
The Raikage (Hiato)

the Fan Fiction is not mine, I just brought it to the fanfiction.net website. After succeeding in retrieving Sasuke, Naruto was banished from Konoha due to the Council's fear of the Akatsuki coming after him and destroying Konoha. 10 years later after being banished Naruto becomes the new Raikage of Kumo and leads it to greatness.

JapaOuO · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 4 Breakout Part One


I do not own Naruto what so ever or any of the characters or any of the OC that I used from other animes or games. Although there are certain OC characters like Princess Sachi that I do own

Last time on Raikage

After a few minutes of discussing with one another it was decided that they would go for the Raikage plan "Very well then by tomorrow we should have the information on the locations of all the Prisoners and who is, in what cell as well as the locations of all the volley guns there if they are there. After which we will then have two days to prepare the forces needed for the operations it then should take another two days by Airship to get to Mizu no Kuni on the third they will attack the Prison. In which hopefully Saitō people will be in place and be ready when our forces attack, and our teams will rescue the Princess and the following day the teams will met our escort fleet at the meeting point." stated The Raikage Once everyone nodded their heads in agreement they all left to discus with themselves what will happen in the next few days.

"The winds of change are finally beginning to blow soon a storm will arrive that will destroy the old corrupt world that refuses to change for the better and a new world will be born form it ruins" thought The Raikage as he left the War Council room to go home

-Three days later on Kumo Airship docks-

A few hundred feet above the Village of New Kumogakure on the sides of the mountains surrounding the village there were several large platforms built on the mountain sides for Kumo's Airships to land on and allow people to board or leave the Airships.

Kumo's Airships were large hulking war machines which were Air-powered and employ the use of multiple propeller sets on top of their hulls. The Airships were extremely long in length and had an ornamental Dragon's head to instil fear into enemy forces. The Airships were made entirely of metal and were crewed by at least twenty crewmen and twenty Ninja's and 10 Sky Hawk Ninja's. They could carry dozens of bombs that they could drop from the hatches on their underbellies in order to destroy ground targets as well as drop pods for Ninja's Airdrop attacks. Also small catapult launchers for launching Sky Hawk Ninja's were built on these ships and catwalks hung from the ship's underside so that Ninja's could fire Jutsu at oncoming enemy Air forces (should another Nation build any of their own) or down at enemies below. The Ninja's on the catwalks would also be secured with harnesses to keep them from falling off. The ships also had three large man size ballista's built onto either side of the Airship and volley guns built at the forward and underbelly of the Airships along with a newly develop weapon called a Lightning Cannon under the ornamental Dragon head so to fire down at enemies or even at other flying aircrafts.

Currently on the Platform The Raikage was talking to the commander of the unit he was sending on the mission to rescue the Princess.

"I wish you luck Commander I know that you and your teams will accomplish your mission" said The Raikage

"Thank you Raikage-sama we shall not fail you, we will meet you at the meeting point as planned" said the Commander who was wearing a Falcon shaped ANBU mask that had black lines on it.

-One day later in Konoha Council Room-

Currently in Konoha Council Room the members of Konoha Council were sitting at their seats at the Council table they had all been summoned by The Hokage for an emergency meeting for some unknown reason. Soon after they arrived Tsunade and Jairya entered the room.

"Hokage-san why've you called us all here for this emergency meeting" asked Koharu in an almost demanding tone of voice and without the traditional sama when speaking The Hokage

Tsuande just frowned at Koharu tone the old hag and that old War Hawk Danzo were getting too full of themselves thinking that they could boss her around like a fresh Genin. She often wish that she and Jairiya had killed the two of them when they learned their plan about Naruto and the Akatsuki but she knew that if she killed them then it would bring noting but trouble since the two of them had the Civilian Council members in their back pocket. Not to mention several other important people in Konoha that would make life in Konoha very hard if she were to kill them or remove them from their positions not to mention she had no question that if Danzo was killed his ROOT division would rebel against Konoha causing complete chaos in the village especially since she did not know all of the locations of Danzo bases (The bastard was as slippery as her old snake of a teammate was) which would result into Civil War and that was the last thing they needed right now. So she decided to ignore what Koharu had said.

"Good afternoon thank you all for coming so quickly I sure that that you are all wondering why I called this meeting" said Tsuande which cause Koharu to frown since she had just asked her that and she just ignored her.

"Three hours ago we received an message from The Umi Daimyo informing us that nine days ago his daughter Princess Sachi who was being guarded by Kurenai-san and her team was captured by Warships from Kirigakure and Mizu no Kuni" said Tsuande.

This caused the Civilian Council members to started shouting about what happened. As they were shouting several of the Clan heads had worried looks on their faces since people they cared about were on that team.

"Lee-Kun" Yakumo thought worriedly about her husband.

"Choji" thought Choza fearing for his son.

"Kurenai-obasan" thoughtKonohamaru as he began to worry about his Aunt.

After a quick burst of Killing Intent and a frosty glare that would've frozen hell itself from Hinata the Civilian member wisely shrank down and shut up, this caused Tsuande to smile a little in gratitude at her former student for shutting the fools up.

"Hokage-sama how exactly was the Princess captured? As I do not think that Kurenai-sensei would hand over her to Mizu no Kuni and Kiri" spoke Hinata as she too was worried about her former sensei that had been like a second mother to her when she was younger.

At this question Jairiya intervened and answered Hinata question

"It seems that somehow The Mizu Daimyo and The Godaime Mizukage found that Princess Sachi was leaving to go to Tsuki no Kuni to go to her wedding and had only a light guard protecting her. They then sent three Mizu no Kuni Warships and two Kiri Warships to capture the Princess. Also according to the Royals Guards who were assigned to protect the Princess the two Kiri Warships had volley guns and they had even created hand held versions of them and given them to their Ninja's. Which was why when they saw what they had the Princess surrendered herself to them so that they would spar the others lives" spoke Jairiya where after he had finished speaking pandemonium erupted in the Council room but was quickly silenced with a burst of Killing Intent coming from Tsuande this time.

"So it seems that the rumours that you reported to us about Kiri getting their hands on the plans on Haru/Yuki no Kuni (Spring/Snow Country) volley guns were true and not only have they built them onto their fleets but have also created hand held versions of them. This is greatly troubling" said Danzo said with a frown.

"But what happened to my husband and the other members of his team" asked a worried Yakumo. "I'm afraid that Kiri decided to take them as Prisoners to interrogate them for information on us" answered Tsuande sadly since like some of the other members of the Council she was worried about the members of the team including Sakura, for although she was still a bit anger for her past sins against Naruto that didn't mean she wanted her to be tortured, raped and killed which was what would most likely would happen to her.

This caused Yakumo to gasp in fear knowing what that meant and put her hand to cover her mouth as thoughts of Lee being tortured crept into her mind, where a black pit of dread started to form in her stomach as she thought of this.

"Where are the Princess, Kurenai-san and her team being held?" asked Homaru.

"They are being held in "The Hold" answered Jairiya.

This caused a good bit of worried muttering since everyone knew the infamous Prison of Kirigakure which none had ever escaped from and where they held most of the Political Prisoners of both the Mizu Daimyo and The Mizukage not to mention the large number or Rebel Ninja's that were held there as well.

"So what do we do now?" asked Homura.

"What do you think we have to rescue them!" shouted Konohamaru.

Konohamaru had grown up quite a bit in the in the past ten years he was now a tall young man about five foot eight and wore the standard attire for a Jonin with a green flat jacket and black Shinobi pants and shirt underneath the flat jacket. His hair was still spiky but was now longer where he had is tied up in a short pony tail at the back of his head and had his headband around his head. He also carried a small metal tube on his right side hip where once he flicked the small switch on the tube it would extend into a long metal battle pole to use when fighting. The extendable battle pole was a new devise that Mikumo Tenshin (TenTen father) had created based on another new devise the extendable spear that a old blacksmith friend of his from outside the village had shown him which according from him had been created in Kumogakure.

"Konohamaru-san please settle down since things like this are not that simple we cannot waste vital resources and risking more lives on a single team since every Shinobi knows that there is always a risk of something like this happening. Besides it would take a small army of Shinobi's to attack that Prison and we can't afford to send that many to attack "The Hold" since if we did Iwa. Kusa, Oto or the Hannya Clan would most likely take advantage of our depleted numbers and attack us. Kurenai–san and her team are expendable losses." stated Koharu simply without so much as a shred of sympathy

"To hell with that my Grandfather always told me Konoha Shinobi's never abandoned their comrades. Not to mention right now my little cousin is staying at my home waiting for his mother to return home and I be dammed if I going home to tell him that his mother has been captured and no-one is willing to try and rescue her. He has already lost his father before he was even born so there is no way in hell I going to let him grow up without a mother too!" shouted Konohamaru

"There are many orphans in this world Sarutobi-san and many Shinobi's with children who know well that whenever they go on missions that they may leave their children as orphans. Besides what is one more orphan in this village to the many that there are now" stated Danzo coldly.

Konohamaru was about to blow his gasket and attack the one-eye bastard for his comment but Yakumo spoke up before he could do anything

"You maybe willing to leave them all to be tortured and killed in that Prison Danzo (speaking his name with venom), but I'm not and there is no way I going to let my daughter grow up without her father either" said Yakumo.

"I agree with Konohamaru-san and Yakumo-san there not a chance in hell I going to let my son rot in that place" spoke Chōza as he slammed his fist down on the Council table making large cracks on the table, both Shikaku and Inoichi nodded in agreement.

"As my mother so often tells me a pack never abandons it members" said Hana (Who had recently took over the position as Clan head from her mother who was now helping teaching younger Inuzuka children to work with their canine partners)

"I also agree with Sarutobi-san in rescuing Kureani-san and her team since although sometimes some of the hive must sacrifice themselves for the good of the Hive itself, it is not in this case since Kurenai-san, Lee-san, Choji-san and Sakura-san are all powerful and valued members of Konoha, also they know a great deal of our secrets and if they reveal them to Kiri they will use them to greatly hurt us, So logic dictates that we must save them to prevent that from happening." answered Shibi

"I agree as well and if Konoha dose not agree to send a team to rescue Kurenai-sensei then I and my Clan will and I will personally lead that team myself" announced Hinata as she stood up and spoke with confidence and determination.

Hinata had also grown up quite a bit as well where instead of short hair her hair was now long that reached down to her lower back. She also wore typical Shinobi black pants and fishnet shirt and a midriff tank which showed of her impressive figure and bust although she cared little of that. Hinata also whore black fingerless gloves and wore a long White sleeveless coat with the Hyuga Clan Symbol on it and yellow flames on the edges (*)

Hinata's statement of course got many surprised looks from everyone since Hinata had just stated that if they did not go rescue Kurenai and her team that she and The Hyuga Clan would go on their own and rescue the others themselves. Hence if they did do that it would hurt Konoha reputation greatly since if one of their most prominent Clans The Hyuuga Clan went against Konoha ruling and took upon themselves to try and rescue one of their captured teams it would make Konoha look incompetent. Since people would believe that Konoha had no control over their Shinobi's and their Clans hence they would lose face and more business from current clients and that was the last thing they needed since they were already in a hard spot as it is in finical and economical standing.

"That will not be needed Hinata we will send a infiltration team to rescue Kureani and the others as well as Princess Sachi" said Tsuande.

"Hokage-sama you can't be serious, we can't afford to lose anymore of our best Shinobi's all we be doing is weakening ourselves" shouted Ashikaga Shin.

"I' am very much serious and this is a Ninja matter Ashikaga hence you have no say beside you don't understand the situation that we are in right now?" rounded Tsuande.

"Situation? What do you mean Hokage-sama?" asked a confused Shin.

Tsuande just sighed and said "When I received the message from The Umi Daimyo he spoke how furious he was with at how the team that we sent to protect his daughter failed to protect her. After we declared that we would make sure that no harm would come to her and that we sent some of our very best Ninja's to protect her".

"But that was not our fault there was no way we could have know that Kiri would be waiting to ambush us not to mention that they would have those weapons with them" said Asai Heita.

"That still doesn't change the fact that our Ninja's failed to do what they were hired to do and even after all our assurances" said Tsunade where she then continued.

"Hence we have no choice but try and rescue both Kurenai's team and the Princess or we throw away any chance we have of good relationships with Umi no Kuni and Tsuki no Kuni and also risk further isolating ourselves further"


"That is enough Konohamaru! Rushing off half cock like that will only end up in disaster" ordered Tsuande which got the young man to calm down and sit back down onto his seat after which Tsunade spoke again.

"Before we make any kind of rescue attempt we need information on the Prison and where Princess Sachi, Kurenai and the others are being held after which we will need to make a plan of attack to infiltrate the Prison and get them out as quickly as possible."

"Jairya! I need you to head to Mizu no Kuni and get as much information on "The Hold" as you can and find where Kurenai and the others are all being held in it as soon as possible also if you can see if you can get us pictures of the Prison or better yet plans of it if possible!" order Tsuande.

"Right Hime I do what I can" replied Jairiya and quickly Shunshin'd away.

"Once Jiraiya has gotten all the information on the Prison that he can I want you Shikaku and your son Shikamaru to create a plan to allow us to infiltrate "The Hold"" ordered Tsuande to which Shikaku just nodded

"This meeting is dismissed" said Tsuande to the Council

As the Council members were leaving many were muttering about what they had learned many were talking about what they were going to do and ways they could save the Princess and Kurenai and the others. While some others like Danzo, Koharu and the Civilian members were commenting that this was a mistake and a waste of valuable resources that could be put to better use.

Tsuande could only scoffed at them after they had all left she then started to leave the room she needed a drink badly but knew she couldn't since she had stopped drinking ever since Nauto was banished.

"First most of our allies and clients turn their back on us for banishing Naruto, then the Heavenly Alliance is formed and takes most of our missions from us, then Orochimaru rebuilds Oto's forces and gathers Iwa, Kiri, Kusa and the The Hannya Clan to ally against us and now this. Things seem to only get worse and worse for us", thought Tsuande. After which she then looked out to the blue cloudless sky "Is this the Heavens wrath on us for turning our backs on Naruto or is it you Naruto who is punishing this village from the Heavens for betraying you".

-Two days later in a prison cell in "The Hold"-

Currently laying on top of her bed in her cell was Sakura, she and the others had been in the Prison for about a week. They arrived at "The Hold" after a four day trip from where they were ambush to here. After they had arrived they were all separated and put into different cells although she did know that Kureani was in the cell on her right while the Princess was in the cell on her left, they could not make contact with one another.

Sakura was wearing a standard Gray Prison outfit with a long short sleeved shirt and long gray trousers with normal sandals, she also had a collar around her neck with special seals placed on it where it suppressed her chakra and kept her from using it, it also would paralyse her body should any of the guards activate it and if she tried to tamper with it, it would exploded with enough force to blow of her head off.

Fortunately for the past week noting had happened so far in being held in "The Hold" since they hadn't been interrogated yet for information which was fine by her, although she knew that eventually they would start soon enough, they were mostly likely deciding what to do with them and how to interrogate them.

As she lay on her bed looking up at the ceiling she had not much to do other than think about how things such as how things had changed since Naruto banishment. Thinking about him made her think about how much of a cold hearted and selfish bitch she was to him. She remembered how she use to fawn over Sasuke all because he was talented, handsome and from a powerful and "Noble Clan" in which due to her stupid crush over him it had cost her a good friend that she truly never deserved. It made her sick as she remembered how weak and foolish she had been where she spent all her time trying to look nice for Sasuke while she could have used the time to train and get stronger. She then began to remember where the truth was finally slapped in her face by Tsunade who had revealed to her how stupid, shellfish and weak she had been for the past few years as she fawned over Sasuke


"No, no, no, NO! That wrong if you did that to a patient you would block the patient coronary artery and give the patient a heart attack haven't you been listening to me if you had you would know not to do that. Now we will start all over again and keep doing this until you get it perfect is that clear. spoke Tsuande angrily as if she was speaking to an dunce.

Sakura at the time was barely containing her temper at this moment since she had been belittle, hassled, undermined, insulted and pressured for weeks by Tsuande ever since she started this training coarse to be a medic-nin everything she did was either wrong or not good enough by Tsuande standards. No matter how hard she tried Tsuande would always find something wrong with what she did, the way Tsuande treated her made her feel as if she was a complete moron that could do noting right.

"Are you even listening to what I telling you or are you off in your own little world dreaming about how you and your beloved "traitor" will be having your wedding" rounded Tsuande and saying traitor with venom.

"Don't you dare call Sasuke-kun a traitor he wasn't well when he left the Cruse Seal made him leave the village with how it messed with his mind" said Sakura as she stood up to Tsuande

"If you believe that tripe that the Civilians are spouting then you're even more deluded than I even thought" scoffed Tsuande.

Sakura just balled her fist in anger and glared at Tsuande and then snarled out.

"Your just taking out your anger out on me because Naruto got banish from the village".

"What did you just say" snarled Tsuande as she let out a small amount of Killing Intent since she was barely reining in her temper and keeping herself from strangling the girl.

But despite this Sakura held her ground and then started to shout out

"You heard me you and the others are all blaming me and Sasuke-kun for Naruto being banish when it was clear that he was losing control of the Kyuubi look at what he did to Sasuke-kun. If he had stayed then he would've eventually destroyed the village or those Akatsuki guys who hurt Kakashi-sensei would have come back and destroyed the village to get him. We're better off without him gone now he was a threat to the village but you and the other refuse to see that"

After her little rant Sakura took in a few deep breaths to calm herself down a bit in which she started feel a little better knowing that she had finally stood up to her teacher, although that pride only lasted for a second or two before Tsuande grabbed her by the throat and slammed her into the wall making a large dent in it and held her up high enough so that she would be at eye level with Tsuande.

When Sakura looked into The Hokage Golden eyes she saw them filled with uncontrolled rage and fury, the look in her eyes paralyzed Sakura with fear, Shizune (who was in the room as well) was about to step in and try and save Sakura from her master's anger but was stopped by a look that Tsuande gave her that clearly told her not to butt in.

"Let me tell you something you little "Tramp" (saying it with venom) did you know the real reason why Naruto was the dead last in your class" snarled Tsuande as she look Sakura right in the eye Sakura did not answer since she couldn't even move since Tsuande had a vice like grip on her throat and she could barley breath let alone move since her entire body was frozen with pure terror at the Killing Intent that Tsuande was unleashing and the look of pure rage and hatred that filled her eyes.

"Well I tell you why, the only reason why Naruto was the dead last was because of ignorant fools like you in the school decided to sabotage his training by giving him old school books that were unreadable or behind in current teaching. They taught him the wrong things when training him in Taijutsu they even ignored him when he asked for help and gave him questions that only Jonin level Ninja's would know. Which was why I had the majority of the teachers in the academy fired as well as half of the hospital staff when they refused to treat Naruto when he was hurt when he was younger and made and why I made sure that they would never practice medicine again and why I had them and the teachers from the academy sent to Ibiki for three months after I learned about what they'd done to Naruto after he was banished" snarled Tsuande after which she then continue

"But even despite all the handicaps that the teachers gave him in the academy he was still able to learn the Kage Bunshin Jutsu a B rank Jounin level Ninjutsu technique and the Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu an advance A ranked forbidden technique of the Kage Bunshin Jutsu in just three hours without any help and defeated your former teacher Mizuki by himself when he turned traitor. He even saved your miserable worthless life when he defeated that Gaara kid during the invasion of Suna and Oto, he also convinced me to come back to this cesspit of a village to help your beloved "Uchiha" when Itachi mopped the floor with him. Not only that but when he was on that mission to bring me back here he learned and mastered the Rasengan one of the Yondaime most powerful techniques which took him three years to develop and master, while it took your sensei Hatake six months to master it and Jiraiya a month, but for Naruto it only took him one week to master it".

"He was even protecting this thankless village everyday of his life from the Kyuubi by keeping it contained and for that bigotry idiots like you beat him up three days a week for what he contained and after every beating he got he had to go to the Hospital, he even got worse beatings on his birthdays which was the day when the Kyuubi was sealed into him and he lost his parents. But even despite all he went through he still remained loyal to this worthless village and what did fools like you do to return his loyalty you banished him all because what was done to him when he was just a baby and for hurting your precious "Uchiha" when he turned "traitor" she then tighten her grip around Sakura neck almost choking her.

"And you have the gall to do the things you did to him and then call him a monster, (surprising Sakura) Oh yes I heard what you did to Naruto and how you use to beat him up at the academy for practically no reason other than him being himself or to make you feel better about yourself. I've read your file, your skills are practically since their still at academy level you might have show some skill in Yuki no Kuni as well as shown good Chakra control but that it. The only real reason you even passed was because you passed the academic part of the academy which goes to show how far the academy has fallen if little "sluts" like you are our top Kunoichi" spat Tsuande after which she continued.

"I've even seen the recording of your match against Inoichi daughter in the Chunin exam and it was by far the most pathetic match I ever seen in my life it little "tramps" like you are what brings down the name Kunoichi even Inoichi daughter has shown more improvement and skill than you've. I'm willing to bet that if I check with Hatake he tell me that he, the "Uchiha" and Naruto were all the ones who did the real fighting on you missions while you hid behind them in the sidelines, it also shows how incompetent Hatake was as a sensei if he thought you were ready for the Chunin exam since clearly you weren't and if you weren't then the whole team wasn't. You're noting more than a cheap little "whore" who wanted to be the personal "bitch" to a "traitor" who couldn't give a rat's ass about you and cared noting about anyone put himself".

"The only reason why I even decided to take you as my student was as a favour to Naruto since I knew he cared about you which I still don't even seen why he did after all the things you did to him your noting more that a gold-digging "whore" who goes and worships the feet of "traitors" like the "Uchiha" who should have been jailed for the rest of his life for what he did while real hero's like Naruto are treated like trash, as well as spit on and then banished despite everything they done for you all". said Tsuande angrily in which as she continued she was shattering all of Sakura's beliefs and was shatter the world that Sakura had formed around herself since as much as she didn't want to believe it what Tsuande was saying was true

"You're a weak and sorry excuse of a Ninja that follows the tailcoats of real Ninja's and beat up those you know won't fight back like Naruto just to make up for your weakness and make yourself feel better. I suggest that you better shape up quickly "girl" because if you don't you might as well quit since if you don't you just get yourself or your teammates killed or even worse become the personal "whore" of some bandit or enemy Ninja and for your own sake you better hope it the former of those three. This village didn't deserve heroes like Naruto after all they done".

"Did you know that he had two holes in his chest when he came back from his mission to bring your "Uchiha" back one of which was just a inch to his heart and both holes were caused by your sensei's prized technique the Chidori the move that he taught your great and mighty "Uchiha". Did you also know that whenever Naruto used the Kyuubi Chakra it cause's him massive damage and pain to his body by the time he got back to the village carrying your "Uchiha" he was half-dead and nearly died when he got here I was barely even able to save him but despite all that all he asked about was how was the "Uchiha" and if he was able to keep his promise to you about bringing him back to you. You make me sick to my stomach because he did that all for you and after you cried your eyes out to him to bring him back to you and what thanks did he get from you none that what you just beat him up just because he hurt your "Uchiha"". snarled Tsuande as she then threw Sakura across the room where she hit the wall making another dent in it.

When Sakura came to her sense's from hitting the wall Tsuande threw a large ten inch tick folder that was on her desk to Sakura.

"Read it and you may finally see how much of a stupid little "tramp" you've been. Now get out!" snarled Tsunade.

As Sakura got up she just stood there holding the folder not moving after which Tsuande then roared out.


Sakura then ran out the office as quickly as she could not wanting to be on the receiving end of Tsuande wrath again and become her personal punching bag for a month.

-Flashback Ends-

Later on after that incident with Tsuande Sakura read the folder that Tsuande gave her. The folder was a copy of Naruto personal file it contain all his information the injuries he had suffered over the years which took place three times every week like Tsuande had said it even mentioned how his Shinobi education had been sabotage by the teachers, it even mentioned how he tried to kill himself twice when he was only eight and nearly died both times and would've had the ANBU guarding him not gotten him to the hospital in time.

It also stated how Naruto only got the bare minimal treatment that he needed to have when injured at the hospital and only got the bare minimal social welfare funds from the Civilian Council which was why he lived in a run down apartment and could only eat at Ichiraku Ramen since they were the only place that wouldn't over charge him for food or kick him out or give him rotten out of date food. The folder also described in detail how Naruto was beaten the worse being on October 10th on his birthday and the anniversary of the Kyuubi attack the folder stated that he had over three hundred and eighty assassination attempts on his life by either Ninja's or Civilians while he had been attacked by mobs six hundred and thirty times.

When Sakura had finally finished she started to cry at what had happened to Naruto finally realising what he must of gone through in his life and how despite everything that happen to him he had a smile on his face. It made it even worse for her knowing that she added to his pain and suffering and at how wrong she had been about him. A few days later after much soul searching she also realised that Tsuande had been right about her after which she then made a vow to get stronger in hope of one day that she could find a way to bring Naruto back and find some way of earning his forgiveness even though she knew there was a little chance of that ever happening after what she had done. Since much like what Kakashi had told them when they first became a team "In the ninja world, those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum", and she defiantly fitted in that category after what she did to Naruto. Soon after she went back to Tsuande and went on her hands and knees and told her she had finally seen how much of a stupid naive fool she had been and said that she would do anything Tsuande said if she agreed to train her again she also sworn that she wouldn't question Tsuande ever again.

Tsuande had then asked her why should she train her again and why did she want to get stronger. In which Sakura answered that she had no answer as to why Tsunade should train her again but told her that she wanted to get stronger so that she could find a way to bring Naruto back to Konoha and find a way to repent for her sins and in some small way earn his forgiveness she had even told Tsuande that if she did not train her she would find someone else to train her or even train herself until she got a stronger.

After what she had said Tsuande had agreed to train her again since she had been impressed with her answer and saw that she had really changed for the better. The training over the years was hard and Tsuande was just as strict and harsh a teacher as she was before but Sakura had not complained at all and over the years the results showed later on at how stronger she had gotten and how skilled she was as a medic-nin now.

Sakura also remembered the day when she heard about Naruto death at the hands of the Akatsuki, she remembered how much she had cried that day at home when she heard. She wept at Naruto being killed after everything that had happen to him in his life and at how she never got the chance to tell Naruto how sorry she was for what she had done to him and to try and earn his forgiveness. She knew that no matter how many times she said she was sorry she could never make up for what she had done to him. As she thought this a small single tear fell down her face.

"Naruto…I'm sorry" she thought sadly as she closed her eyes.

-Outside the Prison at one of the Look-out Towers -

"Hey Hayaki how it going?" asked a Kiri Ninja

"Oh! Hey Ryouma, not so bad just boring as usual only thing of interest was those five supply ships that arrived a few minutes ago and are docking at the supply dock" replied Hayaki

"No real surprise since no-one would be stupid enough to attack us here" Ryouma said

"Isn't that the truth, although I have to say I give a lot right now for a little action" said Hayaki

"Hey did you hear we got a few new Prisoners last week four of them were Konoha Ninja's two of which were women and not bad looking ones at that, while another Prisoner with them was the Princess of Umi no Kuni" Ryouma said

"Seriously, Man I've to say The Mizukage has got some balls kidnapping the Princess of another Country like that" said Hayaki

"There more it seems that when our guys kidnapped her she was on her way to Tsuki no Kuni since she was going to marry the Crown Prince of the Country" replied Ryouma

"Man! The Mizukage is taking a big gambit with this move of his he risking pissing off not only two Countries but also risking pissing off the Heavenly Alliance" said Hayaki

"But why would it piss off the Heavenly Alliance neither Country is a member of the Heavenly Alliance" asked Ryouma

"Yea but Tsuki no Kuni is Allied to the Heaven Alliance not to mention I heard that The Raikage and the Prince of Tsuki no Kuni are good friends with one another, hence it will most likely piss him off that we kidnapped the fiancé of a friend of his and if he pissed off then the rest of the Heavenly Alliance will be too" said Hayaki worriedly

This cause Ryouma to shuddered in fear at the idea of The Raikage (aka Arashi no Oni (The Demon of Storms))being anger. Any man that can single-handily destroy an entire fleet of fifty warships that contained an army of over ten thousand men with a single Jutsu is man that should be greatly feared.

"Maybe but even Kumo and the Heavenly Alliance wouldn't attack this place it would take a massive armada of ships and a small army to take this place and by the time they even broke through the main defences reinforcements from Kiri would arrive not to mention we have the new volley guns on our ships and guard towers as well as have those new hand held versions of it" answered Ryouma.

"You might be right there but-" Hayaki was saying before he stopped in mid sentence and was looking up at the sky.

"But what?" asked Ryouma "What are you looking at?"

"Look do you see that" Hayaki said pointing up at the sky.

Ryouma look to where Hayaki was pointing when he did look he saw a large oval shape object heading towards the Prison.

"What is it?" asked Ryouma

Hayaki then took the binocular he had on the nearby stand and looked through them and said

"It…looks like some kind of ship" answered Hayaki

"A ship? But that impossible ships don't fly" shouted Ryouma

"I wouldn't say that I heard stories that in Yuki no Kuni they have ships like these and-" said Hayaki but stopped again when he released something

"What?" said Ryouma slightly panicky.

"It the Heavenly Alliance their here that ship belongs to them" shouted Hayaki worriedly

"What?" said Ryouma again

"Don't you realise Yuki no Kuni is part of the Heavenly Alliance and they have those types of ships not to mention look at the symbol on the ship" shouted Hayaki as he handed the binocular to Ryouma. When he looked he saw the large Airship (1) he then saw the large symbol of Kumogakure on the side of the Airship he also saw that the Airship was carrying a large metal craft on it underside.

It was then as the two men were gawking at the Airship that a large bright flash of blue light was seen from the ship and a blot of energy came from it and hit the weapons storage building which caused it to explode and created a massive explosion in the Prison.

"SHIT WE'RE UNDER ATTACK SOUND THE ALARM!" roared Hayaki after which he hit the alarm button sounding off the alarm in the Prison

-On Board the Kumo Airship -

On board the bridge of the Kumo Airship a young crewmen walked up to the captain and saluted to him and said.

"Captain we have hit the enemy storage building causing massive confusion in the Prison as planned and we are halfway charging up the Lightning cannon"

The Lightning cannon was a new special weapon that was built for Kumo Airships it produce a massive burst of electric energy created by the generators on board the Airships, which is reflected back by an external alignment mirror (that were on the front of the balloon part of the Airship right underneath the ornamental Dragon's head) and focused by a second mirror connected to the alignment mirror and concentrated into a large single burst of energy in which it had enough power to destroy a small building. The only drawback though was it took thirty seconds for the cannon to recharge ever time.

"Very good now have all ballista's, volley guns and Ninja's on the catwalks fire on the locations that they were each given then fire on the barracks entrance on the cliff side in the Prison, combined with what the Mizu Rebel Factions are doing that should delay the forces station there long enough for us to complete our mission" order the captain to which the crewman saluted and gave out the captain orders out to the crew on the ship's intercom.

As the crewman gave out his orders to the rest of the crew the captain looked down from his view point at the famed Prison of Kiri "The Hold". The Prison was built into a crescent moon shaped canyon that was next to the sea it had a large sea wall in front of the Prison with four large metal gates that would open to allow Prison ships to enter and had a small docking point for each gateway. It also had several towers built on the wall and on the cliff sides around the Prison, there was even a small supply docking area built underneath the cliffs that were next to the sea wall on it left hand side and an underground tunnel the lead from the Prison to the supply docking area.

The Prison itself was twenty stories high and had was pentagon shaped also around it were several small buildings the held the lunch building for the guards (which was now in ruin due to a explosion that the Mizu Rebel Faction spies caused when many of the on duty Kiri Shinobi Guards were having their lunch) as well as the storage area for all their weapons (which was now destroyed as well) and several other buildings. Also built into the cliff side was the barracks for the six hundred Shinobi's station there to guard the Prison and on the small outer islands off the Prisons were several small docks that had a small fleet of twenty ships in total station there to protect the Prison.

As the Captain looked down he saw the towers and several other points around "The Hold" being fired upon by his ship and being destroyed each of the towers and the points that were destroyed were where Kiri new Volley guns were and the storage building that was now destroyed held the hand held volley guns he also saw the radio tower being destroyed which kept the remaining Kiri-nins bellow confused and kept them from getting orders from the Prison Command point.

"Captain all target enemy volley guns have been destroyed as has the radio tower" spoke another crewman.

"Good then begin the second stage of the operation have the three teams launch from the ship after which drop the package and fire the smoke bombs on the open area of the Prison after that we are to pull away and head home since the rest will be up to the recovery team." order the captain to which the crew saluted and did as he was told.

After the radio tower and all the volley guns were destroyed twelve Kumo Wing Gliders were launched from the Airship as they flew in the air they started to drop bombs, Kunai's, Shurikens and fire Lighting, Wind, Fire and Raiton Jutsu's on the already confused Kiri Ninja's who were busy trying to figure out what was happening and trying to put out the fires that were erupting all around from the explosions that were happening in the Prison.

Soon after the Gliders were launched into the air the Airship dropped the craft that it was carrying into the Water and once it hit the Water it caused a massive tidal wave that went right over the sea wall and flooded the entire open area with Water washing away the Kiri Ninja's in the open area causing more confusion in the Prison.

Once the Airship dropped the craft it fired several large smoke bombs covering the entire Prison with black smoke once that was done the Airship quickly turned around and left.

Once the Black smoke covered the Prison the Kumo Ninja's that were on the Wing Gilders descended down and landed on the sea wall. At the same time the craft that the Airship dropped appeared above of the Water surface and open a rectangular shaped hatch on the top of it hull and revealed a Volley gun that fired hundreds of explosive Kunai's over the sea wall and unto the Prison. After which it then sealed the hatch and went back under the Water and continue to do this every so often in a different place.

-Rescue Team viewpoint -

Once they had their Wing Gilders off their backs the Commander of the rescue teams who wore a Falcon shaped ANBU mask with black lines symbolising him as the a member of the STORM division like the rest of the teams spoke where he quickly gave orders to his teams.

"Alright everyone this is a three hundred seconds (That five minutes for anyone who is unsure) blitz attack in which we've to rescue the Princess, the Konoha team and release all the other Prisoners and be out in that time frame. Team three will stay out on the open area and using the smoke to sneak up and attack any and all Kiri Ninja's keeping them confused and keeping any from entering the Prison itself, Team two will enter with us and lay down the foundation work for out little surprise for the Kiri-nins, Sparrow and I will release the Princess and the Konoha Kunoichi's, Raven you will release the male Konoha-nins and Hawk you will go to the control centre and release the rest of the Prisoners and release the coded message to them through the intercom. Now you all have your orders now MOVE OUT!" order Falcon which all the members replied with a "Hai" and moved out.

-"The Hold" Command Point -

"The Hold" Command point was built on the cliff side of the canyon and directly behind the Prison itself and overlooking it.

Currently the Command centre was in utter chaos right now trying to figure out what was happening and what was going on, it was then that the Commander of the Prison entered the Command centre.


"Sir!" saluted a Kiri ninja and answered the commanders questions.

"I afraid that were are under attack by forces we believe to belong to Kumogakure, we were fired upon by and Airship that has had the Kumogakure symbol on it in which after a minute or so of attacking us the ship launched some small flying Gliders carrying enemy Shinobi's. It then drop some other craft into the Water and can somehow move underwater and surface to fire on us and then go down again before we can do anything to it. The Airship then dropped several large smoke bombs covering the entire Prison so we can't see what is going on after which the Airship then left and our remaining forces that are in the open area are in complete confusion right now since the enemy also hit our radio tower so we can't contact our forces out there."

"What about the rest of our forces why the hell aren't they out there?" shouted the Commander..

"I'm afraid that the enemy Airship fired on the main entrance out of the barracks in the cliff side that leads to the open area and destroyed the entrance the rest of our men are trying to get out through the emergency entrances but it will take five minutes before they are all out. Also a large number of our men have been killed when an explosion erupted in the mess hall when many of our men were eating their afternoon meal and our hidden volley guns have also been destroyed by several other explosions. We believe that the explosions was caused by exploding notes planted by Rebel spies from the Rebel Factions that infiltrated the Prison and we just received reports that a large force of Rebel Ninja's from the Rebel Factions have taken over the supply docking area and are moving through the underground entrance into the Prison. It seems that they disguised their ships to look like our supply ships so that they could sneak into the supply docking area" replied the Kiri-nin

"Damn those Kumo bastards" The Commander shouted as he slammed his fist onto the desk next to him.

"Are they working with the Rebel Factions? They must be after the Princess it the Prison it's the only explanation why they are here and attacking us", He then turned to the Kiri-nin he had been talking to.

"Have our entire forces get out to the open area as fast as they can and secure the Prison as quickly as possible we can't let them get away with the Princess"

"Yes Sir" answered the Kiri-nin and quickly went to do what the Commander had ordered.

"You won't get away with this you Kumo scum I swear it" thought the Commander as he looked out at the smoked filled Prison with small explosions been seen every so often.

-Rescue Team General Viewpoint-

As Kurenai looked out her small bar widow she could see the explosion and smoke outside and could not help but wonder what was going on. It was oblivious that the Prison was under attack, she knew it wasn't Konoha since they couldn't of heard of their capture and mounted a rescue attempt so soon not to mention she didn't think that they would come and use the limited resources that they would need for the War to simply rescue them.

"Could it be the Rebel Factions in Mizu no Kuni attacking the Prison? No they wouldn't have the resources to make such an attack, but if it not them then who?" thought Kurenai, it was then that she heard a knock and a voice from behind the cell door

"Hello Yuuhi Sarutobi Kurenai are you in there" called the voice

"Yes I'm who is there?" asked Kurenai

"My name is Falcon my team and I've come to rescue you and the Princess of Umi no Kuni, Now please step away from the door I'm going to blow it" said Falcon which Kurenai obeyed

As soon as she moved away the steel door blew open and the room filled with smoke. When Kurenai stepped out of her cell room she also saw Sakura and Princess Sachi stepping out of their own cells at the same time. After which she then saw two ANBU masked men, the men wore typical ANBU armour and clothes and the only strange thing about them was that their mask's were blue with black lines and markings around their masks. This was strange since she had never seen ANBU from any Country wearing masks like theirs.

"Thank you, but who are you?" asked Kurenai.

"My codename is Falcon and my comrade here is Sparrow we are with Kumo elite STORM division" answered Falcon

"Kumo! But why are you trying to save the Princess? Umi no Kuni is not with the Heavenly Alliance nor is it Ally with it and the same for our village" said Kurenai

"Although it is true that Umi no Kuni is not Allied with us nor is it a member of the Heavenly Alliance Tsuki no Kuni is Allied to us and Princess Sachi is the fiancé of the Crown Prince Hikaru and is hence the future Queen of Tsuki no Kuni. Since that is the case we cannot let the future Queen of Tsuki no Kuni to be held Prisoner by The Mizukage or the Mizu Daimyo not to mention Lady Daimyo Kicho was greatly angered when she heard that the Princess was captured as was The Raikage" answered Falcon

"Lady Kicho sent you to rescue me?" asked Pincess Sachi and a wave of gratitude filled her heart for the Lady Daimyo of Kaminari no Kuni (Lightning Country)

"Yes she and The Raikage sent us to rescue you as well as the Konoha Ninja's that were "suppose" to protect you" said Falcon although Kurenai and Sakura caught the harshness of his words

"Although we are grateful for rescuing us the question why are you? I can understand why the Princess now but not us" asked Kurenai

"I'm afraid that I cannot answer your questions now there is not enough time and we need to get out now!" the Falcon said quickly

Before Kurenai could reply all the Prison doors open automatically and a voice was heard over the announcer

"Attention all Prisoners you are to make your way to the supply docking port your friends are and here to rescue you the code work is Blue Pearl I repeat the code word is Blue Pearl"

"What was that about? What's going on?" asked Kurenai

"It a code word that is known to all Rebel Shinobi's and other Rebel members in Mizu no Kuni where if they hear a message from an unknown force and that word is mention then it tells them that the unknown force is a friend and that they are telling the truth. Now there no more time we only have two hundred seconds left to get out." said the Falcon fiercely where he then turned to the Princess.

"Princess I'm afraid that I must have you get on Sparrow back since you do not have the training to keep up with our speed so you must get on his back so that you won't slow us down" said the Falcon politely but the urgency in his voice could be heard

"I understand" said the Princess as Sparrow turned his back and kneed down so that the Princess could get on his back

As the Princess got on Sparrow back Sakura quickly asked "But what about Lee and Choji we can't just leave them here"

"Don't worry one of my men is rescuing your comrades now we must move we don't have much time left" order Falcon in a commanding tone in which he took off with Sparrow and the Princess right behind him who was closely followed by Kurenai and Sakura

As they ran Falcon started to speak on his Radio that was connected to his mask

"Raven this is Falcon what is your situation over"

After which a voice replied

"Falcon this is Raven over, Have secured the packages heading to point Alpha will arrive in fifty seconds over"

"Roger Raven, Falcon out" replied Falcon in which he then said

"Swallow this is Falcon both Raven and I've secured our packages, what is your timeline until the surprise is ready?

After which another voice replied.

"Falcon this is Swallow over, half of the surprise is ready should be finish at schedule time will meet you at point Alpha as schedule over".

"Very Good see you then over" replied Falcon in which he then said again.

"Hawk this is Falcon what your situation".

After which another voice replied.

"Falcon this is Hawk making my way to the point Alpha will arrive forty seconds over".

"Roger Hawk out" said Falcon.

"Crane this is Falcon what is your situation over".

After which yet another voice replied.

"Falcon this is Crane over, the path is still clear and the mice are still scurrying around situation is still good many mice are dead but more are on their way suggest we not delay over".

"Message received Crane over, will meet up with other flights at point Alpha at schedule time and will meet you a point Delta at schedule time just continue to keep the path clear over" replied Falcon.

"Roger Falcon will do over and out" said Crane.

As Falcon was talking to his men on the radio Kurenai saw Prisoners running down an opposite hallway and jumping into a hole in the floor. As she and the others continued she also saw Rebel Kiri-nins killing the reaming nin-guards and helping the other Prisoners to escape. She then saw Falcon finishing speaking with his men on the radio and asked.

"Where those other Prisoners going why aren't we following them?" asked Kureani to which Falcon answered.

"We have our own way home as dose the Rebels so we don't need to follow them nor do we don't need to worry about them now come we can't delay" said Falcon as they continued on.

Soon enough they were at the main entrance of the Prison where six more STORM-nins were waiting for them. Along with them were two other people that Kurenai, Princess Sachi and Sakura knew well.

"Lee!, Choji!, your ok!" cried Sakura with relief clear in her voice

"Yes we are thanks to these Youthful Shinobi's from Kumogakure" said Lee with his trademark shining smile and thumps up.

"Swallow did you finish laying things out for our little surprise for the Kiri-nin?" asked Falcon as he came up to the other STORM-nins.

"Yes sir" answered Swallow.

"Good! Now we only have one hundred seconds left to get to point Delta and reach the rendezvous point with the Swordfish or else we will become permanent guests here" said Falcon he then turned Kureani and the others and said

"Come! We have to move there no time to waste"

After which they all started to run out into the smoke filled open area

"Stay together and stick close to us and don't separate or fall behind because if you do you get lost in the smoke and be captured again and we won't rescue this time" order a STORM ANBU to the Konoha-nin who wore an Owl shaped mask and was clearly female by figure of her body and sound of her voice.

As they ran through the smoke they were met by another squad of STORM ANBU one of them had a Crane shaped masked and spoke to Falcon.

"Sir the enemy reinforcements are moving in on the open area so we may still run in on some Kiri-nins but most of them seem to be heading for the Prison itself many are covering the open area. I suggest we not delay since our smoke cover will soon be gone and they will quickly surround us" spoke Crane.

"Right then we have to hurry we only have less than a hundred seconds left before we have to get to our rendezvous point and if we miss it then we're finish" said Falcon.

As they hurried the STORM ANBU suddenly stopped the Konoha team wondering what was going on to make the STORM-nins stop where they decided to ask what was wrong.

"What is wrong why did we stopped?" asked Sakura.

"We're surrounded" answered a Crow faced STORM-nin in a whisper like voice.

"What? How can you tell? I don't sense anything and how can they know we're here since they can't see anything through this smoke screen" whispered Sakura

"They must have a sensor type Shinobi with them it's the only answer at how they were able to find us so quickly and surround us" answered Hawk

"But how do you know that they're there we haven't sense them" asked Choji

"You forget that Kiri-nin's are trained in the art of Silent Killing technique although there are few who are true master at the style many of their Shinobi are still highly skilled in it. As for why we know their there STORM ANBU are trained to sense out for enemy Shinobi's with our Chakra much like a sensor type Shinobi's but we can only sense them if their nearby but that enough to fight against them even with just sensing for the their chakra. Since all STORM ANBU agents are trained in the in Blind Assassin Art of fighting" spoke Raven

This of coarse surprised Kurenai and caused her to gasp in shock.

"What is Kurenai-san and what is the Blind Assassin Art I never heard of it?" asked Lee.

"That because it a very old fighting skill used before the founding of the Shinobi villages as the name states it a style of fighting that is used by Shinobi's that can't see and it was said to be one of the most Lethal Assassin Styles to exist. According to what Anko told me it relays on either sound, Chakra or smell since the user who is trained in it can use any of them and kill or fight their target even if they can't see them. From what I heard it takes excellent control over one's Chakra to be able to sense a person in the way you need to and have complete control over your senses to react and move the way you need to as well. From what Anko told me a true master of the art can find an enemy in the Pitch Black of night and kill a person without them ever knowing since learning the style also allows the user to be able to move right up to a person without making a sound or letting the enemy know your there. It even said that the Silent Killing technique that Kiri use's originated from it but that technique only comes from the Assassin part of the style they can't fight in a battle without being able to see their enemy like most people". said Kurenai and at the same time thought

"But I thought that style was lost ages ago how on earth did Kumo learn that art?"

The other members of the Konoha team were shocked at what they heard since if what Kureani said was true then Kumo STORM-nins were far more skilled and dangerous that their own ANBU.

"Sparrow you and Crane's team protect the Princess and the Konoha-nin's since they can't use their chakra with those collars on. The rest of you are with me" order Falcon where he and the other STORM ANBU-nins disappeared into the smoke while Crane and his team surrounded Sparrow, the Princess and the Konoha team.

For several seconds the Konoha team listen out to try and hear out for any sounds of fighting between the Kiri-nins and the STORM ANBU. But during the time they heard noting except for slashing like sounds and swishing sounds of weapons sailing through the air. After about twelve seconds the smoke around them started to tin out a bit so that they could finally see what was happening around them, what they saw shocked them beyond belief.

Up to thirty Kiri-nin bodies were around them with Kunai's in their heads or necks, or with their heads cut off and stabbed or slash marks on their necks or other area's of their bodies. When they saw all this the Konoha-nins and the Princess could not help but be unnerved at the carnage they saw around them with thirty skilled Kiri Shinobi's having been slaughtered by seven STORM ANBU-nins in just a matter of seconds. This just proved what they believed about the STORM ANBU-nins that they were extremely powerful Ninja's far above their own ANBU divisions since they knew that except for two or three ANBU agent's none of Konoha ANBU-nins could do what they just did within the time frame.

"Hurry we must move now it almost time" cried Falcon in which they quickly started to move as fast as they could.

As they ran Owl quickly spoke.

"There are more right ahead of us".

"Then we have to fight and run at the same time since we can't afford to delay any longer we only got fifty seconds left" said Falcon

As they ran two Kiri-nins came out of the smoke right in front of them and charged right at them. Quickly two of the STORM agent intercepted them and blocked their incoming attacks with their Katana's, as soon as the Kiri-nins attacks were blocked two more STORM agents jumped above their comrades and killed the Kiri-nins by stabbing downward with their Katana's onto the unsuspecting Kiri-nins heads before they could do anything to avoid or block the STORM-nins attack. Just as soon as the bodies of the two Kiri-nins fell dead the two STORM-nins that killed them then grabbed a hold of the other two STORM–nins that had block the Kiri-nins attacks and threw them into the air where they intercepted and killed two more Kiri-nin's that were about to jump down from the air in which the STORM-nins killed them in midair.

At the same time four more Kiri-nins appeared from the left hand side but before they could attack Owl appeared in front of the group and swung her blade and cried out in horizontal slash.

"Kazewangetsu (Crescent Wind)"

Which created a crescent shaped blade of Wind that hit all four Shinobi's at once and cut them in half. But as soon as the attacks on the front and left hand side were dealt with twenty more Kiri-nins appeared from behind in which Hawk and Falcon quickly jumped in between their group and the Kiri-nins.

"All of you keep going on we deal with these lot and catch up with you" order Falcon.

"You heard him let's move" order Raven.

But as the started to run Lee stopped and started to head back to where Falcon and Hawk were fighting the Kiri-nins.

"Lee where are you going we need to stick together" said Sakura trying to stop her friend

"I going to help Hawk-san and Falcon-san fight the Kiri-nins since I cannot let such youthful fellows fight so many un-youthful Shinobi's by themselves. Also the Chakra bands do not really affect me since I cannot use my Chakra anyhow and I only use my Taijutsu which will not be affected" answered Lee

"Lee will be fine Sakura he right those bands do not really affect him" said Kurenai to Sakura after which she then turned to Lee "But you better not fall behind Lee, I've no intention of telling Yakumo that we left you behind".

"Do not worry Kurenai-san I have no intention either in staying in this un-youtthful place any longer, also I have no intention leaving my darling flower Yakumo and my little sunshine Fuku alone" answered Lee with his trade mark shining smile and thumps up after which he started to run where the left Falcon and Hawk.

-Falcon and Hawk fighting-

As Falcon and Hawk fought the Kiri-nins they knew that if they did not finish this soon that they would miss their rendezvous with the Swordfish and be stuck here. As they fought a Kiri Chunin tried to strike them from above but before either could defend themselves a voice screamed out.

"Konoha Senpū (Leaf Whirlwind)".

As they looked above they saw the Kiri Chunin being kicked away by Lee. As he landed back down Hawk turned to him and asked.

"What are you doing here your suppose to be with the others"

"I came here to help you my youthful friends since you were kind enough to save us I thought it only right that I help you to return the favour since the collars don't really effect me since I can't use any Chakra to begin with " answered Lee

"Very well just watch yourself although you don't need Chakra to fight to your full strength those collars still can paralyse your body if they activate it" said Falcon

Lee nodded and rushed off and attacked two more Kiri Chunins

Lee quickly ducked a stabbed to his head from one of the Chunin and quickly punched him in the gut and then spin kicked him to the ribs sending him flying. He then blocked a kick to his side from the other Chunin and pushed the other Chunin away, he then punched the man in the head and the sent him a powerful knee in the stomach followed by a strong kick to the side of the man head sending him crashing to the ground. As Lee finish defeating the two Chunin he turned to where Hawk and Falcon were fighting the main part of the group. When Lee turned he could not help but be in awe at how the two men fought the two of them fought like a perfect team side by side each with their back to the other and defending each other back. The two of them fought in perfect sequence with one another where if Hawk attacked Falcon would defend and if Falcon attacked Hawk would defend. The two slashed and cut the surrounding Kiri-nins with their Katana's like they were noting the two moved as if they were of one mind and knew what the other was going to do on pure instinct it was as if they were doing some kind of dance at the way they moved with one another. (2)

Lee then quickly turned back to see a Kiri Jonin heading towards him carrying a large sword after quickly dodging a few fast strikes from the Jonin sword. Lee sent a hard kick to the side of the Jonin but was blocked by the blunt of the Jonin blade. The Jonin then did a few one handed hand seals and cried out Suiton: Mizu Kamikiri (Water Style: Rising Water Slicer) in which a massive jet of Water rushed through the ground and was so powerful that it was able to slice through the solid stone ground fortunately Lee was just able to narrowly avoided it with just a few cuts on his face. The Jonin then was about to do a hand sign to activate the collar around his neck (Lee knew it when he saw it since one of the guards used it on him when he tried to fight back when they first put him in his cell).

Lee then quickly sped across the distance between them and got to him just in time to stop him from activating the collar in which Lee hit him with his Konoha Shōfū (Leaf Rising Wind) which shot the Jonin into the air where Lee then used his Kage Buyō (Shadow of the Dancing Leaf) where he then appeared behind the Jonin and hit him in a pressure point on his back to paralyzing him for a few seconds where Lee then grabbed him in a reverse bear hug and started spin around as they fell down to the ground and he cried out.

"Omote Renge (Front Lotus)"

As they hit the ground they made a massive crater in the ground after which Lee landed outside it (Since he let go and had jumped away just before they hit the ground) and looked down at the fallen Jonin.

As soon as he looked back up he saw Falcon and Hawk coming towards him since they hand finished off the other Kiri-nins.

"Incredible! He was able to do all that without even using Chakra if seems that Konoha does still have a few decent Shinobi's after all" thought Hawk

"Very impressive Rock Lee-san it seems that the rumours of you strength and power in Taijutsu were all true, I see why even the Raikage holds your skill in battle in high regard" spoke Falcon clearly impressed.

"Thank you for your youthful comments my friends you honour me with you praise it was noting, your skill in battle and teamwork is truly inspirational as well" answered Lee.

Falcon nodded and then spoke "We must hurry now or else we be stuck here".

"Agreed I do not wish to be stuck in this un-youthful place any longer" said Lee as the three of them started to run to the rendezvous point.

-With the rest of the Rescue team at the same time-

When Lee turned back to help Hawk and Falcon fight of the Kiri-nins that were pursuing them the others kept on running but unfortunately they did not get far too before fifteen more Kiri-nins were in front of them.

"Shit these guys are like cockroaches whenever you kill a few of them more come out woodwork and scurry around" swore Raven

"Well then we just have to exterminate them all then" said an ANBU with a Crow shaped ANBU mask

Quickly one of the Kiri-nins did a few hand seals and cried out "Suiton: Hahonryū (Water Style: Tearing Torrent)" and a massive torrent blast of Water headed toward them.

Quickly Crane stepped in front did a few hand seals and cried out "Suiton: Suijinheki (Water Style: Water Encampment Wall)" after which a massive amount of Water surrounded around them protecting them from the attack like a shield.

As soon as Crane dropped the Water shield Crane and Owl both did a series of hand seals together and finish at the exact same time where Crane cried out "Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu (Water Style: Great Waterfall Technique)" while Owl cried out "Fūton: Atsugai (Wind Style: Pressure Damage)." The two attacks combined where the powerful Water attack strength and speed increase due to the powerful Wind attacked combined with it in which four of Kiri-nins were hit and crushed by the powerful attack.

Suddenly another Kiri-nin fired a powerful Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique) at them but it was blocked by Crow who stepped in front of it and cried out "Raigeki (Lightning Strike)" in which a large bolt of Lightning came from his hand and cut right through the Water Dragon. The Raigeki was also too fast for the Kiri-nins to avoid and was hit in the chest and a large hole could be seen in the man chest when he fell to the ground dead.

To the group's left four of the Kiri-nins tired to attack them by charging them with their Kunai's but Raven intercepted them and did a series of one handed hand seals with each hand and when finished both at the same time. Raven then cried out "Katon: Omotai Faikasui (Fire Style: Massive Fire Stream)" in which a massive stream of fire shot of Raven mask mouth and headed towards the Kiri-nins and added to the fact that he combined the attack with his Wind affinity element he was able to increase the strengthen and heat of the flames even more. Where it incinerated two of the men due to the extreme heat of the flames, the other two men however had been able to escape thanks to using Kawarimi no Jutsu (Substitution Jutsu) to replace themselves with Water clones.

As soon as the attack ended the two Kiri-nins appeared in the air above Raven and were falling down ready to kill Raven but as they fell down to kill Raven, Sparrow who was still carrying the Princess threw a kunai at the two Kiri-nins where it passed right between them.

Thinking that Sparrow missed the Kiri-nins ignored the Kunai, but if they hadn't ignored it they would have seen the Kunai changed into Swallow. Where he then quickly took out his sword and spun around and decapitated both the Shinobi's with a single slash from his sword without either of Kiri-nins ever knowing what had happened.

"Man oh man these guys teamwork is flawless their in perfect sequence with one another if I didn't know any better I swear they could read each other minds. Since not even Ino, Shikamaru and I teamwork is that flawless nor is our dad's teamwork" thought Chojji as he watch them in awe

To the group right three Kiri-nins appeared and faced against a female STORM member that wore a Dove shaped masked and each Kiri-nin did their own Jutsu

"Suiton: Ja no Kuchi(Water Style: Snake's Mouth)" cried the first Kiri-nins

"Suiton: Suishi no Jutsu (Water Style: Water Drowning Technique) cried the second Kiri-nins

"Suiton: Hahonryū (Water Style: Destructive Rapid Torrents) cried the third Kiri-nins

As the three Water attacks charged at her Dove quickly did two sets of one handed seals together with incredible speed and when finish shouted out "Suiton: Reitou Tsunami (Water Style: Freezing Tidal Wave). In which a massive Tidal Wave appeared in front of Dove and went right through the other advancing Water attacks where when it passed through the attacks where they were frozen solid and shattered into thousands of pieces as were the Kiri-nins who could not avoid the attack and were hit by it and killed when their frozen bodies shattered this was due to the Wind element that Dove combined with the Water attack which allowed the Water to freeze anything it hits.

"Unbelievable their Jutsu combination ability is incredible even Konohamaru could learn a thing or two from them" thought Kurenai as she watch the STORM members' combining their Jutsu's to make them more powerful.

As Dove was dealing with the three Kiri-nins another Kiri-nin came up behind Sakura and was about to stab her with his sword before she could even try and move out of the way, but just before the Kiri-nin could stab her, a sword appeared sticking out of his chest.

When the sword was pulled out and the man fell dead and Sakura saw that her saviour was a female STORM ANBU who wore a Thrush shaped masked.

"I suggest that you watch your back more carefully Haruno-san" said Robin who was clearly female by the sound of her voice and shape of her body.

Just after finishing speaking the last two remaining Kiri-nins appeared out of the dying smoke and charged at Sakura and Robin with their short Katana's but before they could get close enough two separate voices shouted out

"Raiton: Suzukiri (Lightning Style: Cutting Sparrow)"

Where screaming birds like sounds similar to Kakashi's Chidori were heard and then they saw a dozens of birds made out of Lightning heading towards the Kiri-nins. They tired to avoid the attacks but the birds followed them and cut right through them cutting them into pieces.

When they turned to whom had saved them they saw two STORM members just to their right, one was wearing a Phoenix shaped mask, another who was clearly female by the shape of her body wore a Swan shaped mask.

"Thanks guys I owe you one" said Robin to the members who had saved them to which they just nodded.

"Alright everyone let hurry were nearly there and it almost time to go" shouted Crane as they started to run again, where not long after they arrived at docking point two and saw the large metal gate at the docking point.

"So what do we do now?" asked Choji

"We wait" answered Owl

"But for what and for how long?" asked Sakura

"You see in five…..four…..three…..two…..one…..now!" said Raven looking at his watch after which the metal gates exploded and when the smoke cleared a large metal craft appeared through the gate.

The large craft was about the size of a medium size ship made entirely of metal armour and gold-plated rims. It had a fish-shape like design and seemed to move through the Water fairly quickly. It also had raised platform with a large hatch and hand railings on the top of it. It also had a propeller on it tail end which allowed it to move. It also had a glass window on it front and small port holes on it sides although they could not see in through the window or the port holes it was likely that the people inside could see out.

"What the hell is that thing?" asked Sakura which was what Kurenai and Choji were both thinking as well

"It one of Kumo latest creations it called a Submarine" answered Crane

"A sub-what?" asked Choji confused

"A Submarine, a metal ship that can sail on Water and underwater" said Owl

"Impossible ships can't sail underwater" said Sakura

"Well this one dose as you will soon see" answered Phoenix

Just then the top catch of the Submarine opened up and a women wearing tight red top and shorts, with matching socks and shoes and wore a Kumo head band on her head with the Symbol cloth being red instead of brown appeared on top.

"Right on time guys now get on quickly half of Kiri navy is behind us and is about to surround this place" shouted the women

"Right alright everyone get on" order Crane in which they quickly did

When they did Sakura quickly shouted "What about Lee and the others we can't leave them here"

"We can't wait for them, because if we do the Kiri navy will surround the Prison and fire on us" said the women in red

"There no need to wait their here" said Dove as she pointed which when the others looked they saw Lee, Hawk and Falcon heading for them where they quickly jumped on.

"Perfect timing guy we were about to leave" said the women in red

"It was thanks to Lee-san help here that we were able to get here on time had he not come to help us when he did we would not have gotten here in time" spoke Falcon which caused Lee to smile since he was glad that he could help them.

Quickly the Submarine reversed out of the docking point and turned facing out into the sea. As they moved Swallow took out a small note with a seal.

"I believe it time that we release our little surprise for the Kiri-nins, don't you agree sir? asked Swallow to Falcon where he just nodded

"What's that?" asked Kurenai to which Swallow replied

"Watch and will you see"

After which he channelled some chakra into the note and a few second later several massive explosions could be seen coming from the Prison itself. They then saw the Prison starting to collapse, creating a massive amount of smoke to rise due to the explosions and collapsing building.

"What did you do?" asked Kurenai with shock clearly heard in her voice and seen on her face as well as the Princess and the other Konoha-nins.

"When Falcon and his team were releasing the Princess, you and your team and the Rebel Prisoners my team set large amounts of powerful exploding notes on the foundations of the Prison as well as some other key points in the building so to destroy it and everything around it" answered Swallow

As Swallow gave his explanation to the Princess and the Konoha-nins Falcon turned to his left where he could just see from the distance the five Rebel ships sailing away. This caused the man to smile behind his mask since he was glad the Rebels were able to get out in time he also hoped that they were able to get all their comrades out as well.

It was after that, that they heard several small explosions causing them to turn away from "The Hold" and look forward to see a large fleet of Kiri Warships nearing them and firing their volley guns to fire their exploding Kunai's at them which were now flying towards them. Fortunately they were just out of range of the volley guns and weren't hit.

"Everyone get in now!" order the women in red where everyone quickly went down the hatch and into the Submarine, where once the entrance hatch was shut the women in red ordered the ship to dive underwater which it did and the ship sailed right under the Kiri fleet and headed for their rendezvous point with the escort fleet.

-Inside the Submarine-

After a few minutes when the Submarine sank into underwater the women in red went over to the radio station that was next to the steering wheel of the ship which in turn was right in front of the large glass window view screen. She then picked up the radio speaker and spoke.

"Seagull this is Swordfish come in Seagull" said the women in red

After a few seconds a voice replied

"This is Seagull Swordfish go ahead"answered the voice

"Good to hear you Seagull please report your condition" asked the women in red

"All hatch-lings have been recovered a few ruffled feathers here or there but all have been recovered with no losses" replied Seagull

"Glad to hear it Seagull, have a safe journey back to your nest" replied the women in red

"Will do and please inform Wild Eagle that he has definitely impressed us and has earned himself quite a few friends" said Seagull

"Roger Seagull I'm sure he be happy to hear it over and out" answered the women in red and put down the speaker and turned to the rescue team and the others.

"Good work team I can see that there was not too much trouble in accomplishing the mission" spoke the women in red

"No not really everything nearly went according to plan although we did not expect as much resistance when escaping as we did. But that was mainly due to the fact that they had a Sensor type Shinobi with them so they were able to find use quicker than we though in the smoke but it was still noting that we couldn't handle" answered Falcon to which the women in red nodded and turned to the Princess

"Princess Sachi my name is Sun Li captain of this ship the Swordfish and Commander of Kumo Submarine fleet and underwater Shinobi fighting unit AQUA. I hope you are well and unhurt" asked Sun Li with a slight bow

"I 'am thank you and I also like to thank you all for saving the others and myself I 'm extremely grateful to you all" said the Princess with a slight bow to them

"It was noting Princess but you are welcome none the same also I'm afraid that the ship dose not have much room or privacy since there is not as much room in here as there is on a normal ship since this Submarine can only carry at max thirty people which is what we are carrying now. If you follow one of my crewmen he will lead you to my private cabin so that you may rest since I sure you must be tired I will also have some food sent to you since you must be hungry as well." said Sun Li

"That is alright Commander Sun Li I understand perfectly and I do not mind at all you are already very kind to offer your room to me" said the Princess with another slight bow and then turned to follow the crewman that would lead her to the Commander cabin.

When the Princess went down the steps to the lower level Kurenai the came forward and started to speak to Sun Li.

"Commander Sun Li my name is Yuuhi Sarutobi Kurenai and on behalf of my team and myself I would like to thank you and the STORM members for saving us" said Kurenai with a slight bow which was followed by Lee, Sakura and Choji

"You are welcome Kurenai-san" replied Sun Li neutrally unlike the friendly one she had used when speaking to the Princess

Kurenai decided to ignore the sudden change of attitude and decided to ask what she had been wondering ever since she found out it was Kumo Shinobi's that had saved her and her team along with the Princess

"Excuse me Commander Sun Li but I have been wondering why is it that you and your teams were sent to rescue us along with the Princess. Since clearly the reason why you were sent to rescue the Princess was because of the Heavenly Alliance being Allied to Tsuki no Kuni (Land of Moon) and Getsugakure (Village Hidden under the Moon) and it is Tsuki no Kuni Prince that is marrying the Princess. But what I can't understand is why did you save us since our village is not Allied or a member of the Heavenly Alliance" asked Kureani

"The reason is quite simple really you were saved on an act of mercy by our Kage" replied Sun Li

"What!" shouted Choji

"Yes since our Kage didn't think that Konoha would use its remaining resources on attacking Kiri strongest Prison just to save four of it Shinobi's even ones as strong and well know as all of you."

"Also since we were destroying the Prison and helping the other Prisoners escape it was decided to save you since our Kage dose not like to see lives needlessly loss no matter who they are." said Sun Li

The Konoha team were simply stunned since they were save by a mere act of mercy by The Raikage

"Now if you please one of my crewmen will lead you down to the mess room to get something to eat and then lead you to your buck beds. Since as I said there is not much room or privacy in this Submarine so you may feel a bit crapped" said Commander Sun Li after which she then turned to face the main view window of the Submarine.

After which the Konha-nins followed a crewman to the lower deck.

-One day late-

A day after the rescue from "The Hold" the Swordfish was about an hour or more away from their rendezvous point where they would meet their escort fleet.

Currently lying on their buck beds were the Konoha team they had to stay in their buck beds since there was not much they could do after their collars had been removed my the STORM members who were skilled enough in Fūinjutsu to free them of their collars. They were even given some spare ANBU outfits (minus the masks and swords) that the STORM–nins had to wear and change out of their Prison outfits. At first they were a bit uncomfortable with being underwater but they soon got use to it they would even some times look out the small port holes to look at the fish go by them. They were not allowed to explore the Submarine much due to the Kumo crewmen telling them so which was not surprising since they were not Allies to Kumo or the Heavenly Alliance nor were they members of it. The only time they were really allowed to move around a bit was when the Submarine surfaced for air, despite this fact they did know a small bit about the Submarine from what one or two of the crewmen were willing to tell them.

From what they were told the Submarine had three levels, the top was the bridge of the Submarine was where the Submarine was controlled. They were allowed up to the bridge but whenever they went they were accompanied by one or two members of STORM. The second level was where the captain cabin and the buck beds were and where the small mess room and kitchen was which was big enough for ten people to eat in. The third level was where the engine room was as was the diving room where Kumo AQUA-nins could go out into the Water also there was the torpedo room where the Submarine could fire missile like weapons filled with exploding powder that would explode when fired and made contact with it target. The Konoha team knew that with ships like these Kumo could easily take control of the Elemental oceans.

It was as the Konoha team were lying on their buck bed thinking about different things that they then felt an explosion that rock the Submarine and caused Sakura and Choji to fall out of their beds.

"What the hell was that?" asked Choji as he picked himself up

"I don't know but we better get up onto the bridge to find out" said Kurenai as he got out her buck bed and went up the spiral stair followed by Lee, Choji and Sakura

When they reach the bridge they saw the Princess with Robin and Crane on either side of her. They also saw several crewmen pulling several different handles and switch's helping to control the ship while the man at the steering wheel was trying to control the Submarine and Sun Li was giving out orders to the other crewmen.

"Commander Sun Li what going on?" asked Kurenai

Sun Li turned to face Kurenai and said "We're under attack that what going"

"But how?" asked Lee

"We're being attacked by Kiri's SHARK unit. Kiri must have had ships out on the open sea and they must have informed them of the attack and sent out their ships to search for us by sending out their SHARK teams to search underwater. It also seems that some of those teams found us and are attacking us with their portable volley guns loaded with exploding Kunai which was the blasts that you felt." answered Sun Li

"I afraid we have more trouble than just the SHARK unit commander" said a crewmen who was looking up the periscope of the submarine

"What is it" asked Sun Li harshly

"A squad of ten Kiri Warships is heading right for us the SHARK teams that found us must of radio them and reported our position to them" said the crewman

Suddenly there was another explosion that made everyone fall to their left

"Shit and were so close to the rendezvous point" swore Sun Li she then turned to the radio man

"Crewman try and radio to the escort fleet inform them of our situation and that we need help" order Sun Li

"I trying ma-am but that last blast damage the radio and I don't know if they getting it" answered the radioman

"Just keep trying dam it" said Sun Li and she then turned to Falcon who had also arrived around the same time a Kurenai and her team.

"Falcon, get two of your teams out there and deal with those bastards out their" said Sun Li where just Falcon nodded and went down to get his two teams ready while leaving the third in the Submarine.

Just when Falcon went down two Kiri-nins appeared in front on the view screen of the Submarine and both holding a portable volley gun and fired them at the view screen

"Put up the iris up NOW!" shouted Sun Li

Right before the Kunai's could hit the view screen a metal shield quickly covered the view screen and protected it from the blast. Even though the shock of the blast rippled through the Submarine and caused several people to nearly fall off their feet.

"That was too close" said Choji wiping the sweat from his forehead

Suddenly the crewman controlling the steering wheel shouted out

"Commander the controls of the ship are jammed we're not moving and the steering is going too we're starting to sink" said the crewman

"Look out there it a net they're dropping a net down on us" said Sakura looking out a small porthole and seeing a net surround them suddenly several more explosions could be heard and felt around them.

"Shit were all dead" said a crewman panicky

"Calm down all of you there a way out, the SHARK-nins know that their exploding Kunai aren't doing enough damage so they should stop trying to soon. Once they do the SHARK-nins will launch and direct attack" said Sun Li

And just a Sun Li stated the explosions stopped and minute later an even bigger explosions were felt through the Submarine that caused everyone to fall of their feet.

"Shit they must be sticking exploding notes to the hull of the ship to make blast like that" said Crane next to the Princess

"Commander I count twelve enemy SHARK-nins out there surrounding us" shouted Robin, who was looking out the small porthole

"Commander the diving room is starting to flood from damage to the lower port side of the submarine we've taken severe damage we can't take much more of this" said a crewman who was coming up from the lower level of the submarine.

"Ha! Are we ever lucky" said Sun Li who was now smiling

Everyone on the bridge of the Submarine started to look at her as if she had lost her mind

"What the hell do you me by lucky" asked Choji almost panic like

Sun Li just continue to smile and said

"Now the enemies that we couldn't find are now around us and we know where they are and how many there are. Also the enemy has even helped us out a bit by speeding up the flooding of the diving room so that Falcon and his teams can get out quicker now and deal with them."

-Falcon and his team outside-

As soon as Falcon and the other STORM ANBU-nins were out of the Swordfish they immediately went to engage the SHARK teams.

"Do they seriously think that they can match us in underwater battle? If they do then their fool's no-one can match a SHARK member in underwater combat" thought the captain of the SHARK teams

"Hawk you and Raven try and cut lose the Swordfish from the net and free the propellers and the control from the net while we deal with the SHARK teams" ordered Falcon through the radio speaker on his breathing mask

"Roger" both replied

With Hawk and Raven gone to deal with the net on the Swordfish the others engaged the SHARK members Phoenix clashed swords one SHARK member in which both were trying to over power the other as their swords struggled for dominance. But unfortunately for the SHARK-nin Phoenix was only distracting the SHARK-nin so that Owl could come behind the SHARK member and stick her sword right through the unsuspecting SHARK member.

As Phoenix was dealing the SHARK-nin with Owl five SHARK-nins surrounded Falcon.

"Let's kill him" said one of the SHARK-nins

As the SHARK-nins went to attack Falcon on all sides Falcon started to spin around like a spinning top in which he then cried out "Uzumaki Tenrai(Divine Whirlpool)" in which a Whirlpool appeared around Falcon and sucked in the SHARK-nins before they could even try and swim away and were sucked down into the bottom of the sea.

As soon as they were gone Falcon stopped spinning and quickly gained his bearings where he then started to speak on the radio that was connected to his breathing mask.

"Falcon calling Hawk come in Hawk" called Falcon on the radio

"Hawk her, go ahead" answered Hawk

"E.T.A. on freeing the Sub from the net over there?" asked Falcon

"Progress is indefinite since the net is made of strong Charka resisting steel and we are unable to cut through it"replied Hawk

"Shit!" thought Falcon

"Roger Hawk, you and Raven continue trying to free the Sub while we finish off the SHARKS-nins over and out" said Falcon

"Roger Falcon will co and out" spoke Hawk

As Falcon spoke to Hawk on the radio the STORM-nins continue to fight the remaining half of the SHARK-nins

During the fight one of the SHARK-nins used the Suiton: Goshokuzame (Water Style: Five Feeding Sharks) to launch five Water sharks on the STORM-nins in which the Water sharks cut and wounded Owl and Crow in their sides and arms as they tried to dodge them.

Falcon then quickly ordered them to head back to the Swordfish which they did as Falcon, Phoenix and Dove destroyed the Water sharks with their Katana's and then engaged the six remaining SHARK-nins.

-Dove Battle-