
Dead End

One of the worst feelings in world is loosing yourself to the things you thought were in your control and when they go beyond your control, you can't help but wonder 'What If?'.

But there was absolutely no remedy for regrets except for despair and it kills faster than regret.

Elisa stared blankly into space as the entire courtroom was dead silent compared to a while ago, everyone left gradually after getting what they wanted while she was left all alone with a dead heart and a thirst for revenge.

Siren walks towards Elisa with a slightly weak and shattered expression on his stoic face.

"Miss Elisa we've tried everything we could to prove Young master Alexander's innocence but we couldn't even find clues concerning the incident at all, it's like everything seemed to have vanished without a trace" Siren said solemly.

Elisa was momentarily stunned before the expression on her face turned severely grim and lifeless, with no hope left.

"Siren have we really hit a dead end?"

Siren stood silently and refused to answer as the rims of his eyes turned red from the pain of feeling so helpless.

He was indeed ashamed to call himself an Aide but what could he do, everyone else had left his mistress and have completely deserted her after getting all the benefits they could.

Those dogs didn't know where to place their loyalty at all!'.he thought in rage and bloodlust filled eyes.

Siren clenched his fists and hung his head low.

Elisa slowly got up from the floor but stumbled slightly,Siren tried to lend a hand but he was waved off, after she finally regained her footing she marched out of there with Siren in tow.

The sun had already set and the whole city seemed to be in a state of calm stillness,the view was incredibly great and one would be in awe if they stared at it from a high place.

Elisa stared down at the miniature picturesque view but couldn't bring herself to admire it for a minute.

She gazed up at the moon in the sky with a sad smile hanging on her beautiful lips.

"If only you were still alive mom...dad,I miss you so much"

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and her usual coldness reappeared.

"I couldn't save my Alex and now I've even lost the empire you've worked so hard to build so what's the point of living"Elisa said with a cold smile on her face.

"I promise that even if it means I have to die in anguish I won't let them die in peace for what they've done to us"

"The only way to save Alex is if I die mom...dad,i-i don't care about anything asides from saving him"

"Siren has the things I ask to be done ready?"

"Yes Miss Renaldi we managed to create a Camouflage and completely evade the watchful eyes of the Webers"

Elisa only grunted in response, "Siren you are dismissed, I want you to go and get the necessary protection procedures ready as soon as the plane lands"

Siren gave a conflicted look as he could sense a that his Mistress wasn't in the right state of mind but he couldn't pin point at exactly what was wrong so he tried to remain calm as he slowly walked away feeling a bit uneasy.

After Siren left, Elisa felt conflicted with what she was going to do but she knew it was the only way to protect her little brother Alex.

Elisa had already made some arrangements with a few acquaintances who owed her some favors to break her brother out of jail and send him far away with a new identity so he could live a peaceful and safe life, and by the time she died he would have long escaped and her death would serve as a distraction from their rivals and would throw the police off his back.

Yes she was going to commit a suicide to draw some attention away from the enemy, it was her only option since everything thing had already fallen through, then what was the point of living such a life.

Having no qualms of dying Elisa once again stared at the view below before jumping off the building to her death.

'It was bound to happen eventually, perhaps if I had a second chance I would have chosen to...'her sentence was cut off midway as her vision turned completely dark.