
What the heck!?

The creepy night in a forest is filled with deadly silence. Even the insects which will make some small noises too become silent now. A noise of leaves rustling and a metallic sword cutting can be heard in the distance. The distant sound of someone running in that deadly forest disturbs the sleep of small insects now.

The sound of the anklets clarifies in our mind that the person is a woman. The grunts and the breathless noises escaping her mouth sounded divine which will make us wonder what her voice could be capable of making us feel!

A woman in a saree is running for her life. She is holding a sword in her right hand and her left hand is holding her garments higher which hung just below her knees so that she could run faster. A lady doesn't need elegance while running for her life anyway.

She turns back hastily and cuts the branches, vines and whatever hinders her way. She didn't want to stop for a mere second and let those ruthless hunters slaughter her!

Yes! Those are the hunters in the form of a human but do not deserve to be called human! Those demons are the reason for her family's death. They call that heartless massacre "Witch hunt!"



A whizzing sound of an arrow tears the peaceful wilderness and hits right next to her head.

The woman shivers at their skills and looks back in horror. Her open hairs blocked her sight of trying to see the people approaching. She didn't have time to even remove them from her tear-stained face as leaving her garments could trip her to fall in this dangerous forest.

She can not afford to take that risk. So all she could do was run. Till she breaks her legs. At first, she thought she could fight them bravely. But that was the stupid decision she took before and that led to her whole family's death!

She underestimated the humans' heartlessness! She never has realized that humans were the true demons on the Earth!






The woman screams as one of the arrows tasted her blood by tearing the skin of her hand. The tear was deep and she couldn't help stumbling in pain. Her aching legs take a toll now and they refuse to take the next step. The abrupt halt of her made her body get time to react to the agony it got from her hours of running!

Her breaths become harsh and her ears get blocked. She swallows her dry coughs and rests her body by leaning on a tree trunk. She looks up at the sky and rubs her face by pushing the dishevelled hairs off her face. She looks at the dark sky and scoffs dryly.

"You didn't even care to watch over me today? Don't you want to see me die?"

She notices her bleeding hand and peers around carefully. Hearing the rustling sound next to her she instantly stood straight to run but stopped abruptly hearing her anklets' sound. The previous rustling was due to a rabbit.

"Was I running wearing these all along?! No wonder they followed me till now!"

She sits down slowly without startling anything around her. Especially the rabbit in front of her which is looking at her in the alert. She removes her single anklet and holds it in her palm. She closes her eyes and takes her fist having the single anklet near her chest.

"Help me with this. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise"

The rabbit is still looking at her but this time it looked like it was bewitched!

She kneels down and forwards her hand slowly hearing the rustling sounds and the footsteps nearing her. The rabbit hops in her hand and the woman smiles lovingly. She caresses the rabbit and puts her anklet on it carefully so that it won't fall anywhere.

She ties it around the rabbit and whispers in the rabbit's ears "Run far away from me. Make sure you escape everyone's arrows! You should never allow them to catch you. If you do, a part of my soul will also die with you. This is the only way I could compensate you for helping me. Now run!"

The rabbit leapt from her palms and immediately disappeared from her view. She opens her eyes wide in surprise and darts her eyes hearing her anklet's sound gradually fading. She gets anxious hearing the footsteps following the sound and curls herself in fear till the sounds fade.

She notices her hand injury and sighs defeated.


The woman in the forest frowns at this weird noise as she can not find a door anywhere in this wild forest!


A woman wakes up from her sleep gasping for her breaths and looks around in shock. It took a minute for her to get herself out of her panic.

"Tamizh It's already 6! We have to hurry!"

Tamizh jumps from her bed and shouts "I am awake! I will be out in 30 minutes!"

The knocking didn't happen again and Tamizh kneels on the floor exhausted. Her legs were throbbing as if she was one who has been running in that dream! Of course, it was her! How could her legs hurt if she wasn't that woman?!

But something makes her uneasy as this time the dream is weird. She never felt the ache after she woke up from sleep but this time the throb in her legs is unbearable. She looks for her mobile on her bedside table and gasps in horror seeing the blood-stained sheets and marks on the floor.

Her terrified eyes trailed the blood and slowly she traced it back to her upper hand which is now bleeding nonstop. She opens her eyes wide and touches the injury with her quivering palm. Her blood-stained palm broke all the courage she developed since childhood!

She frowns deeply and curses "What the heck!?"

Next chapter