
The meeting

In this story it will blend MCU with the comics of earth-616 some changes will obviously happen in effort to better help the story that's all enjoy!


{Ugh! what happened, w-where am I ?}

As I groggily opened my eyes I noticed that my surroundings were just pitch black; like an endless void waiting to swallow any foolish enough to wander into its embrace. Unfortunately it appears that I just so happened to be that fool, however my problem wasn't with me being in this dark voids care but how I got there. Diving into my mind to try and piece together what happened to me wasn't easy, it was like something was trying to stop me from remembering or send me feeling to make me think I didn't need to remember. To which I promptly felt like it can go shove it of course that didn't do anything because whatever [it] was, was still trying to impede the recovery of my memories. After what felt like forever but was more likely a couple of hours I finished piecing together my memories.

After viewing my memories in full I awoke to two very startling realizations. One being I died apparently I got hit by a truck however unlike the many anime, manga, comics, and novels I loved to read so much in life I was not some hero trying to save a child or random woman. {sigh} No like the obsessive fool I was, I was looking at my phone while playing the game flappy bird I had been trying to beat my high score of 104 for the past week and was so close. What I hadn't realized though was that I walked right into the street and so Truck-kun had found his next target and took me out like a trained expert!


I cursed myself for not looking both ways before crossing even children know to do that. My second realization and honestly this was more detrimental to my pride as a man than my life as a whole. I had died...as a VIRGIN!!! I mean plenty of people do sure but I didn't think I would! I wasn't ugly and I had a good job and money so I wasn't worried about never being with a woman so I initially wasn't gonna go out seeking love. I was gonna let it happen naturally so I just went about daily life you know going to work then hanging out with friends, going to bars or clubs occasionally and I figured that was enough to find a nice woman. People find love doing less so why shouldn't I be able to do the same just going about life I didn't feel that was to much to ask, but apparently that was not only to much to ask simply having such thoughts was a punishable offense and the sentence.....was death by Truck-kun!

While thinking about these things I had yet to notice a light that seemingly appeared from nowhere and it was coming straight for me. The light stopped around six feet away from me though still lost in thoughts of parts of my anatomy that had gone unused I had yet to take notice of it. Seemingly offended the small ball shaped light gradually began to brighten until it was glowing as bright as the sun which pulled me out of my thoughts. The light seeing that I was giving it my full attention dimmed and even seemed to nod approvingly, well it less of a nod and more of a subtle dip and raise of its body or form I guess is a more appropriate description, but back on track. The little light started to float away then came back and floated away again I guessed that it wanted me to follow it so not seeing another option I did just that.

So after what I think was a couple of hours of floating behind the little light which was easier than I thought as when I first got to this new place I hadn't tried to move but instead think about my situation first, after several attempts to move my limbs uselessly I discovered movement in this wherever i am was based on thought so if I think move left my body/soul or whatever floats left. I tried talking to the little light but when I did it would just move faster so I stopped trying after the third time but thankfully this silent trip was almost over as I saw a bright gold light in the distance. Low and behold I was right the little light stopped in front of the much brighter gold light but for some reason I still couldn't make out what the gold light was even though I was only a little further back than little light and it wasn't until little light moved away that I could see what the gold light was. I guess it would be better to say I saw who was wrapped in gold light, a snow skinned man in his mid to late sixties with long white hair and a master shifu mustache/goatee and white robes that had a gold trim, he had a "with age comes wisdom" look that combined with the slight wrinkles on his face and hands work great for the ancient elder vibe he gave off.

"Welcome young soul I hope Bell here was kind as she guided you here."

The old man spoke with a voice that sounds like how it feels to drink hot apple cider or hot chocolate on a cold night while wrapped in a blanket (without burning your tongue). I was so enthralled by the sound of his voice that I forgot to respond for a few seconds until he cleared his throat. My mind abruptly launched back to the present and out of my stupor so I could give a response.

{Yes she was ok though I could have used a explanation before blindly following a random ball of light.}

The old man nodded as if he got this a lot, he then waved his hand and a round table with two chairs appeared. Seeing this was surprisingly what made it sink in that the man in front of me was not normal and I was not on earth; that I had really died, I realized this earlier but I was still kind of in shock or denial or whatever you want to call it I hadn't truly accepted that I was somewhere unknown with people/beings I knew nothing about. Seeing I was truly realizing my situation the old man sat in the chair on his side and waited he also materialized some tea in two ceramic cups with small plates under them. After my little moment of coming to gripes with reality I noticed the old man had sat down and he was gesturing me to do the same so I did, I also noticed the cup of tea but waited to pick it up until he nodded and picked up his own after he did I grabbed mine and drank some it tasted like honey chamomile it was good.

"So shall we begin or do you need a few more minutes?"

I looked at him and simply nodded my consent to begin whatever he was talking about. After I nodded he snapped his fingers and a iPad Pro appeared(huh even powerful space beings use apple)he took it in his hands opened it with a click why he needs a password is anyone's guess, but by the way he turned away from bell who had obediently been hovering on his right shoulder told me it had something to do with her. It looked like he started scrolling after he opened something on the device until he stopped and looked up at me.

"So Max Decastack you are 23 years old black hair brown eyes overall looks were average at best; you were a doctor/scientist who studied the effects and uses of pheromones on humans and animals, your likes/interests include anime, manga, novels, comics, and the research of fictional superhuman abilities, you secretly wished to be like your favorite marvel character ze-"

{Ok! What exactly does this have to do with anything? Also who even are you?!}

I was a little upset at being called average at best even if it was true it still hurt to hear. Plus why does this old guy have all my information on his iPad i mean some of this is private stuff I haven't even told my close friends or parents so why does he know it?!

"Oh my apologies for the late introduction I'm known as Deus I'm the god that's going to reincarnated you after this interview it's a pleasure to meet you Max."

After saying this Deus stuck out one hand in greeting to which I shook on instinct as I was to stunned by everything he had just revealed. The first thing being is that he is a god and his name is deus next there's more than one god, and last I'm going to be reincarnated! While I was thinking I realized he had said something else but I didn't hear it so I sheepishly ask him to repeat himself to which he just chuckled and nodded.

"I said now to start the interview after going over your information. My first question is in which world or universe do you want to be reincarnated?"

{The marvel universe!}

I answered immediately which seemed to surprise him I guess most people have to think about their answer but for me there is no contest; now I won't say marvel is the best or easiest universe to live in but to me it seems like the most interesting there's always so many stories going on in a marvel world that I could never be bored living there. Plus there are way to many hotties in marvel to pass up on the chance to bag at least one!

"Ok next question if you obtained power in this universe what would do?"

{Whatever I want.}

I saw no point in lying as I got the sense he be able to tell if I tried so I told the truth. Of course some would call me heartless or a prick for not wanting to help the poor and downtrodden with whatever power I obtained. To which I say shove it up your arse! It's my belief that the powerful don't need to help the poor cause how many of them would help if the roles were reversed and those who say they would are either lying or idiots who won't keep power for long.

"Interesting, last question do you like uno?"


"The game uno do you enjoy playing it?"

{I guess I do what does this have to do with the interview or my reincarnation?}

"Oh that nothing but it can, you see I like to offer a special opportunity to the souls that peak my interest and you are one such soul."

{What is this opportunity exactly?}

"Simple we play three games of uno and for every one you win you get a boon or wish that goes towards your reincarnation and should win all three games I will grant you an extra personalized boon however for every game I win then you will stay here for a year and keep me company by playing games with me should I win all three you will stay here with me...FOREVER.....sounds fun right!"

Ho..ly..shit what the actual hell is wrong with this old man. For the first time since showed up here I feel like I'm in real danger no let's calm down think then ask questions. Ok first things first find out more about reincarnation that is what's going to determine if I need to play this game. Second find out if you have to play all three rounds or can I stop if don't feel comfortable playing anymore and still keep benefits from games I win. Last find out the year equivalent of here to earth.

{Can I ask questions before I decided if I want to participate in this game?}

"You would not be the first to ask this of me so yes you may."

{Thank you my first question is about reincarnation do I get to know who or what I'll be or where I'm going?}

"You would be going to the marvel universe as you requested through the first question of the interview however who or what you'll be is decided at random if you do participate in the game then you could use a wishes to choose who, what, and where you start."

{Great second question once the game is started do I have to do all three rounds or am I allowed to stop if I don't feel comfortable playing more rounds and keep what benefits I've already won?}

"My apologies but as the deal is for three rounds you must complete all three otherwise the outcomes for previous rounds are considered null and void."

{Very well last question how long is a year here compared to earth?}

"HaHaHaHa (a few minutes of laughter later) in all my years this is actually the first time a young soul has asked that before they agreed to the games and the answer to your question is sixty thousand years, one year on earth is sixty thousand here."

{well shit, also I thought of one more question but it has two parts.}

"That's fine ask away."

{What is the extent of the wishes won from the game and if I play more games can I gain more wishes?}

"Hmmm well there is no real extent to the wishes other than you can't wish to be the god of that universe and you can't wish people from that universe dead you can wish to reincarnate as them or if you get strong enough in said universe you can kill them yourself and as for the games; you can play more but risks will increase the more you play."

{I understand I would like to play six rounds I hope that you will go easy on me.}

"HaHaHa not a chance young soul now let us begin."

After saying this Deus snapped and a deck of uno cards materialized on the table in front of them Deus silently picked up the deck then shuffled and started dealing once they both had cards they proceeded to play.


This is my first time writing guys and it's for Fun so I hope you'll go easy on the feedback.

Also I really hope you enjoyed it and are looking forward to the next chapter so as the meme says!

"Will Max come in Clutch and take the Win in the six games of uno with Deus or will he be trapped forever as this gods personal gameboy find out next time on The Purple King!!!"

Next chapter