
The Raikage (Hiato)

the Fan Fiction is not mine, I just brought it to the fanfiction.net website. After succeeding in retrieving Sasuke, Naruto was banished from Konoha due to the Council's fear of the Akatsuki coming after him and destroying Konoha. 10 years later after being banished Naruto becomes the new Raikage of Kumo and leads it to greatness.

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Chapter 7 Storm Part One


I do not own Naruto what so ever or any of the characters or any of the OC that I used from other shows or games

Last time on Raikage

"Alright then Kakashi you go get your people ready and I get mine, since the battle for Nami no Kuni is about to begin", spoke Inari to which Kakashi just nodded again and left with the other team leaders.

"And let us hope that we can survive it", thought Inari as he grabbed his Samurai helmet and left to Marshall his force to defend their homeland.

Several Hours later in the village of Wave

In the past three hours since the sighting of the Kiri fleet the defenders of Nami no Kuni (Wave Country) rallied themselves into position to defend their country, while the forces of Konoha went ahead to the forest near where the Kiri ships would land. They would then try and delay the Kiri forces for as long as possible until the Wave Samurai and the Militia were ready.

When the Kiri forces landed TenTen and her team launched a long range attack from the cover of the forest onto the exposed Kiri-nins who were landing on the beach. They fired Kunai's, Kunai Grenades, Exploding Kunai's and Shurikens down at the unprotected Kiri Ninja's and killing many, Shino also added support by sending his bugs off and draining the Chakra of many Kiri Shinobi's causing them to fall uncurious due to lack of Chakra. Yamato helped by having wooden spike come up from the ground and impaling several Kiri-nins.

Soon after the Konoha teams made their pre-emptive attack they quickly fell back when they saw more Kiri-nins arriving in larger numbers. As they fell back, the teams activated the traps they had set up earlier along the way so to slow down the Kiri-nins more and to try and lessen their numbers as much as possible. After they had activated all their traps the Konoha teams fell back to the village and behind the wooden walls that Yamato had made.

After another hour or more the Konoha teams and the defenders of Nami no Kuni saw the Kiri-nins arrive, where over six hundred Kiri Shinobi's surrounded the fortified village on all sides. But what worried the Konoha-nins most, was when they saw the Kiri-nins bringing out several large Volley guns out of the forest and positioning them around the village.

-With Isurugi Raijūta (Leader of Kiri Invasion) -

As the Kiri-nins surrounded the village of Nami no Kuni, the Commander of the Kiri invasion force Isurugi Raijūta the last remaining loyal member of the current Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū (Seven Swordsmen of the Mist), stood watching from his command point on a small hill over looking the village.

He saw his invasion forces spread out around the village, he had six hundred Shinobi's surround the village and had the remaining two hundred in reserve back at the landing beach. Although his forces had taken some loses from when they landed on the beach and when they were travelling through the forest to get to village (since some Kiri-nins had been killed or wounded by the traps that the Konoha teams made), his forces were still pretty much intact. As he looked over his force, a Chunin came up to him to make his report.

"Raijūta-senpei we have surrounded the village as you have ordered and the Volley guns have been placed into position", spoke a Kiri-nin Chunin.


"Shall we commence our bombardment on the village?" asked the Chunin

"No! We will not, we will blow the walls around the village and take the village as intact as possible", replied Raijūta.

"Sir?" asked the Chunin.

"The village is in a strategic position for us, since it is right next to the bridge, where we can use it as a supply base and a command point for when we open up the next front against Konoha", spoke Raijūta.

"Very well sir I will give out the order for a hole to be blown into a wall", replied the Chunin.

"Wait" called Raijūta, "I want you to blow four separate holes on each side of the wall, one of the left, one on the right, one on the front and one behind them. Then place our forces evenly on each side, so that they are in groups of a hundred and fifty men at each side and those groups are also split into three groups so that we can send them in Waves of fifty. When that's done I want you to send two teams from each side into each hole as skirmishers".

"But sir, what about the Shinobi's that our forces encountered at the beach, from the reports there are at lest six or seven teams. Also there will be no doubt, that there will be many Samurai there as well, those teams we be sending won't be enough to deal with all of them and the civilian fighters there", spoke the Chunin.

"Those men will be only scouts fool, I want to try and test there defences first after which I send a few more in the hopes of luring out the Shinobi's there and see who they are", answered Raijūta.

"Do you think there from Konoha, Sir?" asked the Chunin.

"That is very much possible".

"But how did they find out about us invading Nami no Kunai? We kept it top secret".

"They most likely they learned it from the Toad Sage Jiraiya, since he is infamous for finding things out through his spy network", replied Raijūta.

"Very well the Raijūta-senpei I have what you have ordered done", spoke the Chunin and then left.

Soon after Raijūta gave out his orders the four holes were made on each side of the wall, and the teams were sent through the holes. As the teams moved forward they were attacked by the Nami no Kuni Militia, where men were position inside building and their roofs and would fire their crossbows and bows and arrows at the Shinobi's.

The Kiri Shinobi's were at first caught by surprised where one or two of them were killed, but they soon quickly reorganised themselves and forced the Nami no Kuni Militia back. But when they did and chased after the retreating Militia, they quickly encountered the streets leading to the centre of the village had been barricaded and fortified. When they engaged the defences, they were hard pressed to break through the defences that the Nami no Kuni defenders had made, and were beaten back by the defenders where two more Kiri Shinobi's were killed. After which all the teams on all sides fell back and called for reinforcements, where three more teams where sent through each hole.

When the reinforcements joined the forward teams, they all quickly attacked the Nami no Kuni defenders on each front. Where they began to force back the defenders and killing many of them, due to use of the Kunai Launchers and their Jutsu's as well as their superior fighting skills.

When the Kiri Shinobi's were about to break through all four fronts the Nami no Kuni Samurai lead by Inari joined the fight. After a few minutes of fierce fighting the combined forces of the Milita and the Samurai (whose skill could equally match the Kiri Shinobi's) were able drive back the Kiri Shinobi's with heavy losses.

After seeing this Raijūta ordered the first wave (1) on all sides to move forward and attack the Nami no Kuni Militia and Samurai. After Raijūta gave the order two hundred Kiri Shinobi started to pour into the village and began to attack the Nami no Kuni Militia and Samurai, who were being driven back with heavy losses. For twenty minutes there was fierce fighting between the two sides, after which the Wave defenders where once again on the verge of collapsing.

Inari continued to try and get his men to hold the line, but he clearly could see that the shear numbers of the Shinobi's were overwhelming them. Even with the narrow streets and buildings limiting the Kiri-nins numbers and keeping them from overwhelming them completely it was still not enough to stop the Kiri-nins.

"Hold the line men don't let the break through….keep fighting" cried Inari to his men as he fought against several Shinobi's.

Inari blocked two separate sword slash's with his two his two swords, he then channelled his Chakra into his swords. Where his Chakra quickly covered his swords, after which he then used his Chakra to act like a buzz-saw and cut right through the two Kir-nins swords and then the Shinobi's themselves.

After killing the two Kiri-nins, Inari then channelled more Chakra into his swords to extend the cutting edge of his blades and had them take the shape of long sabre swords so to fully use them against the Kiri-nins.

As Inari fought the Kiri-nins he killed several more of them and just as he killed his tenth Kiri-nin he quickly brought up his blade to deflect several Kunai's fired from four Kiri-nins. Inari then quickly countered by firing two crescents shape Chakra blades at the Kiri-nins, where two of the Kiri-nins were hit and cut in two while the other two avoided the hits by jumping up into the air.

Seeing this Inari quickly fired two more crescent shape Chakra blades at the Kiri-nins, but as they avoided the two crescent shape blades in midair, they quickly realised that the crescent shape blades were just a distraction. Since as soon as Inari fired the crescent blades he quickly threw his swords at the Kiri-nins (since he knew they would dodge his attack).

The Kiri-nins were too occupied in avoiding the crescent shape blades that they failed to notice the incoming swords towards them, until it was too late, and were pierced in the chest by Inari swords when he threw them and were both killed instantly.

As soon as he saw the Kiri-nins fall to the ground dead, Inari quickly drew out his other two swords, where he quickly twirled around and slashed at the stomach of a Kiri-nin that had tried to sneak up on him and opened up his stomach causing his to die slowly.

But as soon as Inari had killed that Kiri-nin an exploding Kunai hit the ground right under his feet and exploded, causing him to be blasted several feet away. Thankfully Inari's armour had protected him from any serious harm, but it had bruised him up a little and his head was spinning from the blast. But once he fully regained his senses he saw that three Kiri Jonin's had surrounded him with their swords drawn, one of them then raised his sword up and was about to bring it down on Inari when he suddenly stopped move.

"W-What h-happening to m-me, I c-can't m-move", cried one of the Kiri Jonins.

"M-M-Me too" cried another.

"What's going on, Why can we move?…..What kind of Jutsu is this?" cried the third Kiri Jonin.

"It's called Kagemane no Jutsu (Shadow Imitation Technique)" spoke a voice behind them, where once Inari looked he saw Shikiamaru standing behind them.

"And this is the Kage Kubi Shibari no Jutsu (Shadow Neck Bind Technique)", spoke Shikiamaru as he did a few hands signs and a shadow hand extended from the men shadows and went up to their necks and strangled them.

Once the three Kiri Jonins fell dead, Shikiamaru went over to Inari and helped him up.

"You guys took you sweet time", spoke Inari with a slight smirk, since he was grateful for Shikiamaru for saving his life.

"Sorry, as troublesome as it was, we had to wait till the first Wave was fully in the village streets before we could attack and cause the most damage".

"So your ready?" asked Inari, to which Shikiamaru just nodded after which he took out a seal note and activated it, where as soon as he did explosions were seen happening all around the village.

During the battle between Inari forces and the Kiri forces, the Konoha teams hid themselves in the building, where they waited for Inari forces to draw in the main part of first Wave deeper into the village streets.

As soon as the first Wave of Kiri-nins were fully in the village streets and were advancing forward, Shikiamaru had activated the exploding notes that had been planted on the buildings around the Kiri forces and the ground underneath them. As soon as he activated them the notes exploded killing many Kiri-nins with the blasts as well as crushing many others from the rumble of the buildings that were blown up and wounding many others.

After the explosions the Kiri forces where in complete confusion as their ranks had been heavily hit by the explosions and many of the Kiri-nins did not know what was happening.

-(Song: Naruto OST 1 - Strong and Strike)-

As soon as the Kiri forces were in confusion from the explosions, the Konoha teams struck.

At the Western part of the village, Yamato used his Mokuton abilities to create wooden walls cutting off the confused Kiri forces, where TenTen team quickly swooped down on them and dealt with them easily with a barrage of Kunai's, Kunai Grenades, Exploding Kunai's and Shurikens. At the same time Shino used his Kikaichū (Parasitic Destruction Insects) to quickly swarm over the trapped Kiri-nins and drain them of their Chakra. Sai also assisted by using his Chōjū Giga (Super Beasts Imitation Picture) to pounce down on the trapped and confused Kiri-nins. While the former bridge builder Tazuna lead the Wave Militia men in the Western part of the village in attacking the confused Kiri-nins.

At the Eastern part of the village, Shikiamaru, Ino and Choji, used their combined teamwork to overwhelm the Kiri-nins, where Shikiamaru would freeze the Kiri-nins in their places with his Kagemane no Jutsu and Choji would then use his Nikudan Sensha (Human Bullet Tank) and crush the Kiri-nins. Ino did her part by using her Shinranshin no Jutsu (Mind Body Disturbance Technique) to cause several Kiri-nins to attack their allies and cause more confusion in the Kiri ranks. She even used her Shintenshin no Jutsu (Mind Body Switch Technique) take over the bodies of several Kiri-nins to sneak up on other Kiri-nins and kill them. Inari rallied up his Samurai and the remaining Militia forces and had them charge forward to drive the Kiri-nin back.

Along with them Sasuke's two ROOT agents Badger and Boar supported the advance. Badger used several powerful Genjustu's like the Suji Mame Baindo no Jutsu (String Bean Bind Technique (Kurama Clan Technique)), where the Kiri-nins found bean vines growing out of the ground and rapped around their bodies and lifted them into the air. After which a Bean pod rose from the ground and revealed Badger with his Tanto in hand where he killed them all swiftly. Boar used Bubun Baika no Jutsu (Partial Multi-Size Technique) to sweep aside several Kiri-nins with his hands and crush them between his hands or into walls and into the ground.

At the Southern part of the village Konohamaru was in the lead with Kiba, Akamaru, Lee and Gai. As Konohamaru and the others pushed forward he engaged the Kiri-nins with Enma in his Kongōnyoi form (Adamantine Nyoi form). Where together they were taking out Kiri Shinobi's left and right with the use of Konohamaru's Drunken Monkey Fist style, since the style was too unpredictable for Kiri Shinobi's to try and block or avoid and confused many of them. Moegi and Udon supported Konohamaru from behind as he pushed forward where Moegi would trap the Kiri-nins in several Genjutsu's like the Magen: Jubaku Satsu (Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death), the Ichiboku no Jutsu (One with the Tree Technique) and Shibari no Jutsu (Bind Technique) while Udon would the quickly sweep in and finish them off.

Lee and Gai were also taking out many Kiri-nins as well where they used their Strong fist Style with devastating effect, crippling many Kiri Shinobi's. Although out of all of in the group Kiba and Akamaru were doing the most damage and killing the most Kiri Shinobi's, since they used their Jinjū Konbi Henge: Sōtōrō (Man Beast Combination Transformation: Double-Headed Wolf), Garōga (Dual Wolf Fang), Tsūga (Piercing Fang) and Gatsūga (Dual Piercing Fang), to devastating effect since in the narrow streets and buildings the Kiri-nins could do little to dodge Kiba's and Akamaru's vicious attacks where most were mowed down.

At the Northern part of the village Kakashi was leading the charge forward where he used and copied several Jutsu's from the Kiri Shinobi's and used them against the Kiri Shinobi's. He also used several; Earth Jutsu's to block some of the Kiri-nins Water Jutsu's. Closely following Kakashi were Neji and Hinata where they used the Gentle fist to kill or disable any and all Kiri-nins. Between the two of them, Hinata was doing the most damage with her Dageki Sendo (Death Strike), where she literally sent any Kiri-Shinobi she fought flying with every bone in their bodies broken. She also practically destroyed the whole street as well as many nearby buildings when use used her Kamigeki (Divine strike) (2) (A).

Sasuke was also near Neji and Hinata, where he fought and killed many Kiri Shinobi's with his Lightning and Fire Jutsu's. As he fought the Kiri-nins he cut through their swords with his Kusanagi no Tsurugi: Chidorigatana (Kusanagi Sword: One Thousand Birds Katana), and killed many more with his Chidori Eisō (One Thousand Birds Sharp Spear), Chidori (One Thousand Birds) and his Katon: Gōryūka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique).

TenTen and Kurenai give long range support for those in front, where Kurenai use her Genjutsu to keep the Kiri-nins confused and keep them from reorganising themselves. While TenTen took out the Kiri-nins with the Kunai Launchers and prevented them from hitting any of the others. But after they had been all dealt with TenTen then wiped some blood on a seal on her arm and took out a Jian (3) and a small handheld metal fan which was connected with an extending chain to the Jian, and preceded to engage the Kiri-nins close combat.

Sakura also did her part by going around and helping bring back the wounded to the centre of the village where she was trying to heal the wounded. She also helped protect many wounded men from attacking Kiri Shinobi's by using her super human strength to intimidate them and keep them at bay while she healed the injured. And those that were foolish enough to keep trying to attack her were sent right into the ground hard. She also used her side Tanto to block any Kiri-nins with swords that had attacked her or a wounded man and then slashed or stabbed said Kiri-nins that attacked.

Soon after the Konoha teams had entered the battle the tide turned against the Kiri forces and their lines began to collapsing on all sides where many of the remaining Kiri Shinobi's were retreating.

(Song: Naruto OST 1 - Strong and Strike ends)

-With Raijūta-

"Saji…Sitrep(4)!" ordered Raijūta to the Chunin he had been talking to earlier, as he saw large numbers of his men retreating and he wanted to know why.

"Sir… our forces are being pushed back with heavy losses due to the combined efforts of Konoha Shinobi's, Wave Samurai and the Wave Militia", answered the Chunin Saji. Where he then explained how the first Wave had been lured in by the Wave Militia and Samurai and were hit by a surprise attack.

"So Konoha did send forces here!", though Raijūta "How many Konoha Shinobi teams are we dealing with in the village".

"We're dealing with six teams, sir….A total of twenty four Shinobi's", replied Saji.

"Just six teams?... How can six Shinobi teams, a small force of Samurai and a bunch of rabble kill so many of our Shinobi's so quickly and so easily and drive them back", asked Raijūta angrily.

"Sir the forces in there have been well organised and the streets and buildings there are small and narrows so our forces can't use their numbers to their full advantage. Also the Konoha Shinobi's that our forces are fighting in there are not ordinary Shinobi's", replied Saji.

"What do you mean?...Who are they?" asked Raijūta.

"From our reports from our men all three members of the Neo Ino-Shika-Cho are there as well as Kopī Ninja no Hatake Kakashi (Copy Ninja Kakashi Hatake), Konoha no Chiyu Sakura (The Healing Sakura of Konoha) Haruno Sakura and Sasuke Uchiha Leader of Konoha ROOT division and the Last Uchiha in Konoha. Our men also say that Mokuton user Yamato, Konoha no Enkōō (Konoha's Monkey King) Sarutobi Konohamaru and his Aunt Yuuhi Sarutobi Kureani Konoha famed Genjutsu specialist are there. Also with them is Konoha Kedakai Aoi Mōjū (Konoha's Prideful Green Beast) Maito Gai, Konoha Nidaime no Kedakai Aoi Mōjū (Konoha's Second Prideful Green Beast) Rock Lee, Okami Ken no Konoha (Konoha's Blade Mistress) Mikumo TenTen, Higyoushiroi (White Strike) Hyuga Neji. We also confirmed sightings of Aburame Shino Captain of Konoha's Oinin division (Hunter-Ninja division). His second in command Inuzuka Kiba and the Hyuga Shikyo no Megami (The Hyuga's Goddesses of Death) Hyuga Hinata as well as several other skilled Shinobi's in the village as well", answered Saji.

"So Konoha had sent their best to try and stop us", spoke Raijūta out loud and then smirked, "It seems that fortune has smiled down upon us".


"Think about it, Konoha found out about our invasion and so they decided to send a force to stop it. But since they couldn't afford to send enough men to stop us without weakening their other lines, they decided to send quality over quantity and send their best Shinobi's to stop us", spoke Raijūta.

"But Raijūta-senpei, what did you mean by fortune smiling on us", asked Saji.

"Isn't it oblivious, if we win this battle not only will we gain control of Wave, but we will also take out most of Konoha's most powerful Shinobi's in this battle. This also shows that Konoha must be desperate to send their very best Shinobi's to stop our invasion. So if we win this battle it will make our victory over Konoha almost certain with most of their best Shinobi's gone", replied Raijūta. "And the greatest glory of this War will be mine, when I bring new that we eliminated Konoha's best Shinobi's".

"If they knew about our invasion, why did they not just destroy the bridge?" asked Saji.

"My guess is that they knew it would only delay us at best before we would rebuild it, or we just use the Island and transport our forces by boat from here. Also from what I heard a few years ago a Shinobi who Konoha banished and who was later on killed by the rogue Shinobi group the Akatsuki, is considered a Hero here", replied Raijūta.

"Why would Konoha care about that? Especially if they banished the Shinobi", asked Saji

"From what I heard the Shinobi that they banished was banished on bogus charges and they suffered greatly for it, since it seemed that the Shinobi they banished was well connected with a lot of important people. He was consider a Hero both here as well as in Haru/Yuki no Kuni (Spring/Snow Country) and Takigakure (Hidden Village in the Waterfall), since he saved both this Country and the other two. He was also considered a friend to the current Kazekage, which is why both Konoha and Suna have a very strenuous relationship; also he was supposedly on good terms with the Wasabi family of Cha no Kuni. So when they banished him Haru/Yuki no Kuni cut all trade with the village as well as any mission they would give them, the Country village Yukigakure (The Village Hidden in the Snow) also broke their alliance with Konoha. Suna's Kazekage practically tore their new treaty with Konoha apart, Takigakure broke their Alliance with Konoha, the Wasabi family used their influence with the Cha no Kuni Daimyo to send all his missions to Suna. While this Country cut all trade agreements with Konoha and refused to even let one of their Ninja's in it and sent all their missions to Suna. Which hurt Konoha economy badly, since this country took over Gato's shipping industry when he was killed and that industry is a major shipping trading company in the Central Elemental Sea", answered Raijūta.

"So Konoha basically banished the wrong person", replied Saji.

"Correct, since that the reason why Konoha has been declining over the years. But there more to this story, since the Shinobi that they banished wasn't just any Shinobi he was a Jinchūriki, the Jinchūriki of the Kyūbi no Yōko (The Nine tailed Fox)", said Raijūta, shocking Saji.

"That why the Akatsuki went after him and killed him, since he had the Kyuubi in him and those Konoha fools practically handed him to them".

"Also according from what I heard the people here built a Gravestone for this Shinobi somewhere in this Country, after they learnt he was killed. That is also why the Hokage is so desperate to save this Country, since not only will it stop our new front from opening, but also to save the Gravestone of that Shinobi. Since supposedly the Hokage, Tsuande cared for the Shinobi a lot and was against his banishment, but was overruled by her council", said Raijūta.

"Guess that just shows how you should never let a women do the job of a man, since even the strongest of women like Tsuande allowed themselves to be pushed around by people who are "suppose" to advice her. Maybe I will find the Gravestone of this Shinobi she cares so much about and send it back to her one piece at a time", thought Raijūta with a slight chuckle.

"Raijūta-senpei, what are your orders then? Shall I have the second and third Waves prepare to attack and have the reserves brought up", asked Saji.

"No! Have the second Wave move in by themselves", ordered Raijūta.

"But sir, the second Wave by themselves won't stand a chance against the calibre of Shinobi's in the village, as well as the other forces in the village", said Saji.

"Just do what I ordered you to do Chunin", half shouted Raijūta.

"H-Hai", replied Saji as he was about to go before Raijūta called him back

"Also when you have done that, prepare the Volley Guns to fire on my order and load them up with the "gifts" that Kusagakure (The Village Hidden in The Grass) gave us", ordered Raijūta.

"Sir?" asked Saji again, but as soon as Raijūta turned around and looked at him, he quickly saluted him and did what he was told.

"Soon this battle will be over and Nami no Kuni will belong to Kirigakure (The Village Hidden in the Mist) and I will be its Hero", thought Raijūta with a smirk.

As soon as Raijūta gave the order the second Wave of Kiri Ninja's were sent into attack the village, when the Konoha teams and the Wave defenders saw the approaching Kiri Shinobi's they quickly took up defensive position and prepared to fight.

-With Shikamaru's group-

All around Shikiamaru there was intensive fighting going on, Inaru and his Samurai were fighting with several Kiri swordsmen, Choji was bashing away at any and all Kiri-nins that were within his sight, since Choji had some major payback that he wanted to give to the Kiri-nins for when he was held prisoner.

Badger and Boar were doing their part, where Badger would put several Kiri-nins in a paralysing Genjutsu and Boar would then use his Bubun Baika no Jutsu to make his hand bigger and crush them. Ino also gave support to any of the others that needed with her mind manipulation techniques.

It was just when Shikamaru had killed another Kiri-nin with his trench Knives, that he saw a Kiri-nin coming up behind Ino while she was distracted with using her Shinranshin no Jutsu on a Kiri-nin.

Acting quickly Shikamaru took out and threw a dozen or so exploding tags into the air and then performed his Kage Nui no Jutsu (Shadow Sewing Technique), and had each of the shadow tendril hold a tag. Where he then sent the tendrils toward the Kiri-nin, where they tied the unsuspecting enemy to a building wall and where the tags then detonated killing the Kiri-nin.

When Ino felt the explosion she quickly turned around and saw the dead Kiri-nin body, she quickly realised what had happened and that Shikamaru had saved her.

"Watch your back Ino, it will be too troublesome for me to keep watching it all the time for you", said Shikamaru.

"Thanks Shikamaru, I will", replied Ino.

It was after a few minutes of more fighting that suddenly Shikamaru and the others heard whistling sounds as if something was flying through the air. After which there was small explosions everywhere with purple clouds cover the whole village.

-With Konohamaru's group-

At the same time that Shikimaru and his group were fighting the Kiri-nins on the Eastern part of the village, Konohamaru and his group were fighting the Kiri-nins in the Southern part of the village.

Konohamaru was fighting against a Kiri Jonin swordsman with Enma in his Kongōnyoi form, as he fought the Kiri Jounin, Konohamaru quickly dropped unto the ground and did a quick leg sweep, knocking the Jonin on his back. After which Konohamaru quickly brought Enma down on top of the Jounin head knocking him out.

Just as Konohamaru had finish knocking out the Jounin he found himself surrounded by six more Kiri-nins. Just when they were about to attack him on all sides, Konohamaru quickly stab Enma into the ground and then threw himself into the air, using Enma as a centre place to keep him centre as he spun himself around three sixty degrees around Enma, knocking the charging Kiri-nins away with his feet in mid-air as he spun around.

Once he steadied himself, Konohamaru quickly then grabbed hold of Enma and then threw him at one of the first nearby Kiri-nins who had got back up. Just as the Kiri-nin was about to dodge the staff, Enma arm came out of the staff and grabbed hold of the Kiri-nin neck and choked him to death. After Enma quickly changed back into his normal form and attacked another one of the nearby Kiri-nins. As Enma was dealing with the two Kiri-nin Konoha went to handle the remaining four, he then quickly made a Kage Bunshin (Shadow Clone), where the Kage Bunshin then did a Doton: Doryū Taiga (Earth Style: Earth Flow River) to transform the ground underneath the stands into a river of mud to throw them off balance. After which Konohamaru quickly then did a Doton: Doryūdan (Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet) and fired several concentrated mud bullets at Kiri-nins. But before they could hit, Konohamaru quickly did a Katon: Karyūdan (Fire Style: Fire Dragon Missile) and exhaled a long stream of incredibly hot fire, to light the mud bullets on fire. Making the mud bullets into Lava bombs, the Lava bomb hit two of the Kiri-nins where they were burnt alive while they screamed in pain the other two were able to use a Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Replacement Technique) and replace themselves with a Mizu Bunshin (Water Clone).

Seeing this Konohamaru quickly took out his extendable battle pole and flicked the switch to extend it to its full length. He then quickly sent his Kage Bunshin to deal with one of the second remaining Kiri-nin while he handled the other.

He quickly engaged the Kiri-nin, where the two fought bitterly against one another were the traded blows with one another. During the fight Konohamaru quickly fell backwards to avoid a horizontal slash from the Kiri-nin, where as he fell he then quickly raised his hands over his head. So that when they touched the ground he then pushed himself back forward with both his legs in the air, so that he could give a full front double kick right in the face of the Kiri-nin that sent him flying into a nearby wall and knocking him out.

Once he got back on his feet Konoha quickly turned to see that his Clone was about to be destroyed by the second Kiri-nin on a nearby rooftop. Quickly racing over to the rooftop with impressive speed Konohamaru arrived just in time to see his Clone being destroyed. After which he then charged a Rasengan in his free hand, and slammed it right into the unsuspecting Kiri-nin stomach, who had just turned around to face Konohamaru and was blasted right thrown a nearby building.

Just as he defeated that Kiri-nin, Konohamaru's Shinobi senses told his to duck which he thankfully did, since as soon as he ducked a Kunai flew right through the spot where his head was just moments ago.

Quickly doing a hundred and sixty degree turn, Konohamaru quickly located the Kiri-nin that shot him, who was about eighty feet away on a rooftop with a Kuani Launcher. Seeing this Konohamaru quickly threw his extendable battle pole forward right at the Kiri-nin who was aiming to fire again at Konohamaru. The battle pole quickly flew threw the air and before the Kiri-nin could dodge hit him right in the head knocking him out.

After the Kiri-nin was knocked out, Enma came over to Konohamaru and then turned into his Kongōnyoi form again, after he had defeated the two Kiri-nins he had been fighting.

Just when Enma had returned to him Konohamaru's Shinobi sense kicked in again and told him to move. Where he then did a quickly back flip and right over the head of a Kiri Jonin that tried to sneak behind him strike him from behind.

Once Konohamaru had landed behind him he quickly slammed Enma into the side of the Jonin head and sending him flying into a nearby wall and making a large dent in it. After dealing with that Jonin Konohamaru decided to go find the rest of his group and join up with them.

After about a minute or so Konohamaru found them all, Gai and Lee were crippling or knocking out every Kiri-nin that attacked them or who came near them. Udon and Moegi were working together to taking out several Kiri-nins, while Kiba and Akamaru were slaughtering and all Kiri-nins that they saw. Among them as well was several of Inari's Samurai many of the Wave miltia who were trying to do their part in defending their home.

Just when Konohamaru was about to go join them and help he heard whistling sounds as if something was flying through the air. After which there was small explosions everywhere with purple clouds cover the whole village.

-With TenTen's group-

At the same time that Shikimaru, Konohamaru and their groups were fighting the Kiri-nins on the Eastern and Southern parts of the village, TenTen and her group were fighting the Kiri-nins in the Northern part of the village.

TenTen was currently in a dead lock with a Kiri Jonin swordsman, for a few minutes or so the two were evenly match as they clashed swords. With one another cutting each other lightly on different parts of their body, this continued until their swords were against once another were both of them were trying to push the other back in sheer strength.

Deciding this was going nowhere TenTen decided to give way and allow herself to fall backwards and used the Kiri Jonin own momentum against him. By causing him to fall forward and onto the ground, once the Jonin fell on the ground TenTen quickly jumped away from him. Since when the Jonin fell over her, she quickly placed a high explosive on the Jonin body where as soon as she jumped away the note exploded before the Jonin could even try and take it off.

Once the Jonin was dealt with TenTen them went off to engage several more Kiri-nins.

Just as she had killed her twelfth opponent TenTen quickly saw a Kiri Shinobi on a nearby roof top with a Kuani Launcher aimed at Kureani, who was too busy fighting against two Kiri Shinobi's to see the Shinobi.

Seeing this TenTen quickly brought the metal fan that was link with her Jian sword by a chain and then flicked a small switch. Which caused several spikes to spring out of the slats; she then flicked another switched and fired the spike at the unsuspecting Kiri-nin and killed him.

Once she killed the Kiri-nin she quickly saw from the corner of her eye several kunai coming at her from her right side. Seeing this she quickly deflected the incoming Kunai with her Jian and metal fan but as soon as she did she saw another Kiri-nin, who appeared to be a Jonin doing some seals before crying out "Suiton: Mizu Kamikiri (Water Style: Rising Water Slicer)", and fired a powerful fast jet of Water that sliced through the ground as it ran through it and towards her.

Reacting quickly TenTen quickly brought up her fan and activated a third switch on the fan where the fan extended outward and grew size and width and then became a large round shield that TenTen was able to hide behind.

When the Water attack collided with TenTen shield it pushed her back into a building wall that was behind her, as the attacked pushed her back it torn up the ground. But thankfully her shield held up and was able to withstand the attack.

After the attack the two Kiri Shinobi's were about to move in and attack TenTen, who was still trying to recover from the attack. But before they could, they were in turn attacked by Neji and Kakashi who saw that TenTen was in trouble, where Kakashi came from behind the Kiri-nin with the Kunai Launcher and rammed his "Raikiri (Lightning Cutter)" right into the Kiri-nin chest from the back. While the Kiri Jonin was intercepted by Neji who appeared right in front of the advancing Jonin and before he could defend himself, Neji struck him with a hand single hand strike to the stomach and killed him.

After regaining herself, TenTen quickly thanked Kakashi and Neji and then went back to join the battle. Soon after, she saw a Kiri Shinobi advancing on Sakura, who was too busy healing a badly wounded Wave Samurai to notice the Kiri-nin from behind her.

Seeing that she could not warn Sakura in time, TenTen threw her fan at the Kiri-nin, where it quickly wrapped around the surprised Kiri-nin. After which she then channelled her Lightning affinity (5) into the extending chain which travelled along the chain to the fan and electrocuted the Kiri-nin causing him to fall unconscious.

When Sakura heard the screams of the Kiri-nin, she quickly turned around to see the Kiri-nin, who tired to sneak up on her being electrocuted by TenTen. When the Kiri-nin fell unconscious, Sakura turned to TenTen and nodded her thanks (which was returned by TenTen) before returning to finish healing the wounded Samurai.

After saving Sakura TenTen quickly brought back her fan, where she then threw it again to attack a Kiri Shinobi who was about to swing his sword down on a injured Wave Militia man who was on the ground. When she threw the fan it quickly wrapped around the Kiri Shinobi sword and before he could do anything about it. TenTen pulled the Kiri Shinobi towards her, thanks to her super strength that she had gained from training under Tsunade.

When the Kiri-nin came flying towards her TenTen quickly let go of the chain and raised her fist and hit the Kiri-nin right in the face sending him flying right through a building wall.

After defeating the Kiri-nin TenTen then went and fought against two more Kiri Shinobi's with swords. They fought and traded strikes with on another for several minutes, with neither side giving up much ground until TenTen kicked one of the Kiri swordsmen at the back of his leg making him lose his footing.

This then gave her an open opportunity, where when she blocked a downward slash from the other Kiri swordsman with her folded metal fan and then quickly twirled around behind the Kiri swordsman and cut his head off with a single slash from her Jian sword.

After the first swordsman was killed the second one attacked her from the side with a horizontal slash, but was blocked by TenTen's Jian. Where she the brought up and open her metal fan and flicked the switch to bring up a new set of spikes from the fan and used them to slash the man throat open and bleed out. After killing the second Kiri swordsman TenTen saw five more Kiri-nins advancing towards her with their Kunai's in hand. Seeing this TenTen the flicked another switch that caused her fan to extend outward again and grow. But instead of letting it become a large round shield she stopped it about half way so that it would just become a large fan.

Showing a impressive feat of strength by rising the large metal fan with a single hand she then channelled her Wind Chakra into the fan and cried out "Fūton: Daitoppa (Wind Style: Great Breakthrough)" and blasted the Kiri Shinobi's as well as many others behind them away.

After dealing with the Kiri Shinobi TenTen turned to see how the other were doing where she saw Sasuke using his Chidori Senbon (One Thousand Birds Senbon) to paralyze several Kiri Shinobi's and the striking down with his Katana. While Hinata was using her Chakra Hari (Chakra Needles) (B) to paralyze several other Kiri Shinobi's (much like Sasuke did). She then used Sensatsu Suishō (Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death) to surround the Kiri-nins with thousands of Water needles and have the strike the Kiri Shinobi's from all sides killing them all and cover the from head to toe in needles made out of Water.

After seeing this TenTen decided to go and help them out but before she could she suddenly heard whistling sounds as if something was flying through the air. After which there was small explosions everywhere with purple clouds cover the whole village.

What the Wave defenders and the Konoha teams where unaware was that the second Wave of Kiri-nins sent by Raijūta were just a distraction. Where as the second Wave of Kiri-nins were fighting against the Konoha teams and the Wave defenders, Raijūta had his men load up the Volley Guns with small exploding Kunai's with large pouches filled with a special poison powder from Kusa tied to them. So that when they were fired and the Kunai's exploded the poison powder spread over the entire village.

The poison powder that had been developed by Kusa, where once it becomes air born it could be inhaled in the air. Causing the affected person's body to go numb and unable to move the body correctly and to be unable to use and control their Chakra correctly. The poison also would quickly dispersed and become harmless after a few minutes of being released.

Within minutes both the attacking Kiri-nins in the village and the defending Wave forces as well as the Konoha teams where affected by the poison. They then all started to fall to the ground, breathing heavily, with their bodies numb and unable to focus or use their Chakra. Raijūta had fired the poison carrying Kunai when the second Wave was attacking since he figured that if he fired before the second Wave attacked. The Konoha-nins would have somehow blocked the Kunai's with a Mokuton Jutsu or something, before they hit the village or they would divert the Kunai's to fall out outside the village with a Wind Jutsu or something. So he decided to send in the second Wave to keep the Konoha-nins and the Wave defenders distracted until the Kunai's had been fired, believing that the loss of two hundred more of his men were acceptable losses for winning the battle.

Soon after the poison had been released by the explosion, it dispersed leaving most of the remaining Wave defenders on the ground on the ground numb and unable to move, while the Konoha teams struggled to keep themselves standing up and even move.

Once the poison had dispersed, Raijūta then order the third Wave to move forward into the village and personally lead it himself, so that he would have the honour of taking the village and killing the Konoha Shinobi's himself.

Within minutes the weakened Konoha Shinobi's and Wave defenders engaged the third Wave of Kiri Shinobis in a fight for their lives.

Narrowly dodging a Kunai strike to the head, Kakashi grabbed the wrist of the Kiri Chunin that attacked him and before he could pull his arm back. Kakashi twisted the man arm breaking it with a single motion, as the man screamed in pain; Kakashi quickly punched the man in the face and knocked him out.

After knocking the Kiri Chunin out, Kakashi started to pant heavily and then wiped the some sweat that was falling from underneath his forehead protector. The poison that the Kiri-nins had released greatly weakened him and the other Konoha Ninja's as well as the Wave Samurai, since it took nearly everything they had to stand up and move let alone fight.

As Kakashi surveyed the situation, he saw several weakened Wave Samurai being killed by some Kiri-nins with their swords and Kunai's. At the same time he also saw several helpless Wave Militia men being killed by another group Kiri Shinobi's with their Kunai Launchers. He even saw TenTen, Neji and Kureani struggling to hold off several Kiri Ninja's. After seeing this Kakashi knew that their situation was hopeless and if they did not retreat now they would be all slaughtered by the Kiri forces.

It was then that his two former students Sasuke and Sakura appeared separately in front of him. Sasuke had several small light cuts on his face a large one on left arm and bleeding badly, while in his right hand he held his Katana, which was dripping blood (most likey from the Kiri-nins he had just fought and killed). Sakura was carrying her Tanto in her right hand and also had several cuts on her arms, legs and sides and her clothes were fairly torn up. Both of them looked fair tired and weak (although Sasuke tired and failed to appear unaffected by the poison) thanks to the poison and look worse for wear.

"Kakashi-sensei, all our defensive lines on all fronts are on the verge of collapse they can barely hold out against the Kiri Shinobi's and the Wave defenders are being slaughtered. What do we do?" asked Sakura.

"We need to retreat now, before they butcher us all", answered Sasuke before Kakashi could even answer Sakura.

"But what about Inari and Tazuna as well as the rest of the Wave defenders?" cried Sakura.

"We leave them of course, this Country is already lost and there no point in us dying here with the rest of them, besides if we leave now we can use them as a rearguard to cover our retreat across the bridge", replied Sasuke without any emotion. "We can't! They be all slaughtered", cried Sakura angrily.

"So…..Better them than us, we at lest still have our village to defend", spoke Sasuke without as much as a hit of remorse.

"Sasuke we can't ju-", shouted Sakura angrily but was interrupted by Kakashi.

"Sakura, as much as I hate to admit it Sasuke right we have to abandon Wave now or else we will be all killed", said Kakashi, which caused Sakura to turn with a look of disbelief on her face when she heard her former sensei.

Before she could even speak, Kakashi then spoke again.

"Sakura, I know how you feel, I don't want to leave and abandon Wave anymore than you do, but we have to think of the village first, since we need to leave now so that we can continue the fight later on. Beside the Hokage orders were clear, that if the situation looked hopeless, we are to leave Nami no Kuni and retreat back to Konoha", said Kakashi sadly since he didn't like abandoning Wave anymore than Sakura did.

"But what about the Kiri Ninja's?, even if we break out and get across the bridge we won't be able to make it to back to Konoha, since they follows us across and in our condition we won't stand a chance against them", spoke Sakura.

"Not if we destroy the bridge when we cross it", answered Sasuke.

"We won't be able to do that in time Sasuke, since the Kiri forces would be upon us before we finish setting up enough exploding notes in time", replied Kakashi.

"They've already been set up", replied Sasuke, surprising Kakashi and Sakura,

"A few nights ago I had my men setup and place enough high powered exploding notes along the bridge to completely destroy it. So once we are across it we can blow it up, halting the Kiri advance and gaining a new front at our rear, which was the objective of our mission wasn't it".

"That was against the Hokage orders Sasuke, our mission was to defend Wave not destroy the bridge and that won't stop Kiri from opening their new front it will only slow them down", spoke Kakashi as he frowned at Sasuke, who remained impassive.

"Would you rather let Kiri have it and use it to open up their new front against us? Besides it better later on than sooner and besides I don't take orders from that old hag. If she would actually do her job, she destroy that bridge, she just letting her feelings for the dope cloud her judgement like the rest of you. Anyhow someone had to plan ahead unlike the rest of you", scoffed Sasuke, which cause Kakashi to narrow his visible eye, but decided to leave Sasuke blatant disrespect for now and turned to Sakura who was glaring angrily at Sasuke.

"Sakura I need you to go and inform the others to met us at Yamato and his team position on the Western part of the village, and tell them that we are leaving the village and retreating back to the bridge", spoke Kakashi in a serious tone of voice.

At first Sakura just stood there and did nothing but quickly regained herself and nodded in understanding. Since although she didn't like it she knew they had no other choice, Nami no Kuni was lost and they needed to live on so to defend Konoha.

But before Sakura could leave a new voice suddenly spoke up.

"So you're all going to betray and abandon this Country just like when you all betrayed and abandon Naruto-kun", spoke the voice, where when they turned they saw a haggard and wounded Hinata standing behind them. Hinata's coat was cover in dirt and blood and was torn up a good bit, her fishnet top had several large holes as did her Shinobi pants and she had several bruises and cuts on her arms, stomach and face.

"Hinata we have no choice, the Hokage orders were clear and we have to leave now if we don't we will all be killed and Konoha needs us all if it hopes to stand a chance against Oto, Iwa, Kusa and the Hannya Clan", answered Kakashi.

"You can go and run away and abandon Nami no Kuni Hatake-san, but I will not even if it cost me my life", replied Hinat harshly.

"Hinata I can't let you do that your too important to Konoha, staying here is suicide" pleaded Kakashi. Since he refused to abandon another comrade again he had already done it twice and refused to do it a third time. Besides he knew if he left Hinata here to die in Nami no Kuni, the Hyuga Clan would rip him to shreds for abandoning their Clan head, and that's if Tsuande didn't skin him alive first for letting her student get killed.

"He right Hyuga don't be a fool and throw your life away for this backwatered Country it already lost, your just letting your feeling for the dope control you", said Sasuke coldly since he thought Hinata was just being stupid.

"Maybe so Uchiha but it my decision and I will not abandon the land were Naruto-kun his grave is and where he is held as the hero that he was", said Hinata before she ran off to fight against the advancing Kiri Shinobi's.

"Hinata!" cried Kureani as she saw her former student run off and right towards a group of Kiri Ninja's. Seeing this Kureani went after her and try and stop her but in her weaken condition Kureani could not get ahead of her. But she still kept going after Hinata to at lest support her, TenTen also followed right behind Kureani to help support Hinata. Neji and Kakashi were also not far behind, since Neji wanted to try and protect his younger cousin from getting killed as did Kakashi. Since Hinata was too valuable to Konoha to die here and besides he knew he could never face Naruto (if he could at all) in the next life if he let one of his few friends in Konoha die.

When Hinata attacked the four Kiri Ninja's, she had been able to catch them by surprised where she was able to stab one of them in the side of the neck with her Kuani. She was then able to paralyze a Kiri Kunoichi by using her Medical knowledge from studying under Tsuande by hitting her in her pressure points and paralyzing the Kunoichi body.

Hinata then ducked under a Kunai stab from the third Kiri-nin, where she the quickly used her Medical knowledge again to hit the Kiri-nin in certain points in his neck. To stop his blood flow in his head from flowing down to the rest of his body, where all his blood stop in his brain and killed within a minute or when the Kiri-nin fell to the ground to slowly die, Hinata was hit at the back of her leg with a Kunai which caused her to fall on her knees. When she turned around she saw the fourth Kiri Shinobi behind her and who was about to cut her head off with his sword.

But before he could, a sword blade suddenly came out of his chest, after which it came out and his body feel to the ground. When it did Hinata saw TenTen holding her Jian sword which had the Kiri Shinobi blood on it, behind her was Kureani, who then quickly ran over to Hinata to see if she was ok.

"Hinata! Are you ok?"

"I fine Kureani-sensei", spoke Hinata as she pulled the Kunai out of her leg, after which Kureani quickly bandaged up her leg.

"Hinata we have to leave now before we are overrun", spoke Kakashi as he and Neji arrived.

"I told you, I not abandoning these people", said Hinata stubbornly, as she slowly got up.

But before any of the others could reply to Hinata they suddenly heard some cry out,

"Izuna (Rice Rope, also the name of a white Spirit Wind)" (C)

After which a massive air vacuum appeared and blown the Konoha Ninja's away and at the same time small Wind blades from the attack cut their bodies and covered them with cuts all over their bodies. The cuts did not bleed but they did hurt badly and prevented the Konoha Ninja's from being able to move.

After the attack ended Kureani, TenTen and Hinata had somehow ended up being piled against one another, where they hit the side wooden wall of a nearby house, while Kakashi and Neji had been blown further back down the street.

After the Kureani girls had regained their senses, Kureani suddenly heard a familiar male voice, one that she had hope never hear again.

When they looked up they saw none other than Isurugi Raijuta along with four Jonin's behind him.

"Well….Well…..Well… Yuuhi Sarutobi Kureani so lovely to see you again", sneered Raijuta,"I had had hoped that I would be the one to find you and it looks like I have the pleasure of meeting some of your other friends as well".

After which Raijuta turned to TenTen "AAAAHHHH…..You must be the infamous Okami ken no Konoha (Konoha Blade Mistress), you match the description that we have of you, since we never been able to get a photo of you. Although I never thought that you would turn out to be so lovely", spoke Raijuta as he eyed her lustfully.

"Its a shame I have to kill you, since we're not taking any chances with you Konoha Ninja's this time, such a waste", said Raijuta with a twisted smile as if finding the whole thing funny. "I certain that my friend Udō Jin-e will be quite angry at me for killing you, since he has been wanting the chance to kill for a long time".

"Just try it your bastard", snarled TenTen as she tried to stand up but fell down again due to her wounds and because of the poison still affecting her like Hinata and Kureani.

At this Raijuta just laughed, "All in good time my dear, all in good time", spoke Raijuta, after which he then turned to Hinata.

"And you must be the infamous Hyuga Shikyo no Megami (Hyuga's Goddesses of Death), although I find it hard to belive that someone like you can do the thinks I heard about you. Since even though you are a Bloodline freak your quite the exotic thing. I also heard the rumour that you never even been with a man, since the man you wanted was the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki and since he dead and you won't let any other man touch you. Would you like me to end you virginity for you before you died I certain I can make it "somewhat" pleasant for you", said Raijuta. After which he went to cop a feel of Hinata's breast's, but before he could Hinata smacked it away.

"Don't you dare touch me", hissed Hinata angrily as she would sooner kill herself than let him try and rape her.

"Ah feisty I like that, I shame I can't break you and your friends, it would have been fun but unfortunately I have to kill you all, since I have a Country to conquer and do not have the time for such pleasures", spoke Raijuta as he and his men drew out their swords.

At which point they suddenly heard someone cry out "Hinata!"

When they looked to their left they saw Neji and Kakashi running over to them with Sasuke and Sakura just behind them.

When they saw this Raijuta quickly order two of his men to intercept Kaskashi and the others and hold them off until he and the other two Kiri Jonin's had dealt with Kureani and the girls.

The two Jonin quickly acknowledge the order and engaged Kakashi and the others, who in their still weaken conditions due to the poison, they were barley able to hold their own against the two skilled and fresh Jonin's.

As Kakashi and the others fought against the two Kiri-nins, Raijuta turned his attention back onto Kureani, Hinata and TenTen. "Well the ladies it time to say goodbye, but don't worry your friends will be joining you very soon, you can be certain of that", spoke Raijuta where he and the other two Jonin raised their blades to end the girl's lives.

"At lest now I can final join you Naruto-kun, I'm only sorry that I couldn't protect Wave like you would have wanted", thought Hinata as she closed her eyes.

"Be safe Hiruzen, your father and I will be watching you from the next life", thought Kureani as she closed her eyes, accepting that she would now die.

"I guess this is it" thought TenTen sadly as she thought how her life was now about to end and how she would now leave her parents alone, and how the one regret she had was not to try and have a family which she had hope to have later on in her life.

A few metres away Kakashi and the others saw the swords descending down on Kureani and the others,

"Hinata….NNNNNNNOOOOOOOO!" cried Neji as he tried to get to his cousin but was blocked by one of the Kiri Jonins.

"TenTen" cried Sakura

"Kureani!" yelled Kakashi Just as the blades of the sword were about to reach them an unknown voice suddenly cried out,

"Byakurai (White Lightning)" (D)

After which a bolt of White Lightning came from the sky and hit the Kiri Jonin (who was about to kill Hinata) square in the chest killing him immediately, and sending back several metres away and completely destroying his chest.

Raijuta and the other Jonin then started to look around for who had fired the attack, since as soon as they heard the attacked they had jumped away to avoid the attack. They were also joined by the other two Jonin's who had been fighting Kakashi and the others, since when they saw the attack they thought it best that they stick together with others with the arrival of a new enemy.

As this was happening Kureani, Hinata and TenTen open their eyes when they did not feel the swords cutting through them and when they heard the unknown attacked that had saved them. When they open them their eyes they immediately grew wider with complete shock like everyone eyes in the surrounding area. Since floating down from the sky and landing gently onto the ground like some kind of deity descending down from the Heavens was The Raikage (E). Who now stood in front of Kureani and the others with his back to them and was surrounded by Lightning which could be seen sparking all around his body for a minute or so until it finally died down.

The Raikage wore the traditional Hat of a Kage with the colour being yellow and the symbol of Lightning on it. He also wore a mask similar to Kakashi where it covered his lower face and only allowed his bright blue emotionless eyes to be seen. The Raikage also had on him a blue long coat with three tails and a White Lightning like pattern on the right side of the coat as well as Black Lightning blots at the edges of the coat and at Kanji for "Storm" on the back of it in black. He also wore a short sleeve black T-shit with ANBU chest plate and black fingerless gloves. He also had black jeans and boots with steel tips and had a black strap around his shoulders, the strap helped what looked to be a sword which was cover in clothed that was on his back in it place.

"The Raikage?" spoke Kureani out loud as she quickly recognised him and surprising both Hinata and TenTen who did not know who he was until she said it.

"The Raikage what he doing here…..this battle doesn't involve Kumo or the Heavenly Alliance… lets just hope he isn't here to fight us. Since in our currently we wouldn't stand a chance against him", though Kakashi as he looked at The Raikage. Where he could not help but shiver slightly as he looked into the Raikage cold, emotionless bright blue eyes that spoke of immense power yet also seemed familiar to him in some way. At the same time when he looked at The Raikage he felt a sort of powerful essence about him which made him and everyone around The Raikage feel a combination of fear and respect for him although mainly fear. He remembered Sakura describing it to him and the feeling she felt, but yet her words did not due the feeling justice and could not help but hope and pray that The Raikage was somehow on their side, otherwise they would be finished.

"So this is the infamous Raikage that all the other great Shinobi Nations fear", thought Sasuke as he carefully analysed The Raikage, as he did he could not help, but shiver slightly like Kakashi has he felt The Raikage immense power that was emanating from him.

"The Raikage what the hell is he doing here?" thought Raijuts with a slight panic, since like in Iwa with the Yondaime Hokage, The Rokudaime Raikage was both feared and hated in Kiri although mainly feared. Raijuta himself had to admit that like most Kiri Shinobi's he greatly feared The Raikage, which showed as both he and his all men subconsciously took a step or two back as they saw him looking directly at them.

After a minute or so of just standing there and looking at Raijuta, The Raikage turned slightly to Kureani, Hinata and TenTen, but look directly a Kureani and spoke in a clam voice. "We met again Kureani-san and it seems that once again my people and I have come to your rescue from Kiri".

Kureani who was still slightly shock at The Raikage timely appearance, could only nodded her and say "Hai". The Raikage then put his hand into his right pocket and took out a small pill-bottle and threw it to Kureani, who caught the bottle.

"Take one of the pills from the bottle and give the rest to your comrades and the Wave defenders. The pills are the antidote to the poison that you all been infected with, they will take effect with a minute or so of taking them", spoke The Raikage as he then turned to face Raijuta and his men.

"Isurugi Raijuta, you and your forces are to cease you attack on this village and your invasion of Nami no Kuni (Wave Country) which was illegal from the start and leave this Country immediately. If you do not do this then you and your men will a die here", spoke the Raikage coldly.

Gathering himself Raijuta stood forward "We do not take order from you, and our invasion of this Country does not concern you…besides this is the way of the Shinobi the weak fall and make way for the strong".

"Spoken like the idiotic barbarian that you are, just like your Mizukage", scoffed The Raikage.

"Your dare insult our Mizukage", spoke Raijuta angrily as he was forgetting who he was dealing with "You will pay for insult as well as your crimes that you are guilty against Kiri and Mizu no Kuni (Water Country)".

"Crimes?" answered The Raikage mockingly, before speaking again in a dangerous tone of voice

"If there anyone who are guilty of crimes it is you and your Mizukage. As well as that greedy cowardly fool the Daimyo of Mizu no Kuni, for your parts in the genocide of most Bloodline holders in Kiri and Mizu no Kuni as well as the murder of countless innocent people".

"The extermination of those traitors and monsters was for the betterment and glory of Kiri and for Mizu no kunai. Where it will rise to being the greatest power in the Shinobi world as it should be, and on that glories day we will march over the ruins your so call Heavenly Alliance and of your village", said Raijuta angrily.

"If you think that will happen then your more of a fool than I thought your were", replied The Raikage simply.

"Enough of this it time for you to die, so that I can present your head to the Mizukage… attack him", shouted Raijuta as he order his men to attack, who at first did not move but after seeing the crazed look on Raijuta face they knew that if they did not he would kill them himself.

Quickly the three Kiri Jonin's surrounded The Raikage believing that if they attacked him on all sides at once. The Three Kiri Jonin's quickly did several different hand-seals where each of them then cried out a different Jutsu.

"Suiton: Haran Banshō (Water Style: Stormy Blockade)", cried the first Kiri Jonin, where he summoned a massive amount of Water from the sky and have it crush The Raikage.

"Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu (Water Style: Great Waterfall Technique)", cried the second Kiri Jonin, where he summoned a strong column of Water to attack The Raikage.

"Suiton: Hahonryū (Water Style: Tearing Torrent)", cried the third Kiri Jonin, where he created Water that spirals in his hand and fired at a high-speed at The Raikage.

As the three attacks came in on three different sides The Raikage stood perfectly still were he was and just when the attacks were only a few feet away, The Raikage did a series of one-handed seals with incredible speed that made his hand look like a blur if people had tried to watch it. Just when the attacks were about to hit him The Raikage finished his seals and called out,

"Mizu no Tatsumaki (Tornado of Water)"

After which a massive Water Vortex appeared out the ground and surrounded The Raikage. The Water Vortex acted as a shield to The Raikage where it blocked the Water attacks, after which the Water vortex absorbed the Water and the attacking power of the Water attacks to become more powerful. After which the Water Vortex expanded outward and then exploded outward with incredible force, hitting the surrounding Kiri Jonin's and sending them flying and crashing into different directions and through building walls and knocking them unconscious.

Kakashi and Kureani and the others could not help but be amazed at how The Raikage so easily defeated the Kiri Jonin's as if they were nothing more than Genins with just a single Jutsu and use it with such incredible force.

Just as The Raikage defeated the three Kiri Jonin's, Raijuta entered the fight and cried out,

"Matoi Izuna (Wrapping Wind Spirit)" (F)

After which Raijuta swung his sword downward to hit the ground, in which a massive Wind blast attack surges from it and went towards The Raikage with great speed, where it tore up the ground as it travelled to him.

As the attack speeded towards him The Raikage did not move, letting the attack come closer towards him. When the attack was about hit him he quickly raised his hand with his palm stretched out forward and then cried out "Raihei (Lightning Wall)". (G)

When the attacked hit and massive explosion was caused, Raijuta grinned manically seeing this, thinking he had killed The Raikage, but that disappeared quickly. When the smoke dissipated and he saw The Raikage, with his hand still stretched out and was behind a large wall of electricity.

When the Konoha team and the Wave defenders saw this they were shocked at how The Raikage had so effortless stop the attack as if it was nothing.

"Is that it?" said the Raikage mockingly as he lowered his hand and the electric made wall dissipated,"Since if it is, then you may as well leave now while you still have a chance".

Raijuta just growled after hearing this, and before he could even reply seven people suddenly appear right beside The Raikage.

Kureani and Sakura quickly recognised the four of them as The Raikage bodyguards, Yugito, Yotsuki Killer Bee, Fu and Okatsu. The other three were clearly members of STORM, since their masks were Blue and Black, although they were clearly not the same ones that they met at The Hold since they had different masks shape like a Leopard, a Baku and a Dragon.

"Yo Boss, You ok?...We saw the explosion and thought you might be in trouble", spoke Killer Bee.

"I fine Bee, Thank you", replied The Raikage.

"Would you like one of us to finish him off Raikage-sama", asked Leopard who seemed to be the leader and was look at Raijuta, who in turn got nervous at the arrival of Killer Bee and The Raikage other bodyguards as well as the STORM-nins.

"No!...All of you are to go to them and stay out of it I will finish this myself", spoke The Raikage as he pointed a the Konoha group and then stepped forward to face Raijuta by himself. While Killer Bee and the others went over to the Konoha group, who had now just recovered from the poison, thanks to the antidote that The Raikage gave Kureani, who in turn passed it out to the others and the Wave defenders.

"So you rather fight me yourself than have your men do it, does that men that you recognise my strength and that I would be too much for them?" sneered Raijuta arrogantly. "Hardly…Anyone of my people there would have be too much for you to handle and could defeat you…The only reason why I told them to stay back was because, I prefer to finish what I have started, even if its dealing with trash like you", answered The Raikage which enraged Raijuta, at The Raikage insult.

"We see about that, for you have yet to see my deadliest technique", cried Raijuta before he swung his sword again and cried out,

"Tobi Izuna (Jump Wind Spirit)" (H)

When Raijuta swung his blade, a crescent shape air vacuum blade came from it at amazing speed, but when the crescent shape blade hit The Raikage it just passed right through him, much to the shock of Raijuta, the Konoha team and the Wave defenders. After a few seconds The Raikage began to shimmer and then fade away showing it was not the real Raikage.

"It seems that your deadliest technique is as unimpressive as your other techniques…The standards of the Great Swordsmen of the Mist must have indeed fallen very low to allow someone like you become a member of it", spoke The Raikage who appeared to the left of Raijuta.

"But how?...Did he use some kind of Bunshin (Clone)?" asked Kureani out loud.

"No it wasn't a Bunshin", answered Yugito who was standing near the Konoha group like the rest of her group and heard her,

"It was a Zanzō (After image)" (I).

"A Zanzō?" asked Sakura.

"Yes, a Zanzō is an old technique that The Raikage learned that was used by the first few Ninja's when the first Shinobi Clans were forming. To do the technique a person has to be extremely fast to do it. The technique involves a user moving an incredible high speed from one place to the other. Where they are so fast that most peoples eyes cannot keep up with the user and where the user leaves an after-image of the himself or herself, where it takes a few seconds for the image of the user to disappear and for the people's eyes to realise that the person is gone. Although the learning of the technique became outdated when Bunshins were created, the few that know it in a certain aspect today only learned it by accident after training very hard in Taijutsu and speed", spoke Fu. This of course surprised the Konoha team at how The Raikage knew an ancient technique like that, although it did make sense. Since both Gai and Lee were able to do the technique in a certain aspect, but still no-where near like The Raikage was able to do it.

Quickly turning around the enraged Raijuta fired another Tobi Izuna at The Raikage, where it simply passed right through him again revealing one again that it was not the real The Raikage but an after image. This continued for several minutes where Raijuta would fire a Tobi Izuna at The Raikage, but it would just past through his after image and he would appear in a different position. As this happened, Raijuta was becoming more and more infuriated at how he kept missing The Raikage and how The Raikage was humiliating him by making look like a fool. He began to fire rapid amounts of Tobi Izuna at The Raikage, but kept missing until The Raikage appeared at the other end of the street behind Raijuta and Raijuta fired three Tobi Izuna blades at him. The Raikage was able to side step two of them but was slightly too slow, where the last one cut the sleeve of his coat.

When Raijuta saw that he had cut The Raikage he grinned widely.

"Did you see that?" said Raijuta grinning, "My Tobi Izuna was able to cut you and proves that it is the Ultimate killing Technique!"

"Does it make you happy?" asked The Raikage.

"What?" asked a confused Raijuta.

"Does this little cut on my coat, make you happy?" asked The Raikage,

"Even after all the attacks that you threw at me, all of them missed. While that last one just made a small cut on my coat, it didn't even cut my skin. You even claim that your technique is the Ultimate Killing technique yet other than this cut on my sleeve, you haven't killed me nor have you hit me even once".

At this Raijuta became even angrier at The Raikage comment.

"Damn you and your pathetic excuses", growled Raijuat as he got ready to make another attack.

"I've grow tired of this fight little fight, it time to end this", spoke The Raikage dully as he then reached to his side to take something off the belt of his jeans.

At the same moment Raijuta swung his sword again and cried out "Tobi Izuna".

"This is the end for you, you Bastard", cried Raijuta after he unleashed a massive Tobi Izuna which was larger than any of the previous Tobi Izuna.

Just as the massive crescent shape air vacuum blade came towards him, The Raikage quickly took out a Blue sword hilt, where a yellow Lightning Bolt shaped blade quickly shot out of the hilt. He then quickly raised the sword up to meet the attack. When he raised his sword up, he slashed at the attack, just as it was about to hit him and cut the attack in two, where the remains of the vacuum air passed harmlessly by him.

"WHAT?" cried Raijuta as he could not believe that his strongest and fastest attack had been cut in two and was defeated so easily.

He was not alone, since many of the Konoha-nins were equally surprised at how The Raikage defeated Raijuta's attack. But what really shocked them the most was that they knew the sword that The Raikage had in his hand. The sword he had was the Nidaime Hokage's sword, the Raijin no Ken (The Sword of the Thunder God) (6), which had been stolen by a former Konoha Ninja, Aoi Rokushō who turned traitor and joined Amegakure (The Village Hidden in the Rain).

"The Raijin! Where on earth did The Raikage find it…The last sighting of it was with Aoi, when he fought against Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. During the Todoroki Shrine racein Cha no Kuni (Tea Country) ten years ago, and both he and the Raijin were lost when they fell off a cliff, it was thought to be lost. But the blade is different from what it was suppose to be, since it now shaped like a like a Lightning Blot", thought Kakashi as he was completely stunned.

"The Raijin! Impossible that sword was lost years ago", cried Raijuta in disbelief.

"Well clearly it no longer is, since as you can see I have it and I can use it ways that the Konoha's Nidaime Hokage could only dream about", spoke The Raikage.

"But still it is time to end this fight", said The Raikage as he then deactivated the Raijin and placing it back on his belt, "And I will do it without using the Raijin, since I do not need it to defeat the likes of you".

"We see about that!" shouted Raijuta as he charged forward at The Raikage with his sword.

As Raijuta charged forward, The Raikage then did a few one handed hand seals and brought his hand up with his the palm of his hand forward and then cried out "Kaze no Itami (Wind of Pain)" (J).

After which a massive Vortex of Wind came from his hand and headed right for Raijuta, who could no dodge in time, and was hit full force by the attack and was slashed all over his body by small the Wind blades of the attack. He was then sent flying into to the air and out of the village.

After defeating Raijuta, The Raikage turned over to his teams as well as the Konoha team and Wave defenders who had all recovered from the effects of the poison.

The Raikage then walked over and faced the Konoha group, while Killer Bee and the girls as well as the other STORM-nins went and stood behind him, after which The Raikage then spoke.

"It seems that it becoming a habit of lately that my Shinobi's and I are coming to save Konoha Ninja's, considering the events of the past month", spoke The Raikage. "And if I may, I' am guessing that the reason as to why you are here helping to defend Nami no Kuni. Is to prevent Kiri from using Nami no Kuni as a staging point to open a knew front against Konoha from your rear, since from what I understand Nami no Kuni cut all ties with your village ten years ago".

"That is correct Raikage-denka, but not to sound ungrateful for your aid against Raijuta and his men as well as for saving Kureani and the other, for we are. But why are you and your Shinobi's here, Nami no Kuni is not an ally or a member of Kumo and the Heavenly Alliance.

"I afraid that your questions will have to wait till later, since if you have not forgotten we are in the middle of a battle, one that Kiri is on the verge of wining if we do not drive them out now", said The Raikage. Which Kakashi agreed since he knew The Raikage was right and that his questions could be answered later, since they had a battle to fight and with The Raikage and his Shinobi on their side Kakashi knew they might just stand a chance of wining it.

At that moment another STORM-nin suddenly appeared on his knees next to The Raikage with a Blue and Black colour mask and shaped like a Panther.


"Yes, what is it Panther", asked The Raikage.

"Teams twenty-two, sixteen and twelve have arrived and ready to engage the Kiri forces"

"Good, have team sixteen, engage the Kiri forces on the Southern part of the village, have team twelve engage the Kiri forces on the Eastern part of the village and have team twenty-two engage the Kiri forces on the Western part of the village. While we engage the Kiri forces on this part of the village and drive them back. Also have our teams give out the antidote to the other Konoha teams and Wave defenders that are affected by the poison and have our combat Medics assist the wounded", order The Raikage where Bear quickly saluted and went to give out The Raikage orders to the other teams.

"Now if you excuse us we have a country to save", said The Raikage as he and the rest of his group with off to engage the Kiri forces. Not wanting to be out done the Konoha group and the Wave Samurai and Militia members followed after The Raikage and his group to do their part.