
The Raikage (Hiato)

the Fan Fiction is not mine, I just brought it to the fanfiction.net website. After succeeding in retrieving Sasuke, Naruto was banished from Konoha due to the Council's fear of the Akatsuki coming after him and destroying Konoha. 10 years later after being banished Naruto becomes the new Raikage of Kumo and leads it to greatness.

JapaOuO · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 10 Battle for Konoha Part Two

With Tsunade, Jiraiya and Gaara-

"Rendan: Suna Shigure (Successive Shots: Sand Drizzle)!" spoke Gaara as he fired a grain of Sand bullets down at the Shiro.

Seeing this Shiro did two quick hand seals and cried out "Suiton: Mizu no Tatsumaki (Water Style: Tornado of Water) (I)" and created a spiralling tornado twice his size around him, where it protected him from Gaara's Suna Shigure deflected them away from him. After which Shiro then had the tornado launch forward and attack Gaara.

Seeing this Gaara quickly spoke out "Suna no Tama (Sphere of Sand)", where a shield of sand quickly surrounded Gaara protecting him from the Mizu no Tatsumaki.

Deciding to take advantage of Gaara being unable to see what was going on outside his Sand dome, Shiro did a single quick hand-seal and waved his arms in several horizontal slashes and cried out "Suiton: Mizu Suraisā (Water Style: Water Slicer)! (J)", firing a dozen or so high powered blades of Water at Gaara's sand dome.

The Blades of Water quick spread towards Gaara's dome at high speed and sliced right through Gaara's dome with frighten ease, where as soon as they cut through the dome it began to fall apart into loose sand. After which it revealed a wounded Gaara holding his chest, but before Shiro could even gloat in his victory "Gaara" suddenly collapsed and dissolved into Sand.

"Suna Bunshin no Jutsu (Sand Clone Technique)?" thought the Mizukage in slight surprise. After which he then heard Gaara voice speak out of no-where and say "Sabaku Kyū", where a large amount of sand suddenly appeared and covered his body and kept him from moving, where after that Gaara then appeared in front of him using a Suna-Shunshin (Sand Body Flicker).

With the Mizukage, caught Gaara then stretched out his arm and spoke out "Sabaku Sōsō", thereby closing his stretched out and causing the sand to implode and crush the Mizukage.

Although when it did Gaara noticed that something was wrong as he did not see any blood, instead his sand was wet from water.

It was then that Gaara sense's warned him of an impending attack, where before he could reaction properly, Shiro suddenly appeared behind him and quickly cried out Suiton: Mizu no ken (Water Style: Water Sword) (K), where a sword of made out of Water quickly appeared in his hand.

After which Shiro swung his Water sword at Gaara, whose sand quickly blocked the attack for him.

With his attack blocked Shiro quickly jumped away, "Not bad Sabaku no Gaara (Gaara of the Sand Waterfall), but how about this!" After which Shiro did a quick series of hand seals and cried out "Suiton: Taki no Jin (Water Style: Waterfall Formation) (L)", where a huge surge of Water erupted in front of the Mizukage and like a giant torrent streamed down to the roof floor in one big cascade towards Gaara, much like a gigantic waterfall. In doing so, it also resembled a huge wave, with tremendous power that it hollowed out the roof floor.

As the mass torrent of Water headed towards him, Gaara quickly used Suna no Tama to protect himself from the massive Water attack. As soon as Gaara had sealed himself in his Suna no Tama, the Mizukage's attack smashed right into Gaara's Sand sphere and covered it entirely in Water.

Soon enough though the attack ended and Gaara, let his sand sphere down, although when he did he noticed that his Sand was all wet and weighed down by the Water it had absorbed from the Mizukage's attack.

Seeing this Shiro began smirked, "It seems that your ultimate defence, not much good to you now is it Kazekage-san", as this was exactly why he had fired the massive Water attack. So make Gaara's sand wet, and weigh it down so that Gaara could no longer move it as quickly as he normally would.

After which Mizukage formed yet another Mizu no ken and attacked Gaara with it, only to be blocked by Gaara's Katana, which he had hung from his back and had now drawn out.

"Do not think I will be defeated, this easily by you", spoke Gaara, as he held his Katana over his head as he blocked the Mizukage strike, where he then pushed the Mizukage back.

After being pushed back the Mizukage just sneered, not being the least bit worried, at Gaara blocking his attacked and still being able to fight, where he then charged forward at Gaara and continued with his battle with him.

Not far from where Gaara and the Mizukage were battling, on another large building, Jiraiya was facing against Orochimaru and the Yondaime Tsuchikage, Ryoku.

"Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu (Fire Style: Dragon Fire Technique)!" cried Jiraiya as he fired a blast of fire at Ryoku and Orochimaru.

As the fire blasted head towards them Ryoku quickly did a signal hand seal and cried out "Doton: Doryūheki (Earth Style: Earth Style Wall)!" which blocked the fire blast and protected him from it.

After the fire blast, Ryoku countered attacked, where he did another signal hand seal and cried out "Doton: Doryūsō (Earth Style: Rising Stone Spears)!" where a dozen or so stalagmites appeared out of the ground in front of the wall of Earth and tried to skewer Jiraiya.

Fortunately though Jiraiya was able to avoid the attack by jumping up into the air, although as he did Orochimaru then fired his Sen'ei Tajashu (Many Hidden Shadow Snake Hands) at the mid-air Jiraiya, where they quickly rapped themselves around him.

Although as soon as they did "Jiraiya" exploded, revealing that he was a Bunshin Daibakuha (Clone Great Explosion), where the explosion destroyed the snakes rapped around him.

As soon as Orochimaru and the Tsuchikage realised that Jiraiya had switched himself with an exploding clone they quickly looked around to see where he went.

They quickly found him behind them finishing doing some hand seals and then crying out "Doton: Yomi Numa (Earth Style: Swamp of the Underworld)", after which the surface of the roof floor turned into mud and creating a small swamp around them, causing Orochimaru and Ryoku to sink into it.

As the two men sank into the mud swamp, Jiraiya quickly gathering oil in his mouth created by his Chakra, and spat it out, and ignited it, while at the same time crying out "Katon: Endan (Fire Style: Flame Bullet)!". Causing a large Flame bullet to be fired at the two leaders, who were sinking into the mud.

Although when they were hit and consumed by the fire attack, Jiraya saw the remains dissolved into mud, revealing them to be Tsuchi Bunshin (Earth Clones)".

"Shit Kawarimi no Jutsu!" though Jiraiya angrily, where upon realising this Jiraiya then heard Ryoku voice crying out from behind him "Doton: Doryūdan (Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet)!" firing several concentrated mud balls at Jiraiya from behind.

Jiraiya quickly used Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique), to avoid the attack, but when he appeared Orochimaru appeared behind and cried out "Ketsugō Tekinshō-hebi (Binding Striking Snake) (M). After which a pair of snakes ejected out of Orochimaru's selves and rapped themselves around Jiraiya's body, binding him with their bodies and then bit him in the neck.

Upon doing so "Jiraiya" dissolved into a pool of mud himself, where he then appeared behind Orochimaru and did a quick spin kick, hitting Orochimaru in the back and sending hims towards Ryoku. Orochimaru of course quickly did a quick spin flip in mid-air and landed beside Ryoku, who stood ready to continue the fight.

Upon landing next to the Tsuchikage, Orochimaru, just smirked back at his former team-mate, not the least bit affected by his kick.

"I believe that is enough playing around don't you think so Jiraiya-kun, spoke Orochimaru, with a sickening smirked on his face.

Jiraiya of course did not answer, but smirk showing that like Orochimaru and Ryoku he was only playing around a bit so to feel them out, much like they had been with him.

Soon enough after the three of them decided to get serious they recommenced their battle.

Near where Gaara and Jiraiya were fighting their opponents, Tsunade was battling against Doku of Kusagakure and Shinrin of the Hannya Clan.

As she was battling against to two men, Tsunade quickly grabbed hold of a large piece of rubble, from the roof that she destroyed and threw it at Doku and Shinrin.

Both men naturally jumped out of the way of the large piece of rubble, after which Doku then inhaled a large amount of air and exhaled a poison mist at Tsunade, while at the same time crying out "Dokugiri (Poison Mist)!"

As the Poison mist headed towards her, Tsunade quickly held her breath, so not to breath in any of the poison and the quickly jumped up into the air to get out of the mist. But when she did Shinrin was waiting for her with a jutsu ready, where he then quickly cried out "Katon: Karyū Endan (Fire Style: Fire Dragon Flame Missile)". After which he fired a stream of flames out of his mouth that took the shape of a dragon, Tsunade tried to move out of the way, but Shinrin was able to show impressive Fire Ninjutsu skill by controlling the Fire and have it follow Tsunade.

But when the Fire attack hit her "Tsunade's burnt corpse" turned into a burnt up piece of log, showing that Tsunade hand replaced herself, with a log. Seeing this Shinrin quickly looked around for where Tsunade might have went, when he looked around, he quickly found Tsunade falling down toward him doing a falling axe kick and crying out "Tsūtenkyaku".

Seeing this Shinrin muttered "Shit!" before he narrowly jumped out of the way of Tsunade's attack, which destroy a large piece of the roof they were on, which was also the largest and tallest of the buildings that were around them.

Not wanting to give up her advantage at being on the offensive, Tsunade charge at Shrinin with her fist, but before she could hit him several Kunai were thrown at her by Doku. Knowing that they were poisoned tipped Tsunade skilfully evaded them with being cut by them.

"Impressive envision Hokage-san, but I would expect nothing less from Konoha no Namekuji hime (Konoha's Slug Princess)", spoke Doku.

After which Doku then did a quick set of hand seals before crying out "Doton: Dordankyū (Earth Style: Mud Ball Bullets)! (N)" and fired several large balls of mud at Tsunade, who once again skilfully dodged the attacks.

Not to be deterred Doku quickly inhaled again and exhaled another poison mist, after which he then did a quick few hand-seals and the cried out "Dokugiriryu (Poison Mist Dragon)! (O)" where by using the poison mists that he created. Doku used it to create a large Dragon head made entirely out of poison and sent it at Tsunade.

As the poison Dragon headed for her, Tsunade quickly threw a Kunai with an exploding note on it, as soon as the Kunai hit the Poison Dragon, Tsunade activated the exploding note, where it blew up and destroyed the poison dragon a blew away the poison.

But as Tsunade had done this, Shinrin appeared behind her with his Katana out and covered in Lightning so to increase it cutting power, using Doku's attack as a diversion to distract Tsunade, allowing him to catch her by surprise.

Fortunately though Tsunade was not a Sannin for nothing and quickly spun around to avoid Shinrin's attack, where she then swung her arm around to hit him, but only to hit thin air as Shinrin used a Shunshin to avoid the attack and appear back next to Doku.

"That was close", muttered Shinrin as he had just barley been able to manage dodging Tsunade's fist.

"Well you hardily expect this to be easy did you?" asked Doku, "She isn't the Hokage of Konoha from nothing".

After dealing with Shinrin, Tsunade was then joined by Jiraiya and Gaara, who were in turn followed by their own opponents, who then surrounded the three.

"Hime, we need to finish this fast, the village can't hold out for much longer if we don't go out there and help with the defence", spoke Jiraiya, all the while keeping his eyes on Orochimaru and Tsuchikage.

"Tell me something I don't know Jiraiya", snapped Tsunade back, while watching Shinrin and Doku.

"Listen hime, can you and Gaara here hold off these guys by yourselves for a few minutes for me", asked Jiraiya in a low voice so that Orochimaru and the others wouldn't hear him.

"I believe we could Jiraiya-san, but why?" asked Gaara.

"I'm going to use my Sennin Mōdo (Sage mode), but in order for me do that I need to gather enough energy to use it, where I have to remain perfectly still for several minutes, hence I need you to hold them off and buy me some time", said Jiraiya.

At this Tsunade nodded, as she was familiar with Jiraiya's Sennin Mōdo, as Jiraiya had told her all about it awhile back, although she had never see him use it before.

Gaara was also familiar, with Jiraiya's Sennin Mōdo, although he had only heard stories about it from elder Shinobi's of his village like Chiyo and her brother. Where from what he heard about it, when using the Sennin Mōdo Jiraiya's power and strength increase dramatically, which was exactly what they need right now.

Unfortunately though Orochimaru was already aware of what they were planning as he could read their lips and knew what they were saying, not to mention was well aware of Jiraiya's Sennin Mōdo. Since before he left the village Jiraiya had told him all about his Sennin Mōdo and was well aware how strong it would make Jiraiya. Hence he would not give Jiraiya the chance to use it, quickly doing a quick series of hand seals, Orochimaru, slammed his hand onto the ground and cried out, "Dokuhebi no Kiba (Poison Snakes Fang)! (P)"

After which several snakes appeared out of the ground and bit on each of Tsunade's, Jiraiya's and Gaara's legs.

"What the devil!" cried Jiraiya in surprise as the snakes bit his legs.

As soon as the snakes had bitten each of their legs the quickly retracted back into the roof floor from whence they came, after which Jiraiya, Gaara and Tsunade, suddenly felt something wrong, as they struggled to breath and their bodies began to feel heavy.

"Poison!" declared Tsunade.

Seeing the poison affecting his two former team-mates and the Kazekage, Orochimaru couldn't help but smile in victory as new he had this battle won.

As soon as Tsunade felt her body starting to get heavy she tried and gather her Chakra to try and cure herself of the poison, but quickly found out that she could not summon her Chakra.

Seeing what Tsunade was trying to do Orochimaru could not help but laugh, "Ku, Ku, Ku, Ku, I wouldn't bother trying to heal yourself Tsunade as you no doubt have realised now you cannot summon your Chakra thanks to the poison that my snake's fangs were covered in"

"Orochimaru you bastard, what did you use on us?" spoke Tsunade angrily as her body was getting heavier and her was starting to find it hard to breathe.

"Ku, Ku, Ku, only just a little concoction, that Doku-kun was so kind to give me, the toxin which he gave me was made out of the very rare flower the Purple Dragon Lily flower. Sadly though we could only find three lilies which coated the fangs of my snake and infected you,but still they will do what I want. As I'm sure you know Tsunade-hime the effects of that toxin and how fatal it is if not treated soon", spoke a smirking Orochimaru.

Upon hearing this Tsunade growled angrily, while at the same time became very concern as she was familiar with the toxin, as it was widely used by Kusa during the Second Great Shinobi World War, which was why it became so rare. As the flowers were over used by Kusa during the war and they only bloom once a year in deep forestry area's in Kusa no Kuni (Grass Country).

The poison effects where slow, but in active combat the effects of the poison would accelerate, to due the adrenaline of a person. The poison would slow down a person's movements; while at the same time make their bodies feel heavier, it would also interfere with a person's breathing, where it could cause the person's throat to swell. Thereby obstructing the person airway slowly suffocating the person and killing them, while also having the side effect of preventing the person from summon and using their Chakra, which was why it was so valued at the time.

"I suggest that you surrender now, where if you do, we will grant you a quick and merciful death, before the poison kills you first", spoke Shinrin.

"Like we ever surrender to like the likes to you" scoffed Jiraiya as he prepared to continue the fight, as if he was going down he was going down fighting and would sure as hell take as many of them with him as he could.

Gaara and Tsunade were also of similar mind as surrender was not an option, this was a fight for survival, were they would either win or they would die.

"So you're going to fight right up to the bitter end…eh?" spoke Ryoku, as cracked his knuckle's and neck and then sneered, "That fine by me"

After seeing Jiraiya, Gaara, and Tsunade response, the other leaders of the anti-Konoha coalition prepared to continue the fight and finish of the weaken leaders.

-At the Eastern side of the village-

"Raikyo (Lightning Hound)!" cried Kakashi sending a bolt of Lightning shaped like a hound at a Kiri-nin. Who tried to avoid it but could not as Kakashi was able to control his attack and had it follow the Kiri-nin until it hit and killed him.

After dealing with the Kiri-nin Kakashi took a quick look around his surrounding seeing what was going on around him, and what he saw he did not like.

All around him he saw hundreds of Kiri-nins swarming all around them, although the Eastern front was still holding it was just barely as if something did not change soon they would be overwhelm. To his left he saw Yugao killing a Kiri swords-woman with her former lover Hayate's Katana, to his right he heard someone yell out Mōjū no Kiba (Beast Fang) (Q).When Kakashi looked over he saw that it was Kiba who was Charging forward at a Kiri Chunin with his claws out and did a cross slash ripping at the man chest a killing him.

Once the Chunin was dead Kiba then called out Akamaru who was nearby, after which he used his Jinjū Konbi Henge: Sōtōrō (Man Beast Combination Transformation: Double-Headed Wolf) to transform with Akamaru into a large, two-headed wolf. Where after transforming into it they charged forward, and used their Garōga (Dual Wolf Fang) to pierce right through one of the two remaining Giant Summons that was right in front of them.

With that Snake summon dead the Giant Battle toad Gamahiro was free to go help Gamabunta, who was fighting the Snake summons in the centre of the village, while also leaving the last Snake summon in the Eastern part of the village to Gamaken.

Not far in front of him Kakashi saw Shino using his Mushidama (Insect Sphere) to cover a Kiri Jonin with his bug and have them drain him of his Chakra and then devour him, while still alive, until there was no trace.

Seeing this Kakashi could not help but shudder slightly, as that was not a pleasant way to go.

Nearby as well Kakashi saw Sai using Sumi Nagashi (Ink Flush) to bind several Kiri-nins with his ink snakes and then kill them with one of his Tanto's. After which he then used his Chōjū Giga (Super Beasts Imitation Picture) summon several ink lions, to attack and kills some Kiri Ninja's. That were sneaking up on a pair of unsuspecting Konoha ANBU, who were busy fighting several Kiri HYDRA-nins

Quickly though Kakashi focused back at the battle at hand, he noticed a large group of Kiri Shinobi's heading towards them, seeing this Kakashi prepared to fight them, but before he could a large Hawk summons appeared above him.

Where a dark figure jumped off it and attacked the advancing group of Kiri Shinobi's, whiles the Hawk summons, flew over to fight the last remaining Giant Snake summons with Gamaken.

When Kakashi looked back at the Kiri group that had been heading towards him and the others, he saw that the figure that had attacked the Kiri Shinobi's had been Sasuke.

When Sasuke engaged the Kiri group he quickly used his Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique) to cause the Kiri group to scatter, so to avoid the massive ball of fire. Unfortunately through, two Kiri-nins were not so lucky in being able to avoid the attack and were hit by it, where they were burnt to a crisp.

Quickly though the Kiri-nins reorganised themselves, where several of them used the Kunai launchers that they had and fired them at Sasuke.

Sasuke though quickly drew his chokutō and skilfully dodged or deflected all the Kunai fired at him, without getting as much as a scratch.

Seeing this, a dozen or so Kiri swordsmen charged at Sasuke with their Katana's, for the next few minutes Sasuke fought with the Kiri swordsmen with his chokutō, where with his superior skill in it he was able to kill several of the Kiri swordsmen. Soon after though, Sasuke used his Kusanagi no Tsurugi: Chidorigatana (Kusanagi Sword: One Thousand Birds Katana), so to increase the cutting power of his chokutō. Within a few minutes Sasuke had killed the remainder of the Kiri swordsmen that had attack him, by using his Lightning enhance chokutō to cut through the Kiri Shinobi's Katana's with ease.

Just as Sasuke had finished up killing the last of the Kiri swordsmen another Kiri-nin came up behind him and tried to sneak up on Sasuke from behind and stab him with his Tanto blade.

Unfortunately for the Kiri-nin, Sasuke was well aware of what he was trying to do, and just when the Kiri-nins was about to stab Sasuke in the back. Sasuke quickly turned his sword in a reverse grip and then stab backwards right in the Kiri-nins gut, who could not see it until it was too late thanks to Sasuke's Black cloak blocking his view.

As soon as he had done that three more Kiri Shinobi's, who had been hiding in the buildings around Sasuke, appeared with their Kunai's in hand out of the buildings and attack Sasuke from all directions.

Seeing this Sasuke then used his Chidori Nagashi (One Thousand Birds Current) to release his Chidori in every direction around him. So that when the Kiri-nins touched the Chidori their bodies would misinterpreted the Lightning nature as "electrical signals from the nerves," making their muscles contract, causing their bodies to involuntarily go stiff, while at the same time receive severe damage.

When the paralyzed Ninja's fell to the ground Sasuke took his chokutō out of the gut of the now dead Kiri ninja and finished off the remaining other Kiri-nins around him.

Quickly after that, several more Kunai were fired at him by three Kiri Shinobi's with Kunai launchers on a nearby rooftop, Sasuke of course quickly used a Hi-Shunshin no Jutsu (Fire Body Flicker Technique) to dodge the Kunai.

Sasuke then reappeared, a few rooftops behind the Kiri ninja's with the Kunai launchers, where he then fired his Katon: Gōryūka no Jutsu (Fire Style: Great Dragon Fire Technique), which completely destroyed the building the Kiri-nins were on and killed them along with it.

After using his Katon: Gōryūka no Jutsu, Sasuke notice two Kiri jonin's to his right, where he then used his Kuchiyose: Raikō Kenka (Summoning: Lightning Blade Creation) to summon several shurikens at them.

The two ninja's of course dodged the shurikens although, what they didn't know was that Sasuke had translucent strings on the shurikens, and was using his Sōshuriken no Jutsu (Manipulated Shuriken Technique) to have the come behind the Jonin and rapped themselves around the two.

After which Sasuke then used his Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu (Fire Style: Dragon Fire Technique), where the two Jonins were nothing more the charred remains after the attack.

When the two Jonins were dead, Sasuke notice another Kiri Shinobi at the corner of his eye, preparing to fire his Kunai launcher only a few feet away from him. When he saw this Sasuke quickly used his Chidori Eisō (One Thousand Birds Sharp Spear) and fired it at the Kiri ninja, where it pierced right in the head, killing him instantly.

Once the other Kiri Shinobi was dead four more appeared on the roof top, where they all quickly used Suiton: Suiben (Water Style: Water Whip) to capture and subdue Sasuke, unfortunately though Sasuke did a quick jump to avoid being caught by the Water Whips. After which he then fired Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu (Fire Style: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique), while still in mid-air at the Kiri ninja's.

When the Kiri-nins saw the attack coming they all quickly fired Suiton: Suidan (Water Style: Water bullet) (R) at in the incoming fire attack.

The Water attacks all hit all their marks, but when the balls of Water hit the flames and extinguish them. The Shurikens hidden in the flames continued on towards the Kiri-nins, who could not avoid in time, where three of them were cut slight while the fourth was hit in the neck by one of the shurikens.

Before the Kiri-nins could even retaliate, Sasuke fired several Chidori Senbon (One Thousand Birds Senbon) at them, causing the one of the Kiri-nins left arm to go numb, the other Kiri-nins right arm to go numb as well. While the thirds was hit in his right leg, preventing him from moving very fast, which Sasuke took advantage of this by speeding towards the Kiri-nin and stabbing him with his chokutō.

After which Sasuke ran at the remaining two nins and while ducking underneath the punch from the first ninja he then kicked the other one away, after which he then spun around and charged up his Chidori (One Thousand Birds) and rammed it right in the stomach of the first man, where he then fell dead on the roof floor.

Seeing his comrade fall the final Kiri Shinobi charged at Sasuke with a Kunai in his one usable hand. Seeing this Sasuke then used his Magen: Kasegui (Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes) to stop man in his tracks, preventing him from moving and making feel the physical pain of spikes being run through him.

Once the Kiri-nin was frozen in place, Sasuke charged up his Raikiri (Lightning Cutter), (That Kakashi taught him) and rammed it into the Kiri-nin chest, killing him. Once all the Kiri Shinobi's were killed Sasuke left to roof top to find more.

When it was all over Kakashi could only sigh, as he had to admit that Sasuke was an amazingly powerful Ninja, where he wasn't exactly sure that he could even beat Sasuke. But even still that did not mean he liked the way Sasuke turned out, as he was cold uncaring to everyone around him, and surrounded himself with darkness, where the only thing he cared about was killing his brother Itachi. In away Kakashi blamed himself for how Sasuke turned out as he had given Sasuke far too much leeway when he was younger, when it came to his attitude and how he should have focused on getting Sasuke to value comradeship and valuing others. But even then he was unsure that would have gotten through to Sasuke, as the darkness that was in Sasuke's heart and so focused on his revenge where it was firmly set in his heart long before Sasuke became his student.

Putting aside his mistake over Sasuke aside Kakashi quickly put his focus back at the battle, where he went over to support Yugao.

For the next fifteen minutes the battle at the Eastern front raged on, where despite the odds the line still held, and the Konoha Shinobi's along with their allies continued to fight on. But even despite their heroic efforts the line was about to collapsed.

"Kakashi!" cried Yugao, who was bleeding slightly on the side of her head and was no longer wearing her mask, due to it breaking.

"What is it Yugao?" replied Kakashi meeting her on the roof of a large house which had a clear view of the Eastern Gate.

The Oto forces have broken through centre and are about to attack us from behind, where we're going to be caught between two forces.

"But what about Tenzo and his group?" asked Kakashi

"Tenzo his currently fighting the leader of the Oto forces a woman that can use Shōton, while his teams are being overwhelmed, most of them are now dead and those that are left and fighting the Oto-nins", replied Yugao.

"Shit! … if we're caught between the Oto forces and the Kiri forces we be slaughter, and their no-where we can fall back to. As were being attack from the front and behind and even if could retreat somehow, the line would collapse if we did", thought Kakashi before he then came to a hard decision, one he never hoped to make.

"Yugao, go gather everyone around our sector and have them gather here, were going to make our last stand here", spoke Kakashi, where Yugao nodded in understanding, knowing what that meant.

Soon enough Yugao had gathered all the remaining defending forces of Konoha in Kakashi's sector, out of a force of two hundred and fifty Shinobi's that he had been in this sector at the beginning of the battle only seventy were now left, all the others were either dead or too wounded to fight, while the other forces in the other sectors, where cut off from them.

The remaining defenders were made out of mainly Konoha Shinobi's along with a dozen or so Suna Shinobi's and two or three Tsuchigumo Clan Shinobi's. Among them as well were Kiba, Sai, Shino Sasuke and Yugao.

Soon after gathering together the defending Shinobi's came under attack from the Kiri Shinobi's and the Oto Shinobi's on both sides. For several minutes there was fierce fighting between the two sides. As Kakashi killed another Oto-nin with his Kunai, he heard Yugao call him out from the roof top he had be talking to her on earlier.

When Kakashi jumped up to her on the rooftop, he looked to where she was pointing to, with defeated look on her face, when Kakashi looked his heart sunk like a stone in Water, as all hope of survival was gone. As when he looked to the Konoha Eastern gateway and the breach in the Eastrern wall, which Yugao had been pointing to, he saw the fifth and final wave of Kiri Shinobi's moving into the village, and if they were moving forward so where the other waves on the other sides of the village…Konoha was doomed.

At the same time Kiba, Shino, Sai, Sasuke along with several other Konoha Shinobi's stop fighting to see what was most likely their doom coming towards them.

The Kiri and Oto Shinobi's on the other hand where encourage on with the sight of reinforcements arriving, where they began to fight with even more enthusiasm.

But just as all hope was lost, the fifth wave of Kiri Shinobi's were about to enter the village gateway and the breach in the Eastern wall. There was a sudden bright flash of light from the sky and a large explosion at the Konoha Eastern Gate and in the breach in the Eastern wall, which killed a dozen or so Kiri Shinobi's who were just entering the village. The bright flash was then followed by a dozen more bright flashes of light and many more explosions.

"What they hell?" cried Kiba out loud when he saw what had happened

"Kakashi! …look up there in the sky!" cried Yugao pointing up in the air.

When Kakashi, looked up along with everyone else there, he could not believe what he was seeing and thought he was seeing things at first, but he quickly realised he wasn't.

-Insert Gundam 00 OST 2 - 29 – Counterattack-

For right above the village and flying in the sky were eleven New Kumo airships along with over a hundred Sky-Hawk Ninja's flying around them in their Portable Wing Gliders.

At the same time, they also the airships firing their Lightning cannons, down on the now confused a disorganised Kiri forces, as well as firing their volley guns, along with the New Kumo ninja's on the cat-walks, who were firing their Jutsu's and dropping bombs down on the Kiri Forces.

Along with them as well were the Sky Hawk Ninja's who were also firing Jutsu's and dropping bombs on the fifth wave on Kiri forces.

"It's New Kumo…they're here…and their fighting on our side, we're saved!" cried a Konoha Shinobi who saw the New Kumo airships and Sky-Hawk Ninja's arriving and firing down on the Kiri forces.

"Thank the stars" spoke Kakashi with clear relieve, "But still why are they here?"

"I would think that was oblivious Hatake-san?" spoke a voice, where when Kakashi and the others looked around they saw none other than Akechi Mitsuhide standing on the rooftop of a house near them, along with Miyoshi Saiyuri and two other people that Kakashi and the others did not recognise.

One was a young man in his earlier thirties, who was dressed like so kind of noble, he wore White Shitagi, a Black Kosode, a Black Hakama, a White Hakama-Himo, White Tabi, and Waraji and a White Haori over the Black Kosode. He had long shoulder length Black hair in a White headpiece called a Kenseikan and wore fingerless White gloves that covered only the back of his hands and wore a scarf. He also carried a regular katana with light Blue handle and with a simple cross guard, with a simple open frame, much like a four-pane window.

The other was a tall younger man in his early twenties with spiky orange hair wearing Black Shinobi pants and vest along with a Kumo Jonin vest and a long-sleeved, ankle-length Black coat over the vest, which flare out into ragged ends at the bottom and had with red lining on the inside. Kakashi also noticed that the orange haired youth also carried a long Katana with a Black blade.

"Mitsuhide?" spoke Kakashi, with clear surprise as he had not sensed any of them.

"I'm pleased that you remembered me Hatake-san", replied Mitsuhide, with a slight smirk at Kakashi's surprise.

"Not that I'm complaining or anything, but why is New Kumo involved in this fight, you made it clear earlier that you're staying neutral in this fight and you weren't going to take sides in it. So why are you getting involved in this war now and why are you saving us?" spoke Kakashi as he was unsure if New Kumo was an ally or a new foe.

"We are not saving you; we're simply here to eliminate a potential threat to the Heavenly Alliance as now is the ideal time to eliminate them, before they threaten us", spoke Saiyuri.

"You mean Orochimaru and his allies!" stated Shino.

"Correct", replied the noble looking man next to Saiyuri.

"But I thought you guys said that you were not threatened by them", spoke Kiba.

"Certain circumstances have caused us to change that belief", answered Mitsuhide.

"And what would those circumstances be?" asked Kakashi, hoping to get a better understanding of the situation with New Kumo now joining them.

"Nothing that you need to concern yourself with Hatake-san", replied Saiyuri with a slight smirk.

At this Kakashi frowned a little, but quickly let it go, "So are we allies then?" he asked.

"No!" stated Mitsuhide with a frown of his own, "We're not your allies, but neither are we your enemies, we simply share a common enemy, so for now at least, we will fight at your side".

At this Kakashi sighed, "Oh well then, I guess that's good enough", where Mitsuhide just nodded, before Saiyuri suddenly spoke.

"Mitsuhide, we should go!" to which Mitsuhide just nodded to and turned to the other two members of his group.

"Ichigo, … Byakuya! …lets go" to which the two other member nodded and they all disappeared and reappeared engaging the Kiri and Oto forces.

"Ok everyone you heard him, let's go and show them what Konoha Shinobi's are made out of", spoke Kakashi as he uncovered his Sharingan, which he had covered when he was talking to Mitsuhide.

As soon as Kakashi had said this the Konoha defenders roared their approval and started to fight with renewed strength.

-On The Southern side of the Village-




After a minute or so of fighting Konohamaru and Berugu broke apart from their battle with one another as they stared each other down and caught their breaths, as they were doing so they suddenly saw flashes of light and saw explosions coming from the Southern gate and the breach in the Southern wall.

When they looked up they saw five New Kumo airships with fifty Sky-Hawk Ninja's flying around them, both the ships and the Sky-Hawk Ninja were firing down on the advancing Iwa reserves that where about to enter the village.

"New Kumo? What the hell are those bastards doing here?" cried Beurgu in surprise.

It was after he said this that two Iwa Jonin's came up to him, at the same time Shikamaru and a Konoha Jonin joined Konohamaru.

"Berugu-sama, New Kumo airships have arrived and are attacking our reserve forces", spoke one of the Iwa Jonins.

"What!" cried a furious Berugu, while at the same time thinking furiously "Have we been tricked, did Konoha actually succeed in allying with New Kumo and the Heavenly Alliance and we're just lured here?"

"Shikamaru is that true?" asked Konohamru surprise.

"Yea it is, The New Kumo airships and the Sky-Hawk Ninja are decimating the Iwa reserves, and from the reports their doing the same on all sides against the coalition", replied Shikamaru.

Upon hearing this Berugu growled as he knew he had to regain control of his forces and prepare them for the New Kumo's forces that were sure to come soon.

"We will finish our fight another time Sarutobi", spoke Berugu before he and his men disappeared.

"But why is New Kumo here I thought they were going to stay out of this war?" asked Konohamaru with some confusion.

"I don't know", replied Shikamaru, "But let's not look a gift horse in the mouth, as with New Kumo attacking them from the rear and their support we might actually win this war".

Konohamaru nodded in agreement before both he, Shikamaru and the Jonin went to get back in the battle.

-On the Western side of the Village-

"Hakke: Hasangeki (Eight Trigrams: Mountain Crusher)!" cried Hinata as she released a high-speed palm thrust forward fired a powerful wave of Chakra, sending Kotarō flying back into a wall nearby and right through it.

After sending Kotarō flying Hinata started panting heavily, as fighting Kotarō had not been easy as he had lived up to his infamous reputation.

Hinata had many cuts on her face and her arms, and her robes had been badly torn up from Kotarō lethal Wind attacks, which she had been able to just avoid or block, but not without some damaged done. But even still she had been able to give Kotarō a hard fight as well and give him some bruises of her own to him as well.

But just as she thought the fight was over she heard Kotarō speak out from the hole in the wall that she had just sent him through.

"Impressive Hinata-san, you have indeed lived up to my exception, and I can see how you earned your fearsome reputation", spoke Kotarō as he stepped out of the hole he made in the wall covered in a Wind like armour.

"B-But how?" said Hinata in surprise that that attack should have crippled Kotarō.

Knowing what Hinat meant Kotarō decided to answer her question "This is my Fuuton: Kaze no Yoroi (Wind Style: Armour of Wind) (S), which creates a small whirlwind like armour around my body. That protected me from you're attack, also with this on your Taijustu is worthless against me. Although I will admit that last attack did some damage to me, as I broke a few ribs from it, but still, you have lost this fight".

"We see about that!" cried Hinata as she did a few quick hand seals and cried out "Suiton: Mizu Teppō (Water Style: Water Gun)" and fired a powerful blast of Water from her mouth at Kotarō. Unfortunately though the water attack was ineffective against Kotarō Wind armour and was just blew apart and scattered when it hit it.

After Hinata's attack, Kotarō deactivated his Kaze no Yoroi and the thrust his hand gantlet forwards, where a chain bladed whip fired out of it (10) and shot at Hinata, who saw it coming and tried to avoided it. But Kotarō channelled his Chakra through the chain bladed whip and controlled it movements to follow Hinata as she tried to avoid the whip. After which it quickly rapped itself around Hinata, preventing her from moving.

"This fight is over" said Kotarō, with a smirk at his victory, as he was about ready to twist and pull his whip and have the blades on the whip to dig into Hinata and kill her.

"Not yet it hasn't" cried Hinata as she released a massive amount of her Chakra causing the chain blades to widen and expand out a bit, where she started to spin around and cried out "Hakkeshō Kaiten" and breaking the chain blade whip.

Kotarō quickly retracted what was left of his blade and prepared to continue his fight with Hinata, but before either of them could, they noticed several large explosions and flashes of light. After which they then notice the New Kumo airships, before either of them could even begin to wonder what was going on, two voices suddenly shouted out Hinata's name.

When Hinata turned she saw Neji and Hiashi running towards her, ignoring Hiashi's arrival Hinata turned to look a Neji, all the while watching Kotarō with her Byakugan on.

"Neji what's going on? What're New Kumo airships doing here?"

"We do not know, they just appeared and a few minutes ago and are firing down on the Kusa and Hannya forces outside the village walls", replied Neji.

It was upon hearing this that Kotarō decided to speak, "It seems we will have to continue our fight another time Hinata-san", after which before Neji, Hinata or Hiashi could respond or even try and stop him; he dropped a smoke bomb and disappeared.

"Well now that was very impressive" spoke a new voice, where Neji, Hinata and Hiashi, quickly used their Byakugan's to look around for the person who spoke, but couldn't see anyone when they looked around.

"Who's there?" spoke Neji, believing the person to be another enemy, where he quickly went into a defensive stance.

It was after Neji had asked this, that a woman with standard Kumo uniform with a Kumo headband appeared right out of the wall like a ghost, telling the three Hyuga's that she was from the Yuki Clan, that Jiraiya had told the Council and everyone else about.

"You're from New Kumo" stated Hinata, as she eased her guard a little, but just a little as she was still unsure what the woman's intentions were yet.

"Yes I' am, my name is Yūki Nadie, I'm head of the Yūki Clan of New Kumo, it is a pleasure meeting you in person Hinata-sama, as I have heard much about you,", spoke Nadie respectfully to Hinata.

"May I ask why you are all here? and why you are helping us, as The Rokudaime Raikage made it quite clear, he had no wish to have your village or the Heavenly Alliance involved in this war", asked Hinata.

"I'm afraid I cannot say exactly as of yet, but I will tell you that, it is in my village's and the Heavenly Alliance best interest to see to it that your enemies do not win this battle and that they are destroyed here", answered Nadie, before she disappeared into the ground.

Once Nadie left, Hinata, Neji and Hiashi, quickly went off to join the other members of their groups and help in the battle.

As the Battle raged on in the village, The Raikage's personal airship along with five other Airships and fifty Sky-Hawk Ninja's broke apart from the remaining five airships and fifty other Sky-Hawk Ninja's on the Eastern side of the village. They then began to move in on the centre of the village, where the Oto forces where fighting the Konoha defenders.

After which, they began to fire down at the Snake summons there and the Oto forces, upon seeing the Airships the Konoha defenders in the centre, where cheering with joy, at the arrival of their unexpected saviours, the most notable of these people were the two Konoha no Kedakaki Aoi Mōjū (Konoha's Sublime Green Beasts of Prey).

"Yosh! The youthful Shinobi's Of New Kumo have arrived to help once again, Gai-sensei", cried Lee.

"Yes they have, Yosh! The Flames of youth truly burn brightly in the Shinobi's of New Kumo" cried Gai.

"Gai-sensei, we must now fight twice as hard now, so that our flames of youth will match those of the Youthful New Kumo Shinobi's", cried Lee.

"Yosh! You are right my beloved student, we must not allow our flames of youth to be dampened by these un-youthful Shinobi's" cried Gai.

At this point the Oto Shinobi's that Gai and Lee had been fighting now had large sweat drops at the back of their heads, and began to wonder if all Konoha Shinobi's were this crazy. But before they could even think more on the subject, they suddenly heard Lee and Gai shout "YYYYYooouuuutttthhhhh!" and attack the Oto-nins, sending them flying to every direction.