
Main characters

Winry Elfin, daughter of marquess Bern Elfin, is one of the influential nobles of Salazar kingdom. She is airheaded, charming and a pretty woman. She has an hourglass figure with a bountiful chest, her green eyes could mesmerize a person without any spell with brown hair complimenting it.

Alfred Efren, son of john Efren, is the crown prince of Salazar kingdom. He is tall, handsome and gentle yet a shrewd person. He has well-toned muscle with violet eyes and silver hair making him a beautiful specimen.

Brad elfin, stepbrother of winry elfin, is the aide and also childhood of Alfred Efren. He is tall, androgynous and an S rank sadist. He has a well-toned muscle with brown eyes and black hair.

Joanne Efren, sister of Alfred, is the first princess of Salazar kingdom. She is timid, shy, reserved person, who longs to meet her prince in shining armor.

Side characters

Bern elfin, a pretty high ranking noble, is doting idiot father. He loves his daughter so much that he terrified many of her suitors. He is cold but can go to any lengths when it comes to his daughter

Rebecca elfin, daughter of duke stein, a good stepmother who her stepdaughter like her own, but pretty harsh to her son.

John Efren, the king of Salazar, fucking amusement lover, treats his son like a plaything, a hopeless pervert who loves note every single moment of his daughter and his wife.

Christina Efren, the queen of Salazar, a son-con, loves her son more than her husband which makes john vent his frustration on Alfred. She also loves to dress up her daughter.

Cole Buckminster, daughter of marquess Erne Buckminster, an elf, childhood friend of winry. She is a kind, beautiful and pretty woman. She has modest breast with slim figure. She has a good head over her shoulder but is a hopeless masochist.

*again,suggestions for better english are recommended*

oops,forgot to add characters page.i hope my beloved readers will understand,tehe~,

wells banzai(horray in japanese)

'hope i didn't do anything weird with this author's thoughts and also speelings errors are due to me being a klutz(trying to show off my languistic skills)' inner monologue.

characters will be updated regularly

ram101creators' thoughts