off it slowly pushed him back, and just when then attack was about to overwhelm him. The Raikage suddenly disappeared letting the attack go by and then reappeared right above Raijuta and his Crab summons.

"WHAT?" cried Raijuta in disbelief as he suddenly saw The Raikage appear above him.

"Your time is done….. Surarai (Thunder Slash)!" cried The Raikage and then fired a slashing crecent shaped blade of Lighting energy down at Raijuta and his crab summons, and cut both of them in half and then caused a large explosion and scattered their remains into the sea.

From the shoreline the Wave defenders and the Konoha-nins could only watch in disbelief, as The Raikage took on both Raijuta and his Crab summon of such size by himself, without summoning something of equal size and then kill them both with a single slash from his sword.

But just as they got over their shock, they all suddenly heard hundreds of small blasts coming from the nearby Kiri Warships, which were a good distance away from the shoreline.

- (Gundam Seed Destiny OST 2 Kakusei Shin Asuka) -

When they looked up they quickly saw thousands of exploding Kunai's in the air heading towards them. Reacting quickly The Raikage deactivated the Raijin and but back on his belt, where he did a combination of fifty one handed hand-seals and normal two handed hand-seals, after which when he finished he cried out "Tenpū Midarete (Heavenly Wind Rage)" (X).

After which a massive explosion of Wind came from The Raikage and caused exploding Kunai's to collide with each other and explode or fall into the Water and explode.

Once the Kunai were all destroyed The Raikage then turned to look a the twenty Kiri Warships, after which he then sped off towards the Kiri Warships in amazing speed that caused the Water to tear up around him as he head towards the Warships.

When the crews of the Warships saw The Raikage heading towards them they quickly reloaded the Volley guns and repositioned them to fire directly at The Raikage, in which the fired them all at him.

As The Raikage ran forward he saw the massive wave exploding Kunai's heading towards him. But he continued head on and dodged any of the Kunai's that would have hit him, and doing with such incredibly speed. That he created dozens of after images of himself and did not even slow down once as headed towards the Warships.

As he neared the Warships The Raikage jumped up into the air, where as he did several Kiri-nins that were on the ships fired their Kunai Launchers at him in the air which he quickly dodged and then landed on the nearest Warship to him.

As soon as he landed The Raikage quickly used his Raipo technique and with a few seconds he killed entire the ships crew. After which he brought up both his arms and did a circular motion with them. Where Lightning started to emanate from his two front fingers tip on both his hands and then pointed them both a two separate Warships and then cried out "Nijuu Byakurai (Double White Lightning)".

After which two powerful blots of Lightning exploded from The Raikage finger tips and destroyed the two ships he had been pointing to.

After the two Warships had been destroyed the other remaining Warships quickly fired their Volley guns on the ship that The Raikage was on and destroyed it.

Fortunately The Raikage was able to use his Raipo technique move away from the ship before it was destroyed and appeared on another one. Where before the ships crew could he was on their ship, he stabbed the Raijin into the deck of the ship. Where he channelled a massive amount of the Raijin energy into the ship, along with a large amount of Lightning Chakra with it, and caused a massive explosion and destroyed the ship completely along with its crew.

Just as the ship exploded The Raikage had used his Chakra to propel himself high up into the air to avoid the explosion. He then quickly channelled another large amount of Lightning Chakra into the Raijin and cried out "Surarai", and created another slashing blade of energy that sliced through and destroyed two more Kiri Warships that were next to one another.

From the shoreline the Konoha-nins and Wave defenders could not help but watch in awe. As they saw The Raikage take on a entire fleet of twenty Warships by himself and was winning. Since he had already destroyed six Warships and had but the entire fleet in a state of confusion.

But the remaining Warships quickly reorgainsed themselves and when The Raikage landed down of the open sea Water and used the Water walking technique to keep above it. They surrounded him where they aimed their Volley Guns at him, while the Kiri-nins on board aimed their Kunai lunachers and crossbows at him, where The Raikage just stood still in the middle of them.

From the shoreline those wtaching could see that the Kiri Warship had now surrounded The Raikage.

"The Raikage is trapped we have to help him!" cried Choji as he, Lee and some of the others were about to run off and try and save The Raikage.

"I wouldn't do that Yoh!" said Killer Bee.

"He right if you guys go out there you just get killed", said Yugito.

"But The Raikage needs help don't you want to save his" said Sakura urgently.

"Don't worry The Raikage isn't that easy to kill", said Fu.

"Besides he's about to make his move", spoke Okatsu.

"Neji, Hinata what going on out there?" asked Kakashi as he wanted to know what Killer bee and the others ment.

"He doing nothing he just standing there an-" said Neji but suddenly stopped in shock while a gasp came from Hinata.

"Hinata!...What is it?" asked Kureani worriedly.

"Its The Raikage...his eyes...they are starting to glow bright blue" said Hinata where a soon as finished. Everyone in the surrounding area felt a massive was of Chakra coming from The Raikage.

After which the Winds started to blow harder, the Sea became rougher and the Sky became darker as dark Storm clouds suddenly appeared in the Sky as if a massive storm was coming.

The Raikage the lifeted up his arms up into the air and began to move them in circular motions, as he did the sea became even rougher and Wind was starting to destroy the Warships as the ships masts were breaking. The crews of the ships and the Shinobi's on board tried to shoot The Raikage, but the ships were rocking too much for them to fire them and the few that did fire saw that the Wind just blew the Kunai away.

It was then that Konohamaru suddenly shouted over the hard blowing Wind and pointed up to the sky over The Raikage and the Kiri fleet. When everyone looked they could not believe their eyes for Lightning began to descend down around Warships and the clouds started to twist around and around and Tornado then began to form his the sky were the then quickly descended down around The Raikage.

The tornado then began to draw in all the Kiri ships around it, sucking them in and destroying them and killing or drowning their crews as well as scattering the ships remains down into the bottom of the sea.

Back at the shoreline the Wave defenders and the Konoha-nins could only watch in complete and utter awe as The Raikage summoned a massive Tornado and completely annihilated the Kiri fleet. Just as he was said to have done, nearly four years ago, when Mizu no Kunai and Kirgakure had sent a fleet of fifty Warships and Ten thousand men, to aid the former Lightning Daimyo in his Civil War. It was in that moment that many of the Konoha-nin made a silent pray that The Raikage would not side with Orochimaru and his allies in the war, for if he did Konoha would surly fall.

Within minutes of when it came, the Tornado dissipated and the wind died down and the sky became clear again. Where once it did those at the shoreline could see The Raikage standing right in the middle of where the Tornado was only moments ago, surround by the scattered ship wreckage of the Kiri Warships and the floating bodies of some of their crews.

- (Gundam Seed Destiny OST 2 Kakusei Shin Asuka ends) -

At the Shore the Kakashi and the others could only continue to stare at the now destroyed fleet and the man standing alone in the middle of it that is even if you could call him a man. For what they saw made them all actually believe that maybe just maybe all those other rumours that they heard about The Raikage were true. Where they said that he was god made into mortal form, and that he could control the heavens and could level entire mountains with a single strike, since from what they just saw almost divine like.

"My God!...Now I understand why Kiri calls him the The Arashi no Oni (Demon of Storms)" thought an awestruck Kakashi.

"That…that was…." said Sakura as she tried to describe what she thought, but words could not describe the how she felt or how to describe what she was seeing.

Sasuke himself was completely stun, as he could not believe what he had just see either and just continually look out to the horizon or more specifically at The Raikage and could only think of one thing "What Power!".

It was then that The Raikage suddenly disappeared in a Blue flash again and reappeared a few feet away from the shore right in front of everyone. Which once again caught all the non- Kumo people by surprise at his shear speed once again.

As he slowly walked towards the group everyone could feel and almost see the dominating aura of power that The Raikage was now being known to have. As he continued to slowly walk everyone that was directly in front of him immediately parted away so that there was a clear path in the crowd for him to walk through.

The Raikage continued to slowly walk by the crowd and walk through the burnt corpses of Kiri Shinobi's until he came up to a Kiri Shinobi who was somehow still alive but was badly burnt on his face, arms and body.

The Shinobi who The Raikage was walking to was none other than the Chunin Saji who had been giving out Raijuta others to the Kiri invasion force. When Saji saw The Raikage heading towards him he tried to crawl away but could not as The Raikage quickly grabbed him by the front collar of his uniform and lifted him up to eye level with one hand.

When Saji looked into the cold merciless Blue eyes of The Raikage, a man that his village had come to fear and know as TheArashi no Oni. He could not help but shudder in fear and nearly solid himself when he looked at The Raikage who might as well have been the Shinigami himself as far as he was concerned.

After a moment or more of just looking at Saji, The Raikage spoke in a cold deadly tone of voice.

"What is your name?"

A minute or so Saji said nothing, but then was able to work up the courage to speak.


"Well Saji, today is your lucky day, because I'm going to let you live and go back to Kiri, because I want you to diliver a message for me to your Mizukage…Tell the Mizukage and the Mizu Daimyo that from now on Nami no Kuni is under the protection of both Kumo and the Heavenly Alliance. Where should they attack this Country again or attack any other Country that is a member, an ally of the Heavenly Alliance or even under its protection then I will bring the wrath of the Heavens themselves down upon them…Do you understand me?" spoke The Raikage in a dangerous tone of voice.

"H-H-Hai" replied a scared Saji.

"Good" said The Raikage after which he then dropped Saji on the ground and turned around to his Shinobi's. "Leopard, Panther! Heal him and once he full healed give him a small boat and enough food and Water to make it the Mizu no Kuni".

"Hai Raikage-sama", replied Leopard after which he and Panther went of to Saji and then Shunshin'd (Body flicker) away with him to treat him and send him on his way.

Once Panther and Leopard were gone Tazuna and Inari went over to The Raikage, where they then went on their knees and lowered their heads on the ground.

"Thank you Raikage-denka, our Country is forever in your debt…We were starting to believe that you would not arrive in time or you did not accept our petition to join the Heavenly Alliance and you not come to our aid", spoke Tazuna.

Which of course shocked the Konoha's teams at the fact that Nami no Kuni wanted to join the Heavenly Alliance.

"As my Grandfather said our people are forever in your debt, if there is anything we can ever do for you please do not hesitate to ask us. For our Country would surely have fallen had you and your Shinobi's not arrived when you did", spoke Inari.

After Inari and Tazuna had finished speaking The Raikage kneeled down to the two men and whispered something to them that, that the Konoha-nins could not hear. Also since The Raikage was wearing a mask and Inari and Tazuna were in front of him, neither Kakashi nor Neji could read his lips.

When The Raikage finished whispering to them, both Inari and Tazuna went pale white as if they had seen a ghost. Inari look like he was about to say something but before he could he quickly controlled him and kept silent.

After that The Raikage stood up again and helped both Inari and Tazuna up on their feet where he then spoke.

"There is no need to thank us Tazuna-san, my Shinobi's and I were happy to help you, and the Heavenly Alliance is always eager to have new members and new allies. Besides when we got both your petition your message for help two days ago we were already finishing preparation for an expedition to help your Country fight off the invasion. We would have been here sooner both our ship was delayed a bit by a storm and out main fleet fell behind. But they will be hear tomorrow with two Company's of Kumo Shinobi who will be station here to help protect you Country if Kiri tries anything again and with food, medicine and other supplies to help rebuild our homes ", spoke The Raikge after which he then went over to the Konoha group and face them.

"Greeting Lee-san I had hopped to met you again, but I did not think we meet so soon and I with would be my Shinobi's and I saving you and your comrades again", spoke The Raikage.

"Yosh! It is good to see you again Raikage-denka and thank you for saving us yet again Raikage-denka we are in your debt", spoke Lee which The Raikage waved him off telling him it was nothing.

He then turned to Gai "Maito Gai, It is an honour to meet you in person", spoke The Raikage respectfully. "Your reputation as a Shinobi and as a teacher of Shinobi's is well known and respected in Kumo considering how well you taught all your students especially Lee-san".

"Yosh! You honour me greatly Raikage-denka with your youthful praise, I can see the Flames of youth truly brightly in you", cried Gai which caused The Raikage to chuckle.

After which he then turned to Konohamaru, "Greeting Konohamaru-san it is an honour to meet you. I have heard great deal of your exploits over the last few years you have earned yourself a worthy reputation in the last few years".

"Thank you Raikage-denka", siad Konohamaru respectfully. Since after seeing what saw The Raikage do he thought it best to be respectful to him.

The Raikage the went over to TenTen "Mikumo TenTen aka Okami ken no Konoha (Konoha Blade Mistress), I also heard much about you your skill as a Assassin and a swordswomen is highly regarded and respected in my BOLT division".

"Thank you Raikage-denka, you are also an excellent as well", said TenTen politely, since from what she saw The Raikage was indeed a powerful swordsman.

After that The Raikage went to Shino Kiba, Yamato and Shikamaru and greeted them all respectfully and spoke well of how skilled they were. He even spoke politely to Morgi, Udon and Sai although he ignored Sakura, Ino, Kakashi, Boar and Sasuke without as much as a word to them. This of course did not sit well with Sasuke since he found it a blatant disrespect to him and his pride as a Shinobi.

Finally The Raikage came to Neji and Hinata who both stiffen slightly when he up to them. Since although this was not the same Raikage that had ordered Hinata kidnapping and inadvertently caused Neji father death, it still did not change the harsh feelings they had for Kumo.

When The Raikage came up to them he did something that no ever respect him to do especially the Kumo Ninja nor Neji and Hinata be bow to them down to them and spoke.

"On behave on my village Hyuga Hinata and Hyuga Neji I wish to officially apologise for the wrongs that my village have done to you. In the attempted kidnapping of you Lady Hinata and in the death of your father Neji-san, I'm sorry to say that during that time my village greatly shamed itself and I know it is little comfort to you, but I'm truly sorry for what happened to you both".

It took a minute or so for both Neji and Hinata to get over their shock of what just happened, but when it did Neji spoke up.

"There is no need for you apologise Raikage-denka you're not reasonable for what happened to my father, since you're not The Raikage back then", said Neji respectfully since he had no real anger towards The Raikage especially after what he did just now.

"Maybe so, but I'm still The Raikage and even though I was not it when the incident happened, I still share the reasonability, since I' am the Raikage now and it is my duty to at lest set the rights that my village has done over the years", replied The Raikage.

"We Understand Raikage-denka and thank you, and thank you for saving my life as well as the lives of everyone else here when you are your Shinobi's arrived", replied Hinata respectfully.

"There is no trouble,since as I said to Tazuna-san and Inari-san my forces and I were already preparing ourselves to come to Nami no Kuni had when the asked for our help", replied The Raikage.

"Wait! You were already getting ready to head here?... But why?" blurted out Kiba, where The Raikage turned to him answer.

"For several reason the first being that if Kirigakure and Mizu no Kuni took over Nami no Kuni, they would use it not only as a second front to attack your village. But they would also use it to blockade us from our newest members Umi no Kuni (Sea Country) and Tsuki no Kuni (Moon Country). As well as our long standing member Cha no Kuni (Tea Country) and cut off our trading ships with them and cut them from us. Also the second and more important reason as to why we are here is because of the fact that Lady Daimyo Koyuki of Hana/Yuki no Kuni (Spring/Snow Country) and Shibuki-san the leader of Takigakure (The Hidden Waterfall)", asked me to replied The Raikage.

"They asked you to? But why, they have their own Shinobi's and why would they care?" asked Ino.

"That's simple, because they knew that their forces would be unable to get here in time and Kumo is closer to it that they are. As for why they would care, that's even simpler both Takigakure and Yuki no Kuni have the same hero as Nami no Kuni has, and this is where his Gravestone monument is so it's only natural that they would what to protect the Country that his Gravestone is. I'm certain you know who I'm speaking about since he was one of your Shinobi's until your village banished him and left him to be killed by the Akatsuki, one Uzumaki Naruto", spoke The Raikage harshly as he narrowed his eyes.

At the moment The Raikage mention Naruto's name, most of the Konoha's winced at and lowered the heads.

After a minute or too of silence, Shikamaru raised his head and decided to ask something that he had been wondering for a few minutes.

"Excuse men Raikage-denka, I know this is troublesome to ask, but you said you got Wave message for help two days ago correct?"


"The how did you get here so quickly, since it takes about three to four days to get here from Kaminari no Kuni by boat depending on the weather. It takes twice as long on land and you didn't use any of your Airships, since we would have seen it, so how did you get here?" asked Shikamaru.

This of course got the attention of everyone else since as usual Shikamari was right.

At this The Raikage just chuckled and spoke, "That very astute of you Nara-san, you certainly live up to your reputation. As for your question, that is how I got here so quickly". The Raikage then point out to a cliff side off the coast to their left.

When the crowd looked over to the Cliff side they saw a ship coming from behind the cliff (8)

The ship was a distinctive red and gold colour in the shape of a bird, its bowsprit even resembles the head and beak of a bird, the sail resembles a pair of wings (and can be detached to become a glider), and the decorative wooden frill on the aft end of the boat looks like a tail. Altogether the ship was beautiful in very sense of the word.

"It's beautiful", said Ino, which everyone else agreed with as they all got a better look at the ship was it sailed near them.

"That it is and it is how my Shinobi's and I got here so quickly", spoke The Raikage with a hit of pride.

"What is it called", asked Sai as he looked at the ship and hoped that later on he could draw the ship since it was rare to see such a beautiful man made object such as this and wahted to at lest know its name.

"It called the Suzaku, she is a one of a kind and is the fastest ship in the world", answered The Raikage.

"That is quite a clam Raikage-denka", said Kakashi as he admired the ship and had to admit it was beautiful and was indeed ship worthy of any nobility and of it name (9).

"It is no clam Hatake-san it is a fact, since how else was I able to get here so quickly and besides it is made out of Tejina wood", spoke The Raikage, shocking Shino, Kakashi, Yamato and Kureani while confusing the others.

"So what?…what is this Tejina wood", asked Konohamaru, where Yamato answered for him and the others.

"Tejina wood is a very special wood that comes from the Tejina tree, which is extremely rare types of tree that can only be found in Mori no Kuni (Forest Country). The tree's are very slow to grow where it takes up to fifty years to grow to full maturity and they need constant attention and are very sensitive to their environment around before they are full matured and can easily die if not cared properly and need Chakra to help be grown. But once they are full grown they are extremely strong and hard to cut down, since the wood itself is very strong yet it is also very light. A block of Tejina wood is worth a single bar of gold, hence to make a entire ship out of it would cost a fortune", said Yamato, since he knew the to make such a ship was probably enough to bankrupt several small Countries. This of course shocked the other younger Shinobi's as well as many others that heard Yamato explanation

"But why wood people pay so much for this wood, even though it is rare and strong it still doesn't make any sense", asked Tenten.

"It because of the wood's property, since not only is it very strong where it can take a great deal punishments from stormy weather and explosions. It is also very light, so that it came move very quickly in the sea and is also resistant to most type of Ninjutsu attacks due to being grown with Chakra. Which is why it is so valued by so many people", spoke Shino.

This relation completely stunned the other Konoha-nins and could only image how much the ship cost to make.

"But enough about my ship I think it is now best that we head back to the village and tend to the wounded, team twelve will stay here and him with the unloading of the supplies on the ship and help bring them to the village", said The Raikage. Where team twelve quickly acknowledge their orders and Shunshin'd to the ship.

Just as The Raikage was about to head to the village with the rest of his Shinobi's Kakashi suddenly spoke up.

"Raikage-denka please wait!", where The Raikage then turned to him.

"Raikage-denka if I may ask you, where did you find the Raijin? from our reports it was said to be lost about ten years ago. When it and the man who help stole it fell off a cliff Cha no Kuni (Tea Country) when battle against some of our Shinobi's", asked Kakashi.

"I took it after I fought and killed The Shinobi named Rokushō Aoi, who I came across by accident; he was a missing-nin from Amegakure (Hidden Rain) and was also a missing-nin from your village as well if I'm not mistaken", spoke The Raikage.

Kakashi nodded, since it was very much possible that he survived the fall off the cliff and into the sea, since they never found his body.

"Raikage-denka! If you would, please hand over the Raijin to us, since the sword belonged to Senju Tobirama who was one of the great founders of our village and was our Nidaime Hokage", said Kakashi.

"I' am sorry Hatake-san, but I will not, since it was I who fought and killed Rokushō Aoi not your or any of your village other Shinobi's, hence to the victors go the spoils of war", said The Raikage neutrally.

"I'm sorry Raikage-denka, but I must insist that you hand over the Raijin to me, as I said the Raijin belonged to Senju Tobirama was our Nidaime Hokage. Hence it is a treasured heirloom to our village and it rightfully belongs to our Hokage Lady Tsuande. Since she is the great niece of the Nidaime Hokage and is his only remaining relative, hence we have the right of family inheritance as well", said Kakashi insistently.

"As I said Hatake-san I'll not, as I am under no obligation to hand over the Raijin to your village, since other than the peace treaty our villages signed nineteen years ago. We have no other treaties with Konoha hence I don't have to give you the Raijin if I do not wish to, which I don't", spoke The Raikage neutrally.

"Raikage-denka, I must insist that you hand over the Raijin to me ", said Kakashi forcefully, but immediately regreated it.

For as so soon as he tried to order the Raikage to give him the Raijin a massive Killing Intent flooded the area, it took everything Kakashi had not to buckle and collapse under the shear intensity of the Killing Intent. He also was struggling to breath and couldn't even move his body as he was flooded with images of his bloody and grim demise.

"What Killing Intent!... It's Monstrous!" thought Kakashi as he struggled to keep standing up, as he started to curse himself a thousand times over for being so stupid as to threaten The Raikage. Especially after he just saw him destroy almost half of the Kiri invasion force by himself and then destroy their entire invasion fleets as well.

The rest of the Konoha teams weren't doing any better than Kakashi as they were now surround by Killer bee and The Raikage other bodyguards along with the remaining STORM-nins with their weapons out. They were all struggling to breathe let alone keep standing up with The Raikage massive Killing Intent. As they had never felt such an overwhelming Killing Intent in their lives, even Sasuke was paralyzed by The Raikage Killing Intent as a cold sweat fell down his face.

"He Killing Intent is so strong…it makes the Killing Intent Orochimaru used back in the Chunin exam look like a joke in comparison", thought Sasuke with twig of fear in his mind.

Some of the Konoha-nis turned around to see how the Wave Militia members and the Wave Samurai how they were holding. When they did they saw that the Wave Samurai and Militia members were in a even worse shape than they were, since the Samurai were on their knees breathing heavily and using their swords to keep themselves up. While the Wave Militia members were flat on the ground, either unconscious or simply unable to move out of pure terror of the Killing Intent.

As the The Raikage stood in front of Kakashi, who was on the verge of collapsing, Kakashi saw that The Raikage now had an aura of energy surround him and his eyes were glowing bright Blue. Where his eyes were actually emanating Lightning from them (10) much to Kakashi shock and he saw that the sky had once again become dark with Storm clouds with Thunder in the background.

"You dare try and order me, the Rokudaime Raikake of Kumo around Hatake Kakashi", spoke The Raikage in a dark and ominous tone of voice. "You forget who I' am, as I am The Raikage of Kumo, while you are merely a Jonin for a foreign village, and although you may be a famed and powerful Shinobi from where you come from. As far as I'm concerned you are no more than an ant to me, and if you value your life you will never try and order me around like that again. For if it weren't for the fact that you and your comrades help protect Nami no Kuni until my Shinobi's and I arrived, I would kill you were you stood for what you just did. I would've thought you would be more grateful consider I helped save you and your people's lives... I suggest that you learn some gratitude Hatake, as next time I'll not be so merciful", finished The Raikage as the aura around him died down as did the Killing Intent, his eyes stopped glowing and the Sky became clear again.

When The Killing Intent died down, both Kakashi and the other Konoha-nins breathed in a sigh of relief.

"I understand Raikage-denka" said Kakashi while at the same time he berthed himself at tryiing to force The Raikage to do something he didn't want to, as he was certain he (Kakashi) nearly got himself killed and probably nearly caused a War between Konoha and Kumo."What the hell was I thinking", he thought.

"Now considering what you done for Nami no Kuni I'll allow you and your comrades to stay and rest hear for the night. But tomorrow I must insist that you leave Nami no Kuni and return to your own village", said The Raikage.

"Your kicking us out!" cried Ino in disbelief.

"Yes, since Nami no Kuni is under our protection, you being here threatens the neutrality of both this Country and the neutrality of the Heavenly Alliance", replied The Raikage.

"But how can you be neutral your already involved in the War, since you attacked Kiri twice both here and back The Hold and they're allies to Orochimaru and the others", cried Kiba.

"Our attacks on Kiri were not an act of War, The attack on The Hold was to rescue mission of the Princess Sachi of Umi no Kuni. Who is to be the next Queen of Tsuki no Kuni and an ally to the Heavenly Alliance. As for our intervention here, officially it was in retaliation of Kiri and Mizu no Kuni aggressive expansions against our trading routes in the Central Elemental sea with other nations. As well as the illegal invasion of Nami no Kuni who was neutral in this War of yours and because of Nami no Kuni requested aid from us and petition us to be a member of the Heavenly Alliance. While unofficially we did it as a personal favour to Lady Daimyo Kicho and Shibuki-san of Takigakure", said The Raikage.

"But you recued Kurenai-obasan and the others as well as helped the Rebel forces free their Prisoners from The Hold, that makes you involved", countered Konohamaru.

"Officially all I can say to that is that it was simply a coincidence that the Rebel forces attacked The Hold the same time as us. As for your Aunt and her teammates they simply followed us when we rescued Princess Sachi, who kidnapping was illegal from the start and we simply dropped you Aunt and here teammates back on the shores of Hi no Kuni when we found them on our ship. There is no proof what so ever that we have any involvement with the Rebel forces of Mizu no Kuni and Kirgakure and we have no Alliance with your village. There also no proof that we are in any kind of Alliance with the Rebel forces of Mizu no Kuni and Kirgakure, which would be against international law in involving ourselves in the internal affairs of another foreign Country without their consent. To say other wise would be conjecture and speculation without any proof to support the claim, since it would be simply our word against yours as both Kirigakure and Mizu no Kuni know when they accused us of breaking international law. I have already sent letters informing both Kirgakure, Mizu no Kuni as well as their allies as to why we intervened in the illegal invasion of Nami no Kuni, just as we did when we attacked The Hold so to prevent Kiri from accusing us taking sides in your War and retaining our neutrality. Also unofficially whether we have any kind of Alliance with the Rebels factions of Kirigakure and Mizu no Kuni is not of any concern to you. Even if we did it still does not involve Iwa, Oto, Kusa and the Hannya Clan regardless of their Alliance with Kirigakure since it is their internal matter. As for your Aunt and her teammates as I said to them when my Shinobi saved them, I simply did it since I don't like having lives being lost needless and as collateral damage during a military attack", replied The Raikage.

"Troublesome, your using political loop-holes to keep yourselves out of the War and from taking sides it", said Shikamaru.

"As the Leader of a Shinobi village a Kage must be a skilled fighter, tactician diplomat and politician, although the last one is a regrettable fact. Besides is it wrong to use such means to avoid War and the loss of lives? Konoha itself has use similar means. My way at least does not involve lives being sacrificed to keep the peace or to cast out others to save ourselves", sneered The Raikage. This caused many of the Konoha-nins to wince at the remark to their village history when it came to keeping its peace and secturity.

"Now that, that matter is closed I believe it is best that we return back to the village, since there are still many wounded there that need medical attention", said The Raikage after which he and his Shinobi Shunshin'd away.

Soon after the Konoha-nins and the remaining Wave defenders started to head back to the village and help with the wounded.

For the remainder of the day The Raikage, his Shinobi's as well as the Wave defenders and the Konoha Shinobi's, helped to deal with the bodies of the dead and care for the wounded, including the wounded Kiri-nins. After the most of the Kiri-nins were cured of the poison and healed of most of their wounds, The Raikage and some of the STORMS-nins, put Chakra-Suppressing Seals and Paralyzing Seals on them. So that they would prevent the Kiri-nins from using their Chakra and so that the STORM members could Paralyze their bodies if they should try to escape.

Fortunately none of the Kiri Shinobi's resisted or even tried to make an escape, since they knew if they tried to escape and return home the Mizukage would have them killed for failing to capture Nami no Kuni. Also they knew that since the Mizukage would belief they were already dead then their families would not be harmed for being captured by Kumo. Since it had been decided that once the expedition force came from Kumo, the remaining Kiri forces would be taken abroad the ships and transported to Kaminari no Kuni, and held in an internment camp near one of Kumo's fortresses.

Also later on that day some of the STORM-nins found the exploding notes the Sasuke team had planted underneath the walk path of the bridge. When confronted with this Kakashi had to explain what Sasuke had done and why he did it. This of course did not set well with the Wave defenders especially since they knew that if the Konoha group had been able to retreat bridge would had have been destroyed and they would have been left to slaughtered. When this revelation came to light it burned up all the remaining credibility that they had with the people as well as any that they may have gained when they fought along side them in the battle. Many in the Konoha group in turn blamed Sasuke for what happened since he had acted without orders and furthered isolated them from the people, Sasuke just simply ignored them since he had come pressing things to him to be concerned about.

By the end of the day the body counts was over five hundred and eighty Kiri Shinobi's dead not counting the five hundred crewmen and Shinobi's that were on the Warships and about two hundred and twenty Kiri Shinobi's captured. Along with them were a hundred or thirty dead or wounded Wave Militia members and about twenty eight Wave Samurai killed and another twelve wounded.

The Konoha group only lost one member to their group Badger, while the rest were of them were fairly badly wound but would live regardless. While The Raikage and his Shinobi's lost none of their members and they only had a few small wounds and scratches on them.

The losses wound have been heavy and there wound have been a lot more seriously wounded but thankfully the some of the STORM-nins with The Raikage were skilled healers. Where they were able to help Hinata Sakura and Ino heal a lot of the wounded from the battle, hence the casualties would have been a lot higher than they were.

-Later on that Night At Naruto's Gravestone-

Late that night when the full moon was covered behind several large black clouds, a tall dark figure stood in front of Naruto's Gravestone. The figure just stood there for several minutes looking down at it and the items that were around it, like the Raman bowel, Neji old Headband, the steel plate Shikamaru left, Kiba's picture of him, Naruto, Choji and Shikamaru together TenTen's Silver Kunai, Konohamaru Goggles, Lee's leg warmers, Sai painting of Naruto and the white orchid that Hinata left.

The figure went lift to the photo and the painting to get a better look at them in the dark, but put then back after a minute or two. After which the figure then knelt down and just looked at what was said on the Gravestone and ran it's through it.

Just as the figure had finished running its fingers through the letters of the Gravestone it suddenly felt something coming, where it then quickly disappeared in a swirl of Wind.

After the dark figure disappeared three more figures appeared in the clearing, two of the figures were shorter than the third but were almost equal in size and both were female due to the shape of their bodies in the dark.

The three figures quickly hopped over the large stones across the pond and stood in front of Naruto's Gravestone in silence. As they stood there the full moon came out of the clouds to shine down on the clearing. The clear Water reflected the full moon and the bright stars in the sky and made the clearing all the more enchanting under the moonlight and stars and the fire flies now flew around it.

As the Moon appeared from behind the clouds it also revealed the three dark figures to be Kakashi, Sakura and Ino.

Even though they had not been allowed to come with the others when they visited Naruto Gravestone they still wanted to visit it and thanks to Sai they could. Since before he and the others went to meet Inari men to lead them to the Gravestone, Sai had used his Chōjū Giga (Super Beasts Imitation Pictures), to create an Ink mouse to follow him and the others as they went to Naruto Gravestone blindfolded and the back to the camp.

After they returned to the camp Sai then summoned the mouse back to his scroll where it revealed the location of Naruto's Gravestone. He had done this because he knew how much it meant to his wife and to Sakura and Kakashi to visit Naruto's Gravestone and pay their respects to him.

"It's beautiful", said Ino as she looked around the Clearing and at the Gravestone.

"It is and I glad that despite the harsh life Naruto had, there is a place like this to remained the world what kind of person he was. I only wish his body could have been found so that he could at lest find rest here", spoke Kakashi soberly.

For the next minute or two the three of them just looked at the Gravestone and read the words on it over and over again, reminding themselves of the betrayal to Naruto and how their turned their back on a good person when he needed his friends.

"Somehow I'm sorry just doesn't make up for what we did" spoke Sakura suddenly.

"It because it doesn't really and no matter how much we wish to Naruto isn't coming back and we can never make up for abandoning him", said Kakashi. As he looked down at his former students Gravestone, Seeing it reminded him of him past shame of how he abandoned Naruto for Sasuke, simply because he believed that Sasuke needed it more, due to what happen to his Clan and that Naruto could handily himself and that he did not really need much help.

Sadly he had been wrong, since Naruto needed just as much help as Sasuke, since his childhood was just as bad if not worse than Sasuke's. He didn't even visit Naruto on the night before he was official banished from the village, since he believed at the time Sasuke needed more help and needed to know that he could become strong enough to fight Itachi in Konoha. Kakashi thought he could say good bye to Naruto when he official was banished, but sadly that didn't happen his Naruto left the night before so that he would not become a spectral to the village.

Afterwards when Naruto death spread Kakashi finally realised how fool he had been and how he had abandoned his student for another simply because he was easier to teach and was more talented than the others. He had abandoned his teammate and student and never tried to train him properly like a real sensei should have and it lead to his death, it was just another failing in a long list of failings in Kakashi life.

As he looked at Naruto Gravestone he could also see Naruto face on the Gravestone looking at him with shame, he had failed not only as a teacher but he had failed to protect his sensei's legacy and he had failed his friends. It was then that Obito words came out of the back of his mind like a spectre's ghostly voice, "Those that break the rules and regulations are scum. But those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum" and he was worse than scum.

After a few more minutes of just standing at Naruto Gravestone they all took out some incense and lit it were they made a silent pray for Naruto. After they all left the Gravestone one by one but not before they each said one finally word.

"May you find peace in the next life Naruto", spoke Kakashi

"Goodbye Naruto", said Ino was had tears in her eyes.

"Naruto… I'm…..Sorry", said Sakura who also had tears in her eyes.

After which once they crossed the stone pathway on the pond they left the clearing and head back to their camp.

Unknown to any of them the dark figure that had been there earlier came from behind the shadow of the trees, where he had been watching them and then disappeared again in a swirl of Wind.

-The Next Morning-

The next morning The Konoha group, along with The Raikage and bodyguards were in the middle of the Great Naruto Bridge, where The Raikage was bidding farewell to the Konoha group.

"This is where we part ways have to say, please give this to your Hokage and you council, it contains a copy of the letter that we have sent to Kiri and it allies as well as your ally Suna. It states our reason why we intervened when Kiri invaded Nami no Kuni and stating that Kumo and the Heavenly Alliance as well as our allies, will not enter this war and not take sides in it. We will remain neutral in it", spoke The Raikage as he handed the letter to Kakashi who nodded.

"I understand Raikage-denka", spoke Kakashi respectful, since he did not want to be on the receiving end of The Raikage wrath again.

Just when the Konoha group were about to leave The Raikage stop them and spoke.

"Wait!...Although we are not allies, we are still not enemies either, so I wish most of you luck in the War. Also even though I have no great respect for your village I still hope you come victories in your War against Orochimaru and his allies. Since I would not be sorry to see him or his allies the Yondaime Tsuchikage and the Godaime Mizukage fall, since their crimes against their own people as well as many other people are great", said The Raikage.

"Thank you Raikage-denka we shall be careful", replied Kakashi as he and the others then turned around and started to run off in the direction back to Konoha.

As they travel through the forests of Hi no Kuni, everyone in the Konoha group as they remained silent as they ran, since they had much to think about after what they saw and learned yesterday. Even though everyone was thinking about a different event yet all the things had one two things in common, they involved The Raikage and Kumo.

Also Kureani, Choji, Sakura and Lee were all have a sense of déjà vu of last month when they were travelling back to Konoha, after being recued from The Hold by Kumo. In which like before they could only wonder the reaction of the Hokage and the Council, especially certain members like Koharu and Danzo, when they learned what happened in Nami no Kuni and what they had seen yesterday.

And like before it was certain Konoha was going to be in for a big surprise very soon