
The Raikage (Hiato)

the Fan Fiction is not mine, I just brought it to the fanfiction.net website. After succeeding in retrieving Sasuke, Naruto was banished from Konoha due to the Council's fear of the Akatsuki coming after him and destroying Konoha. 10 years later after being banished Naruto becomes the new Raikage of Kumo and leads it to greatness.

JapaOuO · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 14 Striking at Daybreak Part One

Jutsu/Black Zetsu talking

Summon Speech/Snarling

I do not own Naruto what so ever or any of the characters or any of the OC that I used from other shows or games.

Greetings to all Raikage fan's now before anyone gets started to reading the next instalment of Raikage, there is something I like to say.

Now I'm well aware that many of you have troubling picturing my description of Naruto in Raikage and asked several times for a picture of Naruto. Sadly though I was unable to give you said picture for although I have some skill when it comes to drawing buildings, objects and scenery I have little to no skill when it comes to people or characters.

This was why I had asked for anyone who was skilled in drawing and was willing to do it, at first there was no-one available that could do it or was willing or simply couldn't do it. But I'm pleased to say that in the end someone took up my request and took it upon himself to create a near exact image of how I imaged Naruto in The Raikage, where in my opinion it's near perfect.

The person is question is none other than simplicitybc2000 known both on Fanfiction and Deviantart and he created two versions of him, both are pretty much the same, but with some difference. I have put up the links to both pictures on my profile for those who wish to see them right away.

Now again I would like to personally thank simplicitybc2000 for all his hard work and for taking up my request and for those of you who also like the picture, please send any praises you have to him as he deserve it and I sure he would like reading your opinions of the pictures and any other picture he may have done.

Now as the old saying goes, on with the show, or in this case, on with the story.

Last time on Raikage

When Naruto took the scrolls full of money and the letters and documents, he stated that when they come to the Alliance gathering in two months' time. To discuss the details and the arrangements of becoming a protectorate of the Heavenly Alliance, and how exactly they would pay back the rest of Naruto's inheritance, with the added interest.

As the Fleet of airships rose up into the air, and flew in the direction of Kaminari no Kuni and New Kumo. Tsunade stared solely at Naruto's command ship, right up until it and the other airships became dotes in the morning sky.

'Good-bye Naruto, May we see each other again, and I'm sorry.' thought Tsunade as she stared at the retreating dotes in the sky, before she, Jiraiya the Council elders and their guards, returned to Konoha.

-Iwa (two weeks after the battle of Konoha)-

Currently lying on a medical bed in a coma was the Yondaime Tsuchikage Ryoku, who was covered with medical tubes and being constantly monitored by medics in an attempt to keep him alive.

For the past two weeks the medics had been fighting a losing battle, in trying to keep Ryoku alive, due to the immeasurable amount of damage Naruto's Ōdama Rasengan(Great Ball Spiralling Sphere) and Futon: Rasenshuriken (Wind Style: Spiralling Shuriken) did to him.

As time passed, Ryoku's body slowly failed due to the damage he had taken, despite the desperate attempts of the medic's. Although considering how badly he was injured when he arrived in Iwa, it was nothing short of a miraculous that he lasted as long as he did, let alone that he was still even alive.

Sitting next to Ryoku was his son Berugu (who was currently acting Tsuchikage) and his daughter Kokimi (1).

Kokimi was extremely attractive women, with dark violet hair with hair pins in it; she wore a purple and black elegant, slightly revealing kimono showing off her figure. Kokimi was a year younger than her brother, and was highly intelligent and cunning, not to mention ambitious. She wasn't afraid of using her beauty and sex appeal to get what she wanted, and she could easily manipulate those she wanted and as great as her beauty was. She was twice as deadly in battle, as she was extremely deadly in the art of assassination, as well as highly skilled in combat and in using Genjutsu and poisons.

For the past two weeks things had not been easy for Berugu, as acting Tsuchikage, for when he and the remaining Iwa forces, arrived. They soon learned of the attack on Iwa docks and the destruction of their fleets, after hearing of the attack Berugu, immediately took charge and ordered all force to take up defensive positions along the coast the northern sea. He also increased defences along Taki no kuni (Waterfall Country) border, as well as all Heavenly Alliance member nations that bordered Tsuchi no Kuni (Earth Country). Fearing that the Heavenly Alliance was going to invade them, these fears only increased, when news of Mizu no Kuni (Water Country), Ta no Kuni (Rice-field Country), Oto and Kiri had been conquered by the Heavenly Alliance.

As Berugu and his sister sat next to their father, they heard him mumbling the same thing over and over again "his son, his son, his son". Ryoku had been coming in and out unconsciousness for a while, but only for a short time, after which he fell back unconscious.

Soon after Ryoku awoke to his children next to him and turned to them "Berugu you and sister must avenge me, when I've gone, you cannot let that man's line continue on", croaked Ryoku.

"Whose line father?" asked Berugu.

"The Yondaime Hokage's line" replied Ryoku, surprising his son and daughter.

"The Yondaime Hokage! …are you saying, that The Raikage is related to the Yondaime Hokage some how?" asked Kokimi.

"Yes" croaked Ryoku, "He is his son, and is the jinchūriki of the Kyūbi no Yōko (Nine tailed Fox), who was believed to have been killed by the Akatsuki years several years ago".

When Kokimi and Berugu heard this, both were shocked beyond belief "The Yondaime had a son…that's impossible he had no children", spoke Berugu in surprise.

"He did…and he had it with that whore Uzumaki Kushina", croaked Ryoku angrily.

"Konoha no Shinku Ikari (Konoha's Crimson Fury)?" spoke Kokimi in surprise to make sure she heard her father correctly, where he just nodded. Upon hearing this Kokimi had a thoughtful look on her face, as she had to admit that considering his pedigree it should be no surprise that The Raikage was so powerful, as he was the offspring of two such powerful Shinobi's.

"That bastard…I make him pay for what he did, I burn his wrenched village to the ground and crush his skull with my bare hands" growled Berugu angrily.

"No…don't do anything… he's too strong, he will crush you just as he did me and the others" spoke Ryoku.

"But father…" replied Berugu, but was stopped by his father, before he could say anymore.

"You'll do what I say" croaked Ryoku angrily. "Hide my dead for three or four years…Bolster the defensives … The Raikage is not the fool I thought he was… and yet… his time will come…he will weaken…that is the time you'll need to strike" spoke Ryoku, slowly.

"Yes father, I will do what you say" replied Berugu.

"As will I" spoke Kokimi.

"Remember…" spoke Ryoku, but before he could finish, he closed his eyes for the last time and he died, before he could finish speaking.

-One hour later Tsuchikage office-

"Damn that man…I make him pay for what he did" said Berugu as he stormed into the Tsuchikage office with his sister.

"Now, now Berugu-kun you should watch your temper" said Kokimi with a slight smile.

"Don't patronize me Kokimi" rounded Berugu, as he sat down at his desk and glared angrily at his sister.

"So what do you plan to do now?" asked Kokimi.

"I will do what our father said and I will increase our defences all along the village the coast and the Alliance member nations that boarder us. Then I start reorganising our forces and increase our numbers and plan our attacks on them", stated Berugu.

"That would be a foolish thing to do Berugu, as attacking members or allies of the Heavenly Alliance would only bring down the wrath of all the others and we would stand no chance of winning by ourselves", spoke Kokimi.

"That bastard…killed our father!" roared Berugu in fury.

"And he'll do the same to us, if we aren't careful; The Raikage is extremely powerful and is no fool, and proved it during the battle of Konoha", spoke Kokimi.

"What do you mean?" asked Berugu.

"What I mean is that The Raikage was able to fool everyone into believing that they would stay out of the war, but in reality he was using the Bait and Bleed strategy, as his real plan was to lure all his rivals into one place and have them fight amongst themselves and weaken themselves. Where he would then cripple them all in one attack, with a small force, and with minimum lose to his own forces", spoke Kokimi.

"But they were working with Konoha, they attacked us just when we were about to destroy them, if his plan was to cripple all the other villages they could've waited until we destroyed them and then attack us. Instead of attacking us when we were about to destroy the village" responded Berugu.

"I do not know why, but from the reports I've read of the battle, I known that they weren't secretly allied with Konoha and Suna as you suspect. As if they were they wouldn't have waited to attack until the very last minute like they did, for if they were truly allied with Konoha and Suna they would've attacked much sooner", spoke Kokimi.

At hearing this, Berugu thought about what his sister said and as much as he hated to admit it, what his sister was saying did make a lot of sense.

"So what do you suggest we do?" asked Berugu with a frown.

"We call for a ceasefire with New Kumo and the Heavenly Alliance" spoke Kokimi

"NEVER!" roared Berugu, as he slammed his fist onto the desk, making small cracks on it.

"Berugu listen, if we don't, the Heavenly Alliance will eventually attack, and in a battle of strength or in a war of attrition, we cannot hope to win. Especially given the manpower and resources of the Heavenly Alliance and how the Heavenly Alliance has people like The Raikage, Zhuge Liang the Nemuriryu (Sleeping Dragon) and his wife Yue Ying and the three other jinchūriki, along with all the other high level Shinobi's he has under his command. Against people like that, along with the other forces they have, we stand little chance of winning a war of confrontation.

"So you want us to simply give up and beg for mercy?" asked Berugu angrily, as he would never bow down to the man that killed his father.

"I'm not saying that, what I'm saying is that we cannot win a war in force, hence we must fight a different kind of war and be smarter than The Raikage, and bring him and his Alliance down" replied Kokimi.

"And do you have a plan to do this?" asked Berugu, already knowing the answer, as his sister always had a plan or some kind of scheme going.

"But of course dear brother" said Kokimi with a cunning smirk, where she then began to fill in her brother on her plan.

-Several days later in The Raikage office-

Currently sitting in his office doing some paperwork was Naruto, it had been several days since his return from Konoha and it had been pretty busy for him. When he returned to New Kumo, they had the funeral for all the Shinobi's they had lost in Operation Divine Storm and held a day of mourning for them and their families. Meeting the families of each of the Shinobi's had been hard for Naruto, not because they said they were angry at him and hated him or blamed him for their loved ones death. No if they'd done that, it would have been a lot easier for Naruto to take. Instead they wept for their dead loved ones, and looked at him with their tears stained eyes and thanked him from bringing back the bodies of their loved ones, and told him that they didn't hold him responsible for their death. This of course made Naruto feel all the more guilty at their loss, but over them he let the guilt go, as he knew that he couldn't carry the weight of the dead, along with his other responsibilities.

But even with the slight guilt he felt, Naruto knew he could at least take solace in the fact that they did not give their lives in vain, as their sacrifice had not only help free two separate nations, but also saved hundreds if not thousands of lives later on, on both sides. As with Orochimaru's alliance destroyed they would not threaten the Heavenly Alliance and start another war that would engulf the Elemental continent and cost the lives of many Shinobi's and people.

Naruto was now just finishing up signing forms, so to make sure that the family members of the Shinobi's who died in the battle, were fully cared for, as it was the least he could do for them. Normally Naruto would've had his clones do his paperwork, but when it came to forms like these, he wanted to do them himself. When Naruto first became Raikage, the families of Shinobi's who had been killed on missions or during wartime, received no compensations for the loss of their family member. Meaning if the family's main source of income was the Shinobi members of the family then they would often be left destitute. It was even worse for the children of Shinobi's who weren't from Clans, as at least for children of Shinobi Clans, they were taken care of by the rest of their Clan. Those that didn't have this, had very little to live on, hence when New Kumo economy was strong enough. Naruto set up a policy where the village would pay an allowance to the families of Shinobi's killed on missions or during wartime, along with giving family members certain benefits, so they could continue living on, without much difficulty. Naruto did this because he knew what it was like to grow up with hardly anything, where he thought; he should try and make sure that others children and people didn't go through what he did.

Once Naruto had finished signing all the forms, the doors of office opened, where Naruto's Secretary Ise Nanao entered the room. When Nanao entered, she simply said "It's time" after which Naruto left the room with Nanao and Okatsu, (who was in the room with him).

After a few minutes of traveling through the Raikage tower/mountain, they entered the War Council room, where the other members of the War Council were waiting.

Once everyone arrived, Naruto began the meeting, "Thank you all for coming, now we can begin this War Council meeting, Masato would you care to begin".

"Hai! Recent reports from my agents and contacts have informed me that Kusa is preparing to send an envoy to official surrender to us, as well as Konoha and Suna. The remainder Hannya Clan has gone into hiding, so we don't know what their intentions are, although given the losses they suffered; it's unlikely they be any threat for some time. But even still I've sent agents to gather any information on them; I've also done the same on gather information on Orochimaru's location and any of his bases in the Elemental Continent".

"What about the Shōton (Chrystal Release) user that we capture, she was one of Orochimaru's chief lieutenants, surely she would know them all, or at least most of his other bases", spoke Cai Wengi.

"I've yet to interrogate her, as I wish to gather more information on her from the other Oto prisoners first, before I confront her, so I'll know how to handle her", replied Masato.

"Very well Masato, but please do so as quickly as you can, and inform me of everything you know, when you're finished interrogating the other prisoners, as we cannot afford to give Orochimaru too much time. For as weaken as he is right now, he is still a threat to us, as Orochimaru is the kind of person who hold grudges for a long time, especially against people who have crossed him. Not to mention we control the Library of Benzaiten, something he desperately wants for himself", spoke Naruto.

"Hai Raikage-sama" responded Masato.

"What about Iwa, do you know what they're planning?" asked Tatara Hamrio (Head of the Kōton (Steel Release) users).

"According to my intelligence, Iwa is strengthening their defences and tightening their security, most likely fearing some kind of invasion from us. This has made gathering intelligence on them difficult, due to the tightened security, although thanks to Uki-san (aka Chi no Megami (Goddess of Earth)) help, I was able to make contact with some people in the village. Who informed me that the Yondaime Tsuchikage has died, due to his injuries, he suffered from battling you Raikage-sama, and his son Berugu has been elected as the Godaime Tsuchikage. Also there is an unconfirmed rumour that Berugu is thinking of sending a petition for a ceasefire between Iwa and the Heavenly Alliance", spoke Masato.

Upon hearing this Naruto actually looked surprised "Well if that's true I would be highly surprised as I expected Berugu and most of Iwa, screaming out for my blood once they learned of my identity".

"Perhaps they know that fighting us would be only lead to their own destruction", spoke Kisaragi Godō.

"Possible, but I'm sure there's another reason, like using the ceasefire as a cover to rebuild their forces and strengthen their defences" answered Naruto.

"So what should we do, if they wish for a ceasefire?" asked Zhao Yun.

"We'll agree, as Iwa knows they can't beat us in battle, and with our victory in Konoha, fewer of the other Shinobi villages will be willing to side against us. Especially since Suna and Kiri are preparing to ally with the Heavenly Alliance and Konoha is going to become a protectorate for us. That means four out of the five great Shinobi villages are with the Heavenly Alliance, along with many smaller Shinobi villages, and with that kind of force Iwa stands no chance of winning", spoke Naruto.

"But as you said earlier, they could most likely be using the ceasefire as a cover to rebuild their forces and later plan some sort of attack, should we not attack them now, while their weakened", spoke Shiden (Clan Head of the Mugen Tenshin Clan).

"That would only make things worse, as Berugu, would most likely use my lineage as a rallying call for his forces to fight to the bitter end, where casualties on both sides would be enormous and that is something I would like to avoid. The best way for us to deal with them is to agree to a ceasefire and beat them another way…through economics, and make them see that it would be better to ally with us than go against us, or at the very least not be our enemy. Also if they do offer a ceasefire and we agree to it, they will know that we'll be watching them, meaning they be less likely to try anything anytime soon, where by the time it be too late for them", spoke Naruto. "For if they do attack us, they'll be seen as the aggressor and we'll be seen as the victims, where we'll have the public support of the non-alliance nations and any action we take against Iwa would be justified".

At this there was some muttering among the War Council members, where after a few minutes they agreed, as what Naruto suggested could work and could avoid needless bloodshed.

Once the matter on Iwa was resolved, Masato then continued on several other matters, after which he then sat down, where Naruto then turned to Seiwa Anisu (aka Kumo no Aisuryuu (Ice Dragon of Kumo), Koorisui no Kami (God of Ice and Water)), his Jonin Commander and right hand man as well as closest friend.

"Anisu please tell us of the happenings of Kiri and Mizu no Kuni".

"Things in Kiri and Mizu no Kuni are moving forward slowly, although difficultly, as without having the Mizu Daimyo and the Godaime Mizukage as their common enemy. The different factions are having difficulty working together, as each of the factions has their own agenda's" spoke Anisu.

Naruto was of course not surprised by this, as nearly after every coup or revolution, there is a Civil War in the country, due to political beliefs in different factions, which was why he was determined not to let this happen.

"Thankfully though, the leaders of the stronger factions are in agreement, that it would be in their best interest, to work together. Hence the smaller and weaker factions are following the lead of the stronger factions" continued Anisu.

"Very good and has Kiri elected a New Mizukage yet?" asked Naruto.

"Yes, they've elected the new Rokudaime Mizukage just before I left, her name is Terumī Mei, and she was the leader of one of the largest factions of the Shinobi rebels, where a large part of it was made up the few bloodline holder survivors. She also a member of Sui Clan, who wield the Futton (Boil Release) bloodline, which is one of the last remaining Bloodline holding Clans in Kiri from the Bloodline purge. She is also a dual-bloodline holder", said Anisu, surprising many on the War Council when they heard this.

"A dual-blood holder?" spoke Hiki Kane (Commander of New Kumo's Sky-Hawk Ninja's) with surprise. As other than Naruto, he had never heard of anyone wielding more than one bloodline. Even then, Naruto only had his healing bloodline because of the side-effects of the Kyuubi's chakra, "How is that possible?"

"Well according to what I've been told, her mother was from the Sui Clan and her father was an Iwa Shinobi from the Meruto Clan, who possessed the Yōton (Lava Release) bloodline and who defected from Iwa to Kiri many years ago. Seemingly the Rokudaime Mizukage, inherited both her parents bloodlines and was given the name Terumī in the hopes of starting a New Clan, wielding a dual bloodline", spoke Anisu.

"But even still, how is it that she has both bloodlines, as just because both parents have one, doesn't mean that any children they've will have both bloodlines, as it's more likely they've one or at the very least have neither", spoke Kane.

"Unohana-san, could you explain?" asked Naruto.

"Certainly, although researching and dealing with bloodlines is not my speciality, as you all may know and from what I understand, Bloodlines are genetic traits or even mutations that are passed down through Clans. These genetic traits can often skip certain generations, meaning not everyone in a Clan can have them. This is why some Clans practice inbreeding or selective breeding in the hopes of keeping the bloodline strong within the Clan, which in turn explains why there as so few people with dual bloodlines. As due to these selective breeding's, Clans with bloodlines did not try and mix with one another, for fear of losing their bloodlines to another Clan. But even then, after the Shinobi villages were formed, there are record cases of villages trying to combine two separate bloodlines, few of which succeeded, and those that did were later killed by rival villages for fear of what they could do", spoke Unohana.

"But that still doesn't explain the new Mizukage dual bloodline" spoke Kane.

"Please be patient Kane-sama, as I' am getting to the point" spoke Unohana, as she smiled kindly to him, although a dark intimidating aura surrounded her, as Unohana did not like be interrupted when speaking. When Kane saw this he gulp and started to sweat a little, as he swore he saw the image of a devil behind her.

"I-I-I a-a-plo-apologise Unohana-sama" spoke a nervous Kane, who was not alone as everyone else on the War Council was equally nervous.

Naruto was of course sympathetic to Kane plight, as he had been on the receiving end of Unohana's wrath not too long ago, due to him leaving the hospital in Konoha, when she told him not to. When he returned to New Kumo, Retsu called him to the hospital for some "examinations", where by the end of it all there wasn't a part of his body that wasn't hurting. After tortu…examining Naruto, Unohana then informed Killer Bee, Yugito and the others that, the next time they let Naruto leave the hospital, she would run some "examinations" on them, which of course got the desire affect, where Killer Bee and the other immediately understood. After the event, Naruto had even considered that he should have Unohana help Masato in interrogation, as after being "examined" by Unohana, he was ready to do just about anything for avoid being "examined" further by her. But then again, doing so could be considered cruel and inhumane.

"As I was saying" continued Unohana "Even if two bloodline holders were to have a child together, it would be very rare for the child to have both bloodlines. This is because few bloodlines are compatible with one another like for instance, a child of two separate Doujutsu users cannot have both Bloodlines, as each Doujutsu requires different requirements in a their body. Hence it would be impossible for two different Doujutsu's to be possessed by one user. Although it is possible for the child of Doujutsu user and a body bloodline holder to have both parents bloodlines, the same could be said for a child of two separate elementally-recomposed natures type users (those who naturally possess the ability to use advance elemental jutsu's like ice release), if they're compatible that is", spoke Unohana.

"When you say compatible what do you mean exactly Unohana-sama?" asked Lu Xun (Commander of the Air fleets of New Kumo and Kaminari no Kuni).

"Well other than the genetic compatibility between two parents, the bloodlines themselves need to be compatible, where consider how Futton and Yōton are both elementally-recomposed nature types. As well as both having similar abilities and have common element with each other, it would be possible for the Mizukage to have both her parents bloodlines" answered Unohana.

At hearing this, the War Council members had to agree, as what Unohana said did make some sense.

"It's surprising that Kiri made a bloodline holder, their Mizukage considering the hostile natures many people would have for them", spoke Yoruichi.

"The faction leaders elected Mei-san as the Rokudaime Mizukage; because she is not only strong, but they'd hoped it could help heal some of the wounds of the Bloodline purge. As well as show a sign of change in Kirigakure", spoke Anisu, which pleased Naruto and the rest of the War Council, as it did show that Kiri was improving from its bloody past and the new government was trying to change things for the better.

"What is your opinion of the Mizukage?" asked Naruto.

"I believe she's a fine choice as she cares greatly for her people, and is both strong enough to be a Kage and quite intelligent" spoke Anisu, where Naruto just nodded.

"So what are our plans for Kiri and will they be willing to join us?" asked Soifon.

"The first order of business will be to help the new Mizukage and the new Mizu Daimyo, expunge the loyal followers of the Godaime Mizukage and the pervious Mizu Daimyo, and make sure that they pay for their crimes. After that we'll need to send them money, food, equipment and other resources to help rebuild their country and village. Once Mizu no Kuni and Kirigakure have fully recovered, I'm sure they'll join us and become a full member of the Heavenly Alliance, but as of right now I believe they'll only want to be allied with us" answered Naruto.

"I fear that it may not be easy to convince many of the New Kumo Council members, along with other lords of the royal courts to support the idea of sending money and other resources to Mizu no Kuni. As many believe that we should just leave Mizu no Kuni and Ta no Kuni along with their respect villages to their own devices and rebuild themselves, as they are not our concern", spoke Zhuge Liang.

"I gave Saito (one of the faction leaders Naruto contacted) my word that the Heavenly Alliance would help in every way possible, both in freeing their country and rebuilding it, and I always keep my word Sensai. That is why I'll need your help, to convince both the other feudal lords and the Council. For if we abandon both nations and their villages when they need our help, then this will cause deep resentment in both nations and villages and other factions' wishing to gain power would us the people's resentment towards us to gain power. Where in a few decades time we would then have two enemies dedicated to destroying us, causing more bloodshed to be spilt, but if we help rebuild their countries, then we'll have two very valuable allies later on, who'll be completely loyal to us", replied Naruto, where Zhuge Liang nodded in agreement and understanding and stated he would help.

Once that matter was settled, Ansiu then went on to report other matters involving Mizu no Kuni and Kiri, which were currently being handled by Gan Ning, who stayed in Kiri. After finishing his report Ansiu sat down, where Ishida Ryūken (Clan head of the Ishida Clan), began his report on the take-over of Ta no Kuni, where thankful things went a lot smoother. Since most of the nobles and the people were glad to be ride of Orochimaru. Currently now they were busy sorting out the loyal followers of Orochimaru, from those that were manipulated or force to fight for him.

Once Ryūken had sat down, the War Council continued to discuss the matter of returning Shinobi's, and other people over to Kiri and Mizu no Kuni. Who were captured during the battle of Konoha, the battle of Nami no Kuni and the invasion of Kaminari no Kuni (Lightning Country) (that happened near the end of the Civil War). So to help further improve the new found friendship between the two nations and two villages and help ease former tension felt by some people of Kiri and Mizu no Kuni. They even discussed doing the same thing with the Oto prisoners, who they captured during the battle of Konoha, once they'd sorted out those who followed Orochimaru willingly, and those who were forced or tricked.

After the matters with Kiri, Oto and the home nations were dealt with, the War Council decided to get to main matter at hand and as to why this meeting was called.

"Now onto the main topic of this meeting, which is Operation Twilight, where all of you are aware of what the mission involves" spoke Naruto, where the other Council members just nodded.

"Now I've gone over the matter in great detail with Zhuge Liang-sensei and he is in agreement with me, with what I've planned" spoke Naruto.

"And what exactly have you planned, Raikage-sama" asked Hayabusa Ryū (Captain of Kumogakure ANBU division STORM and the Hayabusa Clan).

"I've decided to form a new group to replace the Kinkaku Force" spoke Naruto surprising nearly everyone on the War Council, as the Kinkaku force was Kumo's elite force of fighters, who's fame rivalled that of Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū (Seven Shinobi Swordsmen of the Mist). The Kinkaku force was particularly famous for its part in killing the Nidaime Hokage with the Nidaime Raikage, during the First Great Shinobi World War.

"And what exactly will this new group be called and who will make up the force, Raikage-sama?" asked Kuchiki Byakuya.

"The group will be called The Hachiman (Japanese God of War) Force, as for the members. Well for starters you will be the first member Byakuya", sated Naruto surprising the Kichiki Clan head, after which Naruto then started to list of the rest of the member of the Hachiman Force.

The rest of the group will consist of Zhuge Liang, Anisu, Mitsuhide, Saiyuri, Yoruichi, Soifon, Ryū, Hamrio, Nadie (Clan head of the Yuki Clan, the Clan who can pass through solid objects), Kurosaki Ichigo, Ishida Uryū, Takara (one of Naruto's wives), Yuffie(another of Naruto's wives), Darui, Omoi, C, Tomoe (another of Naruto's wives), Ayane and Kasumi of the Mugen Tenshin Clan. Naruto also stated that Zhuge Liang would be leading the force with Anisu as his second in command.

"Also I will be sending with you, an airship with three squadrons of Sky-Hawk Ninja's led by Kane and three hundred STORM Shinobi's to support you", spoke Naruto further surprising the War Council.

"But Raikage-sama, that my entire division" spoke Ryu.

"I'm aware of that, but this is no ordinary mission that you're taking, and you know how dangerous our enemy is, so I don't want to take any chances in it", replied Naruto. "As this mission will be key to our long term goals in uniting the Elemental Continent, where if we succeed. There won't another force on the Continent that can truly challenge us, and the other remaining villages and nations will quickly ally or join with the Heavenly Alliance".

"Indeed, but still with so many of our best Shinobi's away, the village will be vulnerable to attack", spoke Yue Ying.

"I'm aware of that Sensei, which is why I'm not going, nor am I sending Yugito, Killer Bee, Okatsu and Fu, despite the obvious other reasons. I'm also having you Cai Wengi along with the other Go Genso no Megami (The Five Elemental Goddesses) stay here, since neither Pimko nor Yoshino are ready for a mission like this despite their great skill, and I need the rest of you to help protect the village", said Naruto.

Cai Wengi of course nodded in understanding, while Zhuge Liang and Yue Ying gave Naruto a nod of thanks, as neither of them would've have been confortable with their daughters being on such a mission.

For the next hour Naruto and the War Council continued to discuss their plan for Operation Twilight, after which, once Naruto and the War Council had discussed all the details of the operation. Naruto called the meeting to an end, where he stated that all the members of the newly reformed Hachiman Force were to prepare to move out in three days, so that they would arrive at their location on time.

As Naruto and the War Council members left the room, Naruto had a pensive look on his face, where he thought over how things would play out in the next mission, as he knew it would not be an easy one for his people.

-Several days later in a Hidden Location-

Currently standing in a large Cave, on two large stone hands with a large stone statue standing over head them in the dim light of the cave, were Nine figures wearing long, dark cloaks with red clouds, with red interior, and chin-high collars. These people were the infamous Nuke-nin group, the Akatsuki, who were revered and feared throughout the Elemental Continent, and who were also known to be after jinchūriki or to be more precise the Bijū's that were within them.

For the past few hours the Nine members of the Akastuki had been watching the recording of the battle of Konoha made by Zetsu play out. Zetsu had been sent to Konoha in the hopes of learning the location of Naruto. As they believed that Naruto would show to help save his former village, despite the fact that they banished him from the village.

For nine years the Akatsuki had been searching for Naruto, with no results, the last sighting they had of Naruto was when Kisame and Itachi found him. During the fight that ensued, Naruto got a lucky hit off and was able to severely wound Itachi forcing Kisame to retreat so to save his partner. As well as avoid fighting his newly acquired teachers, who they recently discovered was Mitsuhide and Saiyuri.

After the incident the Akatsuki learned that Naruto seemly faked his death, making Konoha and everyone else think that they had captured him and extracted the Kyuubi from him. Even though the Akatsuki knew this was untrue they did not bother denying it, as they knew no-one would believe them, as well as adding the fact that it actually helped their cause. For if Konoha believed their jinchūriki was dead then no-one would be looking for him and try to prevent them from capturing him.

But even with this fact helping them, they lost all trace of Naruto, they were meant with further failure when their attempt to capture Gaara failed. Due to the interference of two unknown individuals, who appeared as they were about to extract the Ichibi no Shukaku (One tailed Shukaku). The two individuals were dressed in similar outfits, where they both wore masks covering the bottom parts of their faces and wore long hooded trench coats that help cover the rest of their faces. The only remarkable difference between them was the colour of their trench coats, where the first individual wore a blue trench coat, while the other wore a white one. The two individuals were quickly able to separate Deidara and Sasori from one another, where Sasori was killed by the person in the blue trench coat and Deidara lost his other remaining arm to the person in the white trench coat. Who used Hyoton (Ice Release) jutsu and wielded a powerful sword that created powerful ice and water attacks, where Deidara barely managed to escape being killed by him.

After that intervention, the Akatsuki ceased any other attempts to capture Gaara, due to the increase security on the village and around Gaara. But even with these setbacks they did have some success in capturing the jinchūriki's of theYonbi no Saru (Four tailed Monkey), Gobi no Irukauma (Five tailed Dolphin Horse), Rokubi no Namekuji (Six tailed Slug). Along with capturing the Sanbi no Kyodaiame (Three tailed Giant Turtle), unfortunately though their attempts to capture Yugito, met with failure much like with Gaara. Where Hiden and Kakuzu were killed by The Raikage, after which they made no further attempts on Yugito, nor did they make any attempt on Fu and Killer Bee, as they soon learned they'd become bodyguards to The Raikage.

As the Akastuki watched the recording of the battle, they were all natural surprised that Naruto was The Raikage. They were further surprised when they learned he possessed the legendary Ranbure-ka (Stormbreaker) limit, as well as how powerful he had become, not to mention shocked that he possessed The Sword of Tengu, one of the three legendary Celestial swords, and at how powerful it was. Yet as shocked as they were, they were utterly stunned when they saw him use his Inazuma (Lightning Flash). They were more surprised at how much control Naruto had over the Kyuubi's power, given the level of destruction that he caused during his battle with the revived Yondaime Hokage.

When the recording of the battle finally ended, the Nine Nuke-nins remained silent for several minutes, until a low sounding whistle from Kisame was heard through the large cave.

"Wooooooo" whistled Kisame clearly impressed with Naruto power, "Damn who would've ever thought that snot nose brat would ever become such a powerhouse", spoke Kisame clearly impressed, before he turned to his partner. "Boy Itachi you got be feeling pretty lucky right now… given how strong the kid gotten now".

"Indeed…Naruto-san has truly become powerful….and has surpassed even my wildest expectations of him" spoke Itachi in a monotone like voice, all the while keeping up his emotionless façade.

"Yea and who would've thought that the kid would also be able to wield one of the Three Celestial swords" spoke Kisame, as he had heard the stories involving the three swords and the power they possessed. Just thinking about them made him giddy with excitement, at the idea of fighting against something that powerful.

"That Inazuma attack he used was pretty impressive as well, as he took a large part of the village and the Sandaime Hokage with it and then made that massive crater outside the village" spoke the White Zetsu half.

"Yea no wonder we found no trace of Hiden, with the exception of his ring hand, he was completely vaporised, by it", spoke the Black Zetsu half.

"The kid's a true artist, as that Inazuma is a work of art…a true master piece…yeah!" commented Deidara, clearly impressed with Naruto's attack.

"Tobi like the fight…Tobi really like it…The Raikge really powerful, Tobi wouldn't want to fight against him" cried Tobi in a childlike voice.

"I've to say, I'm greatly impressed with this new Raikage, my former village has done well for itself to find such a powerful Shinobi to be its Raikage. I can understand why my brother lost to him, even though Zankuro wasn't as strong as me, he was no weakling either…..I wouldn't mind fighting him myself, just to see where I stood with him" commented one of the more recent members of the Akatsuki, Amako Saikyo.

Saikyo was one of the newest members of Akatsuki, he had joined the Nuke-nin group after Kakuzu and Hidan's death, as Zatsu was somehow able to recover their rings. Saikyo was originally from Kumo and a member of the Amako Clan and was the younger brother of Amako Zankuro (aka The Godaime Raikage). Saikyo was born in Kumo to the famous Amako Clan, which birthed many powerful Shinobi's. Even compared to them, Saikyo had incredible talent and earned the rank of Jonin at age thirteen. Saikyo committed himself to the Shinobi arts wholesomely and mastered all the Amako Clan skills, along with his bloodline the Kuraingusandāparusu (Crying Thunder pulse). Savaris' only desire in life was to become even stronger than he was now, and he held little interest for anything else, where he became obsessed with power. Much like Kisame, he was extremely bloodthirsty and a real fighting manic, as he got his trills out of fighting strong opponents. He also liked to play cruel and sadistic games with people to satisfy his narcissistic nature and enjoyed challenging himself through forced fights.

When growing up, Saikyo cared little for his Clan or even his own family, where he only cared for himself, but even despite that, he helped his Clan size power, where he lead his Clan members when they attacked Kicho's family, where he personally killed her father. He also played a part in his Clan takeover of Kumo, where he assassinated the Yondaime Raikage. But after the takeover Saikyo left the village, before the Civil War started, as he was bored with his Clan scheming and plans with ruling Kumo. A few years after he left, he came into contact with the Akatsuki, who had heard of him and offered him a place in their organization. Believing that it would fun, Saikyo agreed to join the organization.

Saikyo was attractive young man in his mid to late twenties; he wore the standard Akatsuki cloak and underneath it. He wore a sleeveless black zip up top, with cream baggy jeans and black boots. He had green fingerless gloves and wore a pair of metal Gauntlets and had long silvery hair tailed into a lose ponytail and had green eyes.

"He's fast, I give him that, but not as fast as me" commented Saikyo partner Senchi Rēsā, who like Saikyo was a new member of the organization.

Like Kisame, Rēsā came from Kirigakure, where he fled his former village due to the bloodline crusade and abandoned his Clan. Rēsā came from the Senchi Clan, who were famed for their bloodline, the Jinton (Swift Release). Rēsā was an extremely proud man to the point of arrogance, especially when it came to his speed, as it was the only thing he really cared about, as well as being recognised as the fastest Shinobi in the world.

Rēsā had blond hair and underneath his standard Akatsuki cloak he wore a red jacket with yellow and black lightning bolts on it and wore a black shirt underneath that. He also wore a pair of white gloves and pants and wore a pair of sunglasses and carried a short Tanto on his back.

"This will indeed complicate our plan to gather the tailed beasts" spoke the Akatsuki leader Pain.

"How can it?...it should in fact make our plans even easier, now that four out of our five targets are all gather in one place, all we've to do is swoop in, grab them, tag them and bag them. I do it myself, I zip before they know it and take them", spoke Rēsā. As believed he could speed into the village knocked them out and capture them before they or the village would know what happened.

"Don't be a fool Rēsā, weren't you watching the battle? The Raikage fought and defeated two Kage level and two high Jonin level Shinobi's singlehandedly. After which he fought and defeated Orochimaru, his subordinate Kabuto, who was a high Jonin level Shinobi and all four of the previous Hokages, who were revived by Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei (Summoning: Impure World Resurrection), and did what was thought impossible and killed them. That is no small feat for anyone to do; we cannot afford to underestimate someone like him, especially since he has clearly mastered the full power of his Biju. As well as the legendary power of the Toad Sages, and the Ranbure-ka (Stormbreaker) limit of the legendary Stormcaller Clan. Not to mention as well that we don't even know where they rebuilt their village after it was destroyed in the Civil War", spoke Konan. As the power she had seen Naruto use was comparable to Nagato himself, if not more, something that she did not think was possible until now. She also found it hard to believe that the boy Naruto was an Uzumaki, a member of Nagato's Clan, who in turn were the legendary Stormcaller Clan, something that neither Nagato nor herself knew.

"Konan is correct, The Kyuubi jinchūriki is much too powerful for us to take lightly, not only that, but he has the other three of our targets with him at all times. Where like him and the Hachibijinchūriki, the other two most likely have full control of their Biju's and facing four jinchūriki's, who have complete control of their Biju's power at once, is not a favourable situation for any of us", spoke the Akatsuki leader Pain, after which he turned to Kisame.

"Kisame, you were from Kiri and were a former member of Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū (Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist) much like two of the Kyuubi jinchūriki Sensei's, can you tell us anything about them?"

"Sure, the woman Saiyuri is from the Miyoshi Clan who were pretty famous for their Shitaikiri Kitai (The Mist Body Vapour), which allowed them to turn their the bodies into mist, allowing them to infiltrate buildings and places undetected, along with several other unique abilities. Saiyuri was probably one of the most skilled Kuniochi's I ever met, especially when it came to using her bloodline and fighting with her dual swords. Then there's her old team-mate Mitsuhide, who was member of Akechi Clan who wield the Takagan (Hawk eye) and to be perfectly honest the guy is a dangerous as they come. Hell he could probably give Itachi here a run for his money, as he was credited with being one of the greatest prodigies of his time in Kiri. He was a prodigy of the sword where he mastered the fighting style of his Clan, the Taka Kyuukouka (the Swooping Hawk), at a very young he was thirteen he became head of the Oinin division. When he was fifteen he became a Jonin and a member of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū".

At hearing this Pain narrowed his eyes, by what Kisame had just said, told them that both individuals were a dangerous threat to them.

"Saikyo, can you tell us anything about some of the New Kumo Shinobi's that are under the Kyuubi jinchūriki command?" asked Pain as he turned to the former Kumo-nin

"Well first there's Yoruichi, and I have to admit she isn't a half bad Shinobi, her speed is extremely deadly were she would probably give speedy over here a run for his money", commented Saikyo, earning an angry glare from his partner, which he smirked at and continued.

"She also a lethal assassin and her Lightning skills aren't too bad, where she uses a pretty impressive technique called Shunkō (Flash Cry). Hence she not someone anyone should take lightly, as for the Soifon girl, I don't know much about her, as she comes from a somewhat decent Shinobi Clan, with a few decent Shinobi's but nothing remarkable. Although if she was trained under Yoruichi and if she as skilled as the rumours I heard about her, when I was still in my old village, then she would be almost as good as Yoruichi by now. Then there Darui, from the Yotsuki Clan, he a highly skilled Shinobi comparable to famed copycat Ninja Hatake Kakashi. He one of the selected members of the Clan to possess the Clan's Bloodline the Ranton (Storm Release) and is also the heritor or the Sandaime Raikage's Black Lightning Techniques, allowing him to greatly increase his Lightning abilities and use the special techniques that can only be used by Black Lightning. After him there's Killer Bee, who as you all know was credited of being the perfect jinchūriki, due to his complete and total control over his Biju. He highly skilled in Taijutsu and in Kenjutsu and in his Lightning nature affinity, also back when I was still with my former village he was credited of being the strongest Shinobi of our village. Next there was Yugito Ni another member of the Yotsuki Clan, in terms of skill she was no pushover, as her skill and power was second only to Killer Bee. She was also pretty skilled in using Fire Ninjutsu, and could control her Biju's power to a strong degree, although not to the same level of Killer Bee. But like Pain-sama said earlier, she most likely has now. As for Hayabusa Ryū, well I don't know him too well either as, but if the rumours about him being the greatest prodigy of his Clan in a hundred years are true, then he be probably as dangerous as me, as the Hayabusa are nothing to laughed at. As for the rest of the Shinobi's I don't know anything about them".

After hearing this, Pain frowned slightly, as even given the limit info on certain members of Naruto's subordinates the facts showed that Naruto had many highly skilled and powerful Shinobi's under his command, not counting the famed Nemuriryu (Sleeping Dragon) and his wife. As even he had heard of Zhuge Liang, who was rumoured to have even fought his former nemesis Hanzo the Slamander and defeated him in battle.

Another person of interest to Pain was the woman named Okatsu, who was able to summon the Salamanders. When Pain killed Hanzo along with his entire family and all his allies and their families he stored the contract away for safe keeping. Later on he discovered it was gone, which had greatly bothered the leader of Amegakure (Hidden Rain) as he had not sensed anyone new enter the village. But after hearing about New Kumo's new Clan the Yuki Clan, as well as hearing about their ability to pass through solid objects, not to mention seeing Okatsu summoning the Salamander, it suddenly made sense. But even then, it didn't settle his concerns; in fact it increased them, for if New Kumo was able to send a team to infiltrate Ame without his knowledge, and take the Salamander Contract, then there was no telling what else they took and learned when they infiltrated the village.

"So what do we do?" asked Deirdara.

"We'll have to do things carefully as the Kyuubi jinchūriki, Uzumaki Naruto has made things very difficult for us, but the first thing we must do is t-" spoke Pain. But before he could finish speaking, a massive fireball blew down from the roof in a massive explosion, causing the ceiling roof of the cave to crumble and falling all around them. Pain's eyes widened in surprise and confusion, as large rocks fell all around them, forcing them to scatter.

Looking back up to the newly made hole in the ceiling the Akatsuki leader along with the other members of the Nuke-nin group saw several figures standing around the large hole in the ceiling.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Kisame yelled as he picked himself off the floor, and grabbed hold of Samehada on his back and glared at the people above.

"Good day gentlemen I hope we're not disturbing you?" spoke Zhuge Liang as he stood alongside his fellow members of the Hachiman Force, as they stood around the hole in the ceiling.

"It's New Kumo! …They found us!" cried Pain in surprise and anger, as he recognised the members of the Hachiman Force, since they were talking about certain members of it just moments ago.

"This ends now, Crush them all with one blow …Attack!" spoke Zhuge Liang, as he waved his feather fan, where he and the other members of the Hachiman Force, jumped into the large cave and attacked.

"Prepare for battle!" cried Pain, where he then cried out "Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique)!" and summoned the five other paths of the six paths of Pain.

Konan prepared her Kamiton: Jutsu (Paper Release: Technique),

Itachi activated his Sharingan,

Tobi took out a Kunai,

Kisame lifted Samehada from his back and held it forward,

Deidara prepared some of his Shī Wan (C1) techniques,

Rēsā took out his Tanto,

Saikyo charged up his Gantlets with his Lightning Chakra,

While Zetsu readied himself for battle,

As soon as the members Hachiman Force landed on the floor of the Cave, they quickly separated and attacked the different members of the Akatsuki and separated them from one another.

Zhuge Liang took on Deva Path,

Uzumaki Kisaragi Yuffie took on Animal Path (first version),

Ayane and Kasumi took on Human Path,

Hayabusa Ryu took on Preta Path,

Tatara Hamrio and Uzumaki Tatara Tomoe took on Asura Path,

C and Omoi took on Naraka Path,

Yoruichi and Soifon took on Senchi Rēsā,

Yuki Nadie took on Tobi,

Uryū and Darui took on Deidara,

Seiwa Anisu took on Kisame,

Mitsuhide took on Itachi,

Uzumaki Takara and Ichigo took on Amako Saikyo,

Byakuya took on Zetsu,

Saiyuri took on Konan.