
The Raikage (Hiato)

the Fan Fiction is not mine, I just brought it to the fanfiction.net website. After succeeding in retrieving Sasuke, Naruto was banished from Konoha due to the Council's fear of the Akatsuki coming after him and destroying Konoha. 10 years later after being banished Naruto becomes the new Raikage of Kumo and leads it to greatness.

JapaOuO · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 12 Hokage Battle Royale Part One


Summon Speech/Snarling/Thinking Jutsu/Demon talk

I do not own Naruto what so ever or any of the characters or any of the OC that I used from other shows or games

Last time on Raikage

"So Orochimaru, even after all this time, you still foolishly wish to destroy the leaf", said Sarutobi sadly as he looked to his fallen student.

"Naturally Sensei, but I have not summoned you here to destroy Konoha, despite how delicious the irony would be, to have Konoha's four greatest heroes and leaders destroy it…I have summoned you here to kill him!" said Orochimaru with a smirk. As he indicated to the person who stood in front of them, and who the Yondaime Hokage had been silently staring at is with widen eyes

"Minato!...B-B-Bu-ut how?" Cried the revived younger Sandaime Hokage in surprise as he looked at the Yondaime next to him and the "Minato" in front of him, who looked slightly different from Minato he knew and was next to him.

It was in that moment then that Naruto spoke "Hello…Father!"

-With Naruto-

When the observing group saw the four former Hokages of Konoha being revived by Orochimaru, many were angered at the fact that Orochimaru, was once again using their leaders as his paws to destroy Konoha.

"Damn you, Orochimaru!" cried an angry Jiraiya.

"Curse you retched soul Orochimaru!" cried Tsunade as saw her Grandfather and Great Uncle being brought back as emotionless weapons.

"KuKuKuKuKu…What's wrong Jiraiya-kun I thought you would be happy to see sensei and your old student again, and I thought you be equally as happy to see not only Sensei, but also your Grandfather and Great Uncle, Tsunade?" spoke Orochimaru as he enjoyed the angry looks on his former teammates faces.

"You bastard!" cried Konohamaru with rage, as he glared at the former Sannin with as much hate as possible.

During this, Minato and Naruto just stared at one another silently and did not say a word, but soon after though, Naruto spoke.

"Got nothing to say?"

"Naruto….my son"

"Don't you dare call me that, you lost all right to call me that, the moment you placed this curse on me!" hissed Naruto angrily as he glared at his so called father.

The Yondaime was of course caught off guard at hearing Naruto's hateful response, although not as surprised as the Sandaime was when he heard the Minato next to him, call the person he thought was Minato in front of him son and said person called Minato father. It was when he heard this that he realised that the Minato in front of him was actually Naruto.

"Naruto!" spoke the former Hokage is surprise.

"Long time no see Jiji", replied Naruto with a sneer.

As Minato stared in surprise at Naruto, he then noticed the Kumo headband on Naruto's right arm, "Naruto why do you wear a Kumo headband?"

At this question Naruto did not answer, as he remained silent, although the four Hokage's attention quickly turned to Orochimaru, who was behind them and was now laughing.

"KuKuKuKuKuKuKu…I guess you wouldn't know what happened the past few years… with the fact that you being dead and all", spoke the Snake Sannin.

"What do you mean by that Orochimaru?" asked Minato with a frown as he turned to look at his Sensei's former team-mate.

"While quite simply Minato-kun, your son Naruto-kun suffered the same fate that all Jinchuuriki's suffer, he was scorn, hated, spat on and became the village's pariah and what more they…Beat…him!" said the former Sannin, as he enjoyed watching the pain look of sorrow and horror appear on the former Hokage's face, when he heard this and then turned to the Sandaime.

"Is what he said true Sarutobi?" asked the Yondaime hoping it wasn't, and that it was some sort of cruel lie made up by Orochimaru, although deep down he knew it was true.

At this the Sandaime lowered his head in shame, unable to look at his former successor in the face, "It's true, I was unable to convince the people that Naruto was not a demon as the pain and loss they suffered was too strong. I was also unable to protect him from their wrath as well as I should have", spoke the Sandaime, as Naruto's hard life was another one of his great failings second only to not killing Orochimaru, when he first had the chance, years ago.

"But that is not the most interesting thing in Naruto-kun's story" continued Orochimaru with some glee.

"For you see even though the village beat him and scorned him for having the Kyubi sealed into him, he remained loyal to the village and wanted to prove the village wrong and prove he was not a demon. He even tried to follow in your footsteps and become Hokage and protect the village. He even learned to master Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique), Tajū Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Multiple Shadow Clone Technique) in a just a few hours. But yet he was still hated and scorned by the village. He was even ignored and left aside for his more talented team-mate by your own prized student Hatake Kakashi, when he was training them", spoke Orochimaru, which caused the nearby copy-nin to lower his head in shame.

"Even after Naruto-kun helped him defeat Momochi Zabuza the famed Kirigakure no Kijin (Demon of the Hidden Mist), he was still ignored by him. He was also still scorned when he foiled my plan to destroy the leaf by defeating the now current Godaime Kazekage Gaara, who is the Jinchuuriki of the Ichibi no Shukaku (One-Tailed Shukaku), by summoning that overgrown Toad, Gamabunta. Even my old team-mate Jiraiya-kun didn't seem care enough about your son, to go to him and care for him when you died let alone even visit, at least not for twelve years, as he was too busy chasing me" said Orochimaru with glee. As he enjoyed seeing the angry look aimed at him by former team-mate face, while at the same time seeing the self-loathing look, as it was obvious that on more than on occasion Jiraiya had curse himself to lowest pits of hell for not even trying to raise Naruto when he was alone.

"He also helped foil my plans again, to have Tsunade heal my arms after my battle with Sarutobi-sensei, where he surprised even me. By learning how to master the Rasengan (Spiralling Sphere) in just one week", spoke Orochimaru, surprising both Minato and Sarutobi when they heard this. "He was also able to convince Tsunade to return to village and become the new Hokage, and after which helped save several nations and became a hero to them".

"He even foiled my attempt to have Sasuke-kun join me, by defeating him and bringing back to Konoha. But even after everything he did for them they'd still scorned and hated him where later on they…banished him!" cried Orochimaru with laughter as he saw the disbelief looks on the Yondaime and Sandaime's faces, where he turned a bit to look at Minato. "And even more delicious, the vote that decided his banishment came from one of your old friend's Hyuga Hiashi".

Upon hearing all this, the Yondaime quickly turned to the observing group and looked directly at his former sensei, student and friend, which caused all three men to filch. As when they looked into the Yondaime's eyes, they were filled with anger, disgust, disappointment and shame and were directed at them, where all three men felt like they had been stabbed and gutted like fish with a dull rusty Kunai.

Even the Sandaime, the Nidaime and the Shodaime looked gravelly disappointed in hearing how the village banished Naruto over their hatred of the Kyubi.

"But that isn't the best part!" spoke a smiling Orochimaru, "As during the next ten years after they banished him, Naruto-kun found new sensei's where they trained him, and at some point. He somehow gained the lost bloodline of The Stormcallers, the Ranbure-ka limit (Stormbreaker limit)", said Orochimaru shocking the four former Hoakge's, at Naruto awaking the lost legendary bloodline of the Stormcallers Clan.

"He then later on ended the Civil War in Kumo and Kaminari no Kuni (Lightning Country) and became the Rokudaime Raikage and became known as the Legendary Kami no Raiden (God of Thunder and Lightning). Where he then rebuilt the village calling it New Kumo and helped rebuild Kaminari no Kuni", said Orochimaru and continued. "He even did what you tried and failed to do Sensei, as he formed an Alliance of nations, that work together and help one another and called it the Heavenly Alliance, and made it into the most powerful force in the entire Elemental Continent".

When the Sandaime heard this, a small twig of pride was felt by the former Sandaime Hokage, as could not help but be proud of Naruto, as he had tried and failed to create an alliance between the five great Shinobi nations, in the hopes of creating a lasting peace, but where had failed Naruto had succeeded.

"Also young Naruto-kun here has become quite powerful over these past ten years, as his power has even exceeded my own, where he defeated my allies the Yodaime Tsuchikage Ryoku, The Godaime Mizukage Shiro. Along with the leader of Kusagakure (Hidden Grass) Doku and the leader of the Hannya Clan Shinrin, and did it all by himself with little trouble and forced me to summon you all", spoke Orochimaru, which surprised the revive Hokages at how powerful Naruto has become.

"It's all rather amusing and ironic if you think about it, as the person that Konoha scorned and banished, has now probably become the strongest Shinobi alive and rebuilt a fallen ruin nation and made it into the most powerful force in the entire Elemental Continent", spoke the snake Sannin. As despite his situation with Naruto, he wanted to at least have a little fun at Konoha's expense.

After hearing all this, the four former Hokage's stared at Naruto for a few moments, after which The Yondaime finally spoke up, "Naruto…I'm truly sorry for what happened to you".

Upon hearing the Youdaime Naruto narrowed his eyes anger at his father, "You're sorry? ...is that call you can say, after the hell you put me through!" cried Naruto furiously.

"Do you know what kind of life I've had because you put the Kyubi into me?" spoke Naruto with a look of the utmost fury and rage. "Because of you I've been spat on, ignored, scorned, beaten, cursed and have been nearly killed for most of my life. I've even tried to end my own life just to try and escape the pain of it all; I've had to go through twelve years of utter hell because of your idolism".

At hearing this, the Yondaime lowered his head in sadness at what his son had to go through, "You're right, saying I'm sorry does not make up for what you had to go through because of what I did to you, but I honestly hoped that the village would honour my request. I also couldn't simply turn my back on Konoha when it was in danger, as it would be no better than turning my back on you, the only way to stop the Kyubi was to seal it into you, so that you could use its power to protect it".

"That may be what you told yourself and my mother when you took me from her as she lay dying, but you and I both know that there is more to it than just that. You forget that I'm a Kage now as well and I know about that little tradition, where the jinchūriki of any biju for any village must be of close relation to the current ruling Kage or ruling Clan. So to ensure that the jinchūriki remains loyal to said ruler and will not go rogue on the village, as well as serve to show off the Kage's might" sneered Naruto.

This revelation of course surprised the younger members of the observing group, as they were unaware of this, but as they thought about it, it did make sense.

"But even despite that, I might have forgiven you for what you did to me, especially if you didn't know how I would be treated in Konoha… But you did know what would most likely happen to me, as I read the letter you left me and you still did it, you could've had me sent to live outside the village, and be raised as a normal person, but you didn't, all because you wanted to make me into Konoha grand protector and because you couldn't face the fact that the people of Konoha would be like the other village's and turn on me…Hence I had to pay the price for your mistake!" spoke Naruto as he glared coldly at the Yondaime.

"Son I kno-" said Minato as he tried to talk to his son, but was stopped by Naruto.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT! ….You're not my father! you will never be my father, fathers are suppose to raise their children, fathers are suppose to care for their children, fathers are suppose to teach their children, fathers are suppose to protect their children. You did none of that, all you did for me was place this curse of me and left me to the mercy of wolves. Iruka-sensei was more of a father to me than you'll ever be to me, you couldn't even leave me in the care of a decent person, as you left me in the care of that worthless toad of a sensei of yours. Who cares more about that snake and his own trashy porno books than me, his own Godson! … as far as I'm concerned, all that you're to me is some bastard that supplied the sperm!" cried Naruto hatefully.

After hearing Naruto's thoughts on him, Jiraiya lowered his head in self loathing, as he knew Naruto was right, as he was a worthless Godfather to him, which was yet another one of his great failings in life. Also when he heard Naruto feelings towards Minato, for the first time in his life, he was glad that his former student was dead, as he was certain judging by the look that was now on his face, Minato would've died at that very moment from a broken heart after hearing that.

When Sarutobi heard all this he decided to intervene, as he could see how hurt Minato was by Naruto's response and wanted to have Naruto at least understand from Minato's point of view.

"Naruto I know you're angry over what happened to you, but you've to understand that…" spoke Sarutobi, but before he could finish Naruto spoke again.

"I understand everything perfectly Sarutobi" spat out Naruto shocking most people as Naruto had always called the Sandaime Jiji (Grandfather), since Naruto looked up to him in that way.

"You're just as guilty as he is!" said Naruto angrily, as he glared his former Grandfather figure, "You knew that I had a fortune that rightfully belong to me, yet you had me live like a beggar, having to scrimp and save any small amount of money that I could get, just to feed and clothed myself. You knew who my parents were yet you lied right to my face about knowing them, knowing full well how much, just knowing my parents names meant to me!"

At this the Sandaime lowered his head in shame, as he had hated lying to Naruto, but at the time he feared what would happen if Naruto true heritage was leaked out.

"I'm sorry Naruto, but I hid it because I feared that if I told you, you might accidently let it slip to other people and it would leak outside the village, where your father's enemies like Ryoku would come after you in revenge. I thought it best to wait till you're ready to know the truth", said the Sandaime.

"And when was that? When I was beaten and lay dying after one of the village's attacks or when I figured it out myself, the fact that when I learned about the Kyubi and I knew to keep it secret, should've proven that I could keep the news, that I was the Yondaime son a secret as well. At the very least you could've told me about my mother, as you gave me her last name and it wouldn't have put me in danger of Namikaze enemies", replied Naruto furiously, where all the Sandaime could do was lower his head in shame knowing that Naruto was right.

For the next few minutes there was silence between the two sides, where the only the sounds, were the explosions and fighting around the village and the howling wind and the cracking thunder of the storm that was still raging, due to Naruto's anger towards his father and the Sandaime.

"It seems that our village has done a great injustice to this boy, brother" spoke the Nidaime Hokage suddenly.

"Indeed, this is not the village I envisioned and had created, Konoha has truly fallen in a way I did not think possible" spoke the Shodaime in disappoint, at hearing what Konoha's people had done to Naruto.

Naturally when Tsunade heard this, she could not help but feel ashamed at how she failed her Grandfather and Great Uncle, and for not trying harder to keep Konoha the way that her Grandfather had wanted it to be. Even the Sandaime, lowered his head in shame, as he knew he played a large part in the way that Konoha had now become, and blamed himself for allowing those like Danzo and others to operate behind his back and for not trying harder to make Naruto's life better.

As all this was going on, Orochimaru was watching it, as if this was as delightful play being unfolded, full and drama, anguish and confrontation. He himself had been surprised at the way Naruto felt towards his father and the Sandaime, but greatly enjoyed at how much pain it caused them along with those watching, but still he knew that playtime was over now and it was time to get serious and end Naruto here and now.

"As much as I'm enjoying this little show, it's time we get back to the matter at hand", spoke Orochimaru suddenly.

"For once, I agree with Snake-teme over there, as I said my piece and it's time to finish this!" spoke Naruto seriously, where he then drew out Raijin and the Sword of Tengu, shocking the four former Hokages, especially the Nidaime.

"The Sword of the Tengu, it seems you are indeed worthy of being called The Raikage of Kumo" spoke the Nidaime, "Also it seems that you've manipulated the Raijin to take on a new shape, impressive".

Naruto was of course not surprised that the Nidaime recognised Tengu, as it was the sword that killed him long ago, he also said nothing to the Nidaime's praise, but did nod in acknowledgment to it.

After which though, Orochimaru quickly placed his improved control seals into the four Hokages, where they could still think and speak, but still had to follow Orochimaru's orders and still had no freewill.

-With the Observing group-

When she saw this, Tsunade quickly turned to Zhuge Liang and the others "Aren't any of you going down there to help him? Aren't you his bodyguards? Aren't you going to protect him?"

"No, we're not" replied Zhuge Liang simply, as he stared down at Naruto and his new opponents.

"Why the hell not?" cried Tsunade is disbelief.

"It's because we were ordered not to by The Raikage" replied Okatsu.

"Why on earth would Naruto order you not to help him?" asked Sakura, as it made no sense to her.

"It's because he wants to fight the Hokages on his own" answered Yugito with a slight frown, as she stared down at Naruto.

"He wanted this? B-But why?" asked a Yamato in surprise, as he couldn't see why Naruto would want to fight all four Hokages by himself, sure maybe the Sandaime and the Yondaime considering how he feels towards them, but not the Nidaime and the Shodaime.

"It's because it's his dream" answered Zhuge Liang, where after seeing the confuse looks on most of the peoples faces he continued with his explanation. "You see when Naruto was banished from Konoha, his dream of being Hokage died that day, but in away it still lingered. Where he accomplished that dream in another way, by becoming The Rokudaime Raikage of New Kumo, but even still it was only in one part".

"What do you mean I don't get it, sure I get the part that Naruto wanted to be Hokage, but like you said he still sort of achieved it by becoming Raikage, which he stated was better than being Hokage", spoke Kiba as he didn't understand what Zhuge Liang meant.

"What I mean is that Naruto's dream was not only to become Hokage, but also to surpass all the pervious Hokages, and to be the strongest of them all", answered Zhuge Liang.

"But he already did that, he defeated, the Tsuchikage, the Mizukage and the other leaders of the coalition, not to mention all the other stuff he did at Wave and during your Civil War. None of the other Hokages could do the things he did, not even the Yondaime", said Ino.

"Maybe so, but to Naruto that isn't enough, he wants to fight all the pervious Hokages by himself and defeated them, thereby proving to himself, that he has surpassed all the Hokages. As this is the closest he will ever truly get to truly achieving his dream, at surpassing the Hokages", answered Zhuge Liang.

"You mean Naruto knew he would be fighting the Hokages" spoke Neji in surprise.


"But how?" asked Neji in confusion.

"The Raikage, could've ended this battle long ago, but did not because he wanted to back Orochimaru into a corner and force him to revive the Hokages. As he knew that once Orochimaru was cornered he would use the Edo Tensei (Impure World Resurrection) to bring back the four Hokages in the hope of defeating Naruto. The Raikage easily could've destroyed all four coffins when they were being summoned as well, but did not, since as I said, he wanted the four Hokages revived so to fight them".

"But that's insane!" cried Jiraiya, "As with the Edo Tensei, the Hokages bodies regenerate instantly and don't feel any pain or get tired, they're impossible to kill by normal means. Sarutobi-sensei had to use Shiki Fūjin (Dead Demon Consuming Seal) to remove their souls to kill them and doing that killed him, there's no way that Naruto can win in a battle like that!"

"Maybe so, but that was The Raikage's choice, and we'll obey his orders and will not interfere or let anyone else interfere with his battle, unless he is about to be killed", spoke Fu.

"But you ca-" spoke Jiraiya, but before he could finish, Yugito interrupted him.

"Don't you think this is hard on us as well? Don't you think all of us here, want nothing more than to go down there and help him?" rounded Yugito angrily, where the others could clearly see her hand shaking in a tight fist, due to the frustration of not being able to help her husband. The Konoha and Suna group could also see similar looks and signs of frustration on the other members of the New Kumo group, showing clearly that they all felt the same way, and wanted to go down and help their Kage.

"You all say that you care about Naruto and that he is your friend…then start acting like his friends and stop doubting him and believe that he can win, like we do!" said Yugito, after which she then went back to watching Naruto, as he faced his enemies.

At this most Konoha group closed their eyes in shame, as they knew that Yugito was right, as for most part of this battle they had doubted Naruto, when they should've been believed in him.

"As troublesome as it is to say this, but it's kind of selfish of Naruto to ask all of you to stay out of this and just watch, as well as to manipulate Orochimaru to summon the four Hokages for him, just so that he can prove his strength and power to himself", spoke Shikamaru.

"Perhaps, But we owe him that much, after everything he's done for us" answered Yugito, with a slight frown, as she still didn't like this.

"Come on Brat, and do what you do best… beat the odds!" thought Tsunade.

"Don't you dare lose kid!" thought Jiraiya.

"Come on Nii-san I know you can win!" thought Konohamaru.

"I believe in you Naruto-kun" thought Hinata.

- With Naruto (Enter Naruto Shippuuden OST Emergence Of Talents/Hyakkaryouran Extended) -

For a moment or two Naruto, the four revived Hokages along with Orochimaru and Kabuto stared at one another without even moving, but quickly the moment ended and Naruto twirled his swords in his hand and fell into a dual sword stance. Where he had Raijin in his left hand, which was stretched out and pointed it at his opponents, while Tengu was in his right hand and held over his head, and pointed at his opponents as well.

The Shodaime quickly used his Mokuton powers to create a long wooden bō and quickly gave it to the Sandaime, who in turn, quickly twirled it around in his hands and fell into a bōjutsu stance.

Next the Nidaime quickly used the Suiton: Mizu no Ken Jutsu (Water Style: Water Sword Technique) to create a Water sword, where he then fell into a sword stance.

After that Kabuto activated his Chakura no Mesu (Chakra Scalpel) and then fell into a fighting stance.

Orochimaru quickly called back Kusanagi no Tsurugi (Sword of Kusanagi), which flew directly into his hand, where he then fell into his own sword stance.

The Yondaime, quickly took out a pair of his own special Space-Time Kunai's and then fell into a loose fighting stance, with his Kunai's in reverse knife grips.

Finally the Shodaime fell into a Taijutsu fighting stance, where for another moment or so, the two sides stared at one another not moving, but after a few seconds of staring at each other the two sides rushed forward at one another and began their battle.

- With the Observing group -

For the next few minutes the Tsunade and the others watched as Naruto fought against Orochimaru, Kabuto and the four revived Hokages.

Despite the odds he was up against, Naruto was more than able to hold his own, where the fight was about even, where Orochimaru and the others tried to overwhelm Naruto by attacking him from different directions all at once. But each time Naruto was able to hold them off and push them back, with little harm to himself.

"The brat is holding his own well, right now, but I still don't like that we're sitting back here watching it" said Jiraiya with annoyance as he never liked being stuck on the sidelines in a battle.

"No kiddin, Yoh" spoke Killer Bee as he didn't like it much either, but he knew when to obey orders, even if he didn't like them.

"Although I too share such feelings, we still should be grateful and in a way honoured to be watching this", spoke Zhuge Liang, who wasn't taking his eyes of the battle before him as he spoke.

At this nearly everyone turned to Zhuge Liang like he was crazy or something, "What do you mean we should consider ourselves honoured?" asked Kankuro.

"What I mean is that we should be honoured that we to be able to witness an event like this", replied Zhuge Liang, where when he saw the confused looks on most people faces he continued. "You see we're witnessing history in the making, which is something that few people are allowed to see with their own eyes in their lifetimes, where future generations from now, will only be able to learn of this from books, scrolls and stories from their parents. As this battle will decide the fate of the Elemental Continent, where if Naruto win's he will not only assert himself as the strongest Kage in the Shinobi World. But will also solidify the Heavenly Alliance power throughout the Continent, where it'll be acknowledge as the major power by all nations, where the unification of the Elemental Continent will be only a matter of time. But should Orochimaru win and kill Naruto, then the Heavenly Alliance will be dealt a severe blow, which would very likely encourage other Shinobi villages to join him and escalate this war even further beyond any of the pervious Great Shinobi World Wars, where many more lives would be lost".

At this many of the others were surprised, as they could not believe that this one battle could decided so much for so many people, after which everyone started to pay even closer attention to Naruto's battle.

-With Naruto-

As Naruto fought his opponents, (who had surrounded him), he stabbed Raijin into the ground and sent a powerful burst of Lightning Chakra into the ground causing a massive explosion around him that blasted Orochimaru, Kabuto and the revived Hokage's away from him.

Quickly Naruto then used his Raipō (Lightning step) to disappear in a blue flash and then reappear in front of Kabuto as he flew in midair, and was too surprised by Naruto's sudden appearance to try and avoid or block Naruto's on-coming attack. Upon appearing in front of Kabuto, Naruto then kneed him in the gut and then sent him flying into a nearby wall, causing a large dent in it.

Naruto quickly then disappeared and reappeared behind Orochimaru, who was on his knees and had just stopped skidding on the ground and was regaining his footing, where he then caught a glimmer of light from the corner of his eye. When he turned his head around slightly, Orochimaru saw Naruto about to chop of his head from behind with Tengu. But before Naruto could complete his swing a powerful Water justu from the Nidaime was fired from his right hand side, forcing Naruto to Shunshin (Body Flicker) away.

As soon as Naruto reappeared in his new location, the Yondaime appeared right in front of him and punched him right in the face, fortunately though, despite being punched, Naruto was able to keep his senses. Where after being hit, Naruto dropped both his swords and then grabbed his father's wrist and twisted it, and the flipped sideways, and preformed a jumping scissors lock, with the Yondaime's head between his head. After which Naruto the flipped him forward and sent him fly several feet away, where before the Yondaime could even hit the ground Naruto appeared above him in midair, and smashed his elbow (that was Lightning enhance) right into the Yondiame's stomach, and slamming him into the ground causing a massive dent.

Naruto then quickly called Tengu to him (same way that Orochimaru calls Kusanagi no Tsurugi), where he then prepared to sever the revived Yondaime's head. But before he could several wooden spikes from the Shodaime were fired at Naruto from behind, but just as they hit him, "Naruto" turned into a large piece of rubble revealing that he had used a Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Replacement Technique) to avoid the wooden spikes.

Naruto then reappeared to where he had dropped Raijin, where he then picked it up and quickly twirled around, as he sensed the Nidaime Hokage coming up behind him, to try and slash his back with his Mizu no Ken. When Naruto twirled around to face the Nidaime he quickly raised the Raijin and blocked the Water sword, after which Naruto then charged Tengu up and cut the Nidaime from his lower body.

But after cutting the Nidaime into two, Naruto was then kicked from behind, sending him flying forward, fortunately though he did a midair forward flip, so that he was now facing his attacker. Who Naruto quickly learned was the now revived and younger Sandaime Hokage, who then did a double-foot kick at Naruto. Who quickly charged Chakra to his feat to help stand his ground and blocked the foot kick with his arm and pushed the Sandaime back, where he the flipped back onto his feat and charged at Naruto.

The Sandaime skilfully dodged Naruto's swords slashes, where he then jumped into the air slightly and hit Naruto to the side of the head with his bō staff, sending Naruto sideways. But as Naruto was being sent sideways, he was able to kick the Sandaime in the side, sending the Sandaime sideways as well.

After which Naruto then got back on his feet, where he spat out some blood from his mouth, which he had got when Sarutobi hit him in the side.

"So this is how the old man was when he was in his prime, I hate to admit it, but Sarutobi has got some good moves", thought Naruto as he stared at the Sandaime, who then charged at him again.

Sarutobi quickly tried a side hit with his staff, but Naruto quickly ducked under it, where he then stabbed Tengu onto Sarutobi's right foot stopping him from moving, after which he then had Tengu send Lightning into Sarutobi's body electrifying him. Nartuo then quickly charged up his leg with Lightning Chakra to enhance his strength, where he then delivered a powerful kick to Hiruzen, sending him flying sideways, and ripping off his leg, which turned to ash when separated from his body.

After dealing with the Sandaime, Naruto then took Tengu out of the ground, but as soon as he did, several long sharp pointed wood spikes sprung from the ground and tried to impale Naruto.

Naruto although was able to avoid the attack by using his Raipō, seeing this the Shodaime began to look around for Naruto, but couldn't see him until he heard Naruto cry out "Hemeiraiko (Lightning scream)!". After hearing this, the Shodaime quickly looked up to see Naruto floating up in the air and trusting Tengu forward where a massive blast of Lightning erupted from Tengu along with an ear splitting screech. The attack quickly sped towards the Shodaime at incredible speed, giving him no chance of escape. When the blast ended there was a another large crater, with the Shodaime in it, with most of his body vaporised leaving only his right arm, torso and head, which were badly burned.

But upon after hitting the Shodaime with his attack, several snakes rapped themselves around Naruto's arms and neck, when Naruto looked down below, he saw Orochimaru looking up at him smirking, before he pulled Naruto down to the ground hard.

Once Naruto hit the ground, Kabuto quickly appeared and tried to it sever his arteries from around his heart and kill him. Quickly though Naruto activated his Raiton no Yoroi (Lightning Release Armour) to block Kabuto's attack, shocking him and forcing him back several feet. After which, Naruto quickly sent his Lightning Chakra into the snakes shocking both them and Orochimaru, forcing them to let go.

Once Orochimaru had let him go, Naruto quickly got back on his feet, although once he did, Naruto found himself surrounded again by Orochimaru, Kabuto and the four Hokage's, who's bodies had regenerated, after which they all attacked.

Seeing that they're all attacking at once from all sides Naruto quickly started to spin around clockwise at high speeds with his swords, while at the same time releasing a large amount of Lightning Chakra, while crying out "Raisenpū (Lightning Twister)! (A)". After which a massive twister made out of Lightning formed around Naruto and blasted Orochimaru and the others back, when they came into contact with it.

- With The Observing Group (End Naruto Shippuuden OST Emergence Of Talents/Hyakkaryouran Extended) -

"It seems that Naru…I mean The Raikage is holding his own well it the fight", spoke Kurenai

"Indeed, although Naruto seems to be taking a lot more hits, than he did when he was fighting earlier against the Tsuckikage and the others, he seems slower than he was earlier" commented Kakashi.

"That is because he is slower than he was earlier", spoke Mitsuhide gaining people attention.

"What do you mean?" asked Temari.

"As Great as Naruto's power is, he is still only human …meaning he has limits just like any other person. For as you saw, he singlehandedly took on all five leaders of the Coalition that is against you and completely overwhelmed them with his power. He also used Daichiretsuzan (Great Earth Cutting Slash), Futsunushi (Japanese Deity of Swords and Lightning), Saiko Rasengan (Supreme Spiralling Ball), Raikiri (Lightning Cutter) and Fūton: Rasenshuriken (Wind Style: Spiralling-Shuriken), all of which are S ranked jutsu's, and he used them all today and even use both Raikiri and Fūton: Rasenshuriken twice. Not to mention he created this storm, and used multiple other high level jutsu's in the battle, and no matter how strong a person is, using that many high level jutsu along with everything else he did today would take a toll on anyone. Most other Shinobi's would've collapsed from Chakra exhaustion and be unconscious or dead from Chakra exhaustion by now. So it's only natural that Naruto is beginning to get tried, after fighting for so long and so hard, as even Shinobi's of Tsunade-san and Jiraiya-san would've reached their limits long by now, and be completely drained and unable to fight".

At this both Jiraiya and Tsuande nodded their heads in agreement, as even if they were in their prime, they wouldn't have done as near as well as Naruto had, nor could they still be able to fight by this point had they been fighting in Naruto's shoes.

"So are you guys going to help him now?" asked Konohamaru, as he was worried that Naruto might be killed if he was getting tried.

"No!" replied Yugito.

"Why not!" asked Konohamaru, "You said it yourself, he's getting tired, and that means he's vulnerable and could be killed!"

"We're not interfering because Naruto isn't finished yet" answered Saiyuri, where she continued when she saw the other looking at her. "Even though Naruto is tried he still has plenty of fight in him left, as well as plenty of tricks up his sleeves. Also Naruto isn't easily killed because if you remember, he posses' the Shinjou Koukai (Body Renewal), which allows the holder to survive any otherwise normally fatal damage and instantly heal from the damage. So don't count Naruto out just yet", said Saiyuri with a smile, as she still had fate that Naruto would win.

At hearing this the others nodded in understanding and then all turned to continue watching the battle, as Orochimaru and the revived Hokage and Kabuto regrouped to face Naruto again.

-With Naruto-

"You've become quite strong Naruto", spoke the Sandaime with a small smile of pride.

"Huh! You haven't seen anything yet Sarutobi" replied Naruto with his own smirk as he then stuck Raijin and Tengu to the ground, and then started to gather a large amount of Lighting Chakra between his hands and then rose them up into the air, where he fired the Lightning into the storm clouds above him. Where after a few seconds, a large thundering sound echoed through the sky and Lightning Flash's could be seen in the thunder clouds, where Naruto then did a single dragon seal and cried out "Raiton: Tenbatsu (Lightning Style: Divine Wrath)!(B)". After which several dozen bolts of Lightning fired down from the thunder clouds, as if the heavens were striking down at Orochimaru and the others.

The Lightning bolts rained down all around Naruto and at Orochimaru and the Hokage's, with such shocking speed that it barely gave Orochimaru and the others any chance of avoiding them, where most of them could not.

The four Hokages's tried to avoid the Lightning Bolts but where all hit, where their bodies were burnt to a crisp. Orochimaru only avoid the attacks, where he used his shedding skin technique at the last second to escape being hit. Kabuto manage by only the shear stroke of good luck, where he used the Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu (Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique), to sink into the ground and go underground to avoid being hit. Although when the Lightning bolts hit the ground, they caused several large explosions around Naruto and created small craters in the spots they hit.

Quickly enough though the four Hokages regenerated back to their original forms, where Orochimaru and Kabuto quickly joined them.

"It seems that you mastered you mother's Bloodline well, Naruto" spoke the Yondaime, as if pleased with his son's skill in using a jutsu created by the Uzumaki Clan, back when they wielded the Ranbure-ka.

"Oh I've only just begun to show you want I can do with it", replied Naruto with a sinister looking smirk, as he then grabbed hold of Tengu and Raijin and prepared to continue the fight.

-With the Observing group-

"Wait! The Uzumaki Clan were the Stormcallers Clan? That's impossible" stated Tsunade in surprise of hearing this. "My Grandmother's Clan specialised in sealing, they had no bloodline".

"You of all people Tsunade-sama should understand that one should not judge one by appearance alone, especially in the world of Shinobi's. For although The Uzumaki Clan were unrivalled masters in the art of sealing, it did not mean that they had always specialized solely on the art of sealing, also it did not mean that they didn't have hidden secret that they hid even from their trusted allies such as your Clan", spoke Zhuge Liang.

"But still …if the Uzumaki Clan possessed the Ranbure-ka, and were really the legendary Stormcallers Clan, how did they lose their bloodline?" asked Tsunade.

"That is a question that Naruto should answer" replied Zhuge Liang, simply, which caused Tsuande to frown, when she heard this as she wanted answers, but knew she wouldn't get any out of Zhuge Liang and decided to simply continue watching the battle.

-With Naruto-

Naruto quickly jumped into the air to avoid a leg sweep from Sarutobi, but as he did Minato suddenly appeared in front of Naruto in a yellow flash and kicked Naruto in the gut sending him into the ground hard.

After Naruto hit the ground, he quickly realised that his father had marked him by placing a shiki (rite) on him, when he had hit him earlier and was using his Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Technique) to teleport himself to Naruto. Minato then suddenly appeared again in front of him and went to hit him again, but before he could hit him Naruto disappeared in a blue flash, by using his Raipō. Before Minato could fully realise that Naruto was gone, Naruto reappeared behind his father in midair and did a mid air spin kick, which sent the Yondaime fly several feet away.

The Yondiame quickly skidded on the ground a few meters before he stopped, after which he then stood back up, as if nothing had happened.

"It seems that you've created your own special speed technique as well Naruto, and it can rival my own" commented The Yondaime with a hint of pride in his voice.

Before Naruto could even reply to his father's comment, Naruto suddenly heard the Shodaime voice cry out, "Mokuton Hijutsu: Jukai Kōtan (Wood Release Secret Technique: Nativity of a World of Trees)!" Upon which a large dense forest of trees grew from the ground underneath Naruto, and the rest of the large flat battlefield, covering the left hand side of it and stopping at the Water filled crater that Naruto had fought the Mizukage in earlier. When the Technique ended, Naruto found himself standing on the large branch of a large tree.

"Crap this makes things more difficult, with this forest they can sneak up on me, or use the trees as cover when I fight them", thought Naruto as he searched around for them in the densely thick forest.

As Naruto looked around for them, he was suddenly hit from behind and sent crashing into a large tree. After which he was then hit by a powerful Water jutsu that sent him through said tree, after which as he was sent flying through the air, where he was then hit by Sarutobi, who appeared above him and sent him crashing to the ground hard, causing a large dent in the ground, and making Naruto drop his swords.

As Naruto lay on the ground unmoving, the Yondaime, the Sandaime and the Nidaime appeared on the branches of the surrounding trees around the seemly unconscious young Raikage, and stared silently at him.

Quickly enough though, Orochimaru, Kabuto and the Shodaime appeared on the ground near Naruto, who still remained unmoving with his face to the ground and his eyes closed.

"KuKuKuKuKu…You put up an impressive fight Naruto-kun, but it seems that the combined power of all four of the pervious Hokage's was too much for you to handle in your current state. Had you not tried yourself out with battling myself and my former allies earlier you might have stood a better chance. But now it seems that this is the end for you", spoke Orochimaru with a smile at his victory over Naruto, where he then raised Kusanagi no Tsurugi and was about to deliver the final blow.

But just as he was about to, Naruto suddenly opened his eyes and smiled, where he then placed the palm of his right hand on the ground, and converted his Chakra into Lightning and sent a powerful bolt of electricity into the ground. The Lightning cut through the ground in the direction of Orochimaru, causing the ground to be uplifted and be destroyed.

Orochimaru, Kabuto and the Shodaime quickly jumped up into the air, when the ground began to be uplifted by Naruto's Lightning. As they were midair, Naruto quickly grabbed Tengu and then used Raipō to disappear and reappear in front of Orochimaru and stabbed him in the shoulder and pinned him in a large nearby tree behind him. Naruto then had Tengu run electricity into Orochimaru's body making it go numb, where the electrical current caused Orochimaru's muscles to go stiff, making it impossible for him to move.

"Blast! He allowed himself to be hit so to lure me close to him", thought Orochimaru as he realised what Naruto had done.

With Orochimaru immobilised, Naruto quickly charged his fist with Lightning and was about to smash Orochimaru's head to pieces, but before he could a yellow flash appeared to Naruto right, where a fist then hit him and sent him crashing behind several trees. After which the Yondaime, along with the Sandaime and the Nidaime jumped after Naruto to where he was sent to, when the Yondaime hit him.

When the three of the four Hokage's left, Kabuto quickly appeared next to his master, who still couldn't move thanks to Tengu still running Lightning through him, making his body unable to move.

Kabuto quickly grabbed the handle of Tengu, so to free his master, but as soon as he did, more electricity ran through his body forcing Kabuto to let go of Tengu.

"I cannot take off the sword Orochiamru-sama!" spoke Kabuto as used his In'yu Shōmetsu (Secret Healing Wound Destruction) to heal his burnt hands.

"Then have the Shodaime do it!" hissed Orochimaru out angrily, as the electricity ran painfully through his body.

Quickly Kabuto called the Shodaime forward and had him take Tengu off Orochimaru. When the Shodaime grabbed hold of Tengu, the sword quickly sent Lightning through his arm and body. But since the Shodaime didn't feel any pain, the Lightning didn't even cause him to flinch, after which he then took Tengu off Orochimaru and threw the sword away, where the large burns that were on his hand because of Tengu's Lightning, began to regenerate and heal.

As soon as Tengu had been taken out of Orochimaru, there was a sudden explosion that caused all three men to quickly turn to where Naruto had been sent by the Yondaime when he hit him, and where the Yondaime along with the Sandaime and the Nidaime followed after him.

When they looked they saw the Yondaime, the Sandaime and the Nidaime flying through the air right pass them and hitting and knocking down several trees a bit away, the three former Hokages, were all badly burned and cut up due to being hit by some kind of powerful Wind and Lightning Techniques.

As soon as the three Hokages have been sent flying, Naruto then appeared, where he took off his now ruined trench coat, (that was now torn up and covered up in dirt and blood), and threw it away. After which he then picked up the Raijin and activated it and charged straight at Orochiamru, who was still recovering from having Tengu stabbed into him.

But before Naruto could reach Orochimaru, the Shodaime intercepted him by attacking him to the side and kicking him.

While Naruto was distracted, Orochimaru made a temporary withdraw until the effects of Tengu's Lightning wore off.

As Naruto and the Shodaime fought one another, the Shodaime tried to impale Naruto where created several wooden roots from the ground. Unfortunately though, Naruto was able to replace himself with a Shadow Clone before the roots could impale him.

Naruto quickly then appeared behind the Shodaime and slashed at him with Raijin, unfortunately though, the Shodaime was able to avoid being slashed for the most part by spinning out of the way of the slash. Although Naruto was still able to sever his left arm, but that did not count for too much as the arm quickly regenerated within a few seconds or so.

As Naruto and the Shodaime faced off against one another again, they were quickly joined by the three other Hokages and Kabuto, who surrounded Naruto, where Naruto prepared to face multiple opponents again.

As Naruto prepared for the coming attack, The Nidaime quickly did a tiger seal and then cried out "Kokuangyo no Jutsu (Bringer-of-Darkness Technique)!" After which the surrounding area became pitch black, leaving Naruto unable to see or defend himself.

For the next few minutes Naruto was at a serious disadvantage, with the fact that he could not see who was attacking him. On more than one occasion he had his throat nearly slit or was stabbed through the chest or the back and was force on the defensive throughout the fight.

"Shit I can't fight like this I need to do something now or I'm a goner!" thought Naruto has he defended a oncoming punch from his right, which he sensed coming thanks the many years he had spent in battle.

Knowing he had only one shot at this Naruto, quickly charged up a massive surge of Chakra into his hand that formed into Lightning in his hand, after which Naruto then slammed his hand into the ground crying out "Raibaku (Thunder Bomb)!(C)". After which a massive bright light enveloped the darkness, as well as a massive explosion of Lightning erupted around Naruto, blasting the four Hokages away, as well as severely burning their bodies.

When the attacked ended, everything within hundred feet radius of Naruto was completely vaporized leaving no trace. With the Nidaime Temporarily out of commission, the Kokuangyo ended and the darkness faded, allowing Naruto to see.

After the attack Naruto was panting slightly, as the attack took a lot of Chakra, not to mention he was starting to feel the effects of his pervious battle with Orochimaru and his allies.

As Naruto regained himself, his Shinobi sense's suddenly kicked in telling him to move, trusting his sense's Naruto quickly did so, which was lucky. For the moment he flipped backwards, Kabuto appeared out of the ground to strike Naruto from behind with a Kunai.

As Naruto was in midair doing a backwards flip he stuck a seal note with a paralyzing seal on it, onto the back of Kabuto's neck, paralyzing him.

When Naruto was back on his feet, he then walked around in front of the paralyzed Kabuto with a large smirk on his face.

"Well Kabuto, it seems that I've you at my mercy, but lucky for you I need you alive, as you have some valuable information that I want, so I won't kill you. But just because I need you alive doesn't mean I won't put you in a world of hurt for everything you've done", spoke Naruto. After which he then did a side spin kick, (which was enhance by his Lightning Chakra) to the right side of Kabuto's head and sent him flying and skipped across the ground for several feet until he crash into the wall of a ruined house and went right through it.

Satisfied that Kabuto was dealt with, Naruto then called forth Tengu, which sprung out of the ground, as it had been covered by the dirt when Naruto used his Raibaku, but wasn't destroyed due to the fact that it would take a lot more to destroy one of the three celestial swords. The sword quickly flew into Naruto's hands, after which he then placed the Raijin back on his utility belt and Tengu back in its sheath on his back. The reason being that Tengu was almost completely out of power, thanks to fighting for so long and after using Futsunushi, while as for Raijin, he didn't need it right now.

Once the two swords were back in their original places, he then disappeared using a Rai-Shunshin (Lightning Body Flicker) and went off to find Orochimaru and the four Hokages and finish his battle with them.

Currently the revived Yondaime Hokage was regenerating himself from the injuries he had suffered from Naruto's last attack.

Just as he had finished regenerating he was suddenly sent flying backwards by a powerful punch from his son Naruto, who had just appeared in front of him. Before the Yondaime could even recover from the surprised attack by his son, Naruto appeared again underneath him and the kicked him upward, where the speed and the velocity of which Minato was travelling upwards, kept Minato from being able to move. After a few seconds of flying upwards, Naruto quickly appeared again above the Yondaime, with his Raiton no Yoroi activated, doing a downwards kick and hitting the Yondaime, while crying out "Girochin Doroppu (Righteous Lightning Sinking Anger Lightning Axe)!"

After being hit by Naruto's attack, the Yondaime flew down to the ground like a meteor, crashing right through the roof of a tall building. Where Naruto floated up in the air and then followed up by gathering a large amount of static electricity, from the electrified air of the storm, and gathered it between his hands, holding them above his head and forming the Lightning into a large ball. Once he had gathered enough static electricity between his hands Naruto then threw the large ball of Lightning down towards the building that he sent his father to and cried out "Here's a present from me to you father enjoy!… Kaminari Hibiki(Lightning Crash)!"

After that, the ball of Lightning flew down towards the Yondaime and exploded with devastating results, where a large dome of light and a large mushroom shape cloud could be seen all around.

-With The Observing Group-

"Damn yoh! The Boss ain't pulling no punches, that for sure" commented Killer Bee.

"No kidding, but not surprising as Naruto has some serious issues to workout when it comes to the Yondaime Hokage" spoke Yugito with a frown.

"What do you think Naruto is going to do now? As even if he destroyed the Yondaime he has to take out the other Hokages" spoke Sakura.

"Just wait and watch and you will see soon enough" spoke Fu.

-With Naruto-

After the attack Naruto floated back down onto the ground, all the while watching silently as the dust began to settle, where as it did a figure stood up. When the dust finally cleared he saw Yondaime, or a figure that seemed to be the Yondaime, as when the smoke cleared the Yondaime looked like nothing more than a burnt corpse that was standing up. Although that quickly changed as his quickly body regenerated back to his pervious state.

"Tch, I didn't think it would be that easy to get rid of you, but still that regenerating ability of yours is starting to annoy me" commented Naruto with a frown, which was iconic considering he had a similar ability.

Quickly after the Yondaime had regenerated himself, he was joined by Orochimaru and the other three Hokages, who prepared to reengage Naruto.

Seeing this, Naruto quickly took out Raijin and the Tengu again to face the Hokages, when Naruto unsheathed Tengu from his back again, Tengu started to spark out Lightning again although not as much as before.

"I know that your tired buddy, but I need you to tough it out just a little bit longer, ok!" spoke Naruto, after which Tengu let out another burst of Lightning, making the Lightning around it that much stronger. At this Naruto smiled "I knew I could count on you, now let's kick some ass!" spoke Naruto, where he then charged head on at his opponents.

For the next few minutes, Naruto fought the five Kage level Shinobi's by himself, and although he was greatly outnumbered, and taking many hits, as well as becoming more tired, he was still able to hold his own and keep them a bay.

As Naruto fought them, the Sandaime charged forward at him with his wooden bō raised and swung downward at him, Naruto fortunately blocked the hit by raising both his swords above his head in a X like shape. After which he then closed in his swords like a pair of scissors and cut the bō in pieces.

Upon which, Naruto then raised his leg up and kicked the Sandaime in the stomach and away from him.

After kicking the Sandaime away, Naruto immediately did a back flip to avoid and striking stab from behind by Orochimaru with Kusanagi no Tsurugi, where as he flipped over him, he kicked Orochimaru from the back of his head, making the Snake Sannin fall forward.

When Naruto landed back on his feet on the ground Naruto then quickly raised both his swords again blocking two separate strikes from his left and right by the Yondaime and the Shodaime with their Kunai's.

Unfortunately though, Naruto was too busy with holding off the Yondaime and the Shodaime that he couldn't blocked the Nidaime, who appeared in front of him and kicked him in the chest, sending Naruto flying backwards. Where upon being kicked by the Nidaime, Naruto dropped the Raijin, which the Nidaime quickly picked up and activated, where it took its original form.

After being kicked away by the Nidaime, Naruto quickly regained himself by flipping backwards again back onto his feet, where as he did he then looked up to see the Nidaime holding out the Raijin and pointing it at him.

"I believe this sword belongs to me" spoke the Nidaime, as he held up the Raijin.

"So it does" replied Naruto, as he then took out his Wind sword handle and activated it, where he fell into another dual sword stance, after which the three former Hokages charged at Naruto.

The Yondaime quickly disappeared in an instant and reappeared behind Naruto and tried to stab Naruto from behind, luckily though Naruto anticipated this and replaced himself with a large stone. Where as soon as the Yondaime saw what Naruto had done, Naruto sent a crescent Wind blade attack flying at his father from behind that travelled at astounding speed.

Unfortunately the Yondaime wasn't known as the yellow flash for nothing, as he quickly disappeared right before the crescent Wind blade could hit him, and reappeared right in front of Naruto and tried to stab him again with his space-time Kunai. Lucky though Naruto was able to move just enough from being stabbed in the heart, but was still stabbed in the side.

But even after being stabbed, Naruto did not look the least bit worried, instead he actually smiled a bit, once he got over the pain of being stabbed. Where he then quickly trapped Minato's arm between his side and left arm, keeping Minato from moving, after which he then slashed his father across the chest with Tengu that was in his right hand. Naruto then quickly let go of the Yondaime and then cut the Yondaime head off with his Wind sword that was in his left hand.

Just before the Yondaime's head was cut off he had quickly realised that Naruto had let him stab him, but moved enough that the stab wouldn't be fatal, as it was the best way to keep him (Minato) in one place and allow Naruto to get close enough to hit him. Realising this Minato had to admire Naruto cleverness and quick thinking on the battlefield, he also couldn't help but notice that risky moves like that, were exactly the types of moves that his mother Kushina would do. Since Kushina was always a risk taker in a fight, showing that Naruto had inherited a bit of his mother personality and fighting style.

As soon as Naruto had dealt with his father, he was suddenly struck from the side by the Shodaime Hokage, who appeared on his left hand side, after he had dealt with his father and before he could finish him off.

After being hit Naruto flew sideways, where the Nidaime suddenly appeared with the Raijin in his hand and slashed his sword at Naruto's head, in an attempt to sever Naruto's head from his body. But as he did the Raijin went right through Naruto, revealing that Naruto had used Zanzō (Afterimage) to avoid being hit, without tipping off the Nidaime.

"Zanzō!" thought the Nidaime is surprise, as he recognised the ancient Technique, before he was then hit from behind by Naruto, who appeared behind the Nidaime using Raipō and kicked him into the remains of one of the Shodaime's trees.

As soon as Naruto had kicked away the Nidaime, he suddenly heard the Sandaime voice cry out "Katon: Karyūdan (Fire Style: Fire Dragon Missile)!" after which several large molten mud balls flew towards Naruto at top speed.

Seeing them, Naruto quickly brought up his Wind sword and then swung his sword several times and cried out "Kamisori no Kaze (Razor Wind)! (E)" upon which several dozen concentrated blades of Wind flew at the molten mud balls and cut them to pieces, after which the Wind blades continued on towards Sarutobi and cut him to pieces. But when they did instead of fall into pieces Sarutobi instead puffed out of existence, revealing he had been a Kage Bunshin (Shadow Clone). As soon as Naruto discovered this, he suddenly heard Sarutobi's voice from above him shouting out "Naguru no Saru (Monkey Pummel)!(F)", where when he looked up he saw the Sandaime falling down towards him doing a midair flip and a falling axe kick down towards him.

Seeing this Naruto quickly raised his arm up and blocked the Sandaime's kick and pushed the former Hokage back, making the Sandaime do a back flip to land back onto his feet. After which, he took out a single shuriken from his side pouch and threw it at Naruto, upon which he then did five quick hand-seals and cried out "Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique)!" After which the Shurikens multiplied into several thousand Shurikens and flew towards Naruto, leaving little room for him to escape.

Naruto quickly brought up both his swords, and fell into a defensive stance, where he then deflected and blocked all the attacking Shurikens, with expert skill.

After Naruto had dealt with the Shurikens, the Sandaime quickly did a single hand-seal and then cried out "Doton: Doryūheki (Earth Release: Earth Style Wall)!" after which a massive wall of Earth sprung out of the ground underneath Naruto, causing him to be shot up into the air.

The Sandaime quickly followed by jumping after Naruto, and then kicking him down to the ground, causing Naruto to drop his swords. The Sandaime then fell down to Earth to finish Naruto off, but just before he could Naruto opened his eyes and charged his right fist for his Raiken, where he then ducked underneath the Sandaime punch and punched him right in the face, breaking the Sandaime's nose and rearranging his face a good bit and then sending him right through the Earth wall he created and flying at least a fifty feet away.

Once the Sandaime had been dealt with, Orochimaru appeared behind Naruto, where he did a few quick hand seals and cried out "Katon: Jakaen (Fire Style: Serpent Flame)! (G)" where a giant Snake made out of flames burst out of Orochimaru's mouth and headed straight for Naruto.

Seeing the Flame Snake heading for him, Naruto quickly tried to avoid it, but found he could not as Orochimaru was able to keep control of the Flame Snake and had it follow Naruto. When Naruto realised this, he quickly stopped and did a dozen or so hand-seals at record speed, where he then cried out "Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu (Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Technique)!"

Upon which a giant Dragon made out of Water sprung from the Water filled crater nearby and shot straight for the Fire Snake, intercepting it before it could hit Naruto, where it quickly extinguished the Fire Snake.

Once the Fire Snake was dealt with Orochimaru and the Shodaime both appeared on either side of Naruto and attacked him at the same time, giving him no chance of escape.

Seeing this, Naruto did three quick hand-seal and the cried out "Ranton: Raiunkōha (Storm Release: Thunder Cloud Inner Wave)" where a thick ring of thunderclouds and electricity formed around him. As the Shodaime and Orochimaru charged at Naruto, they hit the thunderclouds and were electrified and blasted back by the electricity. After which they were then forced back by the powerful blasts of Lightning.

It was at this point the Nidaime appeared above Naruto, and used the Raijin to block the Lightning bolts coming from the thunderclouds around Naruto, and then used the Raijin to cut through the cloud forcing Naruto to jump away.

The Nidaime then quickly took advantage of this and slashed at Naruto with the Raijin, although when he did "Naruto" turned into a gust of Wind revealing him to be a Futon: Kage Bunshin (Wind Style: Shadow Clone) (H). Where when he destroyed the Clone it reverted into its natural state and turned into a gust of Wind, which exploded and slashed up the Nidaime a bit and blew him several feet away. Although as he was blown back, Naruto then appeared and kicked the Nidaime from behind, sending him flying into the Water filled crater. Naruto then quickly called back Tengu, which flew quickly into Naruto's right hand, after which, he then Rai-Shunshin (Lightning Body flicker) to the Water filled crater.

Once Naruto appeared in the middle of the Water filled crater, he did a few quick one handed hand-seals and cried out "Suiton: Kaiten Mizu Dōmu (Water Style: Spinning Water Dome)! (I)".

After this a large amount of the Water in the crater sprung out from it and formed a large spinning dome around the entire crater. When Orochimaru saw this he ordered the other three remaining Hokages to break through the Water dome, so to attack Naruto. But when the revived Hokages made contact with the Water dome, they where cut to pieces by the spinning Water dome and blasted back by it. As the high velocity, that the Water dome spun in, made its cutting power as strong as any high level Wind Ninjutsu, as well as the small high speed Water blades, around the Water dome which were formed by it.

Seeing what happened to the revived Hokages, Orochimaru knew that he would not be able to break through the Spinning Water dome, so he decide to wait and see what happens, and hopefully watch the Nidaime Hokage kill Naruto once and for all.

-With the Observing Group-

"Smart move brat", commented Jiraiya, as he saw the large spinning Water dome that Naruto created, blast the three Hokages away and cut them up.

"What do you mean, Jiraiya-sama?" asked Ino, not getting it.

"Now that Naruto has that spinning Water dome up, he can fight the Nidaime Hokage one on one without interference from Orochimaru and the other Hokages" replied Jiraiya.

"But can Naruto-kun still win? As he is fighting the Nidaime Hokage on a terrain that favours him, not to mention that the Nidaime Hokage, can regenerate from any wound that Naruto-kun can give him within seconds. Also the Nidaime will not tire if the battle drags on, unlike Naruto-kun, who is already tiring, from his previous battles", spoke Hinata, as she was worried at what would happen to Naruto.

"I don't know, but his chance are a lot better now than they're a moment ago when he was fighting all of them together" answered Jiraiya, where the group then refocused their attention back on the battle, as the Nidaime now emerge from the Water.