
The Queen Of The Demons

Potatoqueen · LGBT+
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The Queen's Bat

She blushes more and uses her magic to push her out the doors and all the way to the front gates. The Queen paced as she thinks about what just happened. She looks out her window then hides and blushes more. She sat up and looked around as she was laying down on the ground after that. "Huh? Wasn't I just in the castle a second ago?-" she was then greeted by her general who had a letter for her given by a courier. The Queen sends out a bat, too look at what she was given. She wanted to see it as well. Not very comfortable with her being given something she doesn't know of. "Well at least something went right" the letter stated that she her request to use her father's coat of arms had been approved and that she now had permission to bear arms in the name of Rhodoks in vassalge. The bat was now on her shoulder, and looking at the paper, confused. The bat then flies around her and flies away. The bat returns to the Queen. "Well...whaddya say Rach? Shall we begin forming an official army?" Her general answered with yes and they started to head back to Rhodok territory where they could begin a recruitment campaign. Although- she left a letter on the ground in Hope's the queen would find it. The Queen sent a bat out to scope the area, the bat came back with the letter. She looked at it confusingly then opened it. She began to read the letter. The letter read-

"My Highness. I will not return for awhile, I'm not sure how long yet. As you probably know, tensions between the Empire and Rhodoks are high and the people want war. I am now an official vassel of the Kingdom Of Rhodoks now which means that if there is war, I am expected to raise an army and fight. Just thought I'd tell you so you know why I'm not seeing you for the time being...and to say I love you once more, I love you!

VERY IMPORTANT. From King Graveth himself.

If a war with the Swadians occurs, he wishes for an audience with you. That is all. Goodbye!"

Her eyes widen and she sends out a bat to follow her. She told the bat to keep the human who lovers her alive and it will not return home unless with her. She watches through the bats eyes as it flies and lays on her shoulder. "What is with this bat? At least sit on my horse and not me!" She tried to shoo it away before she started to pick up the pace. She shouted for her General to do the same and he ordered the men to do so as well. The bat continues to follow, this time sitting on the hires head. The bat stared at the female, it's eyes almost looking like the Queens eyes. It just continues to stare at her and only focus on her. She stared back before saying. "Queen?-" she moved her face closer. "Those are the queens eyes, I know it!" She whispered to herself. She tried to ignore it and continued onward. The bat nods it head, answering her question as it still looks at her. The bats eyes blink twice as it looks at her. Staring blankly at everything else. "Eh-" she blushed a little and then scratched her cheek. She kept glancing back at the bat. This obviously went straight to Katrin's head. "Queen Kemino does care about me! I did something right! I'm not completely incompetent!" She started to smile