
The reunion

20 years later he went to the same forest for more herbs, he was on his way to a spring in the forest when he heard a rustle in the thhhe bushes behind him. So without acting suspicious he walked to the spring once he was there he grabbed a branch on the ground. Once he had the branch he turned around and saw the most beautiful woman he ever saw. The woman had rabbit ears and a puffy tail

she had a knife, once he saw the knife he instantly knew that she was not a friend. He saw the knife and instantly got into a fighting position, he lunged himself at her but unexpectedly she dodged it and pushed him on the ground.

Once he was on the ground she stepped on his hand with the branch, ahhhhhhhh!! he screamed in pain after he was done screaming she said im a rabbit spirit and i am here to rob you.

Once she was done he said please let me go i have nothing of value right now, let me go to my house and i will bring silver here. But she knew he was lying so she said no you may not go i will bring you to my home and make you serve me.