
The Queen of Black Magic

"I am willing to lay down my life at the edge of your sword, as long as you allow me to be by your side forever, Raqueena." In Aetheria, a girl named Raqueena, burdened with the mark of eternal sanctity, unwittingly falls under the enchantment of the 13th prince, Henry. This unrecognized prince devises a cunning plan to use Raqueena's uniqueness as his ticket to the throne of the kingdom. Initially, Henry's plan succeeds, and he ascends the throne as the acknowledged king. However, when Henry decides to cast aside Raqueena, his decision opens the door to a catastrophe even greater than his ambitions for the throne. Raqueena, once considered a chosen holy girl, transforms into a queen of dark sorcery. With her terrifying magic, she terrorizes the kingdom led by Henry. In his effort to confront this threat, Henry decides to offer a substantial reward to anyone who can capture Raqueena, dead or alive. Now, the question looms: Is there anyone brave enough to challenge and defeat Raqueena? Or will the kingdom of Aetheria disappear in the whirlwind of vengeance unleashed by a once-holy sorceress?"

LaVerna07 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Abbysal Vessel


The deeper the sack containing Raqueena's body sank, the more Raqueena's lifeless body reflexively struggled. The pressure of the water was suffocating her. Slowly, the rope tied to the sack loosened and came loose.

Raqueena, who didn't know where to get the energy from, tried to swim to the surface. However, Raqueena's attempt failed. Her body sank again.

"Henry...," Raqueena said to herself. Her tears were falling, and strangely they formed like crystal beads that refused to mix with the lake water. The teardrops continued to slide to the bottom of the lake, faster than Raqueena's body. Finally, the bitrate of Raqueena's teardrop fell into a black cup.


Instantly, the blackish-red light shone sharply in a straight line and darted sharply at Raqueena's body. It was like a sword stuck right into Raqueena's chest, causing an unnatural reaction in the dead-hugged woman's body. Raqueena's eyes suddenly opened wide, along with her mouth. From her mouth, a small ball of light came out, which was initially white in color, slowly blackened, and grew even blacker as it entered the black cup.


When the black orb united with Raqueena's teardrop crystal inside the black cup, there was an explosion of dark, evil energy. It shook not only the demon lake but the entire forest. The explosion of evil energy even reached the residential areas and the royal palace of Aetheria.


A gust of wind rumbled as if it was sucked in by the dark energy from the forbidden lake commonly called the 'demon vessel' by the locals. The lake where Raqueena was killed.

The wind seemed to gather, forming a tornado centered on the lake. Precisely at the point where Raqueena's body sank. Creating a whirlpool that was so large and terrible. The birds that inhabited the forest scattered, and other animals cried out in fear, including the howls of the wolf pack which added to the gloom of the demonic forest.


"What? What happened?" One of the troopers who had thrown Raqueena away was confused when the wolf pack that had surrounded him suddenly ran away from him. With his body torn to shreds, the soldier limped along. He didn't even know where his footsteps were leading.


"Joseph!" the soldier shouted, calling out to his comrade who was already dead with only a part of his body left, as a result of being eaten by the wild wolves inhabiting the demonic forest.

Now the lake area began to be besieged by the forces of darkness. Starving demons scramble to suck Raqueena's soul.

Meanwhile, inside the lake. Raqueena was having a dialog with the demon guarding the place.

"Hmh! What a surprise! What brings a holy man like you here?" The voice of the man who did not show his form asked.

As if she already knew, Raqueena replied, "You think I came to this rotten place on purpose?!"

"Ha...Ha... Ha...! Were you banished? The blessing-bringing saint and symbol of Aetheria's prosperity and tranquility was banished. Ha...ha...ha...!"


After being satisfied laughing at Raqueena, the demon named Mysthor, the guardian of the demon lake, paused for a moment, then said, "I did not expect that the demon cup, which you used to seal the evil power in this place, you opened yourself with your tears of hatred. Seeing the radiance of hatred and vengeance that finally claimed your holy soul... Do you wish to join our ranks, great Lady Saintes?"


"Although it's true that my holy soul was swallowed up by my vengeance, I'm not willing to belong to foul demons like you!"

Raqueena confidently and with a speck of arrogance in her already dark heart began her attack. She forgot that her soul was currently incomplete. He did not realize that he was nothing more than a ghost.


"Ha...ha...ha.... so funny! Do you think that you are still the same as before, Mrs. Saintes? Look at you!"


Raqueena's face, which had been full of confidence, instantly faded into indecision and was wrapped thinly in fear. She looked at her hands, trying to feel her body. Her fear grew as she realized that she had become a different person.


"Your soul is no longer intact. Let alone making a seal, to get out of here with only your soul remaining is already extraordinary, Lady Saintes."


After Mysthor's words, suddenly the water waves within the lake churned violently. From above, a black shadow drew closer to Raqueena.


"Do you see that, Lady Saintes? Feel that disgusting mass of energy scrambling to feed on your soul."


Raqueena looked panicked. Even so, she was busy trying to draw out her strength.

"There's only one way for you to get out of this place safely. Do you want to know how? Or would you rather be a meal for those hungry demons, Lady Saintes?"

Raqueena tried to ignore Mysthor's words and now began to take steps to swim, wading further into the lake.


"Are you thinking of hiding in this place?" Mysthor's voice was still so clear. It was as if the Mysthor was the lake itself.


"Have you ever seen a deer so resigned to being eaten by a lion?"


After going deep enough, Raqueena finally saw a cave in the lake. In a state of urgency, Raqueena immediately entered the cave without thinking.


"Unfortunately, at this moment I witnessed a small deer entering the lion's cage."


Mysthor's words at first glance made Raqueena doubt his reckless actions. Even so, she still went deeper into the cave.


Meanwhile, a man seemed to be watching the tense situation unfolding. The man grinned, flashing an excited look in his eyes.


"What fools! Gluttony has blinded them, so they cannot smell the holy power that is so sharp and strong behind this sweet, pungent scent," said a man from the top of the oldest and largest tree in the forest.


"If you think that they will be wiped out by that holy power you mentioned, do you also think that you can eat the woman's soul, my lord?" said a crow that suddenly landed on a branch near the man with long black hair, as black as night.


"Do you think I earned the title of demon prince just because I'm the son of the demon king, Cyrus? You should see how much I deserve to be the next demon prince, without any interference from the demon king!"

Grimlore the Sinister, the demon prince darted quickly into the lake, precisely into the whirlpool that was thick with dark power. Breaking through the hordes of hungry demons, Grimlore easily entered the lake. Guided by his sense of smell, the demon prince headed to where Raqueena was hiding.

"I will soon devour you, holy creature."