


Junichiro's pov , 10 years old

"At this current moment, I don't know what to feel ..."

It's not really a surprise to me that the rains are falling heavily today, it always does on sad days..at least that's what big sister always tells me, everyone is dressed in black today, most of us gathered have solemn expressions, some sobbing, some weeping and yet they all put on umbrellas over their heads...in all honesty it makes me doubt that they care about Mum's death

I on the other hand, chose to stay in the rain , I never knew my mum much but at my young age it was already very clear to me what was happening, Mum was dead, I will never see her again, and I won't share those warm moments with her again ...such a pity, staying in the rain...will be my last respects..as silly as it sounds..

It represents sorrow and grief..if that matters to anyone

Big sister on the other hand is sobbing uncontrollably, between the two of us , she was more closer to Mum than anybody else,Her friends are gathered around her trying to comfort her but she's still crying...I wish I had friends like that...too bad , I'm a weirdo afterall...no one likes an albino kid...

"Professor Fujiwara..."


'What are they saying?' I thought as I turned to take a glance at my Father, the very cause of my Mother's death ... that man he's talking to, that's Mr shinigami..I've seen him a lot of times... even before mum's death..I wonder , does he have something to do with Father's murder?I strained my ears to hear more but the rain's loud patter blocked out their voices, suddenly I felt thier eyes on me , they had caught me staring but I didn't budge , I glared at them from where I stood feeling a sense of anger , those bastards, how can they be talking during a burial, it is the most disrespectful thing but of course ,they lack simple manners, they're disgusting , they don't feel an ounce of guilt or shame , they, the adults that are supposed to lead us , are the ones ruining us all together.. ignoring father's sadistic smirk I turned away from them and watched as everyone gave their last goodbyes to Mum, I realised it was my turn, all eyes were on me as I stepped forward to the grave , and picked up some soil in my hand, staring at it lifelessly , dully , void of emotion ..

That's what everyone was seeing but inside, I felt my heart split into two , I thought that I had accepted the fact that she was gone but it was only now that the realisation had really began to sink in , I drew in heavy breaths preventing myself from crying, everybody watched me tensely but I ignored them and glanced at my father ,I clenched my free fist ,that bastard, that bastard...was smiling, smugly and sadistically at that , obviously everyone had followed my gaze and whispers erupted, I glared at him the more , my blood boiling at high degrees , my breathing heavier , as my eyes glowed subconsciously , I felt heat grow in my clenched fists, I gradually felt like bursting into flames ...i-

"" I felt Big sister rest her hand on my shoulder as she called my name softly, I ignored her but she gripped me tighter

"Junie , look at me ... please" she begged and I complied , slowly meeting her gaze , she gave me a pleading look , shaking her head slightly

"Please don't do this.." she said through her mind to mine, I glanced at Father and be was still smirking...daring me to do anything

"Junie.." I looked at big sis again as she pleaded again, taking my clenched fists into her hers, she spoke through our mind link

'i beg of you...he's only trying to file you up..if not for me , don't do it for mum, it's her burial remember?' I glanced back at mum's grave , big sis was right...I needed to let it go ..not fully though

'alright' I said letting my anger diminish as she hugged me tight , I stayed still in her embrace, she let go and glanced at the grave

"Now come on, say goodbye, won't you say Goodbye to mummy" I stared at the casket coldly and let out a quiet..


Gasps erupted from the crowd but I ignored them, Father seemed more amused evil bastard..

I then dropped the soil on the floor and walked away, I wouldn't be saying goodbye...not yet at least...

"Junichiro!.." Big sis called out to me but I ignored her ...

*End of flashback*

[14 years later..]

The floors of the small attic were dusty and dirty , clearly it needed to be decluttered as various abandoned items had been scattered around the floor, the walls of the attic were dirty , the wallpaper had gone weak and had started to fade while peeling off , the remainings of a once beautiful sight , chained to a wall with dried blood surrounding her was Kwanda, A girl with short black hair and bluebell eyes coated with tears as she cried her heart out, her arms were tied behind her back and chained upwards so that her arms were facing the ceiling, furthermore she was her knees , her body covered in dirt, grim , sweat and a little dried blood here and there.

Patiently she waited, waited for her target to come in , walk into the trap he unknowingly created for himself the moment he lusted about her and soon enough the Baffon walked in hurriedly, his dark green hair swaying as urgently as his movement, his yellow eyes conveyed nervousness and fear , sweating all over as the sounds of his men dieing by the blade under the floorboards, like the coward he is , he closed the entrance to the attic, thinking it was a perfect hideout while abandoning his men , such a fool he is.

Kwanda shivered as she began to feel a sense of overwhelming fear as she watched the vampire with wide eyes , she trembled as she instantly tried to make herself smaller by retreating to the wall , this made the chains clank hence catching the vampire's attention,he paused and stared at her , his mind suddenly brought up something

"You" he growled as he began to approach her angrily, his voice filled with suspicion as

He then grabbed her by her hair roughly, Kwanda let out a pained shout , trembling in fear

"You , you're the whole cause of this aren't you! You have something to do with it!"

"No!" Kwanda immediately cried out in fear , clenching her fists as she tried not to punch him because of how hard he pulled at her hair...he pulled at it harder as he hissed at her

"Do not lie to me you insolent human being, ever since you arrived my problems have increased to the peak ! I also saw you snooping around the other day!!" He said , murderous intent painfully obvious in his tone , his teeth bared as he scowled at her .

Kwanda shivered as she tried to respond

"B-but, Mr Laito, you're the one who tried to sleep with me and just because I refused you locked me up and beat me with a whip!" She ended up crying with pitiful tears in her eyes

"Who do you think you're trying to fool!?" The vampire exclaimed as he then hit her cheek hard causing her to fall backwards, but her body did not hit the ground as the chains kept her up , The vampire then held her up by the neck this time around, causing her to trash around

"Do you think that I did not find out about your little set up!? While distracting me with your measly and unappealing body , your comrades have hacked into my system, my men are being killed like chickens and my secret is all over the news! I should end your worthless life right now!" He cried as he started to actually strangle her, Kwanda tensed and began to choke as her windpipes were being crushed

"Got any last words?" The vampire growled as his eyes glowed a strong red , a sadistic smile making itself known, Then to his blatant surprise..

Kwanda gave him a smug look , smiling as if she hadn't been figured a while ago

"Br..brace yourself ugly!"

SHING! The sound of a silver katana was heard as the vampire's head was cut clean off His own neck , by himself, he watched in horror as his body fell to the ground, blood immediately spilled everywhere, he heard footsteps and SMASH , his head was smashed into a bloodied pile by an unseen force

Kwanza sighed in relief as the chains were cut off her , the pieces falling to the ground with a clink.

"You know, you could have gotten here faster " she said with an unamused look as she glared at the silhouette in the dark

"Sorry..i got a little held up" The silhouette responded as they walked into the light this the appearance of a handsome albino was revealed, though his clothes were black the stains of blood on his body were unmistakable. His red eyes glanced at her

"Are you alright?" He asked and she nodded softly.

"Its alright, that bastard didn't hurt me that much"

"If you say so" he hummed as he sheated his katana while walking towards her , and carrying her on his back

"That's a mission complete right?"

"Right..." He mumbled as he brought out his phone and texted an unknown number, Kwanza peeked from behind him , curious of the unknown number's respond but the albino's hair blocked her view

"Hey, your hair is-"

"Sit " the albino said in his usual monotone voice, sighing and knowing there wasn't any use arguing with him kwanda did as she was told with a pout , the albino sighed and continued looking through his phone

Ding! The sound of a notification came in , the albino knew it too well

[ well done on the mission given to you , Wages have been transferred to your account along with some complimentiaries]

Ding! Another message came in

[ 10,000,0000. Has been transferred to your account courtesy: Client^โ _โ ^]

The albino hummed in satisfaction, the next mission would be in a month's time so-

Ding! The albino looked at his phone in curiosity, what else could have been possibly sent to his phone?, his eyes widened slightly at what he saw

[ Dear user, new mission has been requested , Accept or Decline?]

Kwanda noticed his surprise

"What's wrong?" The Albino didn't reaspond instead stared at his phone until he made up his mind


Kwanda on the other hand immediately knew something was up as she watched the Albino smirk


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Other characters will also be based off on our top , and second fans , they will most likely make their debut it the next chapter! Stay tuned~

๐˜›๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฌ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ ๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ญ ๐˜ง๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ฅ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ด๐˜ถ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฌ , chu~(โ เน‘โ โ™กโ โŒ“โ โ™กโ เน‘โ )

what was promised has been given now your support must be brought forth , I took me long because I had to rewrite this chapter 5 times along my tight schedule, sorry for that (โ ย โ โ—œโ โ€ฟโ โ—โ ย โ )โ โ™ก anyways enjoy ! oh yeah ! I re created the book cover ! do you guys like it?

Butterflixstarcreators' thoughts