
Branch Four: The Game

The Game cart was rather big but...there was one issue there were no games to play with. I walked up to the cart director. "Hey um, where are all the games? Oh, sorry ma'am the game will begin momentarily please wait till it does. Oh um. ok, I guess?" I turned around and walked back to Lily sitting next to her. "He said the game will start soon."

After a few minutes, the lights shut off, and then the next second Lily is in a field. "What the hell!?" I turn around and see Lily standing there confused. Then a voice projects through the air. "Helloo everyone!!! I am the game master of this cart you are all in a hyperspace of my magic every object in here was created by me!! You and everyone else in your cart and other carts across the world are in here. So is everyone ready for the rules!!! Good!!

Rule One no hurting other contestants break this rule and you will be instantly transported to a prison station. Rule two no space magic it will mess with the world and could drop everyone in random carts worldwide. Now I'll explain the game. You all have to find the matching number player on your shirt if you don't before the time ends you get a punishment if you do you get a prize!!! You have till the end of the hour and Begin!!!!"

After he's done talking I see a timer appears. "Well, this is a pain. Well, Lily you wanted to play a game here you go." We walk around and find a forest we enter and meet someone. "Hello, who might you be? I'm Aria, who are you? I'm Mike. What's your number, Mike? I'm 18, are you? No, I'm number 65. And the little one. She's 20. Well, that's too bad. Yeah." We walk away quickly and in around ten minutes the man speaks again.

"Helloo again everyone I'm keeping this short and simple someone bypassed our teleportation magic after they killed someone so for everyone's safety RUN AND HIDE!!" In the distance, we heard a scream as I grabbed Lily and yanked her into a small bush holding her mouth. "Don't make a sound Lily."

In five minutes I see Mike walking towards the clearing we came from with blood all over his face and hands. After he left we both ran the way he came from and stopped at two dead bodies. "Lily climbed a tree. What? Climb a tree and don't come down no matter what. O-Ok sissy." I watched Lily climb the tree as I ran off after she was safe. [ok I have to find some sort of exit] I ran as fast I could but came to a stop as I saw a man with a knife in his arm and his left foot cut off. "Run he'll kill you, RUN!!!" The second the man finished his sentence a knife pierced his head and I turned to see Mike.

Hello everyone my views have boosted and I just wanted to thank everyone for reading my book!

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