
The Quest Is Simply To NTR All The Heroes

When a failed quest turned Kaisen's gaming session into a one-way ticket inside the very JRPG world he was playing, his fate took a thrilling and unexpected twist. It's a cold and unforgiving JRPG realm, but there's a silver lining: the girls are drop-dead gorgeous! Yet, this isn't your typical hero's journey. His quest? To cleverly outmaneuver and NTR the people around him, testing his charm and strategy skills. With his eye on the prize and a host of beautiful companions by his side, Kaisen is ready to give it his all and complete the quest. Let the adventure begin! [Main Quest: Save Alice, the Stargazer.] 'Oh, wow! I'm a saviour--' [Quick Time Event: Grab Alice's bubble butt.] 'Never mind.'

The_Thunder_Lord · Fantasy
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141 Chs

Our Kids Will Be So Cute!

"Alice-san, I've been waiting for an opportunity."

Alwyn slurred, stumbling toward her.

Alice stepped back, but he kept advancing like a zombie in heat.

"Ah, Alice-san. You smell so good. You look so sexy. Ahh, just let me hold you for a moment."

He moaned, rubbing his crotch harder as he moved closer.

Alice stumbled back further, and Alwyn closed in on her.

"I'm not here to hurt you, Alice-san, I swear on my mother's name. I just want to talk to you privately."

He panted, coming to a stop a few meters away, breathing heavily like a dog deprived of water for days.

Alice felt disgusted by the man.

When she first met him, Alwyn had been a proud elf, dressed elegantly with the aura of someone who conspired in the shadows like the young masters from novels.

But now he looked like a total wreck.