
The Raikage (Hiato)

the Fan Fiction is not mine, I just brought it to the fanfiction.net website. After succeeding in retrieving Sasuke, Naruto was banished from Konoha due to the Council's fear of the Akatsuki coming after him and destroying Konoha. 10 years later after being banished Naruto becomes the new Raikage of Kumo and leads it to greatness.

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Chapter 13 Payback Part three

-Two hours later Hokages Office-

The doors of the Hokage's office was thrown open and off their hinges, as Uchiha Sasuke fell through them and hit the hallway wall at the other end of the hall, with a large thud, making a large dent in the wall. His sleeveless high collar black shirt was torn up, his lip was busted, he had two matching black eyes, several broken ribs, along with bruises on his body. This injury he received from Naruto in his shoulder began to bleed into his shirt, even after the medics at the hospital bandaged it. As he slowly stood up, he came face to face with livid Tsunade, who marched out of her office cracking her knuckles and ready to lay an even bigger beat down on the Uchiha. The female Hokage then grabbed him by the strap of his high collar shirt and lifted into the air.

"You stupid, arrogant, little brat! Do you realize what your actions may have caused?" She roared. "You attacked and tried to kill, the ruling leader of a foreign Shinobi village and leader of the Heavenly Alliance. WAR'S HAVE BEEN STARTED FOR FAR LESS". In the background, Jiraiya just sat on Tsunade seat, with his legs cross and on her desk and his arms folded, as he decided to sit back and watch Tsunade beat the crap out of Sasuke. As he found it kind of nice at not being at the receiving end of her wrath, and to just watch her beat the crap of someone else, after Tsunade picked Sasuke up she cocked her arm back, ready to send him right through the wall.

But before she could, a male voice spoke up, "That's enough Tsunade", upon hearing this Tsunade whipped her head around to see Danzo with two of his Ne goons. Upon seeing him she glared at the one eyed man. "Stay out of this Danzo, this little arrogant prick attack Naruto and could've started a war between us and the Heavenly Alliance, and quite frankly I'm more than ready to kill him right now and give his sorry corpse to Naruto, to keep him from declaring war on us".

"That is out of your jurisdiction, Tsunade" spoke Danzo

"The hell it is! I'm the Hokage and he is a Shinobi of this village meaning I have direct control of him", shouted Tsunade.

"Sasuke is a member of ROOT, meaning he is under my command and only I can decide his punishment", replied Danzo.

At this Tsunade narrowed her eyes in anger, but then a snort and threw Sasuke at his feet.

"I suggest that you keep your pets on a leash Danzo, and although I can't official punish him, I can restrict his movements, meaning as of this moment he forbidden to leave this village and be suspended from all duties until I approve. Which won't be any time soon if I have anything to say about it" She said and walked back into her office. Danzo of course narrowed his eyes as he knew that Tsunade, wouldn't budge of this and would have her ANBU monitor both his and Sasuke's movements even more than normal, to make sure Sasuke wouldn't be able to leave the villae or sneak out to do missions for him. Not to mention Sasuke's attack on Naruto would seriously complicate his plans to have Sasuke become the next Hokage, as the Jonin Council as well as the Fire Daimyo would be hesitant to approve or support any Hokage, who acted so recklessly and attack a foreign Kage without cause of justification. As Danzo, thought over how he could salvage this situation he looked at the young Uchiha, as he stood up.

"We're going", he said simply, even though Sasuke didn't pay attention to him, he did obey, Sasuke took no more than five steps before his chakra spiked up. Sensing Sasuke Chakra spike, Danzo became curious and turned. When he did, he saw what got Sasuke so irritated, for there stood The Raikage, with his four bodyguards and four STORM Shinobi's. The low growl coming off Sasuke did not bother Naruto and raised his hand up to calm his people.

As he walked pass Danzo and Sasuke in the hallway, he stopped right next to Danzo, "I suggest that you, keep your lapdog there on a shorter leash Danzo, or else I've no choice but to put him down myself", spoke Naruto coolly, after which he then walked passed them and headed for Tsunade's office.

Danzo of course did not reply to Naruto comment, but stared at him with a cold calculating eye. Danzo knew that Naruto would be a problem to his plans, for the future. He had read the different reports of the battle between Naruto and Orochimaru and his allies, as well as his battle of the four revived Hokage's. Combined with the fact of his two bloodlines and of the report of him mastering the Kyuubi's chakra along with his other abilities, he was the most dangerous person in the ninja world. He cursed the Sandaime for shooting down his proposal to make that boy into a living weapon, as with the legendary Ranbure-ka (Stormbreaker) limit of the Stormcaller Clan aka the Uzumaki Clan. Combined with his regenerative bloodline, his own power and that of the Kyuubi's, Naruto would have led Konoha in an age of rule over the entire Shinobi World. But instead he had become the greatest threat to Konoha that it had ever seen.

"We're leaving Sasuke" said Danzo to Sasuke, who was still glaring at the direction that Naruto went. After which the two Ne agents put their hands on Sasuke shoulders indicating him to come, where he then shrugged them off and stalked off, with Danzo and the two Ne agents.

After Danzo and Sasuke left, Naruto and his people entered Tsunade's office, who in turn was currently talking to Jiraiya. When Tsunade turned around and saw Naruto, she was about to race over and hug the life out of Naruto and the punch him in the face for making them think he was dead. But before she could do any of that she was stopped in her tracks by the cold piercing stare that Naruto was giving her, the exact opposite of his normally warm, cheerful blue eyes.

Before Tsunade could say anything to him, Naruto spoke up "I'm not here for pleasantries Hokage-san, so I will make this short, I have some official business with both you and your Council, and so I would like to have a meeting with them in the next hour".

"O-O-Of course….." spoke Tsunade in shock, as she half expected him to call her Baa-chan or something, instead of treating her so coolly and officially like this.

"Good, I'll take my leave then" replied Naruto officially and turned around to walk out of the office, but before he could Jiraiya suddenly cried out

"Naruto wait!"

"That is Raikage-sama to you Toad, and I've nothing worth saying to you" said Naruto in an icy cold tone, as he turned around slightly to look at Jiraiya and give him an equally icy cold stare, making the Toad Sennin flinch. After which Naruto the walked out of the office with the STORM guards and Yugito and the others following closely behind him, leaving the two Sannins alone in the office and reflect over what just happened.

-One hour later in the Council Chambers-

After Naruto asked Tsunade for a meeting with her and the council, Tsuande sent word to the Clan heads and all the other council members.

Soon after the council members all gathered together, all expect for Uchiha Sasuke, as Tsunade had given orders to her ANBU that he was to be detained in his home, until Naruto and New Kumo Shinobi's had left the village. As the last thing she needed was the New Kumo Shinobi's going after Sasuke, once they heard that he attacked Naruto. Not to mention she didn't need the Uchiha, going to attack Naruto again during the Council meeting.

As the Council members entered the Council chambers, a dozen or so Konoha Jonin, ANBU and Ne members surrounded the room, these were among their few remaining still active Shinobi's. As the majority of their remaining forces were in no condition to be on active duty.

Once the Council members entered the chamber and took their seats on the Council table, Homaru, decided to ask what everyone was wondering "Tsunade-san, may I ask why you've call us all here for this meeting?"

"I'm afraid that I wasn't the one who called for this meeting" answered Tsunade.

"Then who did, Hokage-sama?" asked Inoichi

"He did" said Tsunade as she indicated towards the person entering the chambers, through large double doors of the Council chambers.

When the Council members looked, they saw Naruto enter the chambers, along with Killer Bee, Zhuge Liang, Saiyuri, Yoruchi, Mitsuhide, and Naruto's eight wives Okatsu, Yuffie, Yugito, Fu, Takara, Soifon Tomoe and Taira.

After entering the chamber's two Jonin closed the door to the room and Naruto took the seat that faced the Council, with Zhuge Liang, his wives and the others standing behind him.

When Naruto entered the room he received many cold glares from the remaining three civilian Council members, as well as narrowed stares from Koharu and Danzo. He of course ignored them, although he did slightly enjoy at how angry and annoyed they were with him still being alive, he also couldn't wait to see their reactions at what he was planning on doing next, as he was going to enjoy every second of it.

"Thank you all for coming for this meeting, now before we get to the matter at hand, as to why I asked for this gathering, I will allow you to ask some questions, that you no doubt have", spoke Naruto.

At first no-one on the council said or did any, but eventually Homura decided to speak up "Very well then, if you will, we would like you to tell us how you are able to use you Chakra, as it was sealed when you were banished from the village".

Naruto of course expected this question to be the first one, "The reason I'm able to use Chakra is simple really, when I was found by Mitsuhide-sensei and Saiyuri-sense, and they learned that I was jinchūriki. Mitsuhide-sensei, came up with the idea of having the Kyuubi flood my body entirely with its Chakra, as due to its potency and the amount, it over loaded the Chakra supressing seal breaking the seal, along with the one that prevented me from speaking about Konoha to others".

At this both Danzo and Koharu, frowned as they thought for sure that the Chakra supressing seal that was placed on Naruto was strong enough to keep Naruto from using the Kyuubi Chakra.

"And before anyone ask about that little seal that was placed on me, which would cause the Kyuubi's Chakra to burst out all at once. When the Akatsuki captured me and kill both me and them, when it was released, was destroyed" spoke Naruto, surprising Danzo and Koharu at him knowing about it.

"Don't look so surprised, Zhuge Liang-sensei found the seal on me and removed it…it wasn't a bad idea, but it would never have worked. As the Akatsuki aren't stupid and would've checked my seal for anything like that, if they had captured me after I was banished", spoke Naruto.

At hearing this, both Danzo and Koharu, narrowed their eyes, as they didn't like being told off by someone they considered inferior.

"Okay then why did you make us all think you were dead?" asked Jiraiya, who was standing behind Tsunade.

"It was because, I knew it was the only way that I would be safe from those two over there", spoke Naruto as he looked at Danzo and Koharu, indicating them. "I knew that as long as Konoha believed that I was alive, I would have to watch out for not only the Akatsuki, but also Danzo's goon squads. Who would either, leak my location to the Akatsuki, in the hope of Danzo's plan in working or simply capture me, in the hope of brainwashing me into become a weapon for him. So after my run in with Itachi, I left enough evidence to make you all believe that I was captured by the Akatsuki and even if they denied it, no-one would believe what an international wanted group of S-class criminals. Leaving that I would only have Akatsuki, to watch out for", spoke Naruto.

Upon hearing this, both Danzo and Koahru were furious at being duped so easily by Naruto, while everyone else had to admit, it was quite clever of Naruto, as he had left just enough evidence to suggest the belief and with the Toads in on the lie, backing him up. No-one would have figured out that Naruto was alive, until he revealed himself.

"Fine, but tell us this, how is that girl over there, able to summon the Slamamanders?" asked Tsunade. As she was wondering how Okatsu could summon the Salmmanders, as the contract was lost when Hanzo and his family were wiped out during the coup in Amegakure (Hidden Rain).

"That questions can only be answered by Okatsu" replied Naruto, as he looked to his wife/bodyguard.

At first Okatsu didn't answer, but after a minute or so, she spoke up "The reason why I can summon the Slammanders is because I'm the Granddaughter of Sanshōuo no Hanzō (Hanzo the Salamander)", answered Okatsu, shocking the council.

"That's impossible, the new leader of Ame was said to have wiped out every member of Hanzo family years ago, along with all his allies and supporters and their families" replied the shocked Hokage.

"That is correct, as I'm not an official member of his family", said Okatsu, with some mild disgust, at the thought.

"What do you mean by not official?" asked Hinata.

At this Okatsu eyes harden, before she spoke, "What I mean is about fifty years ago during a mission for my former Clan, the Saihei. My Grandmother was captured and raped by Hanzo and left for dead by him. Later on she was found and brought back to my Clan's compound. When my grandmother learned that she was pregnant with my mother and decided to keep her, later on when The Raikage learned of my heritage he gave me the contract, believing I should have it".

"But where did you get the contract?" asked Jiraiya.

"About a year ago I sent in an intelligence team to Ame, to gather intelligence on the happenings of the village, during the mission, one of my agents came across the contract and brought it back to me", answered Naruto.

"Wait! You were able to send in an infiltration team into Ame and they were able to get back to you with information about Ame?" asked Jiraiya in surprise as he had been trying to get information about the happenings of Ame for years. But much like when gathering information about New Kumo and the Heavenly Alliance, he had no luck.

"Correct" replied Naruto.

"Then do you know, who the new leader of Amegakure is?" asked Tsunade.

"Yes, but I won't tell you".

"But why?" asked the female Kage.

"I've no obligation or wish to do so" answered Naruto simply, causing many people to frown with annoyance, as for several years, Konoha had been trying to gather information on the happenings of their neighbouring Shinobi village. But each time they sent in a team, they were caught and killed and any other source they had, came up dry.

"Fine then, but what about your bloodlines, how is it that you possessed the Ranbure-ka limit, and is your regenerative ability because of the Kyuubi or an actually bloodline", asked Choza.

"Ah well before I answer that question perhaps we should speak, when we're with people, more scrupulous", replied Naruto

"What do you mean?" asked Konohamaru, not getting, what Naruto was saying.

"Oh you don't already know?" asked Naruto feigning surprise, "It seems that Konoha's Ne division isn't doing its job very well in keeping Konoha secure and safe.

At hearing this Danzo narrowed his one visible eye, at Naruto jab at him and his ROOT division.

"To put it simply Konoha has a leak", said Naruto simply.

"That's a lie" stated Danzo, as if there was a leak in Konoha, he would know about it and would have dealt with it.

"Oh really," said Naruto with a smile, "Where he then took out a file out of the inner pocket of his coat and threw it towards Tsunade".

"What is this?" asked Tsunade, as she looked at the file on the table.

"Open it and you will see who you mole is and the proof showing that he is what I say he is" replied the blond Raikage, where when said mole heard this, he became very worried.

When Tsunade opened the file, she saw photographs showing Council member Asai Heita speaking with an Oto Shinobi, and handing files to Oto Shinobi's along with accepting money from them and even some where he was speaking with Kabuto. Along with the photographs, were documents detailing many trading envoys belonging to Heita entering Yu no Kuni (Hot Spring Country) and then turning to enter Ta no kuni (Rice-Field Country), along with other things detailing similar matters.

When Tsunade looked at these documents and photographs, she narrowed her eyes and looked at Heita, who looked like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"As you can see Council member Heita, has been dealing under the table with Orochimaru, selling you out for profit, my guess ever since Konoha went into its economic decline", spoke Naruto.

"That's a lie!" spoke Heita nervously, as he could see everyone was staring at him with suspicion, "He fabricating all this, to get back at me for having him banished".

"Well the Hokage here, is welcome to look over the evidence I have handed her, and run her own investigate and see if your guilty or not" said Naruto.

At this Tsunade then order two ANBU nearby to take Heita away for interrogation, with Ino and find out if he has been selling Konoha out, upon which the ANBU took Heita away, before he could even think about trying to run away.

Once Heita had been taken away, Tsunade turned to look at Naruto, "How did you know that Heita was spying for Orochimaru?"

"Well to be honest I found it funny, that Heita was able to maintain his lavish lifestyle, despite the fact that Konoha was suffering a severe financial crisis. Due to the number of allies and trading nations you lost over the years after you banished me", said Naruto, adding his own little jab at the Council, which made several of them frown.

"After which I had my head of intelligence, investigate the matter" replied Naruto simply. "Allow me to introduce you to him, Masato would you please show yourself?" asked Naruto.

As soon as Naruto said this, a tall man, wearing a tattered red cape, with crimson eyes and long black hair and a red headband over his head with his bangs emerging over it and carrying twin short swords on his back, appeared from the dark corner of the rafters.

Naturally everyone in the room, was shocked, when the saw the man, especially the Shinobi's guarding the room, especially those in the rafters in the ceilings, as no-one had even sensed him. As soon as they saw Masato, the Shinobi's stiffened, fearing that he was an assassin, but the quickly stood down, when Tsunade held out her hand, telling them to stand down.

But as surprised as everyone was, none were more surprised, as when Jiraiya saw Masato, he immediately recognised him "It's you!"

"We meet again Jiraiya-san" spoke Masato.

"Jiraiya, you know him?" asked Tsunade, when she turned to her former team-mate in wonder.

"Yea I do, he was the one that told me about Orochimaru's attack on Konoha", replied Jiraiya.

At hearing this, Tsunade turned and look at Naruto with an intense stare, while Naruto himself held an unreadable look on his features, not giving Tsunade anything. As none of it made sense to her, as Naruto clearly held Konoha in distain, yet he gave them valuable information that gave them a fighting chance against Orochimaru.

Before Tsunade, could even ask him, why he had Masato give Jiraiya the information, Naruto spoke up.

"Now then as Choza-san had asked, my Shinjou Koukai (Body Renewal) is a bit of both actually" answered Naruto, where upon seeing the confused looks on everyone's face, he decided to explain further. "When I used the Kyuubi's Chakra and flooded my entire body with it, to overload the seals on me. There was a side-effect to it, where I came to have the Kyuubi's healing power, but much more enhanced than before".

"And your Ranbure-ka, how is it that you have it now and not when you were here in Konoha?" asked Inuzuka Hana.

"Well, as many of you may know, my Clan was a very small, yet very powerful, with our bloodline, although only a small percentage, mainly the main branch members had the Ranbure-ka limit and could master it fully. Although some branch members had it, others would be highly skilled and powerful in a singular Elemental affinity and others would have bloodlines, which came from the Ranbure-ka. Bloodlines like the Hyoton, Ranton and Kuraingusandāparusu (Crying Thunder pulse), who then separate from us, and formed their own Clans later on. But because of our limited numbers of those with Ranbure-ka, we hid our true name and made sure no-one knew who we really were and where we lived. We hid under the persona of an average Shinobi Clan, sadly though the few surviving members of an enemy Clan, which my Clan destroyed, had somehow learned of our true identity and where we lived. They then infiltration and my Clan stronghold and positioned themselves around it, my Clan were able to kill them all, but sadly not in time to stop the large scale seal, that they created around the stronghold, which affected everyone in my Clan. The seal they placed on my Clan was a special Genetic seal, which was specifically designed to target and seal away Bloodlines, the seal was even passed on through conception, meaning later generation would not have it either. Although even with my Clan's bloodline sealed away, we still possessed our strong bodies and our incredible longevity, which we became famed for. When my Clan realised that they had lost their bloodline, they decided to focus on the art of Fūinjutsu. So in the hope of one day removing the seal, as well as to keep our enemies from learning who we really were and keep our Clan from being destroyed by our enemies. Ironically though my Clan was destroyed, by the very persona that we took to protect ourselves, as we became renowned in the art of Fūinjutsu, where other nations became fearful of the power of Fūinjutsu and destroyed us as you know. Fortunately though the research that my Clan dealt with into removing the Genetic seal on us was not lost as my mother possessed a copy of it, where with Namikaze help, they eventually found a way to break the seal that prevented my Clan from using our bloodline. Unfortunately she could not use it on herself, as she was pregnant with me and feared what would happen to me if she used it. Hence she stored away and planned to use it later, after giving birth to me, sadly though she did not have the chance, as she died during the Kyuubi attack", spoke Naruto.

"And how did you get the plans to break the seal, let alone learn all this?" asked the ANB Commander.

"In the Namikaze estate, after I broke into the Hokage's secret cabinet, right before I was official banished from here" said Naruto simply. Causing several people to frown, especially Tsunade, as she realised that she really need to update her security if Naruto could easily break in.

"Jiraiya, did you know any of this?" asked Tsunade, when she turned to her team-mate, who was standing next to her, for the meeting.

"I had no clue, neither Minato nor Kushina shared any of this with me", replied Jiraiya with a slight frown.

"Oh and before any think that the old hag might have my bloodline, due to her grandmother being a member of the main branch of my Clan, the Genetic seal would block any latent abilities that she would have. The only people that know how to break the Genetic seal are myself and a few select others. Plus even if you could unlock it, the stress of breaking the seal would kill her, as she hardly in her prime anymore and even if she did survive. It would take her years to master and control the Ranbure-ka limit and that if she has it to begin with" said Naruto, for although he was still angry at Tsunade. For hiding the truth about his family from him, he didn't hate her nor did he want her dead.

Naturally Danzo and Koharu, frowned at hearing this, as any idea's they had of using Tsunade blood in gaining Ranbure-ka were dashed because of that, as if it took the Uzumaki Clan, a Clan that was famed throughout the Shinobi world for their mastery in Fūinjutsu, over a hundred years to break the Genetic seal. Then there was no telling how long it would take them to break the seal, if they ever could.

"Now I think I've answered enough of your questions and it's time to get down to one of the matters at hand" spoke Naruto in a serious tone.

"And what would they be?" asked Yakumo.

"Well the first would be, compensations for the attempted illegal arrest on my person, when I was unconscious in the hospital" answered Naruto.

At this Danzo and Koharu, frowned, as they knew that Hojo Akira stupid actions would come back to bite them, and it did.

"What is it that you what as compensations?" asked Tsunade, knowing that if they didn't make compensations to Naruto then it could start a war.

"Nothing much…ten S-rank missions would be satisfactory", answered Naruto, making the council Civilian Council members roar out in rage.


"I can assure you that I'm not and you've little choice in the matter, given your situation, as Shinobi'S belonging to this village did try to unlawfully arrest me" spoke Naruto.

"You destroyed a third of our village and you entered the village when you were banished!" cried Amako Taichi

"My banishment became null and void when I became The Raikage, since as a Kage I have instant diplomatic immunity, as for destroying the village a third of the village, it collateral damage during a war", replied Naruto simply.

"Hokage-sama, you can't seriously accept!" spoke Shin with disbelief, making Danzo and Koharu frown further, highlighting their wrinkles further and making the Civilian Council members fume.

"We've no choice but to" sighed Tsunade.

"Now on to the next matter of hand, the attempt of my life, by one Uchiha Sasuke", said Naruto with a growing smirk, at seeing the angry looks on the Shinobi Elders faces. "Now under normal circumstances, that would be an immediately declaration of war on New Kumo and the Heavenly Alliance. But I've decided to be magnanimous, and I won't declare war on Konoha and have it destroyed…..." said Naruto, causing the several Council members to sigh with relief, although other members knew that there would be a but to come in. "…But Konoha will have to pay a severe fine for Uchiha Sasuke actions", finished Naruto.

"What kind of fine", asked Tsunade, fearing what Naruto's answer would be.

"I would say twenty-five S-rank missions would settle things nicely", answered Naruto, where when Naruto said this, the Civilian Council member roared bloody murder, shouting out curses and how they wouldn't pay. Naruto of course just watch the show and said nothing.

"Naruto, we can't pay that amount, we don't have near that amount of S-ranked missions to handover to you", said Tsunade.

"Well I'm not unreasonable, as you can handover the number of other ranked missions that make up the value of an S-rank mission. Like three A-rank missions being worth a single S-rank mission and if you run out of A-rank missions you do the same with the B-rank missions and so on", said Naruto. Natural this got the Civilian and Shinobi Elder very anger, as going by what Naruto said Konoha would have to hand over a large amount of their already limited numbered missions, including all their S, A and most of their B ranked missions.

Once Tsunade reluctantly agreed, much to the anger of Koharu and Danzo, Naruto then spoke again, "Good, now that those matters as settled, we can get to the main matter at hand".

"Which would be?" asked Tsunade.

"To put it simply, I want what is mine", replied Naruto.

"I beg your pardon?" asked Tsunade.

"Don't play with me Tsunade you won't like the results", said Naruto as he narrow his eyes.

"Is that a threat?" asked Danzo as he narrowed his eyes, where his Ne agents stiffed.

"It's a fact", answered Naruto simply. "Give me my inheritance, and you have no problems. You can keep the Namikaze name, as I have no need of it, all I want are the scrolls and resources that are owed me."

"Simple greed Naruto?" asked Tsunade with a disappointed look.

"Believe what you will, as I don't really care" said Naruto

"We won't just hand over Konoha property to a foreigner, as you're no longer a citizen of Konoha, Naruto" said Koharu.

"Don't even try the 'Konoha property' bit. But if you won't give it to me, maybe we should take this dispute to the Fire Daimyo. See what is stronger in right, my blood, or you sense of entitlement", replied Naruto.

At this Koharu and Danzo frowned, as it wasn't uncommon for disputes over clan and village rights to be decided by the Daimyo, and as much as Koharu and Danzo hated it, in this situation blood would win out over allegiance. Especially if Lightning Daimyo got involved, they couldn't even play the missing-nin card, as Naruto banished from the village.

"Now will you hand them over to me or not?" asked Naruto.

"I'm sorry Naruto, but our village doesn't have the funds to give you the full amount of your heritance, and even with your claim of blood we cannot hand over the jutsu that reside in the estate, for fear that you would use them against us", spoke Tsunade sadly. As she did want to give Naruto what rightfully belong to Naruto, but since he was the head of a rival village now, she could not give them to him, as she was still the Hokage of Konoha. Even if she could let him have them, she knew that Koharu, Danzo and most likely Homura would be against it, and find a way to overrule her.

"So you will deny, what rightfully belongs to me?" asked Naruto as he narrowed his eyes in anger.

"Yes" replied a guilt ridden Tsunade, she really did feel like garbage for further forsaking Naruto and deny him what should be his, but as Hokage she couldn't let such valuable scrolls go, no mention of the Namikaze and Uzumaki fortunes, especially to foreign village. If she did Danzo and Koharu, who would use that as an excuse to have her removed as Hokage and most likely have her replaced by Sasuke, which would be disastrous for Konoha.

Danzo and Koharu of course nodded their heads in approval and smirked in satisfaction, as the good of Konoha, outweighed what Naruto believed rightfully belonged to him.

Naruto was of slightly miffed that Tsunade denied him his inheritance, but not surprised, as he expected something like this.

"Well then I guess, that Konoha will be destroyed", replied Naruto simply, shocking everyone at what he just said.

"You would start a war between us, just to get your inheritance" said a shocked Tsunade as she couldn't believe that Naruto would start a war to such a reason.

At this Naruto simply smirked, "Wars have been fought for far less, besides I never said I would declare war to get my heritance nor would I ever think of doing such a thing for such a trivial thing".

"But you said…" said Tsunade in confusion

"I said that Konoha would be destroyed if they didn't give me my inheritance, and there are many different ways to destroy a village other than by declaring war and using military force" spoke Naruto calmly, where upon seeing the confused looks on most people faces he decided to explain further.

"As I'm sure Jiraiya has most likely told you…The Heavenly Alliance has invade and taken control of Otogakure and Kirigakure, as well as their respected home nations. With Kiri and Mizu no Kuni now under our control, along with our attack on the navel docks belonging to Iwa and Tsuchi no Kuni, the Heavenly Alliance now is the dominating naval force in the Elemental Continent. Meaning we have complete control of the all the seas, both militarily wise and economically wise, hence it wouldn't be hard for me to put up an embargo on both Konoha and Hi no Kuni. Where all the Heavenly Alliance members and nations allied to us will cease all trade with both your village and Hi no Kunai. As well as cease any and all trade with any nation that is allied to you or even trade with you, where the only way for them to re-establish trade with us would be to break any and all trade agreements or alliances with you. Considering how large the Heavenly Alliance is and how many allies we have, along with our control over the seas and the fact that most nations around you are members of the alliance now. It would be only a matter of time, until every nation in the Elemental Continents agrees to our demands and ceases trade with you and Hi no Kuni", spoke Naruto shocking everyone on the Council and then continued on.

"Along with that, I can also put on a great deal of political pressure on Fire Daimyo, as I'm very friendly with many of the Daimyo's in the Heavenly Alliance and the rulers of other nations allied to the Heavenly Alliance. Like the Daimyo of Umi no kuni (Sea Country), King Michiru of Tsuki no Kuni (Moon Country), Lady Daimyo Toki of Tori no Kuni (Bird Country), Lady Daimyo Kayo of Mitsu no Kuni (Honey Country) and Lord Mifune of Tetsu no Kuni (Iron Country). Also I'm sure I can get the support of the New Daimyo of Mizu no Kuni, the soon to be Daimyo of Ta no Kuni (Rice-field Country) Prince Mochi and the Daimyo of Nami no Kuni (Wave Country), considering I helped save or free their individual nations. Not to mention I can be certain of having the support of by wives Lady Daimyo Kicho of Kaminari no Kuni (Lightning Country), Lady Daimyo Koyuki of Haru/Yuki no Kuni (Spring/Snow Country) and Lady Daimyo Haruna of Na no Kuni (Vegetable Country)", spoke Naruto.

"You're married to three Daimyo's!" cried Koharu in shock.

"Yes, along with being engaged to High Priestess Shion of Oni no Kuni (Demon Country), who will no doubt support my claim as well" replied Naruto, further shocking the people on the Council and saddening Hinata.

"So I'm sure you can easily image, the level of political pressure I can bring down on the Fire Daimyo, where combine with the embargo, I would have the Alliance place on Hi no Kuni and Konoha. It would be only a matter of time before he crumbles under the pressure, and has to agree to my demands, which would be to severe all funding, financial and economic support from Konoha" explained Naruto.

At hearing this, the Civilian Council members, began to get extremely worried, as they knew that if what Naruto said was true, then they (the Civilian members) would be ruined, (financially). The three Shinobi elders also grew concerned, as they knew that this could do irreparable amount of damage to Konoha.

"And considering how things are going to turn against Konoha, in the next few days, you can be certain that things are only going to get worse for you", spoke Naruto with an ever growing smirk.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Danzo as he narrowed his eye.

"While quite simply, I've been writing a little book about myself, about my time in Konoha, when I was growing up and I released out copies of it throughout the continent. I even gave out free advance copies to all the Daimyo's, feudal lords and influential men of every nation who you still do business with along with every other nation in the continent. Within the next few weeks every person in the continent, will know what Konoha did to the son of their hero the Yondaime Hokage and my book is extremely detailed in how I was treated. Where it even names many of those who attacked me" spoke Naruto.

"We'll deny them, as simple smearing tactics to ruining the reputation of Konoha" retorted Koharu, but quickly became worried, when she saw Naruto smirk.

"I'm afraid they won't work, as with my book I will also supply the Daimyo's and the others with copies of these", said Naruto as he took out some folders from his coat and threw them at Tsunade.

Where Tsunade quickly opened them and looked at Naruto in surprise, "These are copies of your medical files! Where on earth did you get them?"

"Correct and in those files, they give detail descriptions of all the injuries I suffered from my attacks in Konoha and they can be proven to be legitimate by the stamps from Konoha hospital. Hence you cannot deny the claims that are made in my book and in those files, as they prove what I said happen. As for how I got them, well to put it simply, I got them when I visited Konoha earlier" answered Naruto.

"You stole them!" cried Council member Shin.

"I wouldn't say stolen, more like reclaimed, as those files are on me, so I have a right to have them if I want them", replied Naruto, although what he didn't say was that his BOLT-nins took more than just his medical files. "Once the books are fully released, Konoha's reputation will be in the mud and will be so bad that you be lucky to be even be hired to weed someone lawns. Not to mention once the embargo has been put into place and the Fire Daimyo has crumbled from the pressure, that the other Daimyo's will put on him, and agreed to my demands. Konoha's demise will be only a matter of time, as you village's financial and economic structure will soon collapse. With the recompenses that you will have to pay for the attack on me, along with the extremely limit mission requests, that you will receive, once everyone knows the truth about Konoha actions towards me. As people tend to take things badly, when they hear things like children being beaten. Not to mention the cost of repairs to the village from the war, all adding up to a very high number and even if you somehow get enough missions you won't have enough Shinobi's to take them and guard the village", said Naruto, be with a sinister smirk, where he then turned to his left side to Zhuge Liang.

"Given the recompense of missions they have to give me, along with the cost of repairs to the village, the loss of missions Konoha will lose, after every one hears how it villagers and Shinobi's beats up a twelve year old boy. Not to mention the loss of funding and financial support from the Fire Daimyo, how long do you think Konoha's economy will last before it collapses along with the village, Sensei?" asked Naruto.

"Given everything, I would hazard to guess, six to eight months at best", replied the famed Sleeping Dragon.

"Six to eight months…really, I would've thought the last half that long" said Naruto feigning surprise, as he was enjoying seeing the looks of disbelief and anger on the people who had him banished ten years ago.

"That's if the other smaller villages leave them alone for that long, as it's fairly certain, that the other villages will attempt to attack Konoha in its weaken state, in the hope of becoming one of the five great Shinobi nations" continued Zhuge Liang.

At hearing this, the Council's worries grew, as it was indeed highly possible that the smaller villages would attack, where given their current state. Their chances of fighting off another attack, even one from one of the smaller Shinobi village, were not very good.

"You think that you can intimidate and threaten us into giving, what you think is yours?" spoke Koharu angrily.

"I don't think I can, I know I can" replied Naruto.

"We won't let you we will…" spoke Ashikaga Shin.

"You what?" asked Naruto, "Declare war on us…by all means go ahead, it would only be putting the final nail on Konoha's coffin. As of right now, your surviving forces that are still able to fight are at what? …ten, fifteen percent, while the rest are in the hospital too injured or exhausted to put up any kind of fight. You wouldn't last an hour against our forces, and even if you do attack, any action that we will take against you will be justified. As we'll have the public support of the other nations, for as far they'll see, will be a ungrateful village attacking the village that helped saved them, all because of their bigotry grudge against me", said Naruto with a slight chuckle before he continued on.

"Not to mention, if you did attack me you wouldn't be just fighting New Kumo, you would also have to fight every other Shinobi village in the Heavenly Alliance or allied to it. Along with the Samurai of Tetsu no Kuni, due to our mutual defensive pack, where if either of us is attack unprovoked by another nation. Then we'll come to each other's defence, and I can assure you, Suna will not come to your aid this time, and would be more likely side with us. Especially since Gaara has asked for an alliance between Suna and the Heavenly Alliance", said Naruto, shocking Tsunade and the Council.

"Suna is betraying us" spoke Choza in surprise.

"I wouldn't really put it like that, as Suna hasn't been really your ally for a while, the only reason, they even helped you was because they'd a score to settle with Orochimaru and Oto. They have no real obligation to you, and they see the value of allying themselves with us", replied a smirking Naruto.

"Oh and before anyone here think it might be a bright idea to arrange a little accident for me when on my way back to New Kumo, let me remind you that, this village will be most likely blamed for it. Where I'm sure that Jiraiya, has told you all as well, how much the people of New Kumo care for me, hence I believe it would be obvious, that they would be greatly unhappy at my sudden death, after visiting my former homeland here. You should also know that I have already named my successor, so that in the event that anything should happen to me. He will immediately take my place as Raikage, and I think you be also interested to know that he is the only person in New Kumo whose strength, power and skill can rival my own. I'm sure that Jiraiya has even already told you about him… Seiwa Anisu the Kumo no Aisuryuu (Ice Dragon of Kumo), or as the people of Mizu no Kuni and Kirigakure are call him now Koorisui no Kami (God of Ice and Water)" spoke Naruto enjoy the shock look on Jiraiya's face.

Seeing Jiraiya's face, Tsunade turned fully, to look at her former team-mate, "Jiraiya you know something about him?"

"Yea, he was the one who lead the invasion of Mizu no Kuni and Kirigakure, he also single handily conquered the city port of Sairyō, along with the Mizu no Kuni western fleet, numbering over two hundred ships. He did it, by bombarding the city with giant ice spikes from the sky, along with freezing the dock and the city over with ice, where no-one could even get out of the buildings they were in. Forcing the lord ruling the city port to surrender", spoke Jiraiya, shocking everyone on the Council. At the fact that one man could conquer an entire city by himself, as well as an entire armada, not only that, but it made many nervous at the fact that there was someone else that was as strong as Naruto in New Kumo.

"I'm impressed that you even heard about that, I guess all that time you spent gallivanting, when I was growing up, wasn't a total waste after all" spoke Naruto with a slight sneer, which made Jiraiya wince at Naruto's jab at him being a lousy godfather to him. After which Naruto then turned his attention away from his former teacher/godfather.

"Now as saying, not only would my untimely death result in the anger of my village, but you would also have to deal with the fury of wives or to be more precise my wives who are Daimyo's. As I'm sure that killing the husband of the rulers of three nations, who also happens to be the fiancé of another, would not go well for Konoha. Meaning you would not only have to face the armies of New Kumo and its Shinobi allies, but also the combined armies of Haru/Yuki no Kun, Oni no Kuni, Kaminari no Kuni, Na no Kuni. Thereby unleashing a wave of fury, anger and rage, of the likes Konoha has never seen before and I can assure you, they would wipe Konoha off the map".

This of course made Koharu and Danzo, furious, as Naruto was basically rubbing it in their faces, that they couldn't touch him, without having all of the Heavenly Alliance, screaming out for their blood and levelling the entire village.

"Oh and one more thing", said Naruto, as he turned to the two remaining civilian members on the council, "if any of you think of trying the same kind of stunt that Hojo Akira tried, with the Shinobi's you have here. Believing that capturing me will keep the Alliance from attacking you and controlling it. Then let me remind you that I'm back to full strength, meaning that there not a Shinobi alive in this village that can stand up to mean in a fight. Also I have my four bodyguards here, three of them being jinchūriki's, while Okatsu holds the Salamander contract, one of the strongest summons known. She is also an extremely skilled Shinobi, where she is skilled enough to give even you a run for your money old Hag", said Naruto as he looked at Tsunade.

"Along with them, I have my other wives as well as Masato here, who are all highly skilled Shinobi's, who are capable of taking on any of your best Shinobi's. Also I have Sayuri-sensei, who is an A-rank Shinobi and Mistsuhide an S-rank Shinobi, along with Zhuge Liang Sensei. Who is a Kage level Shinobi, whose reputation, you're all familiar with, and if they're not enough to convince you otherwise, then these people will" spoke Naruto. Upon which, he then snapped his fingers, where eighty STORM-nins then appeared out of the wall like ghosts, from behind the Konoha Shinobi's along the wall and behind the Shinobi's in the rafters of the ceiling.(12).

Several of the eighty STORM-nins, then quickly came up from behind the Konoha Ninja's, both along the walls and up in the rafters of the ceiling, brought their Kunai's, Tanto's and Katana's to the Konoha Ninja's necks keeping them from moving. The remainder of the eighty STORM-nins, then quickly surrounded the Konoha Council.

"Naruto what is the meaning of this!" cried Tsunade as she stood up.

"Just some added protection, as you hardly expect me to have such a light guard with me, when I'm surrounded by Shinobi's who most likely want me dead, given how I was attacked twice by Shinobi's of this village", said Naruto with a cheeking smile. "Oh and I wouldn't try anything if any of you thinking of resisting, as these people around you are from my elite STORM unit, meaning they're special trained to fight and take down elite Shinobi's like many of you here. But don't worry no harm will come to any of you, as long as you don't try anything against me or any of them".

Danzo of course narrowed his eyes, at seeing all his agents captured, as everyone in the room was basically at Naruto's mercy.

"Now I ask one more time, will you hand over my heritance to me, or will I have to follow up with my threat", spoke Naruto serious.

At this Tsunade sighed, as regardless of their current situation with Naruto STORM-nins, Naruto could bring down Konoha's economy, along with the village itself, without lifting a finger.

"Very well, we will relinquish control of the Namikaze estate to you" spoke Tsunade ignoring the protests of Danzo, Koharu and the Civilian Council members.

"Oh, I already have control of the estate itself, as before I came here I took down the barrier around the estate and sent my Shinobi's to secure it and everything in it. I just want you to hand-over the money, since only the Hokage can release my mothers and Namikaze's frozen accounts. Along with them, I want the letters and documents in your secret cabinet, belonging to my mother and Namikaze", said Naruto.

"Fine, but we don't have enough currency in the village to give your full inheritance" explained Tsunade.

"Well then I sure we can come to some kind of arrangement, like say giving me half your annual funding from the Fire Daimyo and have the half the payments of all your missions" said Naruto smiling.

"You can't be serious", spoke Council member Shin.

"Very much so" replied Naruto.

"So you expecting us to give up half our funding and our mission payments, until we paid back your entire heritance to you" spoke Council member Taichi angrily.

"With interest, and before you refuse, its non-negotiable you either accept or you will face the consequences", spoke Naruto seriously.

"This is extortion!" cried Koharu furiously.

"I prefer to call it good business, as I get what I want and Konoha gets to survive a little longer, we all benefit from it" replied Naruto with a cunning smile, knowing they had no choice but to give in.

Once Tsunade agreed, Naruto then was about to get off his seat, as his business was done with, but before he could, Tsunade spoke up again.

"Wait! Naruto there something I wish to ask you".

"Which would be?" asked Naruto with an unreadable look.

"I want to petition again, for an alliance between Konoha and the Heavenly Allinace", spoke Tsunade.

"Tsunade are you out of your mind? After all that he has done to us!" cried Koharu.

"She doing it, because she one of the few people in Konoha that still has any sense left", spoke Naruto. "As she knows that given Konoha current condition, and given how it'll only get worse once you've done what I want. Your village will be in no shape to stand against the smaller Shinobi villages, who decide to try and take your place as one of the five great Shinobi villages. Meaning the only chance that you have of surviving is that you make alliance with us".

"I agree an Alliance with the Heavenly Alliance would be in the best interest of the village" said Hinata, where the other Clan heads along with the ANBU Commander agreed.

"So will you agree to form an alliance with us?" asked Tsunade hopefully.

"No" replied Naruto simply.

"But why?" asked Jiraiya.

"Simple, like before Konoha has nothing to offer that would make an alliance worthwhile, as given the state your village is in, it would be only a hindrance to us, plus word is already spreading about the attempt made on my life by Uchiha Sasuke. Not to mention how Konoha's people reacted to the news of me being alive, once they learn that, none of the Alliance members will agree to an alliance with you", stated Naruto.

"There must be something, you can do? After all you the leader of the Shinobi section of the Heavenly Alliance and founder of it" spoke Tsunade, as they were desperate.

"Well there is one way, where you will receive the protection and help of the Heavenly Alliance, although it will come at a price and it wouldn't be exactly what you asked for", replied Naruto.

"What do you mean?" asked Tsunade

"Konoha cannot become our ally, as neither I, nor the other members of the Alliance trust certain members in your government…" spoke Naruto, as he narrowed his eyes at Danzo, Koharu and the two Civilian Council members. Indicating that it was them that he did not trust, "…but instead Konoha will become a protectorate of the Heavenly Alliance".

"NEVER" roared Danzo, as for the first time in many years the old War hawk, had completely lost his clam neutral façade. For the idea of Konoha being a protectorate of the Heavenly Alliance, was sacrilege to him, as Konoha might as well surrender or be destroyed. As Konoha would've given up its pride and honour and become the laughing stock of the world, as it would be completely dependant of the Heavenly Alliance.

"Well then if that is the case then we'll leave, as that is the only offer I will make and the only chance you have", replied Naruto.

"Danzo you will sit down and be silent" ordered Tsunade.

"No I will not, I will not let you sell out Konoha pride and future, to this abomination" cried Danzo.

Naruto of course remind calm to Danzo insult, although he had to signal his men, around the Council Chamber to stand down, as several of them, looked ready to attack Danzo for his remark. He also had to do the same to his wives, as Yugito and some of the other girls, looked ready to spatter Danzo across the room.

"Oh and in case you're wondering in return for our protection, Konoha will have to supply Shinobi's to help protect the other Alliance members, allies and protectorates. As well as help train and improve the strength of the Shinobi's of the smaller Shinobi nations, but more importantly, you will have to hand over the following things on the list as a down payment for our protection", stated Naruto, where he took out a scroll from his coat and threw it to Tsunade, who caught it.

When Tsunade opened the scroll, she read a long list of high level Jutsu, that belonged to Konoha.

"Naruto you can't seriously expect us to hand over all these Jutsu's to you?" asked Tsunade in disbelief. As to a Shinobi village, Jutsu's were worth more than gold, jewels or money.

"I'm very serious, as that is the price of Konoha's safety," answered Naruto.

"Tsunade you can't seriously be thinking of agreeing to his demands, they were outrageous and they would leave you even weaker than we are now" cried Danzo as she stared at the Blond Hokage with slight anger.

Ignoring Danzo, Tsunade quickly turned to Naruto, "Naruto what you asking is unreasonable, no Shinobi village has never become the protectorate of another Shinobi village and we can't simple hand over so many high level Jutsu's to you".

"First time for everything old hag", replied Naruto, with a smirk, that infuriated Danzo and Koharu, "As for the Jutsu's… well it's up to you to decide, which is more important, your Jutsu's or you village".

After much debating Tsunade ordered a vote, to decide to among the Council if they would agree to be a protectorate of the Heavenly Alliance. By the end of the vote it was decided, Danzo, Koharu and the Civilians voted against the idea, and Sasuke's was vote was automatically counted against the idea. Everyone else, including Homura voted for the idea, as they saw it as the only chance Konoha had in surviving the coming years, until they regained their strength.

"Then it's agreed, Konoha will become a protectorate of the Heavenly Alliance, but we'll not and over the Jutsu's until after the treaty is officially sighed and we are under the Alliance protection", spoke Tsunade.

"Fair enough" replied Naruto, "We'll come to the exact terms of the protection treaty in two months' time, during the Alliance gathering in two months' time, of which I will send word to you about later on. But I want the documents of my parent's accounts and as well as much as my heritance as you can by tomorrow. Also don't even think about altering them, as I remember how much was in the accounts so if you alter them I will know", spoke Naruto, where he looked coldly at Danzo.

As Naruto was getting up, a furious Koharu, of course could not help but give Naruto a piece of her mind.

"Your enjoying shaming and humiliating us aren't?" spat Koharu angrily, "How can do this to Konoha? The place you were born and raised in…" where she would've continued, but was stopped as a potent Killing Intent flooded the Council Chambers.

"How could I?" snarled Naruto furiously, "How could I not…for twelve year this cesspit of a village, treated me like garbage, where I was beaten, abused, scorned, spat on and cursed, all because of what Namikaze did to me, to save your ungrateful asses. You should be grateful that I decided saved your hides when I did, as if I hadn't this village, along with everyone it would be dead and gone".

"You destroyed a third of our village, where the majority of our people are homeless and are living in tents" retorted Koharu.

"Better that than being dead, as I could've easily just waited, until this entire village was destroyed and Orochimaru and his allies were exhausted from battle. But I didn't, because I knew that there were still some good people here, that didn't deserve to die, people I care about, and who I still consider my friends, where they would've died had my forces and I had not appeared. It's that reason and that reason alone, that this village is not a burning ruin, filled with dead bodies, so I suggest you thank your blessings and leave it at that, as you won't be as lucky next time " said Naruto fiercely.

Soon after Naruto's Killing Intent died down, after which he turned around and he and the others then started to walk towards the large double doors and out of the Council Chambers. But before the doors opened and before Naruto and co could leave, Nara Shikaku spoke up.

"Excuse me Raikage-denka, but before you leave, could you answer one question for me?"

At this, Naruto stopped and turned around to face Shikaku, "And what would that be…Shikaku-san?" asked Naruto calmly.

"How long have you been planning this?"

"Whatever do you mean, Shikaku-san?" asked Naruto with a ghost of a smile.

"Tsk, don't toy with me, Raikage-denka, you know what I mean" spoke Shikaku.

At this, Naruto could not help but smile, "Huh, I should've known, that a Nara would figure it out…and to answer your question, since the kidnapping of Princess Sachi by Mizu no Kuni and Kirigakure.

"Tsk, troublesome, I knew it…Shikamaru, was right about you, you're a troublesome blond" spoke Shikaku.

"Shikaku, what are you talking about…and what do you mean by planning this?" asked Tsunade in confusion, as she didn't understand what they were talking about.

"Perhaps, you should tell them Shikaku-san, as it might soften the blow a bit" spoke Naruto, with a knowing smile.

At this, Shikaku, muttered "troublesome blond" before he spoke, "As a lot of you know back when The Raikage's forces attack "the Hold", it had several purposes, the main purpose was to rescue Princess Sachi of Umi no kuni. This was to allow New Kumo and the Heavenly Alliance to gain favour with Tsuki no Kuni and Umi no Kuni, and get them to join the Heavenly Alliance or at the very least, have them ally with the Alliance, allowing the alliance to a strong influence in the southern sea trade. Obliviously it worked considering how things played out, another objective was to release all the prisoners in "the Hold" and help the rebel factions rescue them. Thereby gaining the Rebel factions support, this would be vital, in the invasion of Mizu no Kuni and Kirigakure. Also the way his forces attack "the Hold" so flashy, was not only to show off New Kumo's power and humiliate Mizu no Kuni and Kiri. But also to humiliate us by rescuing our own Shinobi's and to gain our attention…"spoke Shikaku.

"But why would he want to gain our attention?" Inoichi asked his old friend.

"I will get to that in a minute, as you see the battle of Nami no Kuni was also linked to his plan. For when he saved Nami no Kuni, he not only humiliated us again, by defeating a force that not even our best Shinobi's could defeat. But gained a strategic bases for his other operation, where he could station a large force there under the guise of protecting Nami no Kuni, without rising suspicion, as without Nami no Kuni as a base to open a third front. Along with gaining control of the large shipping industry, that the people of Nami no Kuni took control of, after the shipping magnet Gato was killed, giving the Heavenly Alliance significant control of the Shipping and trading industry in the central elemental sea. Kiri would then have to land their forces by ships, when the main attack on Konoha happened, allowing The Raikage's forces to surround both the Kiri armada and the retreating Kiri forces later on. The Battle of Nami no Kuni also served to further gain out attention, as The Raikage knew that after hearing about New Kumo's military strength at "the Hold", and after hearing first hand of his power at Nami no Kuni, we would desperate to gain him and the Heavenly Alliance as our ally, due to our situation in the war. Thereby, we would send word to request an alliance, where he would come here, under the pretence of talking for the alliance, which in reality was to allow him entry into the village so that his covert force to sneak around the village and get his medical files and who knows what else", said Shikaku, shocking and angering many on the Council.

"He also most likely…" continued Shikaku, "…purposely had his bodyguard Okatsu, tell Kakashi and Sasuke about the Doujutsu seal, knowing that Danzo would send his agents to try and capture Shinobi's belonging to the Heavenly Alliance. Due to the threat they represent to us, where he then captured them and presented them to us, giving him the perfect excuse to leave the talks and disgracing village at the same time. Possibly even hoping to disgrace Danzo to the people and Shinobi's of the village, making him lose status and power in it. He also probably used the bad ending of the talks, to make Orochimaru feel certain, that New Kumo and the Heavenly Alliance wouldn't come to our aid, knowing that Heita was a spy for Orochimaru and would report that happenings of the talks to him. Thereby making Orochimaru and his allies feel save from attack, by New Kumo and the Heavenly Alliance, and making them vulnerable to The Raikage attacks later on".

"At the same time as well, The Raikage gave us a fighting chance, so that we would last long enough for his main plan to work, which was another reason why he helped save Nami no kuni, as without it Kiri couldn't open the third front against us and wreak further havoc on our forces. Along with that, he had Masato-san over there, inform Jiraiya, allowing us to set up a defence for Orochimaru's attack, and get assistance from Suna, so that we would last long enough and weaken Orochimaru's coalition forces. As Orochimaru's attack, was the main point of Naruto plan, as not only did it leave Kiri, Oto and their host nation's vulnerable to invasion. But it also laid out, the main military might of the one force that could challenge the Heavenly Alliance, and weaken them as well as make them vulnerable to a sneak attack, when they were busy fighting with us. The Raikage's plan also probably involved weakening Konoha and Suna at the same time, as destroying Orochimaru's coalition, as the arrival of The Raikage's forces, just when all our lines were about to collapsed was to perfect. Meaning his force was most likely positioned behind Orochimaru and his allied forces and waited till we were about to fall and when Orochimaru's coalition forces were too focused on the battle to watch their rear. Allowing Naruto force to completely take Orochimaru and his allies by surprise and wipe them out all in one go, and severely cripple Suna and us at the same time, as given the loses and damage we took. It will be a long time before we fully recover, meaning New Kumo the Heavenly Alliance would be the most powerful force in the Elemental Continent. Where they took out most of their enemies and rivals with a small force, with little lose, where no-one will be able to challenge them. Also with these invasions of Ta no Kuni and Mizu no Kuni, they've rid themselves of two major enemies and turned them into his allies. By placing the Rebel factions in charge, who would be pro-Heavenly Alliance and would depend greatly on it, to restore their nations, where they would most likely even ally with or join the Heavenly Alliance. Strengthening its power and influence further, and giving them full control of the sea trade just as The Raikage mentioned earlier", spoke Shikaku, shocking Tsunade and the Council even further.

"He even most likely knew that certain members on the Council would attack him or try to have him arrested, allowing him to place hefty penalties on us for what happened. I'm also willing to bet that he planned, on us wanting to ally with the Heavenly Alliance, given our current condition, which is why he had that list of Justu's belonging to Konoha at hand", finished Shikaku. Leaving a completely stunned Tsunade, Council members and Konoha Shinobi's, as they could not believe what they heard.

"So you're telling us that Konoha was nothing more than bait, to lure all of Naruto's enemies into one place and deal with all of them in one single go, with his small force", spoke Jiraiya in shock.

"Pretty much" replied Shikaku, as he had to admit, Naruto plan was perfect, he had used his knowledge of them as well as Orochimaru to the utmost affect, by predicting how they would react. Knowing what they would do, as well as layout enough bait for them to do what he wanted them to do.

After Shikaku had finished explaining, there was the sound of a single person clapping in the Chamber.

Said person was none other than Naruto, who was also smiling in amusement, at hearing how Shikaku, had figured out the true goal of Operation Dive Storm.

"Well done Shikakau-sdan, I can see where Shikamaru get his brains from; I must say it's truly a pity that your Clan is with Konoha, as the Heavenly Alliance would benefit greatly from the minds of the Nara Clan. If you and your Clan ever wish to join New Kumo, I would be more than happy to welcome you", spoke Naruto as he appalled Shikaku.

"So it's true?" asked Tsunade as she still had trouble believing it all.

"Most of it, although Shikaku was mistake about a few things", answered Naruto.

"And what exactly did I get wrong?" asked Shikaku.

"Well I didn't recuse Kureani and her team, simply to humiliate Konoha, as I recused them because I still consider Lee and Choji my friends and Kurenai-san did nothing to earn my dislike and is Konohamaru's aunt. Haruno on the other hand, just lucked out, as I knew if I had my forces leave her behind Kureani and the others would refuse to leave. The fact is, if it had been her, Hatake and the Uchiha then you can be certain that I would've left them behind to be blown up" stated Naruto coldly; shocking those that knew Naruto, at how callously he was acted.

"Another of your mistakes was that I saved Nami no Kuni simply because I wanted to station my forces there, I saved Nami no Kuni, because I cared for the people there and I would've done it regardless of my plans. As for humiliating Konoha, that was just an added bonus, also weakening Suna was not part of my plan. Quite frankly I would've preferred that Suna had stayed out of this fight, as I had no ill-will towards Gaara or his village and planned on asking him to join the Alliance" stated Naruto.

When Naruto finished explaining, the room became silent, as no-one could believe that they had been manipulated and used by Naruto.

Danzo and Koharu of course took the news the worst, as they were fuming, at being told that they had been moved around and toyed with like puppets on a string by a mere boy (to them). It was especially aggravating to them, since they specialized in cloak and dagger operation, hence they couldn't believe they had been completely outwitted by Naruto, in their own field of speciality.

"So you planned all this out, all to get revenge on us", spoke Danzo as he narrowed his visible eye.

"Please, I told you before, I not like your Uchiha, I don't care for revenge, I did what I did to ensure that New Kumo and the Heavenly Alliance would become the strongest force in the Elemental Continent. Anything else that happened to Konoha was simply a bonus and I prefer to call it Karma, as what goes around comes around and like the old saying Karma is a bitch", said Naruto with a satisfied smirk and a cheeky salute. After which, he signalled for some of his STORM agents to open the large double doors, where he and the others walked out. Upon which the STORM-nins let go of the Konoha-nins around the Council room and then retreated back into the wall, leaving Tsunade and everyone else alone in the room.

As Naruto and the others walked out of the Council Chambers, Yugito spoke up "You enjoyed that, that didn't you, she asked.

"More than Ichiraku Ramen" replied Naruto as they walked out of the Hokage mansion and out into the streets.

In the earlier hours of the next day, the majority of New Kumo forces left Konoha and headed back to New Kumo.

The few remaining New Kumo Shinobi's that remained with Naruto and the others boarded the New Kumo airships in the crater that Naruto created outside the village using his Inazuma. Loaded on the airships, were the Jutsu scrolls and other things from the Namikaze library along with items and things that belonged to Naruto's parents and decided were worth keeping.

Before he left, Tsunade arrived with Jiraiya, Homura, Koharu and Danzo and two squads of ROOT and ANBU. There Tsunade handed Naruto a scroll full of all the money that Konoha could afford giving Naruto, along with the letters and documents that belonged to Naruto parents, which were kept in the Hokage secret safe.

When Naruto took the scrolls full of money and the letters and documents, he stated that when they come to the Alliance gathering in two months' time. To discuss the details and the arrangements of becoming a protectorate of the Heavenly Alliance, and how exactly they would pay back the rest of Naruto's inheritance, with the added interest.

As the Fleet of airships rose up into the air, and flew in the direction of Kaminari no Kuni and New Kumo. Tsunade stared solely at Naruto's command ship, right up until it and the other airships became dotes in the morning sky.

'Good-bye Naruto, May we see each other again, and I'm sorry.' thought Tsunade as she stared at the retreating dotes in the sky, before she, Jiraiya the Council elders and their guards, returned to Konoha.