
The Queen's Descendant.

Esther_xoxoxo · History
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Chapter 3

Estella's POV

Now that I'm out of high school I'm preparing to go into college and sadly, quite sadly Valentino is going to be there *sigh* my college life is so ruined.

I so hate my life and did I mention that Valentino has 3 other friends and they are all going to the Same college as I am. Luckily for me college starts on Monday yay! Note my sarcasm.

*At college*

Estella's POV

So today's Monday my first day in my hell hole college, *sigh*


I walk in and went straight to the vice principal's office, as I walked in, i met an old looking lady sitting with her face completely occupied by papers and all.

Good day ma. I said

Good day child, how are you doing, *awkward pause* Are you a new student.

Me: I'm doing fine ma'am, thanks for asking and yes, I'm a new student.

VP: Oh... Well, welcome to Harvard, I hope you enjoy your stay here. This is your schedule and the name of the teachers, their subject and where their classes are located.

Me: Okay.....I guess I will. Thank you ma, have a nice day.

VP: You too dear

Valentino's POV

So today is college day for me * que eye roll* and by the way leave the word college day alone, yah I said that, I created that word so y'all should deal with it *walks into college*

* In vice principal office*

Me: Good day ma, I'm new here so I would like to get my schedule and leave (cos I don't want no conversation with her)

VP:* looks taken aback but still smiles widely at him*Oh, well welcome to Harvard, here is your schedule, hope you enjoy your stay here.

Me: yeah sure whatever

She is creepyly  happy and it scares me, even tho I kinda gave her a "I just want to get my schedule and leave look" she still smiled.....widely and that shit creeped me out. Yikes.

Authors note

Hey reader! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know its a bit wacky but please bear with me. Things are gonna get interesting but not now, sooner...*laughs maniacally*

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Sksksksksks out!