
The R.E.M Chronicles: Lucid.

Issabelle Woods, or as she prefers, Issa, a struggling freshman in college, is taken at a party and awakens to see an unknown man there, George Jackson, watching over her, seemingly as her kidnapper. But is he really as bad as he seems? Is anything really as it seems? Issa is going through some abnormal stuff that a normal person would call her crazy for. That these kinds of things she is experiencing could only possibly happen in one's dreams. Right? The madness begins when she awakens at an abandoned school, unaware of how she got there. No memories of her night prior, leaving her to wonder how and why she got there. Just when things start to seem normal, at least for her, everything begins to change in her life yet again. She doesn't know how she even got to be in the position she is in or how to stop it from happening again, but she does know there's no way she'll ever forget. She couldn't possibly forget this lucid nightmare.

JrHathaway · LGBT+
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46 Chs

Chapter 14: Back Again.


Day 1.


I wake up and my room is pitch black. I can't see even a single inch of my room. Normally the darkness would be enough to send me spiraling. I hated the dark, but it felt different this time.The only source of light is my alarm clock telling me that it was 3 in the afternoon. Guess I missed lunchtime. Like I would feel well enough to eat anyway.

The last thing I remember is having a meltdown and passing out in front of Cam. This morning I felt loads better. Then I was quickly reminded of what happened between me, Cam and Issa last night, making me feel incredibly numbed all over again. I had lost her because of my own selfishness. For a minute I only sit there in the dark, feeling guilty for myself until I hear a knock at my door. I still don't make any effort to move, I only shout;

"What do you want?" I have no idea would it might be. Whether it was Cam or some random guard, I wasn't in any mood to talk to anyone. Then a voice speaks up. It was Cam as I thought.

"Well that's rude? You've been sleeping all day. Just wanted to remind you we stream soon." Cam sounded different, but I couldn't put my finger on it. He also didn't sound as upset as he should have from last night. Everything was confusing me right now. I wasn't made aware that we would even be streaming again today until just now.

I finally get up and make my way through the dark. I bump into a pile of clothes, making me fall to the floor with a loud bang. Still feeling half asleep and lazy, I close my eyes and just lay there, giving up. I then hear my door open and Cam saying;

"Dude. Get up." Still not opening my eyes to look at him, I groan;

"Nope. Not gonna happen. I'm gonna lay here forever." I hear him laugh then ask cluelessly;

"What's gotten you so down it the dumps?" I tear my eyes open, ready to yell at him for being so insensitive when I see a totally different background behind him in the hallway. There were picture frames with people I didn't know in them. I squint at the wallpaper. It was an ugly cream color with small white flowers all along it. Although this place had alot of the same characteristics that the school had, it clearly wasn't it.

This definitely was not the school and I had no idea where I really was.

Still lying on the floor, I look up at Cam who was now staring at me impatiently waiting for an answer. Even Cam was different. He no longer looked as beat up as he did last night. Where was his bruise he had just gotten last night? What was going on?

Quietly, trying not to just outright scream out of fear directly in his face, I say as calm as I can manage;

"How am I here?" He gives me a strange look then laughs and asks me;

"What? You're kidding right?" I just stare at him shaking a no his way. He gives me another look like I was out of my mind then explains;

"This guy I know let us stay here last night. Ringing any bells?" It didn't, but I wasn't about to tell him that and have him send me to an insane asylum. I nod, acting like I understood, but ended up feeling even more lost now. Seeing Cam here, my first thought was that he might have helped me escape the school, but now I'm not even sure if I was even at the school to begin with. Was it just a part of my imagination?

I look around my room, which now had light shining inside from the hallway. I flip on the light switch to see it completely, and immediately regret it. It was just like my room from the school.

Why was I here? Was the school even real? If it wasn't, that was one hell of a dream. It felt like I was there for years.

I turn and study Cam, who was now looking worried. I get up from the floor and hug him not thinking as I rush at him. I don't know why I did it, I was just happy to be out of that nightmare, here with Cam again.

Then, as if I had on a shirt made out of acid, Cam quickly pushes me away and cringes;

"Why are you hugging me? That's so random." It was then that I realized. It was only at the school that he and I were together. In real life he wasn't exactly the touchy feely type. And we were only friends, nothing more. I quickly became sad again. Now I wouldn't even have Cam to comfort me about Issa.

Issa. Would she even know who I was or better yet, even exist at all? I didn't know her before the school, my brain must have just made her up. Issa wasn't real, she couldn't be real.

Feeling my eyes begin to water, I take a deep breath to stop the tears from escaping my eyes. There was no way Cam could see me acting like a nut case right now. Immediately I snap out of it and explain, trying my best to sound normal and not on the brink of panic;

"What? I can't just hug my friend?" He shrugs and says;

"You just never do it, that's all." He then backs away and starts heading down the hall next door, into what I assumed was his room. He then motions for me to follow him. I was still feeling funny about being here, I wasn't even sure where I was exactly.

I get up to follow him to his room, then Cam spoke up again the second I entered;

"By the way, big news. The owner says we can live here! I talked him into it, isn't that great?" I look around the room, confused. His room was pretty much empty except a bed, a few old dressers and a desk with his setup on it. Why did I have no memory of even looking at this place? I remember that Cam and I were looking for places before we both went to the school, but didn't know we settled on this one. To be honest, I had no memory at all of the day before this.

My head was hurting from everything and I must have not said something long enough for Cam to notice I was acting weird because he stops talking and asks lightly;

"Do you not want to live here? Yesterday you said it was amazing?" This whole school facade my mind had created at the school was driving me to the edge, it felt so real. It was only a day after for Cam, but not for me. I was at the school for countless years but he had no idea. I hated it.

I decide then to just try and forget it. I was here now, not at the school, I had to start acting like it or someone was going to think I was insane. As hard as that would be to do.

"You're right. I did say that, and I do like it. I'm glad we found it." Cam pats my arm too hard making me go off balance, almost causing me to fall against the wall, then he yells excitedly;

"Good to hear! We need to stream in a few minutes by the way. So go get ready!" Cam then shoves me out of his room, leaving me there in the hallway. I turn to go to my room but hear loud music playing downstairs along with people yelling. I don't bother figuring out what it's coming from, I ignore it and go into my room.

I look around one last time at my room and realize just how weird it was that I had zero memory of setting up my entire room or anything prior. Maybe it was Cam? Who knows, my head was just filled with years at the school. It was all I could remember, like this life barely even happened before the school. It was just all too much.

Trying my hardest not to think about how weird this situation was, I turn on my computers and reach for my phone on my dresser. I turn it on and read our texts. Apparently we would be playing Uno together. I get a notification from our friend Gabe saying he was starting now. I enter the call with a deep breath. At least streaming would feel normal. Immediately Gabe starts yelling;

"George! George! Join the game!" Yep, perfectly normal.



Day 3.

The next couple of days go by remarkably quick. I was trying my hardest to not think about the school, but somehow it just kept on butting its ugly head into my life. The new place we've been living in was fine, except for the parties pretty much every day. Thankfully, we weren't able to hear much of it upstairs in me or Cam's rooms.

It was now Sunday and Cam insisted we must go to the party the owner was throwing tonight, even though I really didn't want to go. I was afraid of getting noticed and was still in shock, understandably.

"We've barely talked to the guy, and he's letting us live here George. The least you can do is go downstairs for a few hours." Cam doesn't wait for me to answer him, he simply starts pulling me downstairs.

"Cam! Cam, no!" Before I knew it, we were both downstairs with the party. I look to Cam and see he's got a huge inviting smile on his face now for anyone to see. He was good at acting. Even when he clearly didn't want to be somewhere or do something. I was always the opposite, and couldn't help but be so easily intrigued by his demeanor.

"If I'm gonna be forced to be here, I need a drink." I tell Cam with a glare as a girl who was very clearly wasted pushes past me upstairs, almost causing me to biff it. Not quite sure where he was even hiding it, Cam pulls out a large bottle of whiskey and hands it to me with a big grin.

"Enjoy bud." I don't wait to take it from him to take a huge swig. I cringe at the taste then look back at Cam who was now dancing with a few girls. We weren't together anymore, so why was I feeling jealous? I wasn't even sure anymore if he was even into me like that. Which, so far, seemed like a big n-o.

I take more swigs of the alcohol, losing count of how much I had, as I watch the girls in irritation as they try too hard to show off. They were right to try hard though. Cam was a very good looking guy and it made sense for them to want to go after him. He was incredibly picky, so I knew he wouldn't like these specific girls.

I take a few more drinks from the bottle as I hear a huge splash come from outside in the pool. Seconds later, there was another one. I ignore it then start aimlessly walking in a random direction, trying to find something to do.

Feeling the warmth already as I start to walk, I strut past the dining room into the kitchen to find some food. I walk in and find a bunch of people making out with each other. What the hell? I was already so far in the room and it felt too awkward to walk out right now, so I kept walking. One of the couples stops and look at me judgementally. Not sure what to do I weirdly announce;

"Hello." Immediately wanting to kick myself for how stupid I was, they all looked in my direction, so I nervously repeat;

"Um, hi." Smooth. I wasn't quite sure why I said it, but I was drinking and was pretty dizzy so I just went with it. The girls in the room all stopped and ditched their partners, somehow already noticing who I was. Great. They looked me over and then started running toward me. In an instant, I shielded myself. Everyone was talking at once so I couldn't make out one word they were saying. Not sure what to do, I say;

"I have to go pee." All the girls instantly start giggling at me. Finally making my way out of the pile, and somehow losing them, I bring myself to the upstairs bathroom. After successfully not falling down the stairs, I realize I don't even have to go. I look around and see a balcony. I look down below and immediately feel sick to my stomach from the heights.

I flip out my phone and text Cam;

Me: 'Im sick. Bring me foood! im up on the balcony.' I wait a few minutes and receive a text from him;

Cam: 'on my way. These girls won't leave me alone.' 

I laugh aloud and reply eagerly;

Me: 'same here caaaaam.' 

I wait for a response but don't get one. Feeling upset now, I see a chair on the balcony and sit down. I look down at the whiskey in my hand, completely forgetting I had it and start chugging it down. It was like the alcohol set off a trigger in me, and instantly my mind was only thinking two things. Issa and Cam. Before I even realized it, there was wetness trailing down my cheeks and I was finally letting my emotions get the better of me.

A hundred million thoughts were going through my mind a second. I couldn't have Issa anymore because she wasn't even real and now Cam was back to his normal, just friends, phase. If it even was a phase to begin with here.

If this was going to be my normal life again, I was going to spend the rest of this night feeling nothing by drinking everything away.

I just about finish the bottle when Cam comes upstairs. I stand up, somehow not falling down again and walk back inside toward him. He looks around for me, seeming worried, until he finally sees me and blurts out anxiously;

"Some girl knew who I was tonight George." I laugh sarcastically at him then say;

"People knew who I was too Cam. What about it?" Cam then steps out onto the balcony, clearly out of breath.

"That's different. She knew my name! How would she even know who I am?" Cam was starting to look upset so I walked up to him to calm him down. I began talking, but with me this drunk, it didn't come out right.

"I told you we shouldn't come out tonight. I didn't want to go in the first place." I walk up to him onto the balcony finally then he turns toward me looking annoyed;

"Well you weren't exactly keeping it low-key. Everyone noticed you right away." I scoff at Cam, unsure why I was being so mean to him. 

"I was only here because you made me. Don't try blaming me Cam. I told you this would happen." I see a glint of pain flash through his eyes. This was the drunk part of me talking, not the actual George and I wanted so badly to tell him but just couldn't manage to do it. He sharply exhales then sneers;

"You could have left any time. But then you would've just stayed upstairs, stowed away like you always do." I can see instant regret in his eyes as he speaks. It wasn't that I didn't like going to parties at all, I just could rarely go without someone recognizing me, so I tended to just stay home while Cam enjoyed the night. He wouldn't understand what I have to go through.

"You know that's not fair. You couldn't possibly understand. You're too scared to even show your face, for who knows why!" Maybe this pent up rage is simply from knowing I don't have Cam for myself anymore. It wasn't real, but I wanted me and him to be something again so bad.

I needed to stop. I wish Cam would just realize how drunk I am and that I don't mean a single word I was saying and leave me alone. Instead his face grows even more sad than before and mutters;

"Yeah. And you couldn't possibly understand that either. I'm going to bed George. Goodnight." Without so much as a glance, he turns and walks to his room.



Day 4.

I wake up the next morning feeling like a bomb went off in my head. I don't really remember much of the rest of the night after me and Cam's dispute. I roll over feeling light headed, needing some water, and immediately roll into the bottle of whiskey from last night, now empty. The sight of the bottle makes me feel absolutely queasy, causing me to let out a nauseous burp.

I turn back the opposite direction of the bottle and am about to get up when I hear a knock at my door. I sigh, not wanting to talk to anyone just yet and get up. There's another knock so I yell;

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming." I finally get to the door, feeling even worse now, and open it to see Cam standing there in his pajamas. I couldn't help but smile at how cute he looked. His normal every day clothes are an 'I'm a cool guy' type of thing, but his pj's screamed 'I'm a rich, middle aged dad'. I mean c'mon, he was even wearing fluffy slippers.

He must have seen me staring him down while smiling because he waves in front of my face to says;

"What's so funny?" I snap my eyes up to his face, still smiling as I say to him;

"Oh nothing. Just wondering if you got any good dad jokes with that outfit?" He checks himself out quickly as if forgetting what he had on then crosses his arms at me, clearly not amused.

"It's comfortable. You try it and tell me it isn't. Until then, shut your mouth." Thankful that I could sense lightheartedness in his words, I become serious and apologize;

"I'm sorry about last night Cam. I was drunk and upset about a number of things-" He puts his hand up signaling to stop talking then explains;

"No. I started it. If you didn't want to come to the party I should have let you make your own choice." Knowing we were having a serious heartfelt conversation, I try my best not to start laughing again at his outfit. I start to say something then immediately burst out laughing.

"Oh come on, George. It's really not that funny!" Cam was now unsuccessfully trying his hardest not to show that he was also smiling. He punches my arm and starts cackling along with me. His punch reminds me I had a horrible hangover and needed to go get some water and food downstairs.

"I'm gonna go get some water. My heads killing me." Cam nods at me then suddenly starts pacing back and forth as if his feet were on fire, stammering;

"That reminds me, I've gotta pee. I'll meet you down there." I shake my head at him then he runs down the hall like a toddler would. I laugh to myself then head downstairs to the kitchen. As much as I missed being with Cam, it was also nice to just have a friend.

I begin walking down the stairs for the kitchen when I hear noises coming from it as I get closer. I was hesitating to even go any further as the noises were definitely moans. Hoping I was wrong, I walk into the kitchen doorway and see two people making out. This was now the second day in a row that I saw people making out in this kitchen, even with how many rooms this house had. Jeez.

I could recognize the man facing my direction being the owner of this house, Brooks. He still hadn't noticed me yet when the girl moves just right so I can finally see some of her face. Not believing my eyes I stupidly blurted;

"Issa? What the hell-" They break away their kiss then Issa twirls to look at me and I only now notice her shirt is up over her chest, totally exposing her to me. Trying my best to ignore looking at them, I glance around and see a swimsuit top laying on the floor. In the corner of my eyes, I see her flip back down her shirt. I look back over at Issa now looking at me with big shocked eyes. She says nothing, and I don't either. After a few more seconds, the only words I can let come out are;

"Uh-I just wanted some food-" Then, saving us all from embarrassment, I hear a scream come from upstairs then a girl sprints down in my direction. It was Lectra. Holy-

Why was she here too, and more importantly, why were they both actually real? Lectra takes one look at me and screams bloody murder again. I back away holding up my hands defenselessly then look to Brooks and Issa, signaling for help. Brooks immediately comes forward to find Lectra then yells back at her;

"Why-are you screaming?" Lectra grabs Brooks and is instantly using him as a sheild, then says scarcely;

"Who the hell is this guy? And why did I just run into another one upstairs in my damn bathroom?" Brooks then begins to laugh like she had just told the funniest joke of the century, then explains;

"They're living here now. I would have explained that to you a couple days ago but you wouldn't let me. So I figured I'd let you find out yourself." She hastily swats at him, pulling away then hissed;

"That is not funny. I thought he was going to hurt me!" Just then Cam comes downstairs and joins the awkward group looking as confused and scared as ever. I then hear Issa gasp an 'oh my god' and everyone was looking at her.

Lectra seems to be the only one who understands her outburst because she instantly moves over to her to grab her. Issa's eyes were moving back and forth between me and Cam, looking very embarrassed and very, very pale. I couldn't believe she was here, I'm sure I was as pale as she was.

Lectra was holding Issa whispering;

"What's up with you-?" Luckily everyone else around her was now having separate conversations, ignoring how Issa was acting. Unsure of what to do, not knowing what was up with her, I tune into the conversation happening beside me. Brooks was now talking to Cam apologizing to him;

"Sorry my sister scared you dude. She's just overly dramatic. Don't worry about it." So Lectra was this guys sister? I caught myself studying him. He looked strangely familiar, but before I could figure it out, Brooks looks at me and pondered;

"Didn't see you much at the party last night. Was hoping to talk some more." I go to glance at Issa once more but see she and Lectra had both left without me realizing it. I wondered if it was too good to be true, but it seemed like Issa recognized me and Cam. It would explain the odd behavior. Lectra clearly didn't know who I was, so maybe it was just my imagination that she knew who I was. Part of me just wanted her to somehow know me. 

I break out of that thought then look back at Brooks and Cam.

"Had a little too much to drink. Thanks to that guy there." I shrug at Cam blamingly, making him throw up his hands defensively saying;

"Hey, you asked for it." Brooks laughs and points out;

"You two banter like an old married couple. I have a feeling I'll get along fine with you guys." I laugh then glance at Cam who was just standing there, straight faced. He sees me watching him and forces a smile. What was that about? I didn't have time to think about it because just then Lectra comes back downstairs asking;

"Do you have any aspirin? Issa needs some." Lectra didn't look very concerned anymore, making me feel better as well. This whole event was just weird. Cam, Lectra and even Issa were here all at once. All people who I had seen in my messed up 'hallucination' or whatever you'd even call it. I wanted to try and forget all of this crazy I was experiencing, but it just kept showing up.

"Are you already giving her headaches? Here, I'll go upstairs and make her feel better in no time." Brooks winks at me then turns back to Lectra, who now looked pissed. Completely forgetting what I had seen just minutes ago in the kitchen with Issa and Brooks, my face grows red.

I guess Issa was with this guy? He was the complete opposite of me. Now thinking back on it, having someone show up during a make out session probably wasn't very ideal for her, understandably. Maybe that was why she was all pale and shocked earlier. Still, I was hoping it was that she had noticed who I was. Too good to be true I guess. All I knew for sure was that I absolutely hated this guy.

"I won't have you drooling over her when she clearly doesn't care about you. Until she's somehow in love with you, back off." I guess they weren't really officially together afterall. Brooks simply smirks at Lectra then she turns to me and Cam;

"Any of you have something she can take?" Cam shakes his head no. Guess it was up to me.

"Yeah. Up in my room." Lectra let's out a huge sigh of relief then grabs my hand and tugs me forward.

"Then let's go get it!" She impatiently gestures for me to go upstairs, so I start walking. We make our way up to my room and I grab the medicine for Issa.

"How many?" I ask her trying to open the lid unsuccessfully. Once again she sighs, obviously annoyed with me, then takes it from me and admits;

"No clue. Follow me. We can just bring the whole thing. Then you can officially meet her." My heart sank so far into my stomach I felt out of breath. It seemed so surreal to be meeting her for a second time. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to talk to her yet. I was happy to be able to talk to her again, and it's not like I haven't already talked to her many times before, but I was weirdly nervous.

Lectra doesn't bother waiting for me to respond, she immediately starts walking down the hallway to her room. I slowly follow her, keeping my distance, trying to catch my breath. On my way there, I see Lectra glance back at me with a smile. She was so bipolar. One second she was getting annoyed with me for the smallest things, and the next, she's giving me a huge smile for zero reason. I try my hardest to smile back, but it felt too forced. She doesn't seem to notice, so I drop the smile. 

Finally we arrive at a door a little ways across from my room. How had me or Cam not run into Lectra at least once before at our time here? She was right down the hall and I never saw her once. I guess with how many parties they threw, it was hard to see people seperately.

We approach the door then Lectra was turning and tossing me the bottle of medicine.

"Here, you give it to her. It can be like-an ice breaker." I nod and start to feel sick again. Why was I so incredibly nervous? I just needed to remember that this was just Issa, who I basically already knew, and it would be fine. Lectra begins to open the door and everything I was just telling myself dissapears, and I went back to being anxious again.

"Issa!" Lectra yells into the room, leaving me still standing outside by myself.

"I told you I have a headache. So that means no loud Lectra tonight." Issa sounded absolutely normal. Still not seeing Issa anywhere as I was still standing just outside the door, I hear Lectra ask;

"Are you going to come inside or just stand there?" She then pops her head out giving me a look. I don't move so she pulls me in. Laying there in bed was Issa. She had a smile on her face which immediately faded at the sight of me. Lectra then breaks the silence, clearly not sensing the awkwardness in the air;

"I literally don't even know your name either, I just realized. Guess you've gotta introduce yourself to both of us." 

Staring away at eachother, I once again force a smile on myself and introduce myself to the girl I had already met before.