
The Queen's Avatar

"Even with days where one was showered in glory at the pinnacle, there will eventually be a day, where one has to step down, and leave the stage." Inspired by The King’s Avatar written by Butterfly Blue. In one of the most popular eSports game known as Glory, Ha Yerin was a popular competitive player in South Korea who has been following the game since it’s official release back when she was only thirteen. Even amongst the professional scene, Yerin was still regarded as a top-tier player that could rival anyone from top to bottom. Despite being at a young age, she had grown to become one of the best players in all of Glory, given the title 'The Unparalleled Queen.' However, just when she was about to reach the peak of her career, obtaining her first championship, she was accused of cheating. Having been framed by her opponents, Yerin had no other choice than to forfeit the match and suffer the consequences. Along with the pressure from the eSports community, Yerin who had no one to turn to decided to move and study abroad, giving up her lifelong dreams of Glory. Yet after moving to China, and starting a new life, due to a myriad amount of reasons, Yerin is once again dragged back into the game as her skills shine once more.  Under the love, gazes and unyielding desire to turn away, watch as she develops her status as the Unparalleled Queen once more! “It’s a new start.” -Su Muqiu Come join my Discord and pressure me to upload more! https://discord.gg/ntgDTK Props to Yaoyueyi for the cover! Go send some love on her wonderful novel! https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/11701767605489305

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23 Chs

Xuelian vs Wang Jiexi

To make sure that the audience was chosen fairly, there was a machine in the center where the host could pull down on a lever and a flesh of letters and numbers would begin rolling like a slot machine.

The host even spent some time joking alongside the audience. "Haha, should I stop it?"

The audience were already impatient as they all bobbed their heads up and down in unison.

Press the button!

"I can't hear you! Should I press the button or not?" 

"YES!!" The entire audience screamed once more causing Xuelian to curl up in frustration.

"Haha, here it goes then!" The emcee quickly pressed the button as the numbers and letters stopped rolling. 

"Area A, Row 13, Number 5 and Number 6!" 

Ye Xiu furrowed his brows, was that done on purpose?

The light landed on two beautiful girls.

"It's Xuelian and Zhifei!" 

For a moment, Zhifei didn't know how to react as she sat there stunned without blinking. "Ah? Am I dreaming?" 

Zhifei pinched Xuelian as she laughed awkwardly. "Haha, it doesn't hurt, I must be dreaming."

"Zhizhi! Just what do you think you are doing?"

"Ah? It's not a dream?"

"Nono, let's go already!" Since they were already chosen, Xuelian couldn't really back out. 

"Good luck, have fun." Ye Xiu laughed as he patted Xuelian's shoulders.

"What a shame, haha. It would have been funny if the both of us were selected." 

Ye Xiu forced a dry laugh. What a mischievous girl, she just wanted some drama.

Still, Ye Xiu was quite excited nonetheless. He was quite curious as to what Wang Jiexi's evaluation would be.

The host took some time to ask the two girls some questions as they spurred quite a bit of reaction from the audience.

"Goddess Xue and Goddess Zhi! Do they even play Glory?"

"I know Zhifei does, I don't know about Goddess Xue though."

Even the players of Team Tiny Herb couldn't help but praise their beauty. "Woah! Two beauties, do you think they'll play me?"

"You? Haha, get to the back of the line."

"Tsktsk, just watch!"

"Hello, if you don't mind me asking, may I ask how long you have been playing Glory? And what classes do you two play?" 

"I have been playing Glory for three years and I play the Cleric." Zhifei responded as she tried to speak clearly.

Xuelian on the other hand didn't know how to answer. Blademaster? Sharpshooter?

"Mmm, I have been playing for a bit. I play the Blademaster class." Though it was in the past, she was still used to the Blademaster skills, it was like second nature. If she played the Sharpshooter class, she felt that it wouldn't be as exciting.

"Ohoh, and who would you two like to play against today?" Seeing that the girls weren't going to elaborate further, the host proceeded on with the match.

Without hesitation, Xuelian asked to play against Wang Jiexi as Zhifei picked the player Yuan Baiqing, Tiny Herb's cleric, in order to make the match more fair.

Though Zhifei didn't have any hopes of winning. Afterall, they were pro-players! Championship level at that.

"It's my honor to play against two beauties." Shaking their hands, the respected players went to the computers as the host passed the two players a Glory account they could use.

Logging in, Xuelian checked the account equipment and stats. Though it was anything but comparable to her main account, it was already quite good.

"Xuexue, ready?" Zhifei asked as she accepted the match.

Clicking the accept button, the four players landed onto the randomized map.

"Wild West…" Although Xuelian wasn't a fan of the map, she sneakily maneuvered across the map with Zhifei behind her.


Xuelian heard an explosion as she looked towards the left and caught sight of Vaccaria flying over on his broom. "Zhifei charge up your Heal now and cast a Holy Heal on me when it's ready." 

Giving her instructions, Xuelian had her character thrust forward with her blade, starting with a high level skill.

Rising Dragon Slash!

Seeing Xuelian charge at him, Wang Jiexi effortlessly casted the skill 'Frost Powder' which slowed down the speed of Xuelian. 

Knowing that her skill would be too slow, she immediately cancelled her skill and transitioned into a Headwind Strike, creating a circular wind-arc that flew towards Vaccaria.

Magic Missile.

Wang Jiexi didn't bother having Vaccaria dodge and immediately decided to trade by firing a Magic Missile back.

Boom! Boom!

Both Xuelian and Wang Jiexi were struck, however Xuelian had lost more health due to the priority of the Magic Missile.

Shadow Steps!

Instantly creating 7 afterimages, Xuelian casted a triple-slash and had all of them furiously charge in on Vaccaria.

"Oh?" Wang Jiexi increased his APM as he casted a Lava Flask followed by an Acid Rain.

Shadow Steps was a skill that tested the player's technique and experience, with 7 being the highest amount of afterimages that could be created, the more afterimages there were, the harder it was to utilize. 

To Xuelian who had been playing the Blademaster class for years, utilizing 7 afterimages at its peak performance was quite easy. Of course, it was also a hassle to deal against as the enemies would have no idea which afterimage was the real user.

Pu, pu, pu

Although Wang Jiexi managed to destroy quite a bit of the clones, Xuelian had still damaged him, causing Wang Jiexi to finally take the match seriously. 

Ice Drill! Magic Missile!

Wang Jiexi didn't waste anymore time before retaliating, the damage he took from the triple slash was already healed by the cleric Yuan Baiqing who casted a Great Heal onto Vaccaria.

Nonetheless, Xuelian still pushed on as she wanted to win a trade in terms of health, that way, once Zhifei's Holy Heal was finished charging, she would be at full health in comparison to Vaccaria's damaged avatar.

Falling Phoenix Slash! Triple Slash!

Wang Jiexi got off his broom as he casted a Shadow Cloak, grabbing onto Xuelian's character.

Magic Ray!

Knowing that Xuelian was stunned, Wang Jiexi summoned a star that struck a beam towards Xuelian.

Calming down, Xuelian focused onto the sound of the game, as she waited patiently.

3.. 2.. 1..


Though she was stunned, there was actually a small second opening to which she could move, though she wasn't able to fully evade the attack, she could still negate most of the damage.

Because Magic Ray was just a basic attack that dealt lots of damage, Xuelian immediately took the opportunity to pounce onto Wang Jiexi, summoning 3 after images this time.

Sword Draw!

Xuelian's character drew her blade as she swung in a circular motion, extending her attack range due to the sword aura from the Sword Draw. 

Sword Strike Rends The Sky!

Unleashing countless sword rays onto Vaccaria, even Wang Jiexi had trouble keeping up. Parrying and evading the most he could, he was still struck by some of the sword lights that were sent towards him.

By this time, although Xuelian hoped that she was able to trade with Vaccaria for a longer period of time, Zhifei's Holy Heal had finally finished charging as it landed on Xuelian's avatar, healing her all the way to full health.

Xuelian's character, Forgotten Winds was now at full health, in comparison to Vaccaria's 83% health.