
The Queen is a D-listed actress

" Dear, I created a mess again, Will you blame me.", She asked coquettishly. He destroyed the evidence without saying a word. "Dear, I slapped that woman. She said she will ban me from the industry. Will my career be really over this time?", She asked worriedly. He established an entertainment company exclusively for her. "You know what, Someone called you an old man... Hahaha, Are you? You can't perform well?", She ranted and mocked him. But ended up not being able to move from bed. "I don't feel like going out, Don't go to work. Accompany me. ", As soon as she said this, a poor soul who has the designation of his special assistant and his team got the entire work burden. She is aloof, furious, and ruthless outside the home. At home, she is a lost kitten who doesn't know anything. After all, she is a D-listed Actress. At a national banquet, she was humiliated and was about to retaliate. A voice ran from behind," Looks like the little fox of the Zhan family had a lot of fun these days." "So it's time to take it home.", Another voice came, as two similar faces come into the vicinity of all the people gathered. Upon seeing them, She ran and hide behind him like a child and began to cry, "Darling, Don't let them come near me. They are here to kidnap me. If you don't protect me, You will lose your wife." He only smirked and let the two men take her with them ------------------------------------------------------------------- she, Zhan Lu, a well know as Zhan Wei Feng, a D-listed actress who was full of rumors and scandals. She never give in to the rules of the Entertainment Industry. After all, She just came to experience different things behind the Zhan Family, The Royal families of the Dongwei Country. All she wanted was to explore the world just as how her mother Xiu Xi Feng, The queen of Nan Xiang, wanted. In her journey, She established herself with different Identities, which are big names, which cannot be truffled with. This is my own book. I may not update with a steady phase. So be patient with my updates... I am rewriting and proof reading the book right now.

kate_23 · Urban
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47 Chs

Victims of a certain fox

The cars hit the road. But soon after, the city's embrace loosens, the scenery begins to shift. The concrete jungle, with its towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, fades into the rearview mirror. The cacophony of honking cars and chattering crowds is replaced by the symphony of the open road — the soft hum of the engine and the rhythmic whoosh of tires against pavement.

The buildings grow sparser, their glass and steel giving way to greener pastures. Trees stand tall and proud, their leaves whispering secrets as the wind dances through their branches. The air feels fresher here, tinged with the scent of earth and growth.

Billboards become infrequent visitors, their bright colors and bold letters stark against the soft pastels of the sky. The sun plays hide and seek behind fluffy clouds, casting a warm, golden glow that bathes everything in a heavenly light.

Fields stretch out like patchwork quilts, squares of greens, yellows, and browns stitched together by the hands of nature. Farmers can be seen in the distance, tending to their crops with a care that speaks of generations of knowledge.

Small houses dot the landscape, each with its own story, its own life. Children run in the yards, their laughter carrying on the wind, a reminder of simpler joys. Dogs chase after them, barking playfully, guardians of these little slices of paradise.

As the city's hold fades completely, the road becomes a ribbon winding through the countryside, leading travelers to places unknown. The horizon stretches out, an invitation to explore, to discover the beauty that lies just beyond the familiar.

This transition from city to outskirts is a journey in itself, a reminder that there is a world beyond the concrete, a world that breathes and grows and lives at a pace all its own. It's a view that captures the heart, a picture that stays etched in the memory long after the journey has ended.

A car and a van came to halt in the parking lot of the Crescent Ring, one of the nation's famous stadiums.

The stadium was known for its grandeur. The stadium covers a total area of 86 square kilometers. It has the facilities and infrastructure for most of the games starting from athletics to football and golf. The capacity of the stadium goes up to a million seats in total. The infrastructures are on par with international stadiums.

Seeing Zhan Wei Feng's car stopping at the parking lot of the stadium, not only the crew but also the viewers who are watching it through their screens are also confused about why she is there.

It has been ten minutes since they reached the stadium. She didn't get down from her car. The small camera team that was traveling along with her in her car was still recording. The monitor showed that she was resting on the driver's seat.

Until a knock was made, she didn't move. Upon hearing the knock, she opened the door and got out of the car and others followed her. She picked up her kit and locked the car before making a move.

The person who came was a lady. She handed a form while glancing at the people who are following Wei Feng with a camera.

"Don't mind them. Treat them as airs. " She said and got the paper she was handing her.

[I really wanna give hugs to the people who are recording her. It must take a lot of mental strength to hear these words from her mouth and keep their calm]

[What a vicious mouth you have Wei Zhan]

[It's Zhan Wei Feng friend. Zhan Wei Feng]

[Who cares her anti-fans don't care at all.]

[The official page for Zhan Wei Feng's Anti- fans club is open. Registration is opening soon. Don't forget to join. Just search the website to join.]

[That's so fast of us *proud emoji*]

After checking up on the details on it, she nodded while the lady whispered something in her ears and she simply nodded her head. "I get it. Don't worry. Just do as usual."

And with that lady who came took her leave. Though the mic was intact, neither the crew who is following nor the audience can hear most of the conversation.

[What is going on? Did the mic is not working?]

[Don't know just watch]

[Did she tamper with the mic as well?]

While the conversation was going on, Wei Feng entered the ladies' room on the first floor and the crew surely knows their limit. Hence, they stopped at the lobby. The presenter was trying to fill in the minutes but they can't find anything to talk about at all. Hence the production team came up with the idea of thanking their sponsors. When that was ended, he was instructed to talk about the Crescent Ring and the drone camera was sent to capture an overall aerial view of the stadium. The crew too walked and changed quite a few locations to present this sudden prompt of Crescent Ring. For a while, they forget about Zhan Wei Feng just as a certain fox wanted.

[HAHAHAHA... I follow this show now and then. This presenter was the wittiest one among all the presenters, but seeing him like this, I don't know whether to laugh or to feel pity for him]

[Did the program change its format? This is supposed to follow stars and celebrities and not famous places.]

[Thanks to a certain someone, we get to know a lot of general knowledge.]

[Thanks my foot!!! Our professor caught me watching and now I have to make an architecture case study on this stadium. Zhan Wei Feng, You better do this extra work for me.]

[I pity you]

[Pity you+2]

[Dear PDs, You are supposed to follow Zhan Wei Feng. Go and follow her]

A lot of comments began to flood the screen and it successfully reminded the crew that they are supposed to record Zhan Wei Feng. When they contacted the person they left in the restroom lobby, she said, Wei Feng didn't come out since she entered.

No, Something is wrong, no one will possibly use a restroom for 20 minutes, will they?

While they were scratching their heads over this, almost the entire crew get lost in the stadium. Some got separated; some were struck with the small masses that crossed them now and then while a certain someone was enjoying the chaos she created for the people who came with her from the surveillance room.

When the entire crew became a mess, she looked at the people who are behind her, " Go and help them and bring everyone to the Archery Range." She then left the room with her kit.