
The Queen is a D-listed actress

" Dear, I created a mess again, Will you blame me.", She asked coquettishly. He destroyed the evidence without saying a word. "Dear, I slapped that woman. She said she will ban me from the industry. Will my career be really over this time?", She asked worriedly. He established an entertainment company exclusively for her. "You know what, Someone called you an old man... Hahaha, Are you? You can't perform well?", She ranted and mocked him. But ended up not being able to move from bed. "I don't feel like going out, Don't go to work. Accompany me. ", As soon as she said this, a poor soul who has the designation of his special assistant and his team got the entire work burden. She is aloof, furious, and ruthless outside the home. At home, she is a lost kitten who doesn't know anything. After all, she is a D-listed Actress. At a national banquet, she was humiliated and was about to retaliate. A voice ran from behind," Looks like the little fox of the Zhan family had a lot of fun these days." "So it's time to take it home.", Another voice came, as two similar faces come into the vicinity of all the people gathered. Upon seeing them, She ran and hide behind him like a child and began to cry, "Darling, Don't let them come near me. They are here to kidnap me. If you don't protect me, You will lose your wife." He only smirked and let the two men take her with them ------------------------------------------------------------------- she, Zhan Lu, a well know as Zhan Wei Feng, a D-listed actress who was full of rumors and scandals. She never give in to the rules of the Entertainment Industry. After all, She just came to experience different things behind the Zhan Family, The Royal families of the Dongwei Country. All she wanted was to explore the world just as how her mother Xiu Xi Feng, The queen of Nan Xiang, wanted. In her journey, She established herself with different Identities, which are big names, which cannot be truffled with. This is my own book. I may not update with a steady phase. So be patient with my updates... I am rewriting and proof reading the book right now.

kate_23 · Urban
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47 Chs

The enchanted fitting

Kawin sat alone in his studio, the silence around him as heavy as the thoughts weighing on his mind. The visit from Wei Feng had stirred something within him, a turmoil that refused to settle. He was lost, adrift in a sea of creative block, where not even the faintest whisper of inspiration could reach him. Days turned into nights, and still, the canvas before him remained untouched, as blank as his thoughts.

He tried everything—long walks under the moonlit sky, the cacophony of the bustling markets, the solitude of ancient temples—but nothing sparked the flame of creativity within him. It was during one such night, as he sat on the cold marble floor of his studio, that Wei Feng's words echoed back to him, "Everything has good and bad to it. No one knows it better than an artist like you."

Those words, simple yet profound, struck a chord. Kawin realized that he had been looking at his work, his life, all wrong. It wasn't about finding inspiration; it was about seeing the duality in everything, the balance that art, and life, demanded. With renewed vigor, he approached his previous design, the 'Teardrop,' a piece that had made him a plagiarist.

The 'Teardrop' under his touch, is not just a symbol of sorrow but a testament to the resilience of a woman. It depicted her endurance, her strength, and her ability to wait for the right moment to reveal her true self. The design was more than just an accessory; it was a narrative, a story of every woman who had ever faced the world and stood tall against the tides of adversity. But, wait. Will a woman who was suppressed for so long will only choose goodness? He didn't change the previous two works. He added the third piece to the collection, A design that expresses the mesmerizing evil that will keep you captivated yet, has a touch of softness that a woman possesses inertly.

He worked tirelessly, his hands moving with a purpose they hadn't felt in ages. When the design was complete, Kawin knew it was time to show it to Wei Feng. He waited till the day of their appointment. When the time came, He was more nervous than ever before. When she came in, She didn't show the slightest emotion. She is so serene, unlike his chaotic inner world. Wei Feng studied the 'Teardrop' intently, her eyes reflecting the depth of its meaning. She saw the struggle, the pain, the boldness, the evil pureness, and the ultimate triumph it represented.

"Not bad. You immediately captured what I wanted it to represent. Now, I decided to have a co-operation with you. What I wanted previously was to design a wedding dress for someone too important for me. Now I will give you the specifics. In addition, I will invest in your studio. Let's grow this into a fashion empire. Do you have any condition? If there is any, we can add it and draft a contract.", She agreed to help Kawin. She doesn't want to let go of such a good talent. 

It was an offer that carried the promise of a future Kawin had only dared to dream of. Kawin felt that there was much more he needed in this world. Who doesn't want to make their fashion brand? Kawin expressed his desire." Miss. I have no big request. I just want you to be the grand model for 'Teardrop' at the upcoming GlamFash event. You are the one who gave me the concept and you are the only one who can express this better than anyone. I hope you agree."

It was a role she was destined to play, embodying the very essence of the design.

A partnership was forged, one that would catapult both Wei Feng and Kawin into the limelight. Wei Feng's career in the entertainment industry took off, her grace and strength becoming her trademark. Kawin, on the other hand, gained fame as a leading designer, his 'Teardrop' becoming a symbol of empowerment and beauty. Not only his Teardrop series, but The real work that gave momentum to his fame was the Wedding dress of the eldest Princess Of Nan Qiang. Even he was too confused to know that his work was worn by the Princess. He knows that it was through Wei Feng. But who cares as long as he is working hard, nothing matters. That's why this Little girl is his ultimate boss. And he will never leave her side.

Every design she wore from then on was done by him. He even began to design a personalized series, especially for Wei Feng. While she was in front of the camera, Kawin, this ever-loyal friend, stood by her side, using his talents to capture the magic of her temperament in every design and every photograph. 


"So all that you brought is from the other collection?', Wei Feng asked.

"No, Actually, I mixed one or two pieces of "Treasure" with the others. For ordinary people, They won't touch my clothes as long as I don't hand them to try. That way I can still keep them safe. So, should I take that dress or an ordinary dress?", Kawin averted the dead sentence of his little boss.

"No need, just give me the white one. For tonight's show it is more than enough.", Wei Feng was pointing at the peony off-shoulder mermaid dress.

"May I ask what occasion, you are choosing this piece which you never touched before?"

"Marrying a husband."

Kawin: 'Are you serious or are you kidding as always?'

As Wei Feng slipped into the gown, she had an ethereal transformation in her temperament. The dress seemed to mold to her body, enhancing her every feature. It was as if she was a living work of art. 

She stepped out from behind the closet door, and the room fell into a hushed silence—Kawin, who had been engrossed in his designs. "As expected only his devil boss can pull these designs. Boss, After pounding for a while, I can't figure out one thing, Wan Qing said he is taking his wife home and needs something that will not make her stand out yet make her unique, You said that you are going to marry a husband. But the only people here are you and him. Are you guys talking about each other?"

Wei Feng just smiled and walked out of the room only to meet Wei Wan Qing who came out of the other room after changing. The man froze when he met Wei Feng. The girl had no makeup on her face. the man was no different. Their temperament and character are overflowing. Maybe this is why people say it's the people who define the clothes and the clothes that make people.

For Wei Wan Qing, time seemed to stand still as he gazed upon Wei Feng. His eyes, once cool and distant, now held a warmth and intensity she had never seen before. He wanted to eat her in whole. It wasn't the gown; it was the way Wei Wan Qing looked at her. 

"Wei Feng," he said softly, his voice filled with a depth of emotion he hadn't known before, "You are exquisite, a true treasure. And I..." He paused, his heart pounding, "I think I may have just fallen in love with you." He said the latter half in his heart.

The room was filled with an electric charge, a palpable tension that hung in the air. The moment hung suspended in time, a fragile web of emotions woven between Wei Wan Qing and Wei Feng. Their hearts beat in harmony, sharing an unspoken language that resonated deep within them. Amid this newfound connection, Wei Feng's stern voice rang as she heard the noise of the car halting, "Wan Qing, I think it's time to leave. Didn't you say we should board the flight by 2 PM?"

"yeah, Let's leave." Wan Qing snapped out of his daze and walked hurriedly towards the entrance. His steps were clumsy even though he was maintaining his stature and coolness.

 Kawin, who had been a silent observer of this unfolding drama, couldn't help but smile, his initial doubt was answered and his heart was filled with a sense of genuine happiness for his friend and employer. He had always known that Wei Wan Qing was a man of discerning taste and his boss was a woman of high demand, but this revelation was beyond even his wildest expectations.