
The Raikage (Hiato)

the Fan Fiction is not mine, I just brought it to the fanfiction.net website. After succeeding in retrieving Sasuke, Naruto was banished from Konoha due to the Council's fear of the Akatsuki coming after him and destroying Konoha. 10 years later after being banished Naruto becomes the new Raikage of Kumo and leads it to greatness.

JapaOuO · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 2 Looking Back Part three

Flashback three months after Naruto Death-

"Pathetic" said Hiashi

As Hinata fell on the ground tired and hurt from training with her father.

"You hardly even improved in the slightest in your Jūken in the past year I expected you to have become better by now with that blond Jinchūriki boy that you had a crush on gone". Said Hiashi

This caused Hinata to look up at him in surprise

"Yes I knew about your crush on him I had hoped that with him gone you would have focused on your training more and gotten better but it seems that I was wrong you only gotten worse I not even sure that you make a even decent Brach member. Maybe Neji should have just let you die when you tried to kill yourself and save the Clan from bearing the humiliation of having you in the main house or even as a member at all", said Hiashi as he sighed in disgust of her.

Hiashi the looked down at her in disgust and then said

"Perhaps if you had died when you tired to end your life earlier then you might have then been with that pathetic Jinchūriki boy since clearly he could never be Hokage despite what he thought and the only reason why he was able to be Neji was because of his use of the Kyuubi Chakra. Perhaps Konoha would be better off without the both of you, no I certain it would be better off without the both of you since it is clearly better off without him in it since he was a clear threat to the village safety with his continue inability to control the Kyuubi power and was putting it in danger and putting the village in the line of Fire of the Akatsuki since they were after him and would have destroy the village to get him, yes there is no question to that both our Clan and the village are better off now that he dead".

After which Hiashi then turned around and began to walk away where he had his back facing her

"Becoming Hokage "hah" has if an idiotic fool like him could have become Hokage let alone even a Kage and idiotic dreamer that all her was" said Hiashi as he continued to walk away.

But had he looked back he would have seen a look in Hinata that no-one had ever seen in her before a look of pure hatred and rage.

-Flashback Ends-

Kurenai remembered how anger she was when she heard Hiashi, since she had come to visit Hinata at the time and decided to stay hidden behind a tree as she overheard the conversation she had even been sorely tempted to beat the living crap out of Hiashi for saying such hateful and heartless things to Hinata. Soon after the conversation and when Hiashi had left Kurenai went to Hinata to comfort her but when she got to Hinata she simply told her that she was ok and that she was use to her father saying such things. Kurenai had know that Hinata was lying to her but decided to let it go and let Hinata come to her to talk to her about it when she was ready but she never did. Over the next three years Hinata became like Shino where she barely spoke to anyone even to Kurenai she would often disappear and come back with burses on her body and whenever Kurenai talked to her about it she simply told her that she was ok and that she was just training. It was then when Hinata was sixteen that during a meeting of the entire Hyuga Clan, Hinata exercised her right an heiress of the Hyuga Clan to challenge Hiashi as Clan head which had shocked everyone both in the Hyuga Clan and in the entire village. Kurenai remembered just before the match between Hiashi and Hinata how she, Neji and Hanabi had tried to talk her out of fighting her father since they had all believed that she would just get herself killed. But Hinata had refused to give up Kurenai even remembered Hiashi offering her a chance to give up and not be humiliated in front of the Hokage and the entire village (since the match was in the village arena) to which Hinata refused.

-Flashback Fight-

When Neji (the proctor of the fight) said begin

Both activated their Byakugan

Hinata then disappeared in a burst of speed that could only be match by Gai or Lee without their weights.

She then reappeared in front of Hiashi who was too shocked at her level of speed to react in time to dodge the Chakura no Mesu (Chakra Scalpel) strike (which she had activated when she ran at him) to his chest and then delivered a side kicked to his head and sending him several feet away from her.

Hiashi had quickly recovered from the surprise attack but began to breathe heavily and cough due to the damage in his lungs (due to the Chakura no Mesu strike disrupting his breathing in his lungs).

"Have you fallen so far in your use of the Jūken that you have to use medical techniques to fight me with, have you not shamed the Hyuga Clan enough with your failings? You're a disgrace to our Noble Clan" said Haishi in a cold voice

"Disgrace?" said Hinata "If anyone who is a disgrace it is you father (saying it in disgust), you and the all the Elders who are too stuck in there old ways to accept changed you are all prideful blind fools who believe that our eyes and our Jūken style are enough and believe that to use Jutsu's and other techniques is to lower ourselves. Which is clearly wrong, since all it dose is make us weaker, We are no Noble Clan since no Noble Clan would treat their own Clan members in such a way like we have by making our kinsmen no better than human shields and slaves. You and the Elders claim that our eyes see everything yet you and the Elders are all blind to the simple truth, Which is that eventually the Hyuga Clan will have to changed from it's old barbaric ways and that there are many different types of strength which cannot be easily seen by simply how well they fight or do something which is why you will loss this fight" said Hinata with a calm yet equally cold and confident voice much like Hiashi's.

This of course got Hinata many angry glares from the Hyuga Elders for insulting them and their traditions.

"You impudent child" said Hiashi are a barely contained snarl

He then attacked with several Jūken strikes which Hinata easily dodged all of them.

Hiashi quickly began to loss his clam exterior and attacked her with his Hakke Rokujūyon Shō (Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms).

To which Hinata quickly fell in a stance and the called out Shugohakke Rokujūyon Shō (Protection of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms) and blocked all of Hiashi attacks from his Hakke Rokujūyon Shō with some kind of unknow Technique and left several cuts on his hands and fingers.

This of course got her wide eye shocked looks from everyone especially the Hyuga Clan members since they had never seen or heard of this Technique

"W-W-What was that Technique you used?" asked Hiashi with clear shock in his voice and on his face

"It is my Shugohakke Rokujūyon Shō it is a Technique that I created from my knowledge of Jūken that allows me to use my natural flexibility along with my high Chakra control to emit a constant stream of Chakra from my palms, creating extremely sharp Chakra blades. With my natural flexibility, I can reach any point around me, and allowing me to hit any target or defend against any attack within my field of vision. Also as you also saw while using this Jutsu, my hands move extremely fast, allowing me to hit hundreds of targets with extreme precision much like your Hakke Rokujūyon Shō as well as defend against such attacks like the Hakke Rokujūyon Shō making it the perfect Technique to use to block the Hakke Rokujūyon Shō. Additionally, I can control the size of the Chakra beams in my palms, allowing me to create larger, arc-shaped chakra beams that spread out across my entire attack range cutting any thing in it path in half. In a way this is my "absolute defence" since it effect are somewhat similar to that of the Hakkeshō Kaiten (Eight Trigrams Palms Heavenly Spin). In this way, the Technique can be used as both an offensive and defensive manoeuvre," said Hinata in a calm voice with a hint of pride.

Many in the crowd especially the Hyuga Clan members could not believe that the shy mink young heiress could create such a Technique by herself.

But Before Hiashi could fully comprehend what he had heard from his "failure" of a Daughter Hinata disappeared from his sight again and reappeared in front of him aiming a Jūken strike right at his chest. But thanks to years of experience from many different Battles when he was an active Ninja doing missions he was able to dodge the attack to a degree where the Strike only hit his left arm unfortunately he was not prepared for the pain that went through his now shattered arm.

"" roared Hiashi

Clutching his now shattered arm with his other arm "What d-d-did you d-d-do" said Hiashi as he grind his teeth together trying to fight off the pain that he felt from having the bones in his arms being shattered.

"It is another Technique that I created that I call Dageki Sendo (Death Strike) I created from my training with Tsuande-sensei, since Three years ago after your little speech to me about how I would be better off dead (which caused many gasps from people in the audience to gasp at shock at how Hiashi could say such a think to his own Daughter) I went to Tsuande-sensei and asked her to train me, which she agreed to. During which over the past Three years she been teaching me in secret many Medical Techniques and training me into becoming stronger she even taught me the basic of how her Super strength is worked and how it is used in which over the years I combined the basic of this Technique with my Jūken and my high Chakra control to allow me to send massive and concentrated pulse Waves of Chakra through my finger tips into any object that I hit causing it to shatter and break with a single Strike. But for a person depending on the amount of Chakra I use I can break or shatter a bone until it noting but pieces as well as do a great deal of internal damage in their body and what you got father (saying the name with venom) was with me just using a small amount of Chakra" said Hinata with a cold and cruel smile that had appeared on her face when she had spoken.

Which had sent a shiver of fear down Hiashi spine as well as the spines of many other people in the audience who were watching the fight between the father and Daughter?

After finishing speaking Hinata then disappear again from sight and reappeared in front of Hiashi and delivered another Dageki Sendo at his chest causing him spit out Blood as he was sent sailing across to the other end of the arena and hit the wall and leave a large dent in it. As Hiashi struggled to keep himself standing Hinata appeared in front of him again and hit him with several more of her Dageki Sendo causing him to smash against the arena wall several more times making the dent in the wall bigger and causing more of Hiashi bones to break and shatter as well as causing more internal damage in his body.

Many people in the audience could not help but flinch, cringe and look away as they heard Hiashi screams of pains as well as the sounds of his bones breaking and shattering from Hinata attacks.

Hinata soon stopped and just when everyone thought she was done she quickly went in the Hakke Rokujūyon Shō stance and companied the Hakke Rokujūyon Shō with her Dageki Sendo Technique and attacked. Causing Hiashi to scream into the high Heavens in pain as every bone in his body was either broken or shattered from Hinata's relentless attacks and was then sent right through the arena wall and flew about a Hundred feet outside the area wall and crashed in a crumpled blooded heap.

It was then that Hyuga Hiashi the head of the Hyuga Clan the said to be the strongest Hyuga in Konohagakure and who prided himself on his strength and power was now a broken cripple of a man his silk white ropes were now covered in dirt and in his own Blood everyone bone in his body was broken or shattered. His entire body screamed in pain from his Daughter's attacks he was coughing up large amount of Blood and could barely breathe let alone move he was certain that all his ribs were broken and that he had a punctured lung and God knows what else he could barely even stay conscious due to the pain he was feeling. Hiashi also knew that if he did not get imitate Medical attention he be dead within minutes.

It was then that Hinata suddenly appeared over him with a look that was so cold that it could have frozen Water, and for the first time in many years Hyuga Hiashi head of the Hyuga clan and so called strongest Hyuga in Konohagakure felt true soul retching terrifying fear run through his body as he looked into his Daughter's cold lavender eyes that seemed to freeze his very soul in fright.

Hinata then raised he hand for one more final Strike ready to finish him when suddenly Neji and a dozen or so Hyuga Branch member's appeared and held her so to stop her final Strike which was just mere inch's from Hiashi heart.

"Hinata-sama please stop this there is no need for this you won, you have beating your father you're the new leader of the Hyuga Clan, Hinata PLEASE! He not worth killing this is not you, this not what Naruto would want you to become", said Neji with both worry and fear in his voice.

Fear of what his once kind hearted, sweet, shy and gentle Cousin was becoming.

For a moment it look like Hinata might try and do it, but once Neji said Naruto name it got to her and she removed her hand away from her father heart slowly and nodded her head. Showing that she was finished where Neji and the other Hyuga Branch members let go of her.

After they did Hinata then kneeled down to her father.

Fearing that she was going to attack again the Hyuga Branch members tensed up and were about to grab hold of Hinata again when Neji stopped them with a shake from his head to tell them to stop and to wait and see what happens.

Hinata then lowered her head to her father left ear and whispered in a low voice, but was still loud enough for Neji and the Branch members to hear what she was saying.

"Who the Pathetic one now father" said Hinata in a harsh whisper and saying the last word as if it was the vilest thing in the world.

Hinata then got up and calmly walked away with her back now to her father

Had she looked back she would have see and single sad tear fall from Hiashi right eye right before blacked out from pain.

-Flashback Ends-

After the fight Hinata was official made the new head of the Hyuga Clan after which she then called a meeting with the Hyuga Council of Elders where she told them that as the new Hyuga Clan head she was having the Cage Bird Seal removed from all Branch members and was having the Hyuga council of Elders disbanded and reformed made up of members from both the main house family and the Branch members she was also removing that law that stated her Clan could only use Jutsu that belong to her Clan and were only to learn other Jutsu's if required by village law. With this law gone any member of the Hyuga Clan could learn Jutsu's outside the Clan.

When the Hyuga Elders tried to object to her, she simply hit one of the Clan Council room walls with her Dageki Sendo and destroyed the entire wall. Where she then stated to them that if they had a problem with how she was going to rule the Clan they could challenge her to a fight to overrule her or to take the position as Clan head from her.

This of course got the desired result and the Hyuga Elders back down since they had all seen her fight with her father after which word had quickly spread through out the entire village earning her a fearful reputation that could only be matched by Tsuande or one of the Sennin.

Soon after the Hyuga Clan Cage Bird Seal was removed from all the Branch members and the Hyuga Clan Council of Elders was to be disbanded and reformed with Three members from the Branch members making up half of the Council while Three younger and more open minded Main House members making up the other half of the Council. Neji was also made part of the Council where he was made the leader of the Clan Council by Hinata and was made her personal advisor.

Over the following years Hinata continued to be and active Ninja doing missions and quickly became a Jonin and from doing several high Rank missions and was mentioned in several Shinobi Nations Bingo books and had also earned the nickname Hyuga Shikyo no Megami (Hyuga's Goddesses of Death) with a battle with extreme caution warning on her profile in the books. Also whenever she went out on mission she would leave Neji, Hanabi or someone from the new Hyuga clan Council that she trusted in charge of the Clan until she returned.

Hinata also even improved her Dageki Sendo to such as level that it rivalled the Striking and destructive power that Tsuande Super human strength was capable of, where she could destroy a entire building with a single Strike and cause a fissure in the ground if need be. She also even helped out in the Hospital from time to time and had become a very well respected healer with her skill being only surpassed by Tsuande, Shizune and Sakura.

As Kurenai thought at how her old student (who she had thought as a surrogate Daughter or surrogate younger Sister at lest) had changed she could not help but see at how sad her student still seemed as well as lonely even though she acted as a cold and emotionless Hyuga to the villager, visiting dignitaries and some of the Council members she still remained a the kind and gentle young girl many knew her as where she would greet her patients, her friends and certain people like Kurenai herself with a smile and talk to them and offer them help from her if needed. But many could tell that she was still hurting on the inside since she had never truly recovered from Naruto death.

As Kurenai finish thinking about Hinata she could not help but then think about her so called father Hiashi after his Battle with Hinata he spent the next year in hospital due to the damage he had suffered from fighting Hinata. Despite Tsuande getting him to the hospital as quickly as she could he was on death's doorstep when he got there where after almost six hours of operating on him and trying to heal him Tsuande had been final able to stabilise him. He spent the next year in the hospital under constant supervisions under Sakura, Tsuande and Shizune since the damage to him was so great that it took that long just to heal his body and bones it even took Six more months before he was able to walk under his own power. During that time not one single person other that Sakura, Tsuande and Shizune or the hospital nurse's visited him. This was because many people had heard about what had he done and said to his Daughter where many people had been disgusted with how he had treated his own Daughter and most people had lost all their respect for the man.

But even dispite whate he had done Kurenai could not help but feel pity for the former Hyuga Clan head since she had seen him on several occasions and whenever she saw him she did not see the once proud and strong Hyuga man that was once head of one of the most powerful and Noble Clans in the village, he was gone now and all she saw was a broken shell of a man who did not hold himself proud and strong like he once had he couldn't even look at anyone in the face Kurenai had once spoken to him and when she looked into his eyes for a moment she saw shame, self loathing and guilt in them. A year of being in the hospital alone with no-one to visit him and someone to talk to had left Hiashi and great deal of time to think about the things that he had said and done over the years with his Daughters where he had most likely come to realise how much of a cold hearted prideful bastard he had become and what he had done to his Daughters especially Hinata.

Hinata had not only broken Hiashi entire body she had also broken his spirit and pride and was nothing but a shell of a man he could not even speak to Neji or to either one of his Daughters since whenever he had tried the guilt and shame of what he had done over the years overwhelmed him. Kurenai had heard many say that this was simple Karma for what he had done; others had said it was poetic justice for his crimes to his Daughter and his family some had even said he got what he deserved. But regardless of that Kurenai still pitied the man Hiashi had indeed reap what he had sowed and got what he had wanted Hinata had indeed become the strong and powerful Hyuga Clan head that he wanted her to be but it had cost him dearly to do it a price that Kurenai herself though was far to high a price to make it worth it all, since Hiashi had lost the love and respect of both his Daughters and the rest of his family and he was now alone and paying for it everyday and would have to live with what he had done for the rest of his life.

Having thought enough of the past ten years and what had happen and changed in those years Kurenai decided to focus on an accomplishing her mission and getting back to her son as soon as possible.

Where she hoped would be without incident.

Unfortunately that hope would soon be dashed and any hope of seeing her son soon would also be dashed as well

-Several miles away-

Several miles away behind a small deserted island Three of Mizu no Kuni Warships and Two Kiri Warships were lying in wait for the ship carrying Princess Sachi.

On board the lead ship a young crewman was running through the ship heading towards the Commodore (a Commander of more than one ship) on the command point of the ship.

"Sir! The SHARK units that you had sent to scout out for the Royal ship has just reported in that they have sited the Royal ship caring the Princess of Umi no Kuni only Three miles away from us", said the young crewman as he saluted to the Commodore of the squadron.

"Very good signal all ships to move out and have the Shinobi forces on board the ships as well as have all the men to get ready for Battle". ordered the Commodore to the crewman.

The crewman saluted again and ran off to do as the Commodore order after which the Commodore then turned to the man that he had been talking to before the crewman arrived with the news.

"It seems that everything is going as planned will your men be ready and do their job right?" asked the Commodore to the man.

"Of coarse they will just make sure that your men do not destroy that ship the Princess is on when you Fire on it she is no good dead and without her our plan is ruined" said the man called Isurugi Raijūta

"I know that, just make sure that you and your men do your job besides I heard that the Umi Daimyo has hired a team of highly Skilled Ninja's from Konoha to protect his Daughter" said the Commodore to Raijūta.

"Hah! Konoha is nothing but a Shadow of it's former self it is weak now by the time this day is done we will have the Princess and everyone will know that the Shinobi's of Konoha are inferior to those of Kiri" sneered Raijūta

"We shall see Raijūta we shall see" said the Commodore as he walk away from Raijūta to get his men already to move out and for Battle.

Raijūta just ignored the Commodore last comment.

Isurugi Raijūta was the last remaining loyal member of the current Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū (Seven Swordsmen of the Mist) since one of the former members was a S-class missing ninja and part of the famed organisation of S-class missing ninja the Akatsuki, two of the other members of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū that had also gone missing-nin were dead both and had been both killed by Ninja's from Konoha, Momochi Zabuza had been killed about Ten years ago in a battle against the famed Kopī Ninja(Copy Ninja) Hatake Kakashi in Nami no Kuni along with his Bloodline freak of a partner Haku. The other member Kurosuki Raiga had been killed by the famed ANBU Captain the Okami ken no Konoha (TenTen's nickname) four years ago back when she was just a ordinary ANBU agent. It seemed that Raiga had taken over Katabami Gold Mine in the River Country running his own little gang and was burying people alive to satisfy his sick little fantasies with having funerals. Somehow the villagers had sent word for help to Konoha where they sent the Okami ken no Konoha to deal with which she did. He even heard that like Zabuza, Raiga had a Bloodline wielding freak as a partner who was now living in the village were Raiga was killed by the Okami ken no Konoha.

"Hah! No wonder that weakly was able to get into the Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū with one of those freaks helping him, serves both him and Zabuza right letting those freaks live and using them to make them stronger the only good Bloodline user is a dead one, the world would be better off without them all" thought Raijūta

The two other members of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū were both Bloodline users and when the Bloodline crusade began they both became missing-nin as well. Not that Raijūta cared since he had never like either of them he even heard that as they fled the Country they found a squad of Bloodline hunters killing a family of Hyōton users where they killed most of the squad and took in the only survivor an young boy.

"Figures that those too would do something like that freaks like them usually stick together pulse they were always too "Noble" to get the job done when it was needed like killing kids" thought as he scoffed at the thought of the two former members

The one other remaining member of the of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū that was with Raijūta and the others went and betrayed Kiri and joined the Rebel Factions against the Umi Daimyo and the Godaime Mizukage he was even later on joined the last surviving member of the old Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū who were formed after all the members of the original Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū were killed.

"Traitors the lot of them but it dose not matter soon enough the rest of them will be all dead and Kiri's glory will sore once again once Konoha is destroyed and I will be it's hero and will reformed the Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū in my image" thought Raijūta as he smiled evilly.

"Soon my time will come" thought Raijūta as he wall down to the main deck to get ready for the attack.

-One hour later on board the Royal Ship-

Currently Kurenai and Sakura were talking to the Princess about what life in Konoha was like. Lee was showing pictures of his Daughter to some of the guards and talking about her Youthfulness (much to the guard's annoyance with hearing the words Flames of Youth or Youthfulness over and over again). While Choji was happily munching on the food that the ships cook had given him. Suddenly a cry from the man on the crow's nest was heard by everyone on the ship.

"Ships ahoy, ships ahoy," cried the man.

Quickly everyone went and look at all sides of the ship to find where the ships were in which they saw them in the distant from behind them.

"How many ships are there?" shouted the Captain of the ship.

"There are five of them and they are all Warships and they are heading for us" answered the man.

This got everyone worried Five Warships were headed for them.

"Are they Pirates?" asked the Captain which was what everyone else was thinking

"No" answered the man

"Then who are they?" shouted back the Captain.

"They are from Mizu no Kuni and Two of then have the symbol of Kirigakure on them" said the man.

"What are ships belonging to Mizu no Kuni and Kirigakure doing this far south?" asked the Captain out loud.

"They must be after the Princess that the only possibility they must want her to hold her for ransom or hold her as a Prisoner to force both Umi no Kuni and Tsuki no Kuni into doing whatever they want them to do" said Kurenai as she went up to the Captain.

"If that is the case they we cannot allow them to capture me I refuse to allow myself to be used as a political pawn to force both my father and Hikaru-kun to bend to the will of that tyrant the Mizu Daimyo" answered Princess Sachi.

"Do not worry Princess we will protect you and we will make sure that they never lay a hand on you" answered the Captain of the guard.

"Captain can this ship out run those Warships?" asked Princess Sachi.

"Of coarse Princess this is the fastest ship in the Southern sea there no way they will be able to outrun this ship" said the Captain confidently.

He then turned and started to shout out orders to the rest of the crew to get the ship moving faster.

Soon enough the main sails for the ship were let lose and the ship started to gain speed and were gaining distance from the Warships but just when they thought that they were going to get away suddenly Twelve Shinobi's exploded out of the Water and landed on the deck of the ship.

The Twelve Shinobi's all wore air breathing masks most likely to breath Underwater for long periods of time, they also all wore ANBU like armour and gear and had Kiri headbands on their heads and had a small kanji symbol for shark on the top left hand side of their armour.

"Watch out they are with Kiri's SHARK unit they Kiri's elite Underwater fighting unit there are experts in both open sea Combat and Underwater Combat! You men surround the Princess and guard her we handle them ourselves" order Kurenai as she got into and fighting stance along with Lee and Sakura while Choji pulled out his axe that he wore on his back.

The guards quickly followed Kurenai orders and made a circle around her protecting her with their bodies with their Swords out ready to defend the Princess with their very lives if need be.

-With Kurenai-

Kurenai quickly went off and faced two SHARK members in which she quickly started to do some Hand-Seals for a Jutsu the Two SHARK members went to attack her but just before they could get to her she finish her Seals and disappeared.

"Where did she go?" asked one of the SHARK members as they turned their heads around to look for her.

But before his partner could answer they found themselves being rapped around by tree like vines that that seemed to spring right out of the deck of the ship and a tree then sprang right behind them and they were tied to it by the vines. Before the two SHARK members could even try and escape Kurenai suddenly came out of the tree like a flower blooming out of a flower tree. She then quickly slit both men throats with her Kunai after which the tree disappeared and the two men dropped dead with Kurneai standing right behind them wiping away the men blood with a cloth.

After which an explosion happened on the deck and Kurenai quickly turned to see what had happened.

-With Sakura-

Sakura was also busy fighting Two SHARK-nins herself where she quickly rolled out of the way of a Mizurappa Jutsu (Violent Water Wave Technique) fired at her by one of the SHARK-nins as she did the other SHARK member charged her and was about to stabbed her with his Kunai. Sakura then quickly did a low spin kick causing the SHARK-nin to fall on his back onto the deck of the ship.

Sakura then quickly jumped back onto her feet and charge at the still standing SHARK-nin with her fist raised in the air.

The SHARK unfortunately could not dodge in time and Sakura hit him right in the face and with her Super human strength which sent him right out of the ship and back into the open sea.

She then turned around to deal with the remaining SHARK-nin which was lucky since she was then able see an incoming Kunai and was able to leap into the air in time to avoid the incoming Kunai that was thrown by the other SHARK-nin at her. The SHARK member then looked up into the air and was just in time to see a drop axe kick falling right onto his head which was coming from a falling Sakura and was then sent face first right into the deck of the ship where the power from Sakura's Super human strength sent him right through the deck of the ship and crashed right into the bottom floor of the ship.

Sakura the just wiped the dust off herself pleased with herself with dealing with the two men easily enough.

But suddenly Sakura attention was focused on the explosion in the middle of the of the ship deck

-With Lee-

Lee quickly engaged Three SHARK-nins and by using his great speed to his advantage he quickly delivered a hard bunch right into the face of an unsuspected SHARK-nin where he was sent crashing right into one of the lower mast's.

Lee the quickly ducked an upper slash attack from a Tanto sword from one of the other SHARK-nins where had he not ducked it would have cut his head right off.

Lee then disappeared and reappeared behind the attacking SHARK-nin where he then cried out "Konoha Senpū (Leaf Whirlwind)" and then did a spinning kick which hit the surprised SHARK-nin in the side of the head and sent him right across the ship and crashing right into the water.

Lee the turned to the remaining SHARK-nin iwhere the remaining SHARK-nin got his kunai in hand and went to charge at Lee where in a second or two he had already spilt the gap between them in half. As the SHARK-nin was half way to him Lee then disappeared but before the SHARK-nin could fully comprehend what had happen he felt and enormous amount of pain in his stomach which almost made him Black out from the pain. The SHARK-nin felt like he had been kicked by a donkey when he looked down he saw that Lee kneeing down with his fist in the SHARK-nin stomach.

When the Lee removed his fist from the SHARK member stomach and stood up in front of him the SHARK member just keeled over onto the deck of the ship and blacked out.

Just when Lee thought the fight was done his Shinobi senses kicked in and he ducked his head where had he not he would have been hit by several Shuriken's in the back of the head that were sent by the first SHARK-nin he had hit who had just regain his bearings from being hit into the lower mast of the ship by Lee sudden attack.

Seeing that Lee had ducked his Shuriken attack the SHARK-nin quickly began to do some hand seals for a Jutsu attack, but before the SHARK-nin could finish the last seal for his Jutsu Lee quickly ran across the deck of the ship to the SHARK-nin and hit him with a Konoha Shōfū (Leaf Rising Wind) and sending the SHARK-nin into the air where Lee then used his Kage Buyō (Shadow of the Dancing Leaf) where Lee then appeared behind SHARK-nin and hit him in a pressure point on his back to paralyzing him for a few second where Lee then quickly rapped his bandages around the SHARK-nin body and when they reach the point were they would start to falling they started to spin like a spinning top in a clockwise direction as they were falling. In which just before they both hit the deck of the Lee move away from the man and the SHARK-nin crashed head first into the deck of the ship and went right through it into the bottom part of the ship creating a large hole on the main deck of the ship.

Lee then just looked down through the hole in the deck of the ship to see the man now unconscious on the bottom floor of the ship which caused Lee to smile to himself at his win.

This did not last long when suddenly an explosion caught his attention on the deck of the ship.

-With Choji-

Choji quickly raised his large battle axe to block a Shuriken attack from the Two SHARK-nins he was battling, he had tired for a few minutes to hit the Two SHARK-nins with his battle axe but they dodge it every time.

Quickly realising that swinging his battle axe at the Two SHARK-nins was getting him no where he slammed the head of his axe onto the deck of the ship sticking the axe to the deck of the ship.

Choji then quickly uses his Bubun Baika no Jutsu (Partial Multi-Size Technique) to expand his arms to giant size (so that they were big enough and long enough to grab hold of and lift the Two SHARK-nins) and once they were, he quickly grabbed them both. Where he then slammed both men together stunning and then said,

"Sorry guys since neither of you have your boarding passes I going to have to ask you both to leave the ship".

After which he then threw the two SHARK members out into the air and out to the open sea.

"Happy landings" cried Choji as he smiled

But that faded when a explosion on the deck happen and he turned to see what happen.

-General viewpoint-

Unfortunately the SHARK-nins that Lee, Kurenai, Sakura and Choji had been fighting were just a distraction to they keep the Konoha team busy until the remaining Three other SHARK-nins accomplish their main objective which was to destroy the main mast of the ship and make sure that the ship did not get away from the on coming Warships.

The Three remaining SHARK-nins quickly covered the lower and middle part of the ship main mast with exploding tags and once they had done that they set off the tags causing an explosion and for the main mast collapses on the deck of the ship and the fall into the sea.

The Three remaining SHARK-nins then quickly jumped back into the sea since they had accomplished the main objective of their mission.

As soon as the Konoha team saw the main mast explode and fall into the sea they realised that they had been duped they realised that SHARK-nins they fought were just to distract them while the other members destroyed the main mast slowing the ship down so that the Mizu and Kiri Warships could catch up with them.

"Damn it they weren't after the Princess they were after the main mast I should have see that coming. We should have been protecting it." said Kurenai cursing herself for being duped so easily.

"Kurenai-san what do we do now?" asked Sakura.

"There nothing we can do with the main mast gone there is no chance what so ever in outrunning those Warships now. The best we can do now is try and fight them off since if they want the Princess they are going to have to board it, but even then I don't like our chances especially if the have a lot more Shinobi on those ships which I willing to bet they do" answered Kurenai as she frowned and was trying to think of a way to get themselves and the Princess out of this mess and so far she was coming up with noting.

Suddenly they heard some blasts coming from Two of the Warships when everyone turned towards the ships they saw things flying through the air towards them and they quickly realised that the things that were flying through the air towards them were Kunai's...Hundreds of Kunai's.

"TAKE COVER" Yelled Choji

As everyone started to take cover behind different things on the ship many of the guards even used the own bodies to protect the Princess.

But none of the Kunai's hit the ship all the Kunai's hit the Water around the ship and once they did they exploded causing large amounts of Water to be splashed onto the ship soaking many people on board. Once it was all over everyone got out of their covering spots.

"Are you alright Princess are you hurt?" asked the Captain of the guard worriedly.

"No I fine thank you captain Yamaka" answered Princess Sachi as she got up from being on the floor of the deck when her guards use their bodies to try and cover her.

"Shit! They're using exploding Kunai! What the hell! Are trying to kill us?" cried Choji.

"Well if they are they are doing a pretty bad job since they missed us" said Sakura.

"No that was just a warning telling us that they have the power to kill us all if they want to and to intimidate us" answered Kurenai.

"But what was it that they just used on use to Fire all those exploding Kunai at us?" asked Lee.

"I'm not exactly sure but I might have an idea and I hope I wrong because if I'm right we have no chance of surviving this and it will do a lot of damage to Konoha in the coming Battles against Kiri", said Kurenai as she was clearly worried with the current situation they were in right now.

It did not take long for the Warships to get to them and surround their ship, although the Princess guards prepared to Battle as did the Konoha team and the crew of the ship they were still vastly out numbered. They also soon saw the Volley Guns on board two of the Warships and they were loaded with more Kunai and were aimed at them also there were at least a Hundred Mizu warriors on boards the ships all armed with swords, spears, bows and arrows. Also on the ships were Sixty Kiri ninja many of them were caring several strange looking weapons in their arms (imagine the weapons that the Sky Ninja's used in the second Naruto Shippuuden movie).

"Wait! I know those things I seen things like that when I was in Haru/Yuki no Kuni" said Sakura in surprise when she saw the Volley Guns.

"Yes you would have I imagine", said Kurenai with a frown since her fears had been confirmed.

"But how did Kiri get them since they belong to Haru/Yuki no Kuni and since they are members of the Heavenly Alliance and Allies to Kumo they would never give Kiri their weapons since the Godaime Mizukage hates The Rokudaime Raikage and he would use those weapons against him and Kumo as well as the rest of the Heavenly Alliance" said Sakura.

"That because they didn't, you see a few years ago Jiraiya-sama reported a rumour he had heard, that when you and your team-mates defeated the Daimyo of Haru/Yuki no Kuni Kazahana Doto a member of his inner circle had escape the Country with some plans on one of the weapons that Doto created. Where the member then later on sold it to Kiri, the rumour was never confirmed due to Kirigakure never showed any signs of having it, but had tighten up security in the village and kept certain docking ports in Umi no Kuni closed off from most people" answered Kurenai.

Suddenly a man in Samurai armour appeared on top of the command point of the Mizu warship and began to speak.

"Attention all crewmen and Warriors of Umi no Kuni as well a Konoha Shinobi's as you can see we have you completely surrounded. You have seen what our Volley Guns can do and they are now all aimed at you I suggest that you all surrender now and save your lives there need be no more Bloodshed and lives loss today" spoke the man in armour.

"You would not dare Fire those things at us since you clearly want to take the Princess as your prisoner since you purposely missed us when you Fired your Volley Guns earlier. If you Fire them now you will not only kill us all but the Princess as well" said Kurenai as she step forward to make herself known.

After which a Kiri Ninja then took aim and fire the strange weapon in his hand and fired several Kunai's at Kurenai feet causing her to step back in shock not expecting something like that to happen. The man in armour then held up his hand to the Ninja signalling to him to hold his Fire.

"Although what you say is true Konoha Shinobi-san as you can see for yourself we also have hand held versions of the Volley Guns and Kunai Luanchers they are much more accurate and just as deadly. Not to mention we can also board your ship from all sides and we vastly out number your group, hence you have no chance of defeating us and we will just take Princess Sachi in the end with force so I ask you again to surrender now and save your lives you will not be harmed I give you my word, I will give you Thirty seconds to make your decision". said the man in armour.

Just as the man in armour had just stop speaking someone shouted.


Where Princess Sachi walked out from behind her guards and stood in front of them to speak to the man in armour.

"Princess please get back behind us" spoke Captain Yamaka as he tried to get her back behind him, but she just brushed him off.

"Although I would rather die than become a political pawn to be used against my father and Hikaru-kun I will not allow all these people die needlessly to try and protect me. If you give me your word as an officer which you clearly are, that you will not harm any of these people and you let them go I will surrender myself to you without resistance", spoke Princess Sachi standing with and aura of Nobility and confidence around her and speak without the slightness bit of hesitation or nervousness in her voice.

"Princess you can't do this please don't do it!" cried Captain Yamaka as he tried to stop her from surrendering herself to them.

Princess Sachi held up her hand to Captain Yamaka face to tell him to stop and then said,

"Captain this is my decision and I order you to stand down" spoke the Princess in a voice of Authority one that only a true ruler would have.

Captain Yamaka at first did or said nothing, but eventually lowered his head in complacence and answered "Very well Princess this is your decision and I will do as you say" after which he stepped back from her.

Princess Sachi then looked to the man in armour again who had been watching the whole ordeal with interest and spoke with just as much confidence as she did before and said

"Do we have an agreement then?"

The man in armour then nodded his head in agreement and said

"We do in which I Commodore Fuji Kazen of Mizu no Kuni Royal fleet do hear by give you my word that no harm will come to any of the other people on your ship and I will let them go freely" said Commodore Kazen

After the agreement was made Princess Sachi had all the her guards as well as the ship crew and Kurenai and the others to lower their weapons and surrender to the now boarding Mizu Warriors and Kiri Ninja's.

Soon enough everyone on board the Umi Royal ship was rounded up in one large group and they had their hands in the air as a sign of their surrender with Mizu Warriors and the Kiri Ninja's all pointing their weapons at the surrendering crew and Ninja's. The Princess herself stood up in front of the group with Two Mizu Samurai with her in the middle between the Two.

Soon enough Commodore Kazen boarded the ship himself with another large man who looked like a body builder with brown hair with a narrowing face and looked like some overgrow street thug to the Konoha Ninja's. He carried a large Samurai Katana on his side he wore a standard Purple Jonin flak jacket with tradition Shinobi pants and sandals he wore his headband of Kiri on his right bicep and wore a gray hooded cloak that had the Kanji "Kill" on it, The two of them soon made themselves up to the Princess where the man then spoke first.

"My name is Isurugi Raijūta last remaining loyal member of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū and Commander of the Shinobi forces you see here"

He then quickly cupped Princess Sachi face with his large right hand and her looked directly look into his face. Captain Yamaka and several of the guards flinched as they saw this since they wanted noting more that to attack Raijūta for touching the Princess in such away but they knew they could do noting in the current situation they were in.

"It was very Noble of you to offer yourself up to us to allow the others to live...then again I should expect something like that from a Princess such as yourself" said Raijūta.

He then looked down at Sachi body and then at her face and had a lecherously like grin on his face "Not bad...although you're a tad bit skinny for my taste, but your still quite pretty then again I should expect that from someone of Royalty like you".

Sachi then quickly smacked away his large hand.

"Don't you dare touch me" she hissed at him violently at him.

"Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha" laughed Raijūta "And feisty too I like that! The Prince of Tsuki no Kuni is a lucky man to get someone like you".

"Enough" yelled Commodore Kazen and he but himself between Princess Sachi and Raijūta.

"Raijūta you will treat Princess Sachi with the respect she deserves" said Commodore Kazen with a forceful tone as he glared at Raijūta angrily where he then turned and spoke to the Princess.

"Princess Sachi please forgive Raijūta he clearly lacks any form of courtesy or manners".

To which Raijūta just scoffed at Commodore Kaze remark

"Although you are now our Prisoner you will be treated with the respect you deserve, hence I would like to offer you my quarters for you to stay in as long as you are on my ship" said Commodore Kazen politely to the Princess.

"Thank you Commodore Kazen for your generous offer which I will accept but what of my guards, my ship crew and the Konoha Ninja's?" asked Princess Sachi.

"They shall be not be harmed and they will all be released as I promised Princess" said Commodore Kazen.

"All except for the Konoha Shinobi's" interrupted Raijūta.

"Raijūta you are out of line... I gave the Princess my word of honour that I would let everyone else on this ship go if she surrendered peacefully, which she did and I intend to keep my word" rounded Commodore Kazen.

"You may have given your word to the Princess, but I did not besides this is a Shinobi matter where you have no say in the matter since Kiri and Konoha are at War with one another these Four are Prisoners of War", said Raijūta as he pointed at Kureani, Lee, Sakura and Choji and had his men single them out and surrounded them.

"Besides I would be a fool to let such valuable Prisoners as these Four get away since the One in Green is Rock Lee Konoha Nidaime no Kedakai Aoi Mōjū one of Konoha top Jonin fighters and husband to the Clan head of the Kurama Clan, the one in armour is Akimichi Choji Konoha no Kyojin Keiude and heir to the head of the Akimichi Clan as well as member of the Neo Ino-Shika-Cho, the Red eye beauty is Yuuhi Sarutobi Kureani Konoha famed Genjutsu specialist, former wife of the late Sarutobi Asuma of the Kazuma in the Shugonin Jūnishi and Aunt to Konoha no Enkōō Sarutobi Konohamaru and the one with the Pink hair is Haruno Sakura Konoha Chiyu Sakura and apprentice of the Godaime Hokage. These Four will have a great deal of valuable information that could be very useful to Kiri in the War against Konoha" said Raijūta as he walked over to the Konoha Shinobi's.

"No matter what you do to us we will never talk and we will never betray our village" spoke Sakura definitely After which Raijūta just cupped her face and said,

"Brave words, but you will eventually break, Kiri Shinobi's are very good and getting information out of people and when we have gotten all the information that we want from you we will then have a little fun together. I will especially enjoy having some fun with you Kurenai-san" said Raijūta as he let go of Sakura face and then cupped Kurenai face in his large hands

"I must say you're much more beautiful in person than you are in your picture in the Kiri Bingo book" said Raijūta where Kurenai gave him the most hateful look she could muster at him, she had heard of Raijūta who was not only famed for his power and skill as a swordsman in Kiri but also for his brutality and cruelty to people in the Mizu no Kuni and Kirigakure in it current Civil War he was known for his strong hatred of Bloodline's and for killing the entire families of people who were against either the Godaime Mizukage or the Mizu Daimyo.

When Raijūta saw the look that Kurenai was giving him he just laughed.

"Good! I like women who are feisty it just makes it all the better when I break them in the end...and they always do in the end" said Raijūta as he smirks when Kurenai just continues to glare at him with all the hate she could muster in herself.

Raijūta then turned to Sakura and eyed the curves of her body and shape of it and eyed her lecherously, as he did Sakura could not help be feel that she needed a shower as he looked at her.

"Perhaps after I done breaking Kurenai-san here I will come to visit you then miss Haruno" said Raijūta with the same lecherously grin on his face as he held a hand full of Sakura Pink hair and ran it through his fingers.

This cause Sakura to shudder and then glare at the man with just as much hatred as Kurenai had show him which Raijūta just laughed at after which he turned to some Kiri-nins around them.

"You men...take the Prisoners to the brig", order Raijūta to the Shinobi's around the Konoha-nin which the Kiri-nin did as they were told.

As they were being brought on board to one of the Kiri Warships all Four of them knew what would happen once they reach Mizu no Kuni. They would be put in one of Kiri Prisons where they would be interrogated, tortured and raped (in Kurenai and Sakura case) for all the information that they had about Konoha. After which they would either be left to rot in Prison where they would never see the light of day again or they would be killed and buried in some unmarked grave outside the Prison and that was if they were lucky. Since there was also very little chance of rescue coming from their village due to the situation that it was in now with fighting off Oto, Iwa, Kiri, Kusa and the Hannya Clan.

The Four Konoha-nins lowered their heads in defeat as they walked on to the Kiri Warship they had failed to protect the Princess where she would be used as a Political pawn in the Godaime Mizukage and the Mizu Daimyo schemes. They had failed to help their village to gain the badly needed Trade Alliance with Umi no Kuni and Tsuki no Kuni and worst of all they had failed to come back to their loved ones where Sakura would never see her Parents again, Choji would never see his Parents or his wife again, Lee would never see his Daughter or wife again and Kurenai would never see her son again they had all lost hope in ever seeing their loved ones again.

-Princess point of view-

As Kurenai and the others were being lead away by the Kiri Shinobi Princess Sachi quickly turned to Commodore Kazen.

"Commodore Kazen please is there anything you can do to stop them" pleaded the Princess to the Commodore.

The Commodore just sighed and said sadly,

"I'm sorry Princess but as Raijūta said this is a Shinobi matter and I have no power to stop him since he is well in his rights to do this since Kiri and Konoha are at War with one another. I'm truly am sorry Princess there is nothing that I can do it is out of my hands now" said the Commodore sadly.

After which he then put his hand out to the Princess and said,

"Princess Sachi if you please come with me I will lead you to my quarters where you may stay for the journey to Mizu no Kuni" said the Commodore.

He led Princess Sachi aboard his ship and to his quarters.

As he did so the Princess could not help but silently pray with all her might and hope with all her heart and soul that someone would come to rescue her and the Konoha-nin and save them from this nightmare